Catholic Hierarchy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Catholic Hierarchy


Catholic Hierarchy The Catholic Church is the largest religion in the world, with over a billion members. It is almost 2,000 years old, and its leadership is somewhat ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Catholic Hierarchy

Catholic Hierarchy
  • The Catholic Church is the largest religion in
    the world, with over a billion members.
  • It is almost 2,000 years old, and its leadership
    is somewhat complicated.
  • The roots of the Churchs leadership are found in
    the Gospels.

Jesus and His Apostles
  • The Call of the First Disciples
  • Folks pressed to hear His words, which could the
    spirit shake,
  • While Jesus stood right by the Gennesaret Lake.
  • Just then He saw two boats unoccupied,
  • Whose owners washed their nets right alongside.
  • Christ entered Simons boat and asked him to
  • Push out the boat so He the crowd could view.
  • He preached to them and, when Christ ceased to
  • He told Simon, See how far your nets reach.
  • Let down your nets and you will find a catch.
  • Master, if last nights total we could match,
  • We still would be without a single fish,
  • But Ill let down my nets, if thus You wish.
  • On letting down the nets, they were so full
  • That they called on their friends to help them
  • Their catch was such the boats were nearly
  • And Simon fell down, all his sins rethinking,
  • Depart from me, O Lord, for I have been,
  • As my boats filled with fish, so filled with
  • You need not fear, just do not sin again,
  • For henceforth your job will be catching men.
  • The sons of Zebedee, both James and John
  • Stood shocked at all they saw there going on.
  • These three immediately made up their mind
  • To follow Christ and leave their boats behind.

The Choosing of the Twelve
  • One day, Christ climbed a mountain for to pray
  • And there, until the next morn, He did stay.
  • He then called His twelve disciples together
  • To strengthen them for all that they would
  • So over demons they received authority
  • And power for to heal any infirmity.
  • The twelve apostles names were James and John,
  • Peter, the rock the Church was built upon,
  • His brother, Andrew, and Bartholemew,
  • Philip, Thomas, the taxman Matthew, too,
  • And James, who was the son of Alphaeus,
  • And Judas, also known as Thaddaeus,
  • And Simon the Zealot, who hated the empire,
  • And Judas Iscariot, who swapped life for fire.
  • So Jesus sent the twelve out two by two,
  • Giving specific orders what to do,
  • Avoid Gentiles. Samaritans as well.
  • Recover the lost sheep of Israel.
  • Go out and preach, The kingdom of heavens at
  • You even shall raise people from the dead.
  • As I did not charge you for all Ive said,
  • In like ways shall you give it out for free.
  • When traveling, dont pack like royalty.
  • Dont carry bags for silver or for gold,
  • Nor shall you spare tunics or sandals hold,
  • Nor staff for laborers, in truth, deserve their
  • When in a town, seek one with a just attitude
  • And stay with him until you leave that place.
  • On entering, wish for that house Gods grace.
  • Bestow your peace on them, if they deserve it,
  • And if they are unworthy, youll conserve it.
  • Whereer you go, where they will not receive you,
  • Shake their dust from your feet so when you
    leave, you
  • Show God how they lack hospitality.
  • Then theyll, for their great immorality,
  • Far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah burn,
  • Who made peace from my peacemakers return.
  • I send you out as sheep with wolves surrounding

Peters Role
  • You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God
  • Coming to Caesarea Philippi,
  • He asked, According to men, who am I?
  • Disciples answered, Some say John has risen
  • After Herod beheaded him in prison,
  • While others say a prophet from of old.
  • Do you think something else, or what youre
  • Said Peter, Youre the Christ, the Lords true
  • Simon Bar-Jona, youre a blessed one,
  • For not by flesh and blood was this revealed,
  • But God, by whom the truth is not concealed.
  • I tell you you are Cephas on this rock
  • Ill build My Church and give it such a lock
  • The powers of hell could never overtake it.
  • Ill give the keys to heaven. If you make it
  • Bound on earth, then in heaven, too, it will be
  • It will be loosed above what you loose on the
  • He charged that His disciples not go spread
  • News He was the Messiah, as He said.

Commissioning the Seventy-Two
  •  Then Jesus appointed seventy-two
  • To preach in places He would then go through.
  • He told them, sending them out two-by-two,
  • The harvest is great, but laborers few.
  • Pray to the Lord more harvesters be sent.
  • And then He further warned before they went,
  • I send you out as sheep with wolves surrounding,
  • So travel not with worldly goods abounding.
  • Dont carry bags for silver or for gold,
  • Nor shall you spare tunics or sandals hold,
  • Nor staff for laborers deserve their food.
  • Dont greet men on the road, but dont be rude.
  • When someone welcomes you, stay in his place.
  • On entering, wish for that home Gods grace.
  • Bestow your peace on them, if they deserve it,
  • And if they are unworthy, youll conserve it.
  • When you are served, eat whats set at the table.
  • Make the sick healed and those who cant walk
  • Proclaim the kingdom if theyll not receive you,
  • Shake their dust from your feet so when you
    leave, you
  • Show God how they lack hospitality.
  • Then theyll, for their great immorality,
  • Far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah burn,
  • Who made peace from my peacemakers return.
  • Tell that town, Gods kingdom has met you here.
  • What you cast out shall fill your heart with

The Last Supper
  •  Then Jesus said, Ive ardently desired,
  • Before My cruel betrayal has transpired,
  • To share this meal with you, for Ill not eat
  • Until it is fulfilled, not in the world of men.
  • As they were eating, Jesus took some bread.
  • He blessed it, broke it, gave it out and said,
  • Take, eat. This is My Body, given up for you.
  • In memory of Me, the same thing you shall do.
  • He took the cup and, after thanks was given,
  • Declared, In order that sins be forgiven,
  • Drink this, for this cup is My Blood, which shall
    be poured,
  • And shall be the new covenant, sent from the
  • I shall not drink of the fruit of the vine
  • Till in My Fathers kingdom we all dine.
  • I give a new command to love each other,
  • Not just as if all were sister or brother,
  • But I will only count your love as ample
  • If you give love as Ive given example.
  • For others shall know that you follow Me
  • When you love all of mankind boundlessly.

Washing the Disciples Feet
  • Well, then, Lord, wash my hands and feet as
  • One who has bathed is clean and does not smell,
  • Save for the feet, since they walk on the ground.
  • Yet one of you will not so clean be found.
  • When finished washing all their feet by hand,
  • He asked, Do you My action understand?
  • You call Me Lord and Master, rightly so,
  • But what is this if My ways you dont know?
  • Just as you all have seen Me wash your feet,
  • This action you must, one and all, repeat.
  • For, just as any master is above his slave,
  • No messenger outranks him who the message gave.
  • So blest are you if you believe in such a way,
  • But I do not mean all. For does not Scripture
  • Who shares my table treats me with malignity.?
  • I foretell this so you will know that I am He.
  • In truth, whoever welcomes one that I will send
  • Welcomes Myself and Him who sent Me, in the end.
  •  At night, Christ thought how He would miss His
    every friend,
  • And knew that He had loved them all, right
    through the end.
  • Now Judas had by Satan been inspired
  • To sell Christ for the silver he desired.
  • Christ knew that, as from Heaven He was sent,
  • When from His close disciples He was rent,
  • Then with His Father Hed be reunited.
  • The twelve were each in front of Him invited.
  • He washed their feet and thus a servants role
  • And wiped them with the towel wrapped around His
  • After His outer garment was removed.
  • When it was his turn, Peter disapproved.
  • My Lord, do You really intend to wash my feet?
  • Your understanding will at one time be
  • I will not have You kneel like youre enslaved!
  • If I dont wash you, you will not be saved.

  • Christ Before the Eleven on a Mountain in Galilee
  • Jesus at the Sea of Tiberias
  • Then the eleven went to Galilee,
  • Where they were told that Jesus they would see.
  • There on the mountainside Jesus appeared
  • And they prostrated and their Lord revered.
  • On earth and heaven all authority
  • The Father has seen fit to give to Me.
  • Preach to all nations that all people hear it.
  • In My name, and the Father and the Spirit,
  • Shall you baptize people from every land
  • And teach them to heed all things I command.
  • Baptized believers will receive salvation,
  • While people who reject face condemnation.
  • Those who believe will do many a sign,
  • For poison shall to them be like fresh wine.
  • Unharmed theyll pick up serpents and cast demons
  • And in strange tongues they do not know My words
    theyll shout.
  • Theyll lay hands on the sick and they shall
  • And I shall be with you forevermore.
  • Then Jesus handed them some fish and bread
  • And, after all of them were amply fed,
  • Asked, Peter, do you love Me more than others?
  • You know I do. Then feed My lambs like
  • Again He asked, Peter, in truth, do you love
    Me?I love You, Lord. Then tend My sheep most
  • A third time Christ asked, Simon, do you love
    Me?So Peter said, Your thoughts are leagues
    above me,
  • You know I love You, and this almost made him
  • So Christ looked deeply into his eyes, Feed My

Church Leadership After Jesus Assumption
  • Throughout Jesus ministry, there are the Twelve
    Apostles, Jesus inner circle (Peter, James and
    John), and Peter seems to always have a special
    leadership role.
  • In the Early Church, this leadership of Twelve,
    led by Peter, continues.
  • Everything in the Early Church is shared.
  • People complain that Jewish widows are receiving
    more than Greek widows.
  • The Apostles, who also have the job of praying,
    teaching, etc., create a new position to
    distribute food deacons.

Deacons Today
  • There are two types of deacons, permanent and
  • Permanent deacons have no intention of being
    ordained to any other office transitional
    deacons are on their way to the priesthood.
  • Deacons assist at, but cannot say, Mass.
  • They can give homilies.
  • They can baptize and officiate at weddings.
  • They cannot consecrate Eucharist, Confirm, hear
    Penance, Anoint the sick, or Ordain.
  • Permanent deacons can be married.

  • Priests lead a community in prayer, worship,
    ministry, etc. Primarily, they say Mass.
  • They can perform every sacrament except Holy
    Orders and Matrimony (where they officiate).
  • They Baptize, (sometimes) Confirm, Consecrate
    Eucharist, hear Penance, and Anoint the sick.
  • A priest who is in charge of a parish is a PASTOR.

  • Bishops are seen as inheriting the role of the
  • A bishop leads the diocese, ordaining priests and
    assigning them to parishes.
  • In most cases, it is the bishop who performs

The Pope
  • The pope is seen as inheriting Peters role, as
    leader of the Apostles, the first among the
  • The pope is the bishop of Rome.
  • The pope appoints bishops throughout the world.
  • He leads the Church, including at Councils.

So what about ARCHbishops?
  • Archbishops are merely bishops of an archdiocese,
    which is an important area, such as NY, Chicago,
    LA, etc.

How is a Cardinal different?
  • A cardinal is, in name, the pastor of a parish in
  • (Another priest does the day-to-day running of
    the parish.)
  • A cardinal is USUALLY a bishop, but does not have
    to be. (Avery Cardinal Dulles was a theologian at
    Fordham who was a cardinal, but not a bishop.)
  • In Rome, the pastors (cardinals) elect their
    bishop (the pope).
  • Cardinals can no longer vote when they are past
    the age of 80, although a pope can serve until
    their death.
  • A meeting of cardinals to elect a pope is called
    a CONCLAVE, where a 2/3 majority is required for
    a person to be elected pope.
  • The cardinals almost always elect one of their
    own, but do not need to.

  • The pope and bishops together make up the
    Magisterium, the teaching authority of the
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