Soviet Union Under Stalin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Soviet Union Under Stalin


Soviet Union Under Stalin By: Jacob Brown, Katie Roland, Taylor Leofsky, and Tyler Sensenig & Bre Henry – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Soviet Union Under Stalin

Soviet Union Under Stalin
  • By Jacob Brown, Katie Roland, Taylor Leofsky,
    and Tyler Sensenig
  • Bre Henry

A Totalitarian State
  • Karl Marx had predicted that under communism the
    state would wither away, under stalin the
    opposite happened
  • Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a
    totalitarian state controlled by a powerful and
    complex bureaucracy.

Stalins Five Year Plan
  • Stalins Government took control over the soviet
    unions economy.
  • He then came with the first of several "five year
    plans", his goal was to build heavy industry,
    improve transportation, and increase farm output.
  • http//

Stalins Five Year Plan
  • The soviet union created a command economy, were
    Government officials made all the basic economic
  • The Government owned all the businesses and
    distributed the resources.
  • http//

Mixed Results in Industry
  • The Government pushed workers to meet goals by
    giving bonuses to workers who succeeded and
    punishing workers who didn't.
  • Between 1928 and 1939 production and mining grew
    and new railroads were build.
  • Despite all this the standard of living remained
  • Many factory's, in order to meet the Governments
    goals, produced large quantities and low quality
  • wages were low and workers were forbidden to

Forced Collectivization in Agriculture
  • Stalin brought all agriculture under the
    governments control.
  • The Government demanded that farmers produce more
    grain to feed workers and to sell abroad.
  • He wanted peasants to farm on state owned land
    and collectives, large farms owned and operated
    by peasants as a group.
  • The state set all the prices and controlled
    access to farm supplies.
  • Peasants resisted this by killing farm animals,
    destroying tools and burning crops, Stalin
    believed that the Kulaks, or wealthy farmers were
    behind the resistance.

Forced Collectivization in Agriculture
  • In 1929 Stalin would "liquidate the Kulaks as a
    class" by taking their land and putting them in
    labor camps, thousands would we killed by
  • In the 1932 ruthless policy and poor harvest led
    to famine that would later be called the terror
    famine, five to eight million starved in the
    Ukraine alone.
  • http//

  •     Stalin tried to boost the communist system by
    making himself a godlike figure. He used
    propaganda as a tool to build up a cult
    personality around himself. Using modern
    technology the party bombarded the public with
    relentless propaganda.
  • propaganda-the spreading of ideas to promote a
    cause or to damage an opposing side.

  •     The heavy hand state control also gripped the
    arts. The government controlled what books were
    published what music was heard and which works of
    arts were displayed.
  • censorship-restristion on access to ideas and

  •     Another way Stalin controlled the cultural
    life of the Soviet Union was by promoting a
    policy of russifcation or making a nations
    culture more russian.
  • russifcation- making a nations culture more

The rise of the Elite
  •     Communists destroyed the old social order of
    land owning 
  • nobles at the top and peasants at the bottom.
    Instead of 
  • creating a society of equals that they promised,
    they created a 
  • society where a few elite group emerged and
    ruled. The members of the communist party where
    the heads of society.

Benefits of Communism for the people
  • children were required to attend free communist
  • the state supported tech schools and universities
  • the communist party set up programs for students
    outside of school such as, sports, cultural
    activities and political classes.
  • The state provided free medical care, day care
    for children, inexpensive housing, and public
  • Bread was plentiful

Drawbacks of Communism
  • Schools taught communist values, such as atheism,
    the glory of collective farming, and the love of
  • People lacked the vital necessities
  • housing was scarce, entire families might be
    packed into a single room
  • Meat, fresh fruit, and other foods remained in
    short supply

Women in the Soviet Union
  • Under communists women won equality under the
    law, gained access to education and a wide range
    of jobs.
  • By the 1930's many soviet women were working in
    medicine, engineering, or the sciences.
  • Women contributed to soviet economic growth.
  • They worked in factories, construction, and on
  • The wages were needed because men and women
    earned the same low salaries

  • the communist party tried to strengthen its hold
    on the people by destroying their religious
  • Atheism is the belief that there is no god.
  • The communist party targeted all religions and
    many leaders and priests were killed in the
    purges or sent to die in prison camps
  • Atheism had its own "sacred" texts from Marx and

Soviet Foreign Policy
  • Soviets wanted to guarantee their nations
    security by winning the support of other
  • 1919 Lenin formed the Comintern.
  • The purpose of the Comintern was to encourage
    world-wide revolution.
  • The Soviet Union also joined the League of
  • Mistrust still poisoned relations, especially
    after the Great Purge.

Stalin's Terror Tactics
  • Stalin used terror as a weapon against his own
  • Perpetrated crimes against humanity
    systematically violated his peoples individual
  • Critics were rounded up sent to the Gulag.
  • Gulag A system of brutal labor camps, where many

Great Purge
  • 1934, launched the Great Purge.
  • Army heroes, industrial managers, writers
    ordinary citizens were charged with a huge amount
    of different crimes. Between counterrevolutionary
    plots to the failure to me reproduction quotas.
  • Several Former Communist leaders confessed to all
    kinds of crimes.
  • The purged party members were sometimes sent
    straight to the Gulag.
  • At least 4 million people were purged during
    Stalin years.

Results of the Purge
  • Purges increased Stalins power.
  • All of the soviet citizens were aware of the
    consequences of disloyalty.
  • The victims included most of the nations military
    leaders about half of its military officers.
  • This ended up being a loss that would weigh
    heavily on Stalin in 1941 when Germany invaded
    the Soviet Union.

Five Point Quiz
  • 1. What were three of Stalins goals for his "five
    year plans"?
  • 2. What did the schools teach in Communism?
  • 3. What kind of state did Stalin turn the Soviet
    Union into?
  • 4. What was one result of the Great Purge?
  • 5. What was the purpose of the Comintern?
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