Please take your assigned seat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Please take your assigned seat


Please take your assigned seat Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Mt 6:33 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Julia266
Tags: assigned | deacons | please | role | seat | take


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Please take your assigned seat

Please take your assigned seat
  • Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live
  • and he will give you everything you need. Mt

Stephanie V. Kaitlyn Maddy Alex Hannah Dugan
Ryan Nadine Kyle Ashley Ned Beatrice
Genevieve Zach Haley D. Ainsley James Paige
Ella Stephanie W. Ciahna Samantha Sunny Symeon
Hailey A. Rachel Nik
The Serenity Prayer
  • God grant me the serenity to accept the things I
    cannot change courage to change the things I
    canand wisdom to know the difference.
  • Living one day at a time Enjoying one moment at
    a time Accepting hardships as the pathway to
    peace Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas
    it is, not as I would have it Trusting that He
    will make all things rightif I surrender to His
    WillThat I may be reasonably happy in this
    life and supremely happy with HimForever in the

What do we mean by Church?
  • Brainstorm the ideas and images that come to mind
    when you think of Church

The Church as the Body of Christ
  • The Church is
  • A sign of salvation in the world
  • A sacrament
  • Made up of people
  • A structured institution
  • For celebration and worship
  • A teacher
  • A sign of Christ among us

The Catholic Church a Sacrament of Christ
  • Read pages 170-172 of Christ and Culture
  • Each of us is called to reveal Christ to the
  • The Church celebrates Christ through official
  • Second Vatican Council
  • 1962-65
  • Major council of bishops and church leaders
  • Led to the modernization of the Church
  • E.g. the mass is no longer in Latin and the
    priest faces the congregation

The Vatican
  • The Centre of Roman Catholicism
  • Located in Rome, Italy
  • The Pope lives and works there
  • All major decisions and encyclicals come out of
    the Vatican

The Catholic Church as an institution
  • The Catholic Church took shape slowly with the
    first disciples
  • They brought the message of Gods kingdom to the
    communities around the Mediterranean Sea
  • Constantine the Great declared that Christianity
    was to be the official religion of the Roman
    Empire after he became emperor (AD 312)

(No Transcript)
Church Hierarchy
  • The Church, like many institutions, is
  • The Church is organized in a specific way
    according to different levels of authority
  • All of us are given the task of being priests,
    prophets, and rulers
  • The diagram is not organized according to
    importance (one tier is not more important than
    the next)

The Body of Christ
  • As Church, we are called the Body of Christ
  • Human body made up of many parts ? the Church is
    made up of many different parts
  • Every part of the body/church plays a role and is
    dependent on the other parts
  • Christ is the head of the Church
  • Like the human head, he provides direction, unity
    and strength
  • We, the Church, are the arms and legs because we
    do the work of Christ on earth

Five actions of the Catholic Church
  1. To proclaim Jesus Christ
  2. To worship
  3. To form a community
  4. To give witness
  5. To serve others

Day of Pardon Learning through history
  • Read pages 176-77 in your text
  • Copy and answer the following questions on lined
  • What does it mean to ask pardon?
  • What does it mean for the Church to ask pardon?
  • What four sins does the Church ask for pardon?
  • How are we implicated in these sins of the
  • What does it mean to be reconciled?
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