Title: Mississippi Riverbank Project (Final Presentation) May 14, 1999
1Mississippi Riverbank Project(Final
Presentation)May 14, 1999
- Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve
GEORGALIS . . . . . . Georgia Institute
of Technology - Structural Engineer . . . Tomo CEROVŠEK . . .
. . . - University of Ljubljana
- Construction Manager . Jacky HO . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . - Stanford University
- Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ali AL-ALI . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
- Project Introduction
- Four Preliminary Design Alternatives
- Final Design - A / E / C Solutions and
Interactions - Learning Experience
- Building for Riverbank University in Sacramento
- Virtual Project (Year 2010)
- Produce 4 Alternatives
- and 1 Final Design
- Practice A/E/C Interaction
- Architectural Requirements
- Maintain Footprint Transportation / Circulation
- Occupancy, Security, Environmental
- (3 stories, total height 35)
- Structural Requirements
- Load Earthquake and Total Height of 35
- Construction Requirements
- Budget 5,500,000 (Structural 550,000)
- Time Budget 12 months (ready in May 2012)
54 Alternatives
- 4,500,000 4,900,000 4,700,000
6Building Site
7Alternative 1
8Alternative 1
9Alternative 2
10Alternative 2
11Alternative 3
3rd floor
12Alternative 3
13Alternative 4
14Reasons for choosing Alternative 2
- Owners Decision
- Aesthetic and Challenging Design
- Teams Preference Attracting Glass
Atrium Challenging Structural Systems - Feasible in Time and Cost
15Further Iterations and Evaluations
- Meeting with Owner
- Height Limit
- Faculty Lounge
- Atrium Design
- Structural Materials
Revised design
Feedback on cost
Revised design material choice
Suggestions and changes
Revised design
Feedback on cost and constructibility
16Discussion on Faculty Lounge
17Discussion on Structural Materials
- Prefab Steel Frame for Atrium
- Cast-in-place Concrete Columns
18Final Design
19Final Design
20Architecture 1st Floor
21Architecture 2nd Floor
22Architecture 3rd Floor
23Architecture Section
24Architecture Footage Evaluation
25Engineering Structural Model
26Engineering Structural Model
27Engineering Loads
- Live Loads
- Classrooms 40 psf
- Offices 50 psf
- Halls 100 psf
- Dead Loads
- Self weight, floor and partitions 30 psf
- MEP 10 psf
- Seismic Load zone 3 (solid rock)
28Engineering SAP2000 Model
29Engineering Framing System
30Engineering Moments of the Plate
31Engineering Mode Shapes
32Engineering Moment Diagram
33Typical members and connection
- Beam spacing 19
- Typical column 18x18
- Reinforcement 3.5
- Typical beam 16x20
- Foundations 4x4
34Construction Cost
35Construction Cost Breakdown
36Construction Cost Breakdown
37Construction Schedule
- Total Duration 10 months
- Milestone 1 Start of Concrete Superstructure
- Milestone 2 Finish of Concrete Superstructure
- Milestone 3 Finish of Glass Atrium
38Construction Milestone 1
- June 20, 2011
- Completion of
- Foundation and
- Auditorium
- Start Concrete
- Frames
39Construction Milestone 2
- Sept 20, 2011
- Completion of
- Concrete Frame
- Start Atrium
40Construction Milestone 3
- Dec 10, 2011
- Completion of
- Atrium
- Continue Interior
- Construction
41Construction Site Layout
42Construction Equipment
Dump truck
Cast-in-place Concrete
- 3,500 LF of Columns
- and Beams
Concrete Mixer
Pumper Truck
Atrium Steel Frame
Crane Truck
44Learning from AEC
- Roles of A / E / C
- New communication technology
- New team working environment
- Using 3D Model