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Debris and damaged seeds can spread ... Carefully pour the mixture into petri dishes by lifting the lid enough only to ... microbiology, chemistry and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



  • ?.Seed processing content
  • 1.Seed cleaning
  • 2. Seed moisture testing
  • 3. Seed drying
  • 4. Seed viability testing
  • 5. Seed health testing
  • ?.Management techniques
  • ?.HACCP Quality management system

?.Seed processing content
  • Seed processing involves cleaning the seed
    samples of extraneous materials, drying them to
    optimum moisture levels, testing their
    germination and packaging them in appropriate
    containers for conservation and distribution.

1.Seed cleaning
  • The cost of maintaining an accession in a
    genebank is high and space is limited. Debris and
    damaged seeds can spread infection. Therefore,
    place only good quality viable seeds in storage.
  • Seed cleaning involves removal of debris, low
    quality, infested or infected seeds and seeds of
    different species (weeds).

2. Seed moisture testing
  • Methods prescribed by the International Seed
    Testing Association (ISTA) are used for
    determining the seed moisture content in

  • ISTA has prescribed two kinds of oven-drying
    methods for determining moisture content
  • Low-constant temperature oven method for
    groundnut (oily seeds).
  • High-constant temperature oven method for
    sorghum, millets, chickpea and pigeonpea
    (non-oily seeds).
  • Grinding is required for determination of
    moisture content in all ICRISAT mandate crops,
    except millets.

Equipment used to determine seed moisture content
3. Seed drying
  • (1)Dehumidified drying
  • (2)Silica gel drying

  • Seed-drying cabinet at ICRISAT genebank.

Walk-in seed drying room at
ICRISAT genebank
Seed drying using silica gel at
ICRISAT genebank.
4. Seed viability testing
  • (1)Germination test
  • Complete germination can be achieved only
    under optimum conditions of light, temperature
    and water. The requirements for germination vary
    with species as shown in Table.

  • Recommended conditions for germinating seeds of
    ICRISAT mandate crops.

  • Two methods are used for testing germination
  • A. Top of paper method for millets.
  • B. Between paper (Rolled towel) method for
    sorghum, chickpea, pigeonpea and groundnut.
  • Paper towel is used as substrate for germination
    in both these methods.

A. Top of paper method
  • Quality of paper towel
  • The paper used as substrate should not be toxic
    to developing seedlings.
  • It should be able to absorb and supply
    sufficient moisture to the seeds to germinate.
  • It should be strong enough not to fall apart
    when handled and not to be penetrated by the
    roots of developing seedlings.

Top of paper method
  • Place the paper in 9-cm petri dishes.
  • Moisten it with about 4 ml of distilled water.
  • Put a label in the petri dish with accession
    number, number of replicate and date of the test.
  • Spread the seeds at regular distance on the
    surface of the paper.
  • Cover the petri dishes and keep them in a
    plastic bag to prevent drying.
  • Place the petri dishes in an incubator
    maintained at the recommended optimum temperature.

Testing germination of seeds on the top of filter
B. Between paper (Rolled towel) method
  • Cut the paper to a convenient size to hold one
    replicate of the seeds (1).
  • Label the paper on the outside at one end with
    the accession number, replicate number and the
    date of testing (2).
  • Moisten the paper towels with water.
  • Arrange the seeds in rows at regular intervals
    4 cm from the top edge, leaving 34 cm gap on the
    sides (3).

  • Cover the seeds with another sheet of dry paper
    towel (4).
  • Roll the paper loosely from the label end (5).
  • Put a paper clip to hold the rolled paper
    towels from falling apart (6).
  • Keep the rolls in a plastic tray (7).
  • Add sufficient quantity of distilled water
    (covering the bottom 3-cm of rolls) to the tray.
  • Place the tray in an incubator maintained at
    recommended temperature.

Test germination of seeds of between moist paper
Trays containing rolled paper towels placed in an
C. Evaluation of germination tests
  • Seedlings with the following defects are
    classified as abnormal
  • Roots
  • primary root stunted, stubby, missing,
    broken, split from the tip, spindly, trapped in
    the seed coat, with negative geotropism, glassy,
    decayed due to primary infection, and with less
    than two secondary roots.

  • Shoot (hypocotyl, epicotyl and mesocotyl)
  • short and thick, split right through, missing,
    constricted, twisted, glassy, and decayed due to
    primary infection.
  • Terminal bud/leaves
  • deformed, damaged, missing, and decayed due to
    primary infection
  • Cotyledons
  • swollen, deformed, necrotic, glassy, separated
    or missing, and decayed due to primary infection

Normal and abnormal seedlings of sorghum (a) and
pearl millet (b).
Normal (left) and abnormal (right) seedlings in
chickpea (a), pigeonpea (b) and groundnut (c).
  • (2) Topographical tetrazolium test for
  • The tetrazolium test can be used as a
    backup procedure to germination tests in
  • It can be applied to firm seeds,
    which have failed to germinate at the end of
    germination test.

  • The tetrazolium test procedure includes the
    following steps
  • Preconditioning
  • Remove the seed covering structures (glumes,
  • Precondition the seeds by first soaking in
    water or by placing them on a moist medium at

  • Staining
  • Bisect the seeds longitudinally through the
    embryo with a razor blade.
  • Discard one-half of the seed and place the
    other half in the staining solution at
    recommended concentration (Table 4D.2.1) in a
    glass vial.
  • Place the vials in an incubator maintained in
    the dark at recommended temperatures and duration
    (Table 4D.2.1).

  • After staining, wash the seeds several times in
    distilled water to remove excess stain.
  • Immerse the seeds in lactophenol (1 L of
    lactophenol prepared from 200 ml phenol, 200 ml
    lactic acid, 400 ml glycerine, and 200 ml water)
    solution for 12 h before evaluation of the
  • Evaluate the seeds for staining pattern under a
    low power binocular microscope.
  • Viable tissues stain bright red. Pink and very
    dark red stains are indicative of dead tissue.

  • Classify the seeds into three categories
    depending on staining pattern
  • completely stained and viable seeds,
  • completely unstained seeds that are
    nonviable, and
  • partially stained seeds.

(No Transcript)
  • (3)Seed vigor tests
  • Vigor is the sum total of all those properties
    in seed which upon sowing result in rapid and
    uniform production of healthy seedlings under a
    wide range of environments, including both
    favorable and stress conditions. Vigor tests
    supplement information about seed quality.

Selected tests for vigor
  • Speed of germination
  • Speed of germination is an important measure
    of vigor. It depends on the time taken to reach
    50 germination at constant temperature. Seeds
    with low vigor take longer time to germinate.
  • Place 2550 seeds over filter paper (Whatman
    No. 1) moistened with 4 ml distilled water inside
    a petri dish.
  • Count and remove the germinated seeds every 12
    h. Germination is considered to have occurred
    when the radicle protrudes by 24 mm.
  • Calculate germination index using the equation
    S(t n)/Sn, where n is the number of germinated
    seeds and t is the number of hours from the
    beginning of the germination test.

  • Seedling growth test
  • Measurements of seedling growth (root and
    shoot) at specific number of days after sowing
    give an indication of their vigor (Annexure
    4D.3.1). Slow seedling growth (shorter roots and
    shoots) indicates low vigor.
  • Conduct the germination test as described
    earlier and measure the length of the root and
  • The seedlings may be cut and dried at 110C for
    17 h to record their dry weights, which is more
    for better quality seeds.

  • Membrane integrity
  • The test is based on measuring the
    concentration of leachates by electrical
    conductivity (Annexure 4D.3.1). Lowvigor seeds
    generally possess poor membrane structure. When
    such seeds are soaked in water, greater
    electrolyte loss occurs, leading to higher
    conductivity of water. The test is mainly used
    for grain legumes.
  • Soak 10 seeds in 50 ml of distilled water in a
    beaker at room temperature.
  • Measure leachate conductivity after 24 h using
    a digital conductivity bridge.
  • Record the reading in µS ml-1 water g-1 dry
    weight of the seed sample.
  • A lower reading indicates seeds with higher
    vigor and vice versa. It is important to note
    that many species (eg, legumes) have seeds that
    are impermeable or only slowly permeable to
    water. This can affect the leaching of
    electrolytes from seeds in a conductivity test.

5. Seed health testing
  • Seed borne fungi such as Alternaria, Fusarium,
    Penicillium, Aspergillus and Rhizopus spp. affect
    longevity during storage. Curators should ensure
    that seeds prepared for long-term conservation
    are free from the seed borne pathogens. The
    methods employed to detect the pathogens are
    referred to as seed health testing methods.

  • (1) Visual examination
  • Seeds are examined under an illuminated
    magnifying lens (2) or under lowpower
    stereobinocular microscope (Fig. 4E.1.1). By
    this method, it is possible to detect sclerotia,
    smut balls, fungal spores and other
    fructifications such as pycnidia, perithecia,

Seed health testing in laboratory using binocular
  • (2)Blotter test
  • Blotter tests are similar to germination tests
    in that seeds are placed on moistened layers of
    blotter paper and incubated under conditions that
    promote fungal growth.

  • Line the lower lid of the petri dishes with
    three layers of blotter paper moistened with
    sterile water.
  • Drain off excess water and place 2025 seeds
    manually with a forceps.
  • Evenly space the seeds to avoid contact with
    each other.
  • Incubate the seeds under near ultraviolet light
    in alternating cycles of 12-h light/darkness for
    7 days at 20 2C.
  • Examine the petri dishes under a
    stereo-binocular microscope for fungi developing
    on the seeds.
  • Profuse seedling growth may make
    interpretations difficult. This may be overcome
    by adding 2,4-D sodium salt to provide a 0.2
    moistening solution.

  • (3)Agar plate method
  • This is the most common method used for
    identification of seed borne fungi.
  • Prepare the medium by mixing Potato Dextrose
    Agar (PDA) powder with appropriate quantity of
  • Sterilize the mixture in an autoclave at 121C
    for 1520 minutes with 15 lb pressure and cool to
    about 50C.
  • Carefully pour the mixture into petri dishes by
    lifting the lid enough only to pour in the agar
    to avoid contamination.

  • Allow it to cool and solidify for 20 min.
  • Surface-disinfect the seed by pre-treating for
    1 min in a 1 sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
    solution prepared by diluting 20 parts of laundry
    bleach (5.25 NaOCl) with 85 parts of water.
  • Place about 10 seeds (depending on size) on the
    agar surface with a forceps.
  • Incubate the petri dishes at 2025C for about
    58 days.
  • Identify the seed borne pathogens on the basis
    of colony and spore characteristics.
  • Sometimes, bacterial colonies develop on the
    agar and inhibit fungal growth making
    identification difficult. This can be overcome by
    adding an antibiotic such as streptomycin to the
    autoclaved agar medium after it cools to 5055C.

  • (4)Seed health standard
  • Examine each seed for the presence of
  • If the percentage of seeds infected by one or
    more of the following fungi is gt5, the seeds are
    unsuitable for conservation as base collection .

?. Management techniques
  • Management objective
  • The basic management objective in a
    seed extractory is the attainment of quality
    seed.Quality is defined as good vigor, high
    purity percent, and germination percent. The
    management process to achieve this objective, or
    any objective, may be separated into five parts
    INNOVATION (Batten 1969). Each part is dependent
    upon the other. Seed extraction easily fits into
    these five areas.

  • By the extraction year a fair estimate
    of crop size should be available to the manager.
    With this information it is then possible to plan
    budgeting data cost,length of time to accomplish
    the job, size of crew, equipment needs, and
    contingencies.These items are the very least
    required of a good extraction plan.

  • Organizing the job is where crew
    deployment takes place. A manager should know the
    people in the crew and how to best deploy them
    i.e., what they are best suited to do.Not all
    crew members function at the same levels. This is
    where skillful managers can best organize the
    utilization of their crew.

  • Motivation is a very fragile word. The
    concept is not that difficult to understand.
    Webster defines motivate as some inner drive,
    impulse, intention, et cetera, that causes a
    person to do something or act in a certain way
    incentive, goal.Dwight Eisenhower is quoted as
    saying "Leadership is the ability to get a person
    to do what you want him to do when you want it
    done, in a way you want it done, because he wants
    to do it." I feel this is the core of seed
    extraction management.

  • Control can be obtained in a few ways.
    As a manager you can be in the extractory
    checking on the crew's work constantly, or you
    can establish checks at various points in the
    process. If an accountability system is
    established, the spot check works rather well.

  • In seed extracting this is, and must
    be, an on-going process. There is no single best
    method of cleaning seed. Each seedlot is slightly
    different. The size, weight, and shape of seed
    differs not only between lots but also within
    lots.The crew often times can be the best source
    of new ideas.

  • The Coeur d'Alene Nursery is as follows
    The Nursery has established minimum purity
    standards for each species which we clean (Table
    1). These standards are made known to each crew
    member before the start of extraction (the
    standards are re-evaluated each year to reflect
    the state of the art). In doing this I accomplish
    two points

  • (1) Management objectives are
    explained to the crew, and (2) A quantitative
    goal is presented. It is also explained that when
    each new seedlot is tested for purity and falls
    below the standard, it will be tagged with yellow
    flagging and must be recleaned. This, coupled
    with the fact that as a seedlot is processed from
    tumblers to scalper to dewinger to fanning mill
    to pneumatic separator, the operators of each
    piece of equipment sign off on the lot,instills
    quite a bit of pride in work as well as a sense
    of accomplishment. When the system was first
    instituted on those few lots that needed further
    processing, crew members took it as a personal
    affront to receive a yellow flag. That's a nice
    type of management problem to deal with.

Table l.--Minimum purity standards, Coeur d'Alene
  • How does our crew accomplish the task
    of cleaning seed to a predetermined purity? The
    obvious answer is training and communication.
    This does not mean providing information. Often
    managers tend to equate information with
    understanding. This can lead to problems.
    Managers must communicate for the purpose of
    obtaining a level of understanding by crew
    members (Miller and Steinberg 1975). In 1978 the
    Coeur d'Alene Nursery processed 14M bushels of
    cones yielding 10M pounds of seed. This was
    accomplished with a neophyte crew. They had never
    cleaned seed before.

  • Each piece of equipment was
    explained as to its function and how it worked.
    Crew members were given instructions as to their
    equipment operations and after a short break in
    period told to clean seed. On those machines with
    different screens, starting points were
    established for each species and crew members
    were told to experiment for themselves to decide
    which other screens would work best, again
    keeping in mind the production goals. This free
    reign further installed a sense of accomplishment
    and pride in work.

  • As notes were compared crew
    members began to agree with my statement that
    each seedlot is different regardless of species,
    and certain standards began to be established as
    starting points for cleaning. Often times they
    were not in agreement with my original
    suggestions. Innovation or new methods to clean
    seed are often brought out by crew members. I
    feel it is important that they are given the
    freedom to try these techniques once they have
    been discussed with management. A successful
    process which we use for pitch removal on western
    larch came about after such a discussion.

  • It was also necessary to explain to
    crew members what to look for in seed cleaning,
    which trash could be removed in certain ways, and
    to explain that while seed cleaning is not hard
    work, it does require patience. One must accept
    each seedlot as a challenge to clean it to a
    certain standard. At Coeur d'Alene the crew
    members also participate in both bareroot and
    container sowing operations and therefore have
    the opportunity to see the fruits of their labors
    or past errors as well as an understanding of
    where they fit in the scheme of things.
    Monitoring is accomplished with an X-Ray unit at
    various points in the process. It is done not to
    criticize the operators of equipment but as an
    instructional tool to help them accomplish
    management's goal of high quality seed.

?.HACCP Quality management system
  • HACCPHazard analysis and critical control point
  • Concept
  • The hazard analysis and critical
    control point is a guarantee food security
    preventive technology management system. It uses
    food technology, microbiology, chemistry and
    physics, quality control and risk assessment, and
    other aspects of the theory and method, To the
    whole food chain real dangers in the risk
    assessment, and finally find out the quality of
    the final product may impact on the key point,
    and take preventive measures to control the harm
    in before they happen to control, to make the
    food achieve higher levels of security.

  • HACCP quality management system to make steps
  • 1). hazard analysis
  • 2). Determine key control
  • 3). To make sure that each key point of
    critical value
  • 4). Sure monitoring program
  • 5). Make rectification measures
  • 6). Verification Procedures

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