Title: Icefishing for Cosmic Neutrinos
1Ice-fishing for Cosmic Neutrinos
- Subhendu Rakshit
- TIFR, Mumbai
2Goals of neutrino astronomy
- Astrophysics
- To explore astrophysical objects like AGN or
GRBs. Find out sources of high energy cosmic
rays. Main aim.. - Particle physics
- To explore beyond standard model physics
options which may affect neutrino nucleon
cross-sections at high energy. Other
possibilities Appeared in US particle physics
First step To determine the incoming neutrino
3Astrophysical motivations
- Historically looking at the same astrophysical
object at different wavelengths revealed many
details regarding their internal mechanisms - A 3-pronged approach involving conventional
photon astronomy, cosmic ray astronomy and
neutrino astronomy will yield better results
4Conventional astronomy with photons
- Ranges from 104 cm radio-waves to 10-14 cm high
energy gamma rays - Pros
- Photons are neutral particles. So they can point
back to their sources - photons are easy to detect as they interact
electromagnetically with charged particles - Cons
- Due to the same reason they get absorbed by dust
or get obstructed - Very high energy photons on its way interact with
cosmic microwave background radiation and cannot
reach us
5Cosmic ray astronomy
- Very high energy cosmic rays (protons, heavy
nuclei,..) do reach us from the sky - It is difficult to produce such energetic
particles in the laboratory - It is puzzling where they are produced and how
they get accelerated to such energies!! - Although they can be detected on Earth, it is not
possible to identify the sources as their paths
get scrambled in magnetic fields ? A serious
disadvantage! - Only very high energy(gt1010 GeV) cosmic rays
point back to their sources
6Neutrino astronomy
- The suspected sources of very high energy photons
and cosmic rays are believed to be the sources of
neutrinos as well - Pros Neutrinos being weakly interacting reaches
Earth rather easily - Cons Due to the same reason it also interacts
rarely with the detector material ? Large
detector size!! - Successful neutrino astronomy with the sun and
supernova. Now it is time to explore objects like
Active Galactic Nuclei or Gamma Ray Bursts - Impressive range for future neutrino telescopes
- 102 GeV to 1012 GeV!
7Neutrino detectors
Air shower
Underwater / ice
1 PeV 106 GeV 1 EeV 109 GeV
8Why a Km3 detector?
- Estimations of the expected amount of UHE
neutrinos can be made from the observed flux of
cosmic rays at high energies. This limits the
size of the detector - However such estimations are quite difficult as
many assumptions go in - There can be hidden sources of neutrinos!!
- So the neutrino flux can always be higher!
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10- A Km3 detector
- PMTs detect Cherenkov light emitted by charged
particles created by neutrino interactions
The Cherenkov cone needs to be reconstructed to
determine the energy and direction of the muon
11Used for calibration, background rejection and
air-shower physics
- The predecessor of IceCube
12IceCube is optimised for detection of muon
neutrinos above 1 TeV as
- We get better signal to noise ratio
- Neutrino cross-section and muon range increases
with energy. Larger the muon range, the larger
is the effective detection volume - The mean angle between muon and neutrino
decreases with energy like 1/vE, with a pointing
accuracy of about 1? at 1 TeV - The energy loss of muons increases with energy.
For energies above 1 TeV, this allows us to
estimate the muon energy from the larger light
emission along the track
13Detection strategy
- Cosmic rays produce muons in our atmosphere,
which can fake a neutrino-induced muon signal
? background - So we use the Earth to filter them out!
- Upto PeV neutrinos can cross the Earth to reach
IceCube - For high energy neutrinos Earth becomes opaque
as the probability that the neutrinos will
interact becomes higher with ? energy - So very high energy neutrinos can reach Icecube
only from the sky or from horizontal directions!
14Sources of neutrinos
- Signal The neutrinos from astrophysical sources
AGN or GRBs for example - Background Atmospheric neutrinos. They are
produced from cosmic ray interactions with the
atmosphere ? A guaranteed flux well measured in
AMANDA. Agrees with expectations. - As the ATM ? flux falls rather rapidly(? E-3)
with energy, at higher energy we can observe the
signal neutrinos from AGN or GRBs free of these
background neutrinos
15Neutrino spectra
Note At higher energies the flux is smaller. But
higher energy neutrinos also have higher
cross-section. So detection probability is also
16Another background
- Cosmogenic or GZK neutrinos
- UHE cosmic ray protons interact with CMBR
photons to produce these neutrinos via charged
pion decay - However at IceCube the rate would be quite
17Eliminating backgrounds
- Energy cuts
- Directional cuts
- Directional signals
- Temporal considerations
18Delving into the details...
19- Production at astrophysical sources
- Initial flavour ratio
- Propagation through space
- Massive neutrinos undergo quantum mechanical
oscillations. So neutrinos reach Earth with a
flavour - ratio
- Propagation through the Earth
- Neutrinos while propagating may interact with
the Earth. CC or NC interactions. ?t propagation
is more elaborate ?t?t? ?t?t... - Detection at IceCube
- Muon neutrinos produce muons via CC
interactions. All neutrinos produce showers
through NC interactions. A CC interaction by a ?t
may produce spectacular signatures!
20Production at astrophysical sources
- A proton gets accelerated and hits another
proton or a photon. They produce neutron, p and
p0.Their decay produces cosmic rays, neutrinos
and photons respectively - p ? ? p n
- p ? ? p0 p
21Propagation through space
- For massive neutrinos flavour and mass
eigenstates are different. This implies that a
neutrino of a given flavour can change its
flavour after propagating for sometime! For
example ?µ ? ?e Neutrino
oscillation - At time t0, we produce a ?e
- After sometime t, the mass eigenstates evolve
differently - So the probability of detecting another
flavour is nonzero
22- Now remember the initial flavour ratio at source
was - Recent neutrino experiments have established that
neutrino flavour states ?µ and ?t mix maximally - Hence it is of no wonder that after traversing a
long distance these two states will arrive at
equal proportions - Note that although there were no tau neutrinos at
the source, we receive them on Earth! -
At source
On Earth
23Propagation through the Earth
- While traversing through the Earth, neutrinos can
undergo - a charged current(CC) interaction with matter.
The neutrino disappears producing e or mu or
tau. The dominant effect - or a neutral current interaction(NC) with
matter. The neutrino produces another neutrino of
same flavour with lower energy - As a consequence, the number of neutrinos
decrease as they propagate through the Earth. - This depends on the energy of the neutrino.
Higher energy neutrinos get absorbed more, their
mean free path is smaller
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25?µ detection
- Muons range few Kms at TeV and tens of Km at EeV
- The geometry of the lightpool surrounding the
muon track is a Km-long cone with gradually
decreasing radius - Initial size of the cone for a 100TeV muon is
130m. At the end of its range it reduces to 10m. - The kinematic angle of µ wrt the neutrino is ?µ
is 1?/v(E?/1TeV) and the reconstruction error on
the muon direction is on the order of 1? - Better energy determination for contained events.
More contained events at lower energy
26 Km long muon tracks from ?µ
10m long cascades from ?e, ?t
27?e detection
- In a CC interaction, a ?e deposits 0.5-0.8 of
their energy in an EM shower initiated by the
electron. Then a shower initiated by the
fragments of the target - The Cherenkov light generated by shower particles
spreads over a vol of radius 130m at 10TeV and
460m at 10EeV. Radius grows by 50m per decade in
energy - Energy measurement is good. The shower energy
underestimates the neutrino energy by a factor 3
at 1 TeV to 4 at 1 EeV - Angle determination poor! Elongated in the
direction of ?e so that the direction can be
reconstructed but precise to 10?
28?t detection
- The propagation mechanism of a tau neutrino is
different, as tau may decay during propagation - As a result the tau neutrino never disappears.
For each incoming ?t another ?t of lower energy
reaches the detector - The Earth effectively remains transparent even
for high energy tau neutrinos - Tau decays produce secondary flux of ?e and ?µ
29- Double bang events CC interaction of ?tfollowed
by tau decay - Lollipop events second of the two double bang
showers with reconstructed tau track - Inverted lollipop events first of the two double
bang showers with reconstructed tau track. Often
confused with a hadronic event in which a 100GeV
muon is produced! - For Etlt 106 GeV, in double bang events showers
are indistinguishable. For Et 106 GeV, tau range
is a few hundred meters and the showers can be
separated. - For 107 GeV lt Etlt 107.5 GeV, the tau decay
length is comparable to the instrumented detector
vol.? lollipop - Etgt 107.5 GeV tau tracks can be confusing
30Propagation equation of ?µ
31Propagation equations of ?t
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34Without energy loss
Including energy loss
35Rakshit, Reya, PRD74,103006(2006)
Characteristic bump
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37Expected muon event rate per year at IceCube
?µ induced
?µ ?t induced
38Imprinted Earths matter profile
39Probing New Physics
40- Production at astrophysical sources
- Initial flavour ratio
? - Propagation through space
- Massive neutrinos undergo quantum mechanical
oscillations. So neutrinos reach Earth with a
flavour - ratio
?? - Propagation through the Earth
- Neutrinos while propagating may interact with
the Earth. CC or NC interactions. ?t propagation
is more elaborate ?t?t? ?t?t... - Detection at IceCube
- Muon neutrinos produce muons via CC
interactions. All neutrinos produce showers
through NC interactions. A CC interaction by a ?t
may produce spectacular signatures!
?N xsection sensitive
41- Detection of atm ?µs will enable us to probe
CPTV, LIV,VEP which change the standard 1/E
energy dependence of osc length. Due to high
threshold of IceCube, osc of these high energy
atm neutrinos is less - ?N xsection can get enhanced in XtraDim models
- ?N xsection can get reduced at high energies in
color glass condensate models - Visible changes in muon rates, shower rates
- For xtradim upgoing neutrinos get absorbed at
some energy and also downgoing for higher
energies - For lower ?N xsection models angular dependence
and energy dependence for upgoing events are more
42- Crude neutrino flux determination from up/down
events - OK for fixed power flux, but otherwise contained
muon events are better. But poorer statistics - Auger is better for UHE neutrinos. New physics
effects will be more dramatic - IceCube can probe neutrino spectrum better as
Xsection uncertainties are only at high energies
where the flux is smaller - Flavour ratio determination possible at IceCube
as different flavours have distinctive
43Other possibilities
- DM detection Neutrinos from solar core
- SUSY search look for charged sleptons
- RPV, Leptoquarks
- Part of supernova early detection system!
- New physics interactions at the detector
- New physics during propagation
- UHE neutrinos particle physics opportunities for
the future - IceCube is a discovery expt.
- Determining neutrino spectrum independent of new
physics poses a challenge - Even crude measurements at IceCube may provide
some clue about drastically different new physics
scenarios at high energies - Some success with IceCube will lead to bigger
detectors - At present we just need to detect an UHE neutrino
event at IceCube!
45Particle physics motivations
- LHC CM energy ECM 14 TeV
- ? LHC E?108 GeV Tevatron E?106 GeV
- Here we talk about neutrino flux of 1012 GeV!
- ? ECM 14 100 TeV
46?N cross-sections
- We need PDFs for x lt 10-5 for E?gt108 GeV
- Several options but not much discrepancy!
- GRV and CTEQ cross-sections differ at the most by
47Beacom et al, PRD 68,093005(2003)
?e shower(CCNC)
For downgoing ?µ
Horizontal ?µcreating a detectable µ track
?tdouble bang
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