American History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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American History


American History Chapter 12 Reconstruction – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: American History

American HistoryChapter 12
  • Reconstruction

Problems after the War
  • HumanWhat do you do with all the new slaves?
    All the people that died?
  • PoliticalWhat do you do with all the Southern
    states? What about Lincolns death?
  • ConstitutionalDoes the President or Congress
    have the right to chose which plan will work to
    fix the South

  • 1867-1877 Time period in which the United
    States tried to rebuild after the Civil War.
  • Also is the name for the process that the North
    allowed the South to come back to the United
  • Critical Period in United States History

Lincolns Plan
  • Didnt blame individuals in the Southblame the
    Southern leaders for leaving
  • Wanted to restore the Union as QUICK as possible
  • Amnesty--To pardon (forgive) people for crimes
    against the government
  • Lincolns Plan never took place

Lincolns Plan cont..
  • Pardon (forgive) all confederates who swear
    allegiance to the Union
  • This did not include high ranking people in the
    Confederacy (generals, politicians, POW)
  • States could form their own government if 10 of
    voting population swore allegiance to the Union
  • This made many people in the North mad because
    they felt it let the South off the hook

Radical Republicans
  • Radicals Republicanspeople from the North who
    wanted to make Reconstruction difficult for the
  • Thaddeus StevensRadical Republican leader in
    Congress, wanted to punish the South for what
    they had done

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Wade-Davis Bill
  • Bill designed to counter Lincolns Plan
  • Congress would be responsible for Reconstruction
  • Majority (over 50) in a state would have to
    swear allegiance to the Union for the state to be
  • Lincoln killed this bill with a pocket veto
  • Pocket VetoWhen the president ignores a bill
    passed by Congress (within the last 10 days) the
    bill will fail

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Johnsons Plan
  • Andrew Johnson became President after Lincoln was
    killed (Johnson was a Democrat)
  • Johnsons Plan for Reconstruction
  • Any state could be readmitted if they declared
    secession illegal
  • Swear Allegiance to the Union
  • Promise to pay back their debts
  • Pass the 13th Amendment (no slavery)

Johnsons Plan cont..
  • Very easy terms for the Southwithin a month
    every state (but Texas) had passed all the
    requirements and was sending representatives to
  • ProblemJohnson pardoned (forgave) all the people
    responsible for causing the war
  • Result58 Congressman, 6 Confederate Cabinet
    Members and 4 Confederate Generals were in the
    new US Congress.

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Congressional Elections
  • In 1866 the Radical Republicans won most of the
    Congressional Seats.
  • After the election, over 2/3 of Congress was made
    up of the Republican Party who was opposed to
  • Now Congress could pass a law and then override
    the Presidential Vetothis started Congressional

Congressional Reconstruction
  • Freedmans Bureau
  • Assisted former slaves and free whites in the
    South (food, schools, hospitals)
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866
  • Gave blacks citizenship and forbade states from
    passing black codes (laws that limited freedom of
  • 14th Amendment
  • Gave Civil Rights to all people born or
    naturalized in the USA (Citizenship). Life,
    Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
  • 15th Amendment
  • No one can be kept from voting b/c of race or
  • Helped ensure that Republicans would stay in

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Congressional Reconstruction
  • Reconstruction Act of 1867
  • Abolish all governments created under
    Lincoln/Johnson Plans
  • Divided the South into 5 military districts
  • Blacks males go the right to vote
  • Must ratify the 14th amendment to be readmitted
    into the Union
  • Vetoed by JohnsonCongress was able to override
    his veto

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Response to 1st Reconstruction Acts
  • Stunned the Southern Whites (how could they be
    equal to the blacks?)
  • 20,000 federal troops went to the South to make
    sure things went as ordered.
  • Now Congress turned their attention to getting
    rid of Johnson

Tenure of Office Act
  • Tenure of Office Act
  • Law passed by Congress to try to bait Johnson
    into doing something illegal. (How to get him out
    of office)
  • President could not remove any cabinet member
    without 2/3 Senate vote.
  • Johnson was willing to test this new act and
    kicked out his Sec. Of War (Stanton)

  • ImpeachmentBring to trial!
  • House of Reps voted to Impeach Johnson on the
    following charges
  • Tenure of Office Actthe problem was that Stanton
    was appointed by Lincoln, not Johnson, so the law
    didnt apply.
  • Radicals accused him of being a disgracethis was
    not a crime that could get the president removed
  • Result
  • The Senate voted 35 to 19 for Johnson to be
    kicked out of office (1 vote shy of the needed

Election of 1868
  • Democrats ran a guy named Seymour
  • Republicans ran Ulysses S Grant
  • Grant won
  • Almost all of the 500,000 blacks voted for Grant
  • Radicals decided to pass the 15th amendment which
    said no one could be kept from voting based on

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Section 2
  • Reconstructing the South

Problems for the South
  • Physical Conditions
  • Much of the South was destroyed
  • Sherman alone had caused more than 100 million
    dollars worth of damage to Georgia
  • Buildings, Bridges, Roads and Farms all need to
    be rebuilt.
  • Economic Conditions
  • No property value, Confederate bonds failed, poor
  • South was forced to pay for most of the
  • Human
  • Over 1/5 of all white men in the South died in
    the Civil War

  • ScalawagsWhite Southerners who joined the
    Republican Party
  • Wanted the South to industrialize quickly
  • Did not want former slave owners back in power
  • Most were considered traitors by the South
  • CarpetbaggersNortherners who moved to the South
    after the war
  • Some were teachers/priest (wanted to help)
  • Some were old soldiers who wanted to live in
  • Most were businessmen who wanted to make money
    off the rebuilding process in the South (some

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New Freedoms for African Americans (1865-1877)
  • Travel---move new places, etc
  • Re-unite with family/marry
  • Education---more African American Teachers and
    Schools (80 illiterate b/f Civil War)
  • ReligionMethodist/Baptist
  • Politics---More involved in Politics
  • Hiram Revels1st black Senator
  • 16 Blacks were elected to Congress
  • De-Segregation Laws

Economic Problems
  • Problem Lots of poor people needed work and
    many of the old slave owners needed people to
    work in their fields
  • Sharecropping/Tenant Farming
  • Old Landowners divided their land
  • Gave each worker land, seed, tools.
  • When the crops were harvested, 2/3 of the profit
    went back to the landowner

  • Good
  • Blacks could keep some of what they produce
  • In theory they could save up enough money and buy
    their own land
  • Bad
  • By the time they harvested crops and paid for the
    suppliesthey were in debt
  • Heavy production hurt the soildidnt produce
    enough goods
  • ResultsPoor white and black farmers were still
    in debt..temporary solution to the problem

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Section 3
People who opposed Reconstruction
  • Whites blamed the blacks for many of their
    problems (economic and social)
  • Ku Klux KlanBegan in Tennessee (1866)
  • Nathaniel Forrest was their leader
  • Initially tried to prevent blacks from voting
  • Eventually turned violent
  • Wanted to make sure that the Republicans lost
    political power

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White Supremacy
  • Gradually Southern Whites took control of the
  • Poor whites had a hard time accepting equality
    because of the competition for jobs
  • This led to a variety of political restrictions

Political Restrictions
  • Blacks faced discrimination, especially in the
    voting process.
  • Literary testBlacks who voted Republican would
    get a hard test, blacks who voted Democrat would
    get an easy one (what is your name?)
  • Poll Taxespay before they vote
  • Grandfather Clausea person could fail the
    literacy and poll taxes and still be allowed to
    vote if his grandfather had been able to vote
    (allowed poor whites the opportunity to vote)

Separate But Equal?
  • Jim Crow Lawslaws that established the idea of
    separate but equal
  • Basically separate blacks and whites in a variety
    of places (Schools, hospitals, etc)
  • Plessy vs Fergusona Supreme Court Decision that
    said separate but equal was legal just as long
    as the facilities were equal.

Response to Problems
  • Force ActsAct from Congress to lessen the
    activity/influence of the Klan
  • Troops would supervise elections
  • Amnesty ActGave the right to vote to 160,000
    former Confederates
  • Eventually people in the North got sick of
    Reconstruction and started to allow old leaders
    to come back into power

Weakening of Republicans
  • North got sick of dealing with problems in the
  • Radicals were losing influence over the
    Republican Party
  • North didnt really want full equality in the
  • Business in the North wanted a stable governments
    in the South

Grants Administration
  • Grant was honest, people around him were not.
  • Scandals
  • Whiskey RingIRS was not taxing whiskey, govt.
    employees were getting kickbacks from this
  • William BelknapSec. Of War that took bribes from
    merchants in the west

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Depression of 1873
  • Economy was booming after the Civil War
  • Manufacturers had to borrow so much money to
    rebuild the South that the banks could not cover
    the loans that they were putting out.
  • Major Banks went bankrupt
  • Result 3 million workers lost their jobs

Election of 1876
  • Rutherford B Hayes (Rep) vs. Samuel Tilden (Dem)
  • Tilden won the popular vote and was leading the
    electoral college vote 184-165.
  • 20 votes were in dispute (Florida)Tilden should
    have gotten those votes and won the presidency.

Election of 1876
  • A special commission was made to investigate the
    votes in Florida (more Republicans than Democrats
    on commission)
  • They decided that Hayes won Florida therefore he
    won the election by 1 vote
  • Democrats were madthey made a deal with the
  • Fed. Troops had to leave the South
  • Give the South money to build railroads
  • Hayes must have a Southern Democrat in his cabniet

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Results of Reconstruction
  • Good
  • Political and Social Conditions Improved
  • Blacks could now vote
  • Didnt have to own property to be in government

Results cont..
  • Bad
  • Segregation started to appear
  • Had a hard time rebuilding everything (no
  • State funded projects got terrible loans from
  • High taxes kept farmers in debt
  • GraftPeople in the government who took bribes
    from construction projects
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