Title: The Received View of Evolution
1The Received View of Evolution
- Sex and Death An Introduction to Philosophy of
- 2.1 The Diversity of Life
- 2.2 Evolution and Natural Selection
- 2.3 The Received View and its Challenges
32.1 The Diversity of Life
- design space (Dennett, 1995)
- All possible and actual designs
- Regarding these we are highly atypical
- Eukaryotic simply life cycle huge
- Diversity and Disparity (Gould)
- Diversity number of species in existence
- Disparity amount of organisms that have
fundamentally different designs
42.1 The Diversity of Life
- Why are some areas in design space occupied and
some not? - Process Structuralists
- Design space is highly constrained
- Historical relativity
- There are so many designs, that there was no time
to realize them all.
52.1 The Diversity of Life
- Why do organisms come packed into species?
- Life without species is possible
- No sharp distinction between spiecies and
62.2 Evolution and Natural Selection
- Basic elements of evolutionary theory (Mayr)
- The living world is not constant
- Evolution. change has a branching pattern
- New species form when a population splits
- Evolution. change is gradual
- Adaptive change through natural selection
72.2 Evolution and Natural Selection
- Natural selection is the inevitable result of
- Phenotypical variation
- Differential fitness
- Heritability
- Are the forces that induce genetic variation
82.2 Evolution and Natural Selection
- Cumulative selection
- Innovation is the result of a sequence of
selective episodes - Conditions
- Direction of selection is constant
- Low mutation rate
- Each intermediate stage must be fitter than its
predecessor (adaptive landscapes)
92.2 Evolution and Natural Selection
- Speciation
- Cumulative selection in different environments
results in reproductive isolation - Hybrid matings will be penalized
102.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- 3 important debates
- Units of selection
- Selection and evolution
- Evolution within Biology
112.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- What is being selected
- genes eye concept (Williams, Dawkins)
- Hierarchical view
122.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- The genes eye
- Only genes are passed on directly from one
generation to the next - Genes are replicators and use organisms as
vehicles - Natural selection acts through vehicles and
targets the replicators - Problem gene trait relationship
132.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- Hierarchical view
- organisms are not the only entities that form
populations (hives, colonies, species) - Selection can operate simultaneously at different
142.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- Selection and Evolution
- Four major issues
- Does the received view overstate the importance
of adaptation? - Relationship of selection and other factors
- Methodological issues
- The proper scope of evolutionary explanations
152.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- The Importance of Adaptation
- ? Fitness advantages only make survival more
likely !
162.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- Relationship between selection and other factors
- Selection is historical, it is constrained by
inheritances of the population - Some patterns seem to be independent of
selection - Evolution after the Cambrian explosion
172.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- Methodological issues
- How can we test our ideas?
- How much evidence is needed to support a
182.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- Scope of evolutionary explanations
- Sociobiology (Wilson)
- Explaining social / psychological processes with
evolutionary mechanisms is possible - vs.
- This attempt is mistaken in principle. Since
there is culture these rule do not apply to us
192.3 The Received View and its Challenges
- Evolution within Biology
- Evolution and Ecology
- Ecology describes the environment which generates
selective pressure - Evolution and molecular Biology
- Genetics did not make Evolutionary Theory futile
- Different levels of explanation