Title: Figure 1. Introduction of the plan
1Figure 1. Introduction of the plan the process
2Figure 2. GHG emissions per sector
1. New low carbon energies
Sectors Ton CO2
Local production of renewable energy (municipality) Insert here
Local production of renewable Energy (community) Insert here
on total co2
2. A greener and more efficient city
Sectors Ton CO2
Public buildings Insert here
Residential sector Insert here
Green areas Insert here
on total co2
33. Smart services
5. A low carbon economy
Sectors Ton CO2
Public lighting Insert here
Water Insert here
Waste (municipality) Insert here
Waste (community) Insert here
Sectors Ton CO2
Industrial sector 308.841
Agricultural sector 120.000
Commercial and institutional sector 71.234
Green Public Procurement -
4. A city in movement
Figure 2. GHG emissions per sector
Sectors Ton CO2
Municipalitys vehicle fleet Insert here
Other transports Insert here
4Figure 3. Administrative structure
5Figure 4. Main objectives