Chapter%2018:%20The%20Tree%20Of%20Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 18: The Tree Of Life – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter%2018:%20The%20Tree%20Of%20Life

Chapter 18 The Tree Of Life
The Linnaean System of Classification
  • Words to Know Taxonomy, Taxon, Binomial
    Nomenclature, Genus, species

  • Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus introduced a
    scientific naming system in the 1750s.
  • Before that time, naturalists could not talk
    about what they had discovered because there was
    no universal naming system.

  • Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying
  • This gave scientists a standard way to refer to
    species and organize the diversity of living
  • Linnaeuss system classifies organisms based on
    their physical hierarchy.
  • A group of organisms in a classification system
    is called a taxon (taxa)
  • The basic taxon in the Linnaean system is the

  • From broadest to most specific Linnaeans
    Taxonomy is
  • Kingdom King Broadest
  • Phylum Phillip
  • Class Came
  • Order Over
  • Family From
  • Genus Germany
  • Species Sunday Most Specific

Scientific Names
  • Binomial Nomenclature is a system that gives each
    species a two-part scientific name using Latin
  • The first part of the name is the Genus and the
    second name is the Species.
  • The Genus is always CAPITALIZED and the species
    is lowercase.
  • Binomial Nomenclature is ALWAYS written in
    Italics or Underlined.
  • Ex Quercus alba (white oak tree) and Puma
    concolor (mountain lion)

The Linnaean Classification System has Limitations
  • Linnaeus created his classification system BEFORE
    technology allowed us to study organisms on the
    molecular level.
  • Linnaeus system does not account for
    similarities that evolved this way.
  • Scientists now use genetic research to help
    classify living things.
  • Ex The Giant Panda and Raccoon have been placed
    in the same family in the Linnaean system BUT the
    Panda is more closely related to bears
    genetically than raccoons.
  • The Red Panda is actually more closely related to
    the raccoon.

Classification Based on Evolutionary Relationships
  • Words to Know Phylogeny, Cladistics, Cladogram,
    Derived Characteristics, taxon

  • To classify species according to how they are
    related, scientists must look at more than just
    physical traits.
  • Modern classification is based on evolutionary
  • The evolutionary history of a group of species is
    called a Phylogeny.
  • Phylogenics can be shown as branching tree

  • The most common method used to make evolutionary
    trees is called cladistics.
  • Cladistics is classification based on common
  • A Cladogram is an evolutionary tree that proposes
    how species may be related to each other through
    common ancestors.
  • The traits that can be used to figure out
    evolutionary relationships among a group of
    species are those that are shared by some species
    but are not present in others.
  • These traits are called Derived Characteristics.

Interpreting a Cladogram
  • In a cladogram, groups of species are placed in
    order by the derived characters that have added
    up in their lineage over time
  • Each place where a branch splits is called a
  • Nodes represent the most recent common ancestor
    shared by a clade.
  • You can identify clades by using the snip rule.
  • Whenever you snip a branch under a node, a
    clade falls off.
  • Ex Tetrapod Cladogram
  • All organisms in this clade have the derived
    character of 4 limbs.
  • Embryo protected by amniotic fluid show where
    mammals branch off.
  • Skull openings lead to turtles
  • By the time you get to birds, they have every
    characteristic that comes before them.

Species Relatedness
  • Today, new technology allows biologists to
    compare groups of species at the molecular level.
  • In many cases, molecular data agree with
    classification based on physical similarities.
  • Ex Based on physical traits, most biologists
    considered segmented worms and arthropods to be
    more closely related than other species.
  • Through molecular comparisons they discovered
    that round worms, NOT segmented worms should be
    more closely related to arthropods.

Molecular Clocks
  • Words to Know Molecular Clock, Mitochondrial
    DNA, Ribosomal RNA.

Molecular Clocks
  • In the early 1960s, biochemists Linus Pauling
    and Emile Zuckerkandl proposed a new way to
    measure evolutionary time.
  • They compare amino acid sequences of hemoglobin
    to determine ancestry.

Molecular Evolution
  • Molecular Clocks are models that use mutation
    rates to measure evolutionary time.
  • Pauling and Zuckerkandl found that mutations tend
    to add up at a constant rate for a group of
    related species.
  • The more time that has passed since two species
    have diverged from a common ancestor, the more
    mutations will have built up in each lineage, and
    the more different the two species will be at the
    molecular level.

Linking Molecular Data with Real Time
  • To estimate mutation rates, scientists must find
    links between molecular data and real time.
  • If scientists know when the species began to
    diverge from a common ancestor, they can find the
    mutation rate fro the molecule they are studying.
  • Links can also come from fossil evidence.

Mitochondrial DNA and Ribosomal RNA.
  • Mitochondrial DNA is DNA found only in
    mitochondria, the energy factories of cells.
  • The mutation rate of mtDNA is about ten times
    faster than that of nuclear DNA, which makes
    mtDNA a good molecular clock for closely related
  • It is ALWAYS inherited from the MOTHER of
    mitochondria in a sperm cell and are lost after
  • This helps trace cells back many generations.
  • Ribosomal RNA is useful for studying distantly
    related species, such as species that are in
    different kingdoms or phyla.
  • Mutations in Ribosomal RNA are at a much slower

Domains and Kingdoms
  • Words to Know Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya,
    prokaryote, eukaryote

Classification is Always a Work in Progress
  • 1753 classification has 2 kingdoms plantae
    and animalia
  • 1866 classification has 3 kingdoms protista,
    plantae, animalia.
  • 1938 classification has 4 kingdoms monera,
    protista, plantae, animalia.
  • 1959 classification has 5 kingdoms monera,
    protista, fungi, plantae, animalia
  • 1977 classification has 6 kingdoms archae,
    bacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia
  • Now Domains broader than kingdoms archae,
    bacteria, eukarya

The Three Domains
  • The Three Domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and
  • Bacteria
  • The domain Bacteria includes single-celled
    prokaryotes in the kingdom Eubacteria.
  • Eubacteria can be classified by many traits, such
    as their shape, need for oxygen, and whether they
    cause disease.

  • The domain Archaea are single-celled prokaryotes.
  • However, the cell walls of archaea and bacteria
    are chemically different.
  • Archaeabacteria can live in Extreme environments
    such as deep sea vents, hot geysers, Antarctic
    water, and salt lakes.
  • All archaea are classified in the kingdom

  • The domain Eukarya is made up of all organisms
    with eukaryotic cells.
  • Eukaryotic cells have a distinct nucleus and
    membrane-bound organelles.
  • They can be single-celled, colonial, or
  • The domain Eukarya includes the kingdoms
    Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia

Classifying Bacteria and Archae
  • Some scientists think that Bacteria and Archaea
    have NO true species.
  • This is because many of these organisms transfer
    genes among themselves outside of typical
  • Our understanding of classifying bacteria is
    truly just beginning.
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