Title: goals for the sixth evening
1goals for the sixth evening
- to understand how to use the reminder dots for
calming re-centering during the day - to know what is meant by flow and how important
this is for wellbeing and happiness - to be clear about the specific formal belly
practice and the relaxation/awareness challenges
2research on how to feel really alive and well
- ESM - experience sampling method - genuine
snapshots of present time experience - 25 years of research into the experience of
happiness, involvement, vitality, focus, and
enjoyment - studies in Canada, Australia, USA, Italy,
Germany, Japan, India, Korea Thailand - initially experts - musicians, athletes,
surgeons, artists, chess masters - then people
from all walks of life
3the elements of enjoyment
flow experiences typically contain several of
these 8 elements
- usually involves a challenging activity requiring
skills - clear goals and rapid feedback on how were doing
- attention is largely absorbed by the activity
- the mind clears of irrelevant material
- there is a sense of exercising control
- loss of self-consciousness, though paradoxically
the self tends to emerge stronger and more
confident - our sense of time bears little relationship to
clock time - the activity becomes an end in its own right
4typical components of flow
the mind clears of irrelevant material including
self- consciousness
mental focus
skills feedback
nunc fluens
our sense of time changes and the activity
becomes valid in its own right
5the challenge reward!!!
- when a person is able to organize his or her
consciousness so as to experience flow
as often as possible, the quality of
life is inevitably going to improve -
- flow makes the present more enjoyable
but it also builds confidence and
develops skills
Csikszentmihalyi M Flow the psychology of
happiness London Random Century Group, 1992
6developing skills in application
formal practice
developing a trigger phrase/focus
first differential practice
second differential practice
the reminder dots are to encourage us to
re-centre just as much as to calm
the reminder dot exercise
stressful real life situations