1Against Nature
- What the Bible Teaches
- About Homosexuality
2Definition of Terms
- Homosexual (Gr. homos) the same (homogenize,
homonym, homophone, etc.), and sexual sexual
intercourse sexual desire for those of the same
sex (Webster, 696) - Lesbian from the homosexuality of the Greek
poetess Sappho and her followers in Lesbos, c.
600 B.C. (Webster, 839)
3Definition of Terms
- Sodomy from Sodom, Genesis 18-19 any sexual
intercourse regarded as abnormal, as between
persons of the same sex, especially males
(Webster, 1385)
4Current State of Affairs
- Homosexuality is accept by many in society
- It is promoted in some school curriculum
- It is promoted in childrens books Heather Has
Two Mommies, or Daddys Roommate - It is promoted in the mainstream media and
entertainment industry Will and Grace, Queer
Eye for the Straight Guy, Ellen Degeneres, Rosie
ODonnell, etc.
5Current State of Affairs
- Homosexuality is accept by many in society
- Top leaders of our nation and Hollywood stars are
homosexual - Homosexuality is claimed as a civil right
- Many states have same sex marriage more will
follow with the recent Supreme Court ruling
6Current State of Affairs
- Homosexuality is accept by many in religion
- Numerous denominations condone homosexual
activity (Metropolitan Community Church, etc.) - Many in the United Methodist Church ignore their
own teaching against homosexuality in The Book of
7Current State of Affairs
- Homosexuality is accept by many in religion
- On March 7, 2004, homosexual Gene Robinson was
ordained bishop of New Hampshire for the
Episcopal Church - Some associated with Churches of Christ, such as
A Cappella Chorus (1979) and Leroy Garrett,
condone homosexual activity
8Current State of Affairs
- Homosexuality is described as
- Alternative lifestyle or Gay lifestyle
- Loving relationship
- Different sexual orientation
- Mental illness
9Current State of Affairs
- Homosexual activist agenda is nothing less than
complete and total acceptance! - Those who do not condone homosexuality use hate
speech they are insensitive, intolerant,
bigoted, mean spirited, hate-mongers, gay
bashers, homophobic or judgmental (see Gen.
10What Does the Bible Teach?
- Homosexuality in the Patriarchal Period
- Homosexuality in Sodom
- and they called unto Lot, and said unto him,
Where are the men that came in to thee this
night? bring them out unto us, that we may know
them. And Lot went out unto them to the door, and
shut the door after him. And he said, I pray you,
my brethren, do not so wickedly (Gen. 195-7)
11What Does the Bible Teach?
- Homosexuality in the Mosaic Period
- Homosexuality in the Law of Moses
- Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with
womankind it is abomination (Lev. 1822) - And if a man lie with mankind, as with
womankind, both of them have committed
abomination they shall surely be put to death
their blood shall be upon them (Lev. 2013)
12What Does the Bible Teach?
- Homosexuality in the Mosaic Period
- Homosexuality in Gibeah
- As they were making their hearts merry, behold,
the men of the city, certain base fellows, beset
the house round about, beating at the door and
they spake to the master of the house, the old
man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into
thy house, that we may know him (Judg. 1922)
13What Does the Bible Teach?
- Homosexuality in the Mosaic Period
- Homosexuality in Israel
- And the remnant of the sodomites, that remained
in the days of his father Asa, he put away out of
the land (1 Kings 2246 see also Deut. 2317 1
K. 1424 1512 2 K. 237 Job
Sodomite (Heb. qadesh) male temple prostitute
for males and females
14What Does the Bible Teach?
- Homosexuality in the New Testament Period
- Homosexuality in Pauls letters
- For this cause God gave them up unto vile
passions for their women changed the natural use
into that which is against nature and likewise
also the men, leaving the natural use of the
woman, burned in their lust one toward another,
men with men working unseemliness, and receiving
in themselves that recompense of their error
which was due (Rom. 126-27)
Nature (Gr. phusis) the natural order of
things Note the verbs changed, leaving,
burned, working, and receiving.
Homosexuality is conditioned (learned, acquired
behavior), not congenital (from birth) Eccl.
729 Jas. 114-15
15What Does the Bible Teach?
- Homosexuality in the New Testament Period
- Homosexuality in Pauls letters
- Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with men, nor thieves, nor covetous,
nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,
shall inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 69-10)
1. Effeminate (Gr. malakos) soft to
the touch a male who submits his body to
another male (in a passive role) 2. Abusers of
themselves with men (Gr. arsenokoites) lit.
male bed sexual intercourse with a male (in an
active role)
16What Does the Bible Teach?
- Homosexuality in the New Testament Period
- Homosexuality in Pauls letters
- for fornicators, for abusers of themselves with
men, for menstealers, for liars, for false
swearers, and if there be any other thing
contrary to the sound doctrine (1 Tim. 110)
17Homosexuality Today
- Homosexuality is not viewed by God as merely a
sickness, but as - Wickedness, iniquity (Gen. 197,15)
- Abomination (Lev. 1822 2013)
- Wickedness, folly, vile, lewdness, evil
(Judg. 1923-24 206,13)
18Homosexuality Today
- Homosexuality is not viewed by God as merely a
sickness, but as - Vile passion, against nature, unseemliness,
error (Rom. 126-27) - Unrighteous (1 Cor. 69)
- Contrary to sound doctrine (1 Tim. 110)
19Homosexuality Today
- Homosexuality is not viewed by God as merely a
sickness, but as - Ungodly, lascivious life, wicked, lawless
deeds, unrighteous (2 Pet. 26-9) - fornication, strange flesh (Jude 7)
20Homosexuality Today
- Homosexuals should be treated with love (Mk.
1021 1 Cor. 135-6 Eph. 415 Rev.
319) - Homosexuals can cease their sinful activity and
be forgiven (1 Cor. 611) - Homosexuality should not be
- Ignored (Judges 1930)
- Condoned (Judges 2012-13)