Title: Yingcai Xiao
1 Game Development Animation
2Video Game
Interactive animation user-gt interface (look)
-gt action (feel) -gt feedback (A/V, haptic)
Animation any change that has a visual
effect. Motion Dynamics movements (geometry
change) Update Dynamics attribute change
(color, texture, ) Others camera position,
lighting, rendering techniques,
4Key-frame Animation
- Defining key-frames
- Inbetweening with interpolations
- Lerping (linear interpolation)
- parabola interpolation
5Key-frame Animation
6Neighborhoodskeletons defineinterpolatedshape
7Graphical languages P-curves (parametric
representation of motion)
8Animation Control
- Explicit animator provides a description of
everything that occurs in the animation. - Tracking live action.
- Procedural movement computed by a procedure.
- Actors (Object-oriented high-level procedural
control) - Kinematics positions and velocities of points.
- Dynamics physical laws that govern kinematics.
- Physically based cloth draping, plastics
bending, - Constraint-based constraint movements.
9Double Buffering
Why? To reduce flickering How? Draw to the
invisible back buffer Copy to the visible front
buffer. (Btblt)gtvery fast with HW assistance
10Double Buffering SRGP Pseudo Code
void Draw() SRGP_useCanvas(bbfr)
DrawObjects() SRGP_useCanvas(SCREEN_CANVAS)
SRGP_copyPixel(bbfr, rect, pnt)
11Animation in Unity3D