Title: Leave Management & Vacation Tracking Software
1Leave Management System
Grow Your Business With Effective Ideas
2- Leave Management Objectives
- In the Leave Management training you will learn
what leave entitlements staff members have, as
well as how to administer, track and communicate
leave policies. - To learn the most up to date leave policies
- To become more familiar with staff leave
entitlements - To learn the ways and reasons a staff member may
take leave - To understand the supervisor responsibilities in
administering leave
4Making Leave Management Easy Anyone in the
administration department or the HRD knows how
hard it is to approve, reject, and keep files of
everyone on leave. Employees too know how hard it
is to fill up a form, submit it to HR, and wait
for their request to travel from one department
to another until it gets approved. Why go through
this grueling process when you can simply use our
leave management system! For businesses handling
a hundred employees or more, tracking vacation
leaves of each one can be confusing especially
when manually administered, resulting to costly
errors. Capture Leave offers the best solution to
dilemmas like these. We are an online leave
management system that can easily record, track,
and document all employee vacation leaves with
just one click!
5For Example
6An Automated Tracking Scheme Capture
Leave provides an extensive employee vacation
tracking scheme with an employee vacation
calendar that can easily handle all your leave
management concerns. Simply create an account
today, add all the possible holidays in a year,
and create groups depending on departments at
your office. After everything is set, employees
can easily file their leave requests online and
you can easily approve, reject, and even place
notes on the leave requests. The leave management
software is the most efficient solution to not
only tracking down vacation leaves of every
employee, but it also makes vacation leave filing
and approvals paper less! You can forget about
filing approved or rejected requests or pinning
them to a calendar, since all these information
are available for checking and updating anytime
7A User-Friendly Software Capture Leave believes
in creating a vacation tracking software that is
not only efficient and comprehensive, but also
easy to use and easy to learn. With this leave
management software you can easily view the
calendar and see which employees are already on a
scheduled leave, approve or reject requests, send
out email blasts, create reports, and post all
the holidays for the year. The leave management
software is available for use 24/7 so you can
access it anytime, anywhere. Forget about
complicated hardware and hard to use leave
management and PTO software's, Capture Leave not
only provides an easy to use online leave
management system, you can even experience all of
this for free!
8- Interactive Process
- The department must engage an employee in the
Interactive Process to evaluate whether job
modifications can be made which enable the
employee to continue to perform the essential
functions of the job when - An employee is out for a prolonged disability
leave - An employee discloses that s/he has a disability
impacting his/her job - An employee provides medical information
describing prolonged or permanent impairments
9Reasonable Accommodation "Reasonable
Accommodation" is a reasonable change or
modification that will enable an employee to
perform the essential functions of the job. When
an employee has prolonged or permanent
disabilities that impair the employee's ability
to perform his/her job, an effort must be made by
the unit to provide accommodation to enable the
employee to work in a modified capacity or change
to a more suitable position.
10Leave Management
Grow Your Business With Effective Ideas