Title: CN: Water Cycle
1CN Water Cycle
- Continuous process by which water moves through
the living and nonliving parts of the environment.
- The sun provides energy to power the water cycle
- Without it the water cycle would stop
4Section 1 The Active River
Chapter 11
Water Cycle
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Visual Concept
5Water on the Earth
- Chemical Formula H2O
- Almost all the water on Earth is salt water
(97). - The other 3 is fresh water
- 76 of thatis frozen in the ice caps at the
poles. - Much of the remaining is groundwater.
- Most important process in the water cycle
- Happens when the SUN heats up the water in
rivers, lakes, and oceans and turns it into a gas
(vapor or steam) and it goes into the atmosphere. - Most of the water vapor that evaporates into the
air comes from the oceans. The salt does not get
enough energy to become a gas, so it stays
behind. - So rain is always fresh water!
- 2nd most important process in the water cycle
- Dew is formed by condensation of water vapor
- Takes place in the atmosphere
- The stage where gas turns into a liquid
- Water vapor cools as it rises in the air. As it
reaches the dew point, the water vapor will
condense around dust particles and form clouds.
- Condensed water vapor that gets heavy enough to
fall to the ground as rain, snow, sleet, or hail. - Most water molecules only spend about ten days in
the air before falling back as precipitation.
10Surface Runoff
- Much of the precipitation runs off the surface
and flows downhill into streams. These flow into
larger streams, then rivers, and eventually flow
back into the ocean.
- Infiltration is an important process where rain
water soaks into the ground, through the soil and
underlying rock layers. - Some of this water ultimately returns to the
surface at springs or in low spots downhill.
- Percolation is when water after it rains seeps
into the ground and is stored there, thus
becoming ground water
- Some precipitated water that does not flow into
rivers, lakes, etc sinks into the ground
(permeable) and eventually reaches a layer it
cannot pass through (impermeable). - Most of the fresh water that is not frozen is
- As the water infiltrates through the soil and
rock layers, many of the impurities in the water
are filtered out. This filtering process helps
clean the water.
- The amount of groundwater stored is dependent on
the porosity of the rock (like pores on your skin)
- As plants absorb water from the soil, the water
moves from the roots through the stems to the
leaves. - Once the water reaches the leaves, some of it
evaporates from the leaves, adding to the amount
of water vapor in the air. - The greatest living movers of water are plants.
- Where would you have more moisture (water
vapor).desert or forest? Why?
- An underground bed or layer of permeable rock,
sediment, or soil that yields water. - Confined permeable rock units that are usually
deep under the ground and are under relatively
impermeable rock or clay that limits groundwater
movement into, or out of it - Unconfined groundwater is in direct contact with
the atmosphere through the open pore spaces of
the overlying soil or rock
17Water Table
- the level below which the ground is saturated
with water. - The line at the top of an UNCONFINED aquifer
- When you start digging in a field (fairly deep)
and you start to see water, you are at the water
18Artesian Well
a pumpless water source that uses pipes to allow
underground water that is under pressure to rise
to the surface. This type of well seems to defy
gravity because the pressure that builds up
between layers of rock gets relieved when the
water finds a path to the open air. In addition,
the water has been naturally filtered because it
passes through porous rock as it seeps into the
Earth to reach the aquifer, which is the
underground water source. For centuries, people
have drilled artesian wells to drink filtered
water that doesn't need to be manually or
mechanically hauled up from the depths.
19Conclusion Earths Water Supply
- The total amount of water on the Earth has not
changed much since early in its history. - The same water is cycled over and over.
- The water you drink at lunch was probably drunk
by a dinosaur millions of years ago!
20Water Distribution