Title: Panorama Baptist School
1Panorama Baptist School
- Walter J. Clarke, Principal
- Mrs. Betty Galvan, Administrative Secretary
- Mrs. Michele LeGrand, Financial Secretary
- Mrs. Mitzi Casas, Support Staff Supervisor
- Mrs. Linda Mercado, Hot Lunch Supervisor
Our vision is for every student to experience
Christian life in all its fullness. Our
educational approach is to prepare our students
for academic excellence with a strong Christian
foundation. Our prayer for the hearts of our
partners is the commitment to make it happen!
Our mission is to Engage, Equip, Encourage and
Inspire our children to impact their world for
Jesus Christ!
5Class Capacity 2005-2006
Grade Student Goal Returning Students Available Openings
K 24 - 24
1 22 20 2
2 22 15 7
3 22 22 -
4 22 21 1
5 26 12 14
6 24 27 -
Total 162 117 48
6Registration 2004-2005
Category 1-4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade
Registration 175.00 175.00 175.00
Book Fee 100.00 100.00 100.00
EQ Fee(1st time fee) 30.00 30.00 30.00
Testing - - -
Activities 60.00 370.00 420.00
Totals 395.00 675.00 720.00
7Reenrollment/Fees 2005-2006
Category 1-4th 5th Grade 6th Grade
Registration 175.00 175.00 175.00
Tech Fee 100.00 100.00 100.00
EQ Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00
Testing (one time fee) - - -
Activities 75.00 400.00 450.00
Totals 360.00 685.00 735.00
81st Time Enrollment/Fees 2005-2006
Category 1-4th 5th Grade 6th Grade
Registration 175.00 175.00 175.00
Tech Fee 100.00 100.00 100.00
EQ Fee (Initial Fee) 30.00 30.00 30.00
Testing (one time fee) 30.00 30.00 30.00
Activities 75.00 400.00 450.00
Totals 410.00 735.00 785.00
9Tuition Comparison
- 2005-2006 Year
- One child 4,000
- Two children 7,000
- Three children 9,600
- Four children 11,840
- 2004-2005 Year
- One child 3,700
- Two children 6,475
- Three children 8880
- Four children 10,915
10Tuition Comparisons with other Christian Schools
2004-2005 YR 1 of 2
- Pinecrest 6,750
- First Presbyterian 5,115
- Hillcrest Christian 4,939
- West Valley Christian Elementary 4,660
11Tuition Comparisons with Other Christian Schools
2004-2005 YR2 of 2
- Granada Hills Baptist 4,440
- Grace Community 4,400
- West Valley Christian Academy 4,100
- Valley Presbyterian 3,940
- Panorama Baptist 3,700
- Reseda Baptist (Heart of the Valley) 3,600
12Panorama Baptist School
- K-6 Grades
- Welcome to the Orientation
13Admission Criteria
- Child must be 5 years old by December 31 of the
year of enrollment - Must have up to date health records
- Must be tested for placement
- Must be interviewed by the Principal
14Application Process
- Application Packet
- Interview with Principal (new students)
- Contract
15Academic Program
- Curriculum Bob Jones University
- Math
- English
- Reading
- Science
16Enrichment Programs
- During the School Day
- Chapel
- Choir
- Computer Classes
- Music
- Physical Education
- After School
- Karate Classes
- Dance Classes
- Music Lessons
- Mad Science
- Tutoring
17The Association of Christian Schools
International (ACSI) Events
- The ACSI is the association of Christian schools
that provides training and competitive events for
private and Christian schools throughout the USA. - Panorama students will participate in the
following events this school year - Spelling Bee
- Math Olympics
- Speech Meet
- Creative Writing
- Panorama participates is seasonal sports such as
- Football boys 2004 Fall Champions
- Softball Girls 2004 Fall Champions
- Basketball - boys
- Volleyball boys and girls
- Soccer boys and girls