Chapter 28 - Arthropods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 28 - Arthropods


Chapter 28 - Arthropods – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 28 - Arthropods

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Biology - Chapter 28Arthropods
Introduction to Arthropods
  • Phylum Arthropoda - vary enormously in size,
    shape, and habits

  • Crustacea- over 35,000 species, mainly aquatic
  • tiny as a water flea (0.25 mm) to Japanese spider
    crabs (6 meter)
  • characterized by a hard exoskeleton 2 pairs of
    antennae mouthparts called mandibles

Introduction to Arthropods
  • Although there are many different types of
    arthropods, they all have four important
    arthropod features
  • Tough exoskeleton shed to allow for growth
  • Protection
  • Prevent water loss
  • Made up of chitin (protein)
  • 2. Series of jointed appendages in pairs
  • 3. Segmented body head, thorax, abdomen

Introduction to Arthropods
  • Well developed nervous system
  • -- sense organs eyes, touch, hearing
  • brain, located in dorsal part of head
  • open circulatory system, powered by a single
  • Flows into open cavities called sinuses

Introduction to Arthropods
  • Development through Metamorphosis
  • 1. Incomplete metamorphosis eggs hatch to nymph
    (kid) to adult
  • examples grasshoppers and crickets

Spiders and their Relatives
  • also lack sensory feelers found on the heads of
    most other arthropods
  • the two-part body is
  • 1. Cephalothorax
  • 2. Abdomen

Introduction to Arthropods
  • 2. Complete metamorphosis involves four stages
  • a) the egg
  • b) larvae (a wormlike stage that does not look
    like the adults)
  • c) pupa (an inactive stage that totally
    rearranges the body)
  • d) the adult
  • Moths, butterflies, flies, lady bugs

Introduction to Arthropods
  • Phylum Arthropods is subdivided into three
  • 1. Subphylum Chelicerata
  • Includes spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions, and
    horseshoe crabs

Spiders and their Relatives
  • Cephalothorax- contains the brain, eyes, mouth
    and mouthparts, and esophagus
  • Abdomen- contains most of the internal organs

Spiders and their Relatives
  • All chelicerates have two pairs of appendages
    attached near the mouth that are adapted as
  • first pair are chelicerae
  • second pair is longer, and called pedipalps
  • both serve different feeding job

Spiders and their Relatives
  • Among the oldest chelicerates are the horseshoe

Spiders and their Relatives
  • Scorpions- carnivores that prey on other
    invertebrates, usually insects
  • pedipalps are enormously enlarged into a pair of
  • abdomen is long and segmented ends in a venomous
    barb to sting prey

Introduction to Arthropods3 Subphylums
  • 1. Subphylum Crustacea
  • includes crabs, shrimp, crayfish

  • Main body parts are the head, thorax, and abdomen
  • in many, the head and thorax have fused
    cephalothorax, many (crabs, lobsters)

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Introduction to Arthropods
  • 3. Subphylum Uniramia includes most arthropods
    centipedes, millipedes, and all insects (bees,
    moths, flies, grasshoppers, beetles)

Insects Anatomy
  • Head
  • Antennae (sensory appendages)
  • Mouthparts
  • Compound eye
  • Thorax
  • 3 pairs of legs
  • Wings?
  • Abdomen

Insects and their Relatives
  • Subphylum Uniramia- more species than all other
    groups of animals alive today!
  • 1. Class Insecta flies, bees, butterflies,
    dragonflies, grasshoppers, lice, mosquitos
  • 2. Class Chilopoda centipedes
  • 3. Class Diploda -- millipedes

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Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Have 4 pairs of walking legs
  • long spike-like tails
  • can grow up to 60 cm long, about the size and
    shape of a frying pan
  • newly hatched are called trilobite larvae because
    they look so much like them

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Class Arachnida- includes spiders, ticks,
    scorpions, and mites
  • have 4 pairs of walking legs
  • pedipalps capture and hold prey chelicerae
    adapted for biting and sucking out soft parts

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Spiders- predators that usually feed on insects
  • capture prey in a variety of ways
  • ensnare in a web
  • stalk, and then pounce
  • ambush under camouflage, then leap out and grab

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Once captured
  • 1. Hollow fanglike chelicerae inject paralyzing
  • 2. Mouth introduces enzymes
  • 3. Enzymes break down tissue
  • 4. Spider sucks up the liquefied tissues with
    esophagus and specialized pumping stomach

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Whether or not they spin webs, all spiders
    produce a strong, flexible protein called silk
  • produced in special glands in the abdomen
  • is 5 times stronger than steel
  • makes webs, cocoons for eggs, or wrappings for

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Forces the liquid silk through organs called
  • it then hardens into a single strand
  • do not have to learn how to spin the intricate
    webs it is programmed into their brain as soon
    as they hatch

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Mites and Ticks- small arachnids, many of which
    are parasites
  • the chelicerae are needlelike structures that are
    used to pierce the skin of their hosts
  • the chelicerae also have large teeth to help the
    parasite hold on to the host

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Some, such as spider mites,are major agricultural
  • others, such as chiggers, mange and scabies
    mites,cause painful itching rashes in humans
  • tick bites are not just annoying they may also
    spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme

Section 28-2Spiders and their Relatives
  • Scorpion grabs the prey with its pedipalps then
    whips the abdomen over its head to sting the
    prey- thus killing or paralyzing it
  • they like to crawl in moist, dark places- good
    idea to check your shoes when putting them on!

Section 28-3Crustaceans
  • Discuss the distinguishing characteristics of

Section 28-3Crustaceans
  • Describe the anatomy of a typical crustacean.

Section 28-3Crustaceans
  • In crustaceans, the first two pairs of appendages
    are feelers called antennae, which bear many
    sensory hairs
  • third pair of appendages are mouthparts called
  • might bite and grind filter feeding

Section 28-3Crustaceans
  • Appendages can vary greatly
  • barnacles have delicate, feathery appendages for
    filter feeding
  • others have legs for walking or swimming
  • some modified for fertilization, carrying eggs,
    spearing prey

Section 28-3Crustaceans
  • Appendages are adapted for
  • the large claws catch prey pick up, crush, and
    cut food- these are on the thorax
  • 4 pairs of walking legs, also on the thorax
  • Flipper-like swimmerets for swimming on the

Section 28-3Crustaceans
  • The paddle-like appendages and the final
    abdominal segment form a large, flat tail
  • very powerful a crayfish can snap forward, thus
    rapidly pulling the animal backwards
  • roly-poly in Figure 28-22, page 620- pill bug
    (a crustacean)

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Describe and give examples of three classes in
    the subphylum Uniramia.

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Discuss the anatomy of a typical insect.

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Explain how insects communicate.

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • They lack closable spiracles and a waterproof
    coating on their exoskeleton
  • thus they lose water easily
  • therefore, they tend to live beneath rocks, in
    soil, or in other relatively moist areas

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Class Chilopoda- centipedes
  • these are carnivores that have in addition to
    their mouthparts, a pair of poison claws in their
    head region
  • used to catch and stun or kill prey- other
    arthropods, earthworms, toads, small snakes, and
    even mice

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Most centipedes in North America are 3-6 cm long
    but some tropical species are brightly colored,
    and up to 26 cm
  • Despite the name (which means 100 legs), they can
    have a variable number, depending upon how long
    they are

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • There is only one pair of legs per body segment
  • except the mouth, which has the poison claws, and
    the last three segments (which are legless)

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Class Diplopoda- these are the millipedes, and
    they do not have a thousand legs like the name
  • they have 2 pairs of legs per body segment
  • these are timid creatures, and are detritus

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Class Insecta- the insects have more than 900,000
    species new ones are being discovered in the
    tropics all the time
  • 3 out of every 4 animals!
  • three part body head, thorax, and abdomen.
    There are 3 pairs of legs on the thorax

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • A typical insect has one pair of antennae, one
    pair of compound eyes on the head, two pairs of
    wings on the thorax, and uses a system of
    tracheal tubes for respiration
  • Figure 28-26, page 623

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Insects get their name from the Latin word
    insectum, meaning notched- refers to the division
    of their body into the three parts
  • many insects, such as ants, have clear cut
    divisions- others such as grasshopper may not
    have body parts sharply defined

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Feeding- insects have 3 pairs of appendages that
    are used as mouthparts, including a pair of
    mandibles (jaws)
  • many shapes and varieties
  • grasshopper cut / chew plants
  • mosquito tube pierces skin to suck blood
    (females only)

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • butterfly long tube for sipping nectar
  • bee chewing and gathering nectar
  • fly spongy mouthpart used to soak up food

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • The saliva of female mosquitoes, which is
    injected when the mosquito bites, contains
    chemicals that prevent blood from clotting- also
    has chemicals that cause the itching
  • bee body covered with many hairs that collect

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Chemicals in bee saliva help change nectar into a
    more digestible form- honey
  • glands on the bee abdomen secrete wax, which is
    used to build storage chambers for food and
    others structures within a beehive

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Movement- insects have 3 pairs of walking legs
  • often equipped with spines or hooks for holding
    on, or used for defense
  • may be used for jumping (fleas), or holding prey
    (praying mantis)

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Movement- along with birds and bats, insects are
    the only living organisms capable of unassisted
  • flight ability varies greatly from slow
    butterflies to fast flies, bees, and dragonflies
  • requires enormous energy, thus have oversized

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Insect societies- many animals form colonies,
    collections of individuals of the same species
  • several types of insects for a special colony
    called a society
  • separate individuals are dependent upon one
    another for survival

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Insect societies- examples are termites, wasps,
    bees, and ants
  • all called social insects
  • they have a division of labor
  • 1) reproductive females
  • 2) reproductive males
  • 3) workers

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Reproductive females queen, typically there is
    only one, and usually the largest individual in
    the colony- page 625
  • termite queen may be 14 cm long, 10 times normal
  • can produce more than 30,000 eggs a day!

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • The reproductive males function only to fertilize
    the queens eggs
  • queen bee mates only once
  • the successful males die after mating, and the
    unsuccessful males are ejected from the colony
    and soon perish (since they are no longer needed!)

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • The workers perform all colony tasks except
  • care for queen and eggs gather and store food
    build and maintain the colonys home
  • in bees, the workers are sterile females in
    termites, the workers consist of males and females

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Insect communication- may use sounds, visual,
    chemical, or other methods
  • may be necessary to find mate
  • male crickets chirp by rubbing their forewings
  • male cicadas buzz special membranes on their

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Male fireflies turn a light producing organ in
    their abdomen on and off
  • many insects can release chemicals that attract
    the opposite sex- called pheromones
  • communication in non-social insects not near as

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Queen bee produces a pheromone, called queen
    substance, that prevents the development of rival
  • this substance makes the worker bees unable to
    lay eggs
  • need a new queen? Feed the larvae a special diet

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • Honeybees communicate with sound and movement, as
    well as with pheromones
  • worker bees are able to convey information about
    the type, quality, direction, and distance of
    food by dancing
  • Austrian biologist Karl von Frisch

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • 1. Round dance- bee that has found food will
    circle first one way, then the other, over and
    over again (Fig. 28-32, p.627)
  • tells others that food is within 50 meters, but
    not direction
  • frequency of dance conveys quality of the food

Section 28-4Insects and their Relatives
  • 2. Waggle dance- the bee that has found food runs
    forward in a straight line while wiggling her
    abdomen, then circles around much like a figure
  • food is more then 50 m away
  • the direction of the dance tells the direction of
    the food source

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Describe how arthropods interact with other
    organisms in nature.

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Discuss how arthropods affect humans.

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Such a large diverse group will play many roles
    in the natural world
  • can be a direct source of food for many organisms
  • either eating others or being eaten by them

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Involved in symbiotic relationships Fig. 28-34,
  • pores of our skin are home to thousands of
    harmless microscopic mites no matter how much we
    clean our home, even our beds, there are millions
    of these dust mites

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Agriculture would be impossible if not for bees,
    butterflies, wasps, moths, and flies that
  • honey from bees silk from silkworm moths
  • shrimp, crab, crayfish, lobster used as a food
    source for humans

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Grasshoppers and termites can also be eaten they
    can also do considerable damage to crops and wood
  • many insects and spiders are predators on other
    harmful species

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Chemicals from arthropods
  • extract of horseshoe crab blood is used to test
    purity of medications
  • chitin from exoskeletons used to dress wounds and
    make thread for surgical stitches

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • The chitin may also be sprayed on fruit and
    frozen food to prevent spoilage
  • the adhesive that barnacles use to attach
    themselves to rocks under water could be used in
    dentistry or underwater construction

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Spider venom is being tested as a pesticide
  • spider silk that could be used in making
    aircraft, helmets, bulletproof vests, and
    surgical thread

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • However good they are, they can also do
    considerable damage
  • parasites damage livestock and crops
  • mosquitoes annoying bites and the spread of
    malaria and yellow fever

Section 28-5 How Arthropods Fit Into the World
  • Biting flies carry diseases such as sleeping
    sickness and river blindness
  • fleas carrying bubonic plague
  • termites damaging wood
  • locusts (grasshoppers) destroying crops
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