Matrix Decomposition and its Application in Statistics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Matrix Decomposition and its Application in Statistics


Matrix Decomposition and its Application in Statistics Nishith Kumar Lecturer Department of Statistics Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur. Email: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Matrix Decomposition and its Application in Statistics

Matrix Decomposition and its Application in
  • Nishith Kumar
  • Lecturer
  • Department of Statistics
  • Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.
  • Email

  • Introduction
  • LU decomposition
  • QR decomposition
  • Cholesky decomposition
  • Jordan Decomposition
  • Spectral decomposition
  • Singular value decomposition
  • Applications

  • This Lecture covers relevant matrix
    decompositions, basic numerical methods, its
    computation and some of its applications.
  • Decompositions provide a numerically stable way
    to solve a system of linear equations, as shown
    already in Wampler,  1970, and to invert
    a matrix. Additionally, they provide an important
    tool for analyzing the numerical stability of
    a system.
  • Some of most frequently used decompositions
    are the LU, QR, Cholesky, Jordan, Spectral
    decomposition and Singular value decompositions.

Easy to solve system (Cont.)
Some linear system that can be easily solved
The solution
Easy to solve system (Cont.)
Lower triangular matrix
Solution This system is solved using forward
Easy to solve system (Cont.)
Upper Triangular Matrix
Solution This system is solved using Backward
LU Decomposition
LU decomposition was originally derived as a
decomposition of quadratic and bilinear forms.
Lagrange, in the very first paper in his
collected works( 1759) derives the algorithm we
call Gaussian elimination. Later Turing
introduced the LU decomposition of a matrix in
1948 that is used to solve the system of linear
equation. Let A be a m m with nonsingular
square matrix. Then there exists two matrices L
and U such that, where L is a lower triangular
matrix and U is an upper triangular matrix.
  • and
  • Where,

J-L Lagrange (1736 1813)
A. M. Turing (1912-1954)
How to decompose ALU?
A ? ?U (upper triangular) ? U Ek ??? E1 A
? A (E1)-1 ??? (Ek)-1 U If each such
elementary matrix Ei is a lower triangular
matrices,it can be proved that (E1)-1, ???,
(Ek)-1 are lower triangular, and(E1)-1 ???
(Ek)-1 is a lower triangular matrix.Let L(E1)-1
??? (Ek)-1 then ALU.
U E2 E1 A
Calculation of L and U (cont.)
  • Now reducing the first column we have

Calculation of L and U (cont.)

  • If A is a Non singular matrix then for each
    L (lower triangular matrix) the upper triangular
    matrix is unique but an LU decomposition is not
    unique. There can be more than one such LU
    decomposition for a matrix. Such as


Calculation of L and U (cont.)
Calculation of L and U (cont.)
  • Thus LU decomposition is not unique. Since we
    compute LU decomposition by elementary
    transformation so if we change L then U will be
    changed such that ALU
  • To find out the unique LU decomposition, it
    is necessary to put some restriction on L and U
    matrices. For example, we can require the lower
    triangular matrix L to be a unit one (i.e. set
    all the entries of its main diagonal to ones).
  • LU Decomposition in R
  • library(Matrix)
  • xlt-matrix(c(3,2,1, 9,3,4,4,2,5 ),ncol3,nrow3)
  • expand(lu(x))

Calculation of L and U (cont.)
  • Note there are also generalizations of LU to
    non-square and singular matrices, such as rank
    revealing LU factorization.
  • Pan, C.T. (2000). On the existence and
    computation of rank revealing LU factorizations.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications, 316
  • Miranian, L. and Gu, M. (2003). Strong rank
    revealing LU factorizations. Linear Algebra and
    its Applications, 367 1-16.
  • Uses The LU decomposition is most commonly used
    in the solution of systems of simultaneous linear
    equations. We can also find determinant easily by
    using LU decomposition (Product of the diagonal
    element of upper and lower triangular matrix).

Solving system of linear equation using LU
  • Suppose we would like to solve a  mm 
    system AX b. Then we can find a
    LU-decomposition for A, then to solve AX b, it
    is enough to solve the systems
  • Thus the system LY b can be solved by the
    method of forward substitution and the system UX
    Y can be solved by the method of
  • backward substitution. To illustrate, we
    give some examples
  • Consider the given system AX b, where
  • and

Solving system of linear equation using LU
  • We have seen A LU, where
  • Thus, to solve AX b, we first solve LY b by
    forward substitution
  • Then

Solving system of linear equation using LU
  • Now, we solve UX Y by backward substitution
  • then

QR Decomposition
Firstly QR decomposition originated with
Gram(1883). Later Erhard Schmidt (1907) proved
the QR Decomposition Theorem
Jørgen Pedersen Gram (1850 1916)
Erhard Schmidt (1876-1959)
  • If A is a mn matrix with linearly
    independent columns, then A can be decomposed as
    , where Q is a mn matrix
    whose columns form an orthonormal basis for the
    column space of A and R is an nonsingular upper
    triangular matrix.

QR-Decomposition (Cont.)
  • Theorem If A is a mn matrix with
    linearly independent columns, then A can be
    decomposed as , where Q is a
    mn matrix whose columns form an orthonormal
    basis for the column space of A and R is an
    nonsingular upper triangular matrix.
  • Proof Suppose Au1 u2 . . . un and
    rank (A) n.
  • Apply the Gram-Schmidt process to
    u1, u2 , . . . ,un and the
  • orthogonal vectors v1, v2 , . . .
    ,vn are
  • Let for i1,2,. .
    ., n. Thus q1, q2 , . . . ,qn form a orthonormal
  • basis for
    the column space of A.

QR-Decomposition (Cont.)
  • Now,
  • i.e.,
  • Thus ui is orthogonal to qj for jgti

QR-Decomposition (Cont.)
  • Let Q q1 q2 . . . qn , so Q is a mn
    matrix whose columns form an
  • orthonormal basis for the column space of A
  • Now,
  • i.e., AQR.
  • Where,
  • Thus A can be decomposed as AQR , where R is an
    upper triangular and nonsingular matrix.

QR Decomposition
  • Example Find the QR decomposition of

Calculation of QR Decomposition
  • Applying Gram-Schmidt process of computing QR
  • 1st Step
  • 2nd Step
  • 3rd Step

Calculation of QR Decomposition
  • 4th Step
  • 5th Step
  • 6th Step

Calculation of QR Decomposition
  • Therefore, AQR
  • R code for QR Decomposition
  • xlt-matrix(c(1,2,3, 2,5,4, 3,4,9),ncol3,nrow3)
  • qrstr lt- qr(x)
  • Qlt-qr.Q(qrstr)
  • Rlt-qr.R(qrstr)
  • Uses QR decomposition is widely used in
    computer codes to find the eigenvalues of a
    matrix, to solve linear systems, and to find
    least squares approximations.

Least square solution using QR Decomposition
  • The least square solution of b is
  • Let XQR. Then
  • Therefore,

Cholesky Decomposition
  • Cholesky died from wounds received on the
    battle field on 31 August 1918 at 5 o'clock in
    the morning in the North of France. After his
    death one of his fellow officers, Commandant
    Benoit, published Cholesky's method of computing
    solutions to the normal equations for some least
    squares data fitting problems published in the
    Bulletin géodesique in 1924. Which is known as
    Cholesky Decomposition
  • Cholesky Decomposition If A is a real,
    symmetric and positive definite matrix then there
    exists a unique lower triangular matrix L with
    positive diagonal element such that

Andre-Louis Cholesky 1875-1918
Cholesky Decomposition
  • Theorem If A is a nn real, symmetric and
    positive definite matrix then there exists a
    unique lower triangular matrix G with positive
    diagonal element such that .
  • Proof Since A is a nn real and positive
    definite so it has a LU decomposition, ALU. Also
    let the lower triangular matrix L to be a unit
    one (i.e. set all the entries of its main
    diagonal to ones). So in that case LU
    decomposition is unique. Let us suppose
    observe that
    . is a unit upper triangular
  • Thus, ALDMT .Since A is Symmetric so, AAT
    . i.e., LDMT MDLT. From the uniqueness we have
    LM. So, ALDLT . Since A is positive definite so
    all diagonal elements of D are positive. Let
  • then we can write AGGT.

Cholesky Decomposition (Cont.)
  • Procedure To find out the cholesky decomposition
  • Suppose
  • We need to solve
  • the equation

Example of Cholesky Decomposition
For k from 1 to n
For j from k1 to n
  • Suppose
  • Then Cholesky Decomposition
  • Now,

R code for Cholesky Decomposition
  • xlt-matrix(c(4,2,-2, 2,10,2, -2,2,5),ncol3,nrow3)
  • cllt-chol(x)
  • If we Decompose A as LDLT then
  • and

Application of Cholesky Decomposition
  • Cholesky Decomposition is used to solve the
    system of linear equation Axb, where A is real
    symmetric and positive definite.
  • In regression analysis it could be used to
    estimate the parameter if XTX is positive
  • In Kernel principal component analysis,
    Cholesky decomposition is also used (Weiya Shi  
    Yue-Fei Guo 2010)

Characteristic Roots and Characteristics Vectors
  • Any nonzero vector x is said to be a
    characteristic vector of a matrix A, If there
    exist a number ? such that Ax ?x
  • Where A is a square matrix, also then ? is
    said to be a characteristic root of the matrix A
    corresponding to the characteristic vector x.
  • Characteristic root is unique but
    characteristic vector is not unique.
  • We calculate characteristics root ? from the
    characteristic equation A- ?I0
  • For ? ?i the characteristics vector is the
    solution of x from the following homogeneous
    system of linear equation (A- ?iI)x0

Theorem If A is a real symmetric matrix and ?i
and ?j are two distinct latent root of A then the
corresponding latent vector xi and xj are
  • Algebraic Multiplicity The number of
    repetitions of a certain eigenvalue. If, for a
    certain matrix, ?3,3,4, then the algebraic
    multiplicity of 3 would be 2 (as it appears
    twice) and the algebraic multiplicity of 4 would
    be 1 (as it appears once). This type of
    multiplicity is normally represented by the Greek
    letter a, where a(?i) represents the algebraic
    multiplicity of ?i.
  • Geometric Multiplicity the geometric
    multiplicity of an eigenvalue is the number of
    linearly independent eigenvectors associated with

Jordan Decomposition Camille Jordan (1870)
  • Let A be any nn matrix then there exists a
    nonsingular matrix P and JK(?) a kk matrix form
  • Such that

Camille Jordan (1838-1921)
where k1k2 kr n. Also ?i , i1,2,. . ., r
are the characteristic roots And ki are the
algebraic multiplicity of ?i ,
Jordan Decomposition is used in Differential
equation and time series analysis.
Spectral Decomposition
A. L. Cauchy established the Spectral
Decomposition in 1829.
  • Let A be a m m real symmetric matrix. Then
    there exists an orthogonal matrix P such that
  • or , where
    ? is a diagonal matrix.

CAUCHY, A.L.(1789-1857)
Spectral Decomposition and Principal component
Analysis (Cont.)
  • By using spectral decomposition we can write
  • In multivariate analysis our data is a matrix.
    Suppose our data is X matrix. Suppose X is mean
    centered i.e.,
  • and the variance covariance matrix is ?. The
    variance covariance matrix ? is real and
  • Using spectral decomposition we can write ?P?PT
    . Where ? is a diagonal matrix.
  • Also
  • tr(?) Total variation of Data tr(?)

Spectral Decomposition and Principal component
Analysis (Cont.)
  • The Principal component transformation is the
  • Y(X-µ)P
  • Where,
  • E(Yi)0
  • V(Yi)?i
  • Cov(Yi ,Yj)0 if i ? j
  • V(Y1) V(Y2) . . . V(Yn)

R code for Spectral Decomposition
  • xlt-matrix(c(1,2,3, 2,5,4, 3,4,9),ncol3,nrow3)
  • eigen(x)
  • Application
  • For Data Reduction.
  • Image Processing and Compression.
  • K-Selection for K-means clustering
  • Multivariate Outliers Detection
  • Noise Filtering
  • Trend detection in the observations.

Historical background of SVD
  • There are five mathematicians who were
    responsible for establishing the existence of the
  • singular value decomposition and developing its

Camille Jordan (1838-1921)
James Joseph Sylvester (1814-1897)
Erhard Schmidt (1876-1959)
Hermann Weyl (1885-1955)
Eugenio Beltrami (1835-1899)
The Singular Value Decomposition was originally
developed by two mathematician in the mid to
late 1800s 1. Eugenio Beltrami , 2.Camille
Jordan Several other mathematicians took part in
the final developments of the SVD including James
Joseph Sylvester, Erhard Schmidt and Hermann
Weyl who studied the SVD into the
mid-1900s. C.Eckart and G. Young prove low rank
approximation of SVD (1936).
What is SVD?
  • Any real (mn) matrix X, where (n m), can be
  • decomposed,
  • X U?VT
  • U is a (mn) column orthonormal matrix (UTUI),
    containing the eigenvectors of the symmetric
    matrix XXT.
  • ? is a (nn ) diagonal matrix, containing the
    singular values of matrix X. The number of non
    zero diagonal elements of ? corresponds to the
    rank of X.
  • VT is a (nn ) row orthonormal matrix (VTVI),
    containing the eigenvectors of the symmetric
    matrix XTX.

Singular Value Decomposition (Cont.)
  • Theorem (Singular Value Decomposition) Let X be
    mn of rank r, r n m. Then there exist
    matrices U , V and a diagonal matrix ? , with
    positive diagonal elements such that,
  • Proof Since X is m n of rank r, r n m. So
    XXT and XTX both of rank r ( by using the concept
    of Grammian matrix ) and of dimension m m and n
    n respectively. Since XXT is real symmetric
    matrix so we can write by spectral decomposition,
  • Where Q and D are respectively, the matrices
    of characteristic vectors and corresponding
    characteristic roots of XXT.
  • Again since XTX is real symmetric matrix so
    we can write by spectral decomposition,

Singular Value Decomposition (Cont.)
  • Where R is the (orthogonal) matrix of
    characteristic vectors and M is diagonal matrix
    of the corresponding characteristic roots.
  • Since XXT and XTX are both of rank r, only r of
    their characteristic roots are positive, the
    remaining being zero. Hence we can write,
  • Also we can write,

Singular Value Decomposition (Cont.)
  • We know that the nonzero characteristic roots of
    XXT and XTX are equal so
  • Partition Q, R conformably with D and M,
  • i.e., such
    that Qr is m r , Rr is n r and correspond
    respectively to the nonzero characteristic roots
    of XXT and XTX. Now take
  • Where are the positive
    characteristic roots of XXT and hence those of
    XTX as well (by using the concept of grammian

Singular Value Decomposition (Cont.)
  • Now define,
  • Now we shall show that SX thus completing the
  • Similarly,
  • From the first relation above we conclude that
    for an arbitrary orthogonal matrix, say P1 ,
  • While from the second we conclude that for an
    arbitrary orthogonal matrix, say P2
  • We must have

Singular Value Decomposition (Cont.)
  • The preceding, however, implies that for
    arbitrary orthogonal matrices P1 , P2 the matrix
    X satisfies
  • Which in turn implies that,
  • Thus

R Code for Singular Value Decomposition
  • xlt-matrix(c(1,2,3, 2,5,4, 3,4,9),ncol3,nrow3)
  • svlt-svd(x)
  • Dlt-svd
  • Ult-svu
  • Vlt-svv

Decomposition in Diagram
Matrix A
Full column rank
Lu decomposition Not always unique
QR Decomposition
Similar Diagonalization P-1AP?
Jordan Decomposition
Cholesky Decomposition
Spectral Decomposition
Properties Of SVD
  • Rewriting the SVD
  • where
  • r rank of A
  • ?i the i-th diagonal element of
  • ui and vi are the i-th columns of U
    and V respectively.

Proprieties of SVDLow rank Approximation
  • Theorem If AU?VT is the SVD of A and the
  • singular values are sorted as
  • then for any l ltr, the best rank-l approximation
  • to A is
  • Low rank approximation technique is very much
  • important for data compression.

Low-rank Approximation
  • SVD can be used to compute optimal low-rank
  • Approximation of A is à of rank k such that
  • If are the characteristics
    roots of ATA then
  • Ã and X are both m?n matrices.

Frobenius norm
Low-rank Approximation
  • Solution via SVD

set smallest r-k singular values to zero

Approximation error
  • How good (bad) is this approximation?
  • Its the best possible, measured by the Frobenius
    norm of the error
  • where the ?i are ordered such that ?i ? ?i1.

Row approximation and column approximation
  • Suppose Ri and cj represent the i-th row and
    j-th column of A. The SVD
  • of A and is

  • The SVD equation for Ri is
  • We can approximate Ri by
  • where i 1,,m.

Also the SVD equation for Cj is, where j 1, 2,
, n
We can also approximate Cj by
Least square solution in inconsistent system
  • By using SVD we can solve the inconsistent
    system.This gives the least square solution.
  • The least square solution
  • where Ag be the MP inverse of A.

  • The SVD of Ag is
  • This can be written as
  • Where

Basic Results of SVD
SVD based PCA
  • If we reduced variable by using SVD then it
    performs like PCA.
  • Suppose X is a mean centered data matrix, Then
  • X using SVD, XU?VT
  • we can write- XV U?
  • Suppose Y XV U?
  • Then the first columns of Y represents the first
  • principal component score and so on.
  • SVD Based PC is more Numerically Stable.
  • If no. of variables is greater than no. of
    observations then SVD based PCA will give
    efficient result(Antti Niemistö, Statistical
    Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data,2005)

Application of SVD
  • Data Reduction both variables and observations.
  • Solving linear least square Problems
  • Image Processing and Compression.
  • K-Selection for K-means clustering
  • Multivariate Outliers Detection
  • Noise Filtering
  • Trend detection in the observations and the

Origin of biplot
  • Gabriel (1971)
  • One of the most important advances in data
    analysis in recent decades
  • Currently
  • gt 50,000 web pages
  • Numerous academic publications
  • Included in most statistical analysis packages
  • Still a very new technique to most scientists

What is a biplot?
  • Biplot bi plot
  • plot
  • scatter plot of two rows OR of two columns, or
  • scatter plot summarizing the rows OR the columns
  • bi
  • BOTH rows AND columns
  • 1 biplot gtgt 2 plots

Practical definition of a biplotAny two-way
table can be analyzed using a 2D-biplot as soon
as it can be sufficiently approximated by a
rank-2 matrix. (Gabriel, 1971)
(Now 3D-biplots are also possible)
Matrix decomposition
P(4, 3) G(3, 2) E(2, 3)
G-by-E table
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Singular
Value Partitioning (SVP)
Common uses value of f
Rows scores
Column scores
  • The simplest biplot is to show the first two PCs
    together with the projections of the axes of the
    original variables
  • x-axis represents the scores for the first
    principal component
  • Y-axis the scores for the second principal
  • The original variables are represented by arrows
    which graphically indicate the proportion of the
    original variance explained by the first two
    principal components.
  • The direction of the arrows indicates the
    relative loadings on the first and second
    principal components.
  • Biplot analysis can help to understand the
    multivariate data
  • i) Graphically
  • ii) Effectively
  • iii) Conveniently.

Biplot of Iris Data
1 Setosa 2 Versicolor 3 Virginica
Image Compression Example
  • Pansy Flower image, collected from
  • http//
  • This image is 600465 pixels

Singular values of flowers image
  • Plot of the singular values

Low rank Approximation to flowers image
Rank- 5 approximation
  • Rank-1 approximation

Low rank Approximation to flowers image
  • Rank-20 approximation

Rank-30 approximation
Low rank Approximation to flowers image
  • Rank-50 approximation

Rank-80 approximation
Low rank Approximation to flowers image
  • Rank-100 approximation

Rank-120 approximation
Low rank Approximation to flowers image
True Image
  • Rank-150 approximation

Outlier Detection Using SVD
  • Nishith and Nasser (2007,MSc. Thesis) propose
    a graphical method of outliers detection using
  • It is suitable for both general multivariate
    data and regression data. For this we construct
    the scatter plots of first two PCs, and first PC
    and third PC. We also make a box in the scatter
    plot whose range lies
  • median(1stPC) 3 mad(1stPC) in the X-axis
    and median(2ndPC/3rdPC) 3 mad(2ndPC/3rdPC) in
    the Y-axis.
  • Where mad median absolute deviation.
  • The points that are outside the box can be
    considered as extreme outliers. The points
    outside one side of the box is termed as
    outliers. Along with the box we may construct
    another smaller box bounded by 2.5/2 MAD line

Outlier Detection Using SVD (Cont.)
Data set containing 75 observations with 14
influential observations. Among them there are
ten high leverage outliers (cases 1-10) and for
high leverage points (cases 11-14) -Imon (2005).
Scatter plot of Hawkins, Bradu and kass data (a)
scatter plot of first two PCs and (b) scatter
plot of first and third PC.
Outlier Detection Using SVD (Cont.)
Data set given by Brown (1980).
Ryan (1997) pointed out that the original data
on the 53 patients which contains 1 outlier
(observation number 24).
Imon and Hadi(2005) modified this data set by
putting two more outliers as cases 54 and 55.
Also they showed that observations 24, 54 and
55 are outliers by using generalized
standardized Pearson residual (GSPR)
Scatter plot of modified Brown data (a) scatter
plot of first two PCs and (b) scatter plot of
first and third PC.
Cluster Detection Using SVD
  • Singular Value Decomposition is also used for
    cluster detection (Nishith, Nasser and Suboron,
  • The methods for clustering data using first
    three PCs are given below,
  • median (1st PC) k mad (1st PC) in the
    X-axis and median (2nd PC/3rd PC) k mad (2nd
    PC/3rd PC) in the Y-axis.
  • Where mad median absolute deviation. The
    value of k 1, 2, 3.

(No Transcript)
Principals stations in climate data
Climatic Variables
  • The climatic variables are,
  • Rainfall (RF) mm
  • Daily mean temperature (T-MEAN)0C
  • Maximum temperature (T-MAX)0C
  • Minimum temperature (T-MIN)0C
  • Day-time temperature (T-DAY)0C
  • Night-time temperature (T-NIGHT)0C
  • Daily mean water vapor pressure (VP) MBAR
  • Daily mean wind speed (WS) m/sec
  • Hours of bright sunshine as percentage of maximum
    possible sunshine hours (MPS)
  • Solar radiation (SR) cal/cm2/day

Consequences of SVD
  • Generally many missing values may present in the
    data. It may also contain
  • unusual observations. Both types of problem can
    not handle Classical singular
  • value decomposition.
  • Robust singular value decomposition can
    solve both types of problems.
  • Robust singular value decomposition can be
    obtained by alternating L1 regression approach
    (Douglas M. Hawkins, Li Liu, and S. Stanley
    Young, (2001)).

The Alternating L1 Regression Algorithm for
Robust Singular Value Decomposition.
There is no obvious choice of the initial values
  • Initialize the leading
  • left singular vector

Fit the L1 regression coefficient cj by
Calculate right singular vector v1c/c , where
. refers to Euclidean norm.
Again fit the L1 regression coefficient di by
minimizing i1,2,.,n
Calculate the resulting estimate of the left
eigenvector uid/ d
Iterate this process untill it converge.
For the second and subsequent of the SVD, we
replaced X by a deflated matrix obtained by
subtracting the most recently found them in the
SVD X X-?kukvkT
Clustering weather stations on MapUsing RSVD
  • Brown B.W., Jr. (1980). Prediction analysis for
    binary data. in Biostatistics Casebook, R.G.
    Miller, Jr., B. Efron, B. W. Brown, Jr., L.E.
    Moses (Eds.), New York Wiley.
  • Dhrymes, Phoebus J. (1984), Mathematics for
    Econometrics, 2nd ed. Springer Verlag, New York.
  • Hawkins D. M., Bradu D. and Kass
    G.V.(1984),Location of several outliers in
    multiple regression data using elemental sets.
    Technometrics, 20, 197-208.
  • Imon A. H. M. R. (2005). Identifying multiple
    influential observations in linear Regression.
    Journal of Applied Statistics 32, 73 90.
  • Kumar, N. , Nasser, M., and Sarker, S.C., 2011.
    A New Singular Value Decomposition Based Robust
    Graphical Clustering Technique and Its
    Application in Climatic Data Journal of
    Geography and Geology, Canadian Center of Science
    and Education , Vol-3, No. 1, 227-238.
  • Ryan T.P. (1997). Modern Regression Methods,
    Wiley, New York.
  • Stewart, G.W. (1998). Matrix Algorithms, Vol 1.
    Basic Decompositions, Siam, Philadelphia.
  • Matrix Decomposition. http//

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