3. ??????(Operative Means,????? ?????????)??????????; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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3. ??????(Operative Means,????? ?????????)??????????;


... This is a pyrometer. A ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 3. ??????(Operative Means,????? ?????????)??????????;


  • ???????????????????????????,????
  • 1. ????????????????????
  • 2. ???????????
  • 3. ??????(Operative Means,?????
  • 4. ??????????????????
  • 5. ???????????????????,???

1. ????????????????????2. ???????????
  • ???????,????????????? (scientific prose)

  • ??????????(Coherence)???????(Clarity)???(Fluency)
  • ??????????(Plainness)???(Preciseness),????????????

  • (1) ???(Impersonal)
  • (2) ???? (Formal in Mode of
  • Speech)
  • (3) ???????(Objective and
  • Accurate in Statement)
  • (4) ???? (Standard in Language)
  • (5) ???? (Unadorned in stylistics)
  • (6) ???? (Strict in Logic)
  • (7) ?????? (Concentrated in
  • Technical Terms)

  • ??????????????????? ?????????????????????????????
  • ????????????,???????????????

  • The general layout of the illumination system and
    lenses of the microscope corresponds to the
    layout of the light microscope. The electron
    gun which produces the electrons is equivalent
    to the light source of the optical microscope.
    The electrons are accelerated by a high-voltage
    potential (usually 40,000 to 100 000 volts), and
    pass through a condenser lens system usually
    composed of two magnetic lenses. The system
    concentrates the beam on to the specimen, and the
    objective lens provides the primary
    magnification. The final images in the electron
    microscope must be projected on to a
    phosphor-coated screen so that it can be seen.
    For this reason, the lenses that are equivalent
    of the eyepiece in an optical microscope are
    called projector lenses.
  • (From Thornley G C,
    Further Scientific English Practice)

  • A Talk about Corrosion
  • Dr. Brown Good Morning, Mr. Smith. Can I take
    your coat? Awful weather, isnt it? Sit down.
  • Mr. Smith No, I dont smoke, thanks very much.
  • Dr. Brown Well, Ive been looking into your
    enquiry about the corrosion trouble youve been
    getting in the control valve. Im sorry youve
    had trouble --- quite unexpected --- but I think
    we have the answer. The most probable cause of
    corrosion at a metal-to-metal junction immersed
    in an ionized fluid is electrolytic.
  • (From BBC, Scientifically
    Speaking )

  • ????????????,????????????????,?????????,??????????

  • ?????????????,????????????????????????
  • ????????????,?????????????????????????

  • ??????,???????????(Dominated in communicative
    rhetoric), ?????????,??????????????(Aesthetic
  • ???????????(Unity)????(Coherence)?,??????,??????,?

  • ??????????,????????????????(Brooks Warren 1979)
  • ????(????)??????????,??????????????????,?????????
    ???????????????????????? (???)
  • ????(????)???????????,?????????????????????,?????

  • Sir, we have done everything that could be done
    to avert to the storm which is now coming on. We
    have petitioned we have remonstrated we have
    supplicated we have prostrated ourselves before
    the throne, and have implored its interposition
    to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry
    and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted
    our remonstrances have produced additional
    violence and insult our supplications have been
    disregarded and we have been spurned, with
    contempt, from the foot of throne,There is no
    longer any room for hope.

  • There is no retreat but in submission and
    slavery! Our chains are forged. Their clanking
    may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is
    inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let
    it come!
  • Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to
    be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
    Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course
    other may take, but for me, give me liberty or
    give me death!

  • ????,???????,?????

  • ??????????,???????????????,??????????????????????

  • ?????,??????????????????????????????,????????
  • ????????

  • ?????????????,?????(????)?????,????????????,??

  • ????,????(??????)?????????????,?????????????,???
  • ????????????????,?????????????
  • ??????????????????

  • It is possible to prove that as the number of
    tosses of coin is increased indefinitely, or to
    infinity, so the binomial distribution becomes
    identical with the normal distribution. For each
    kind of random event there is an underlying
    distribution. The normal or Gaussian
    distribution is very important because it arises
    very often in practice and also because it is
    very important in theory. Many distributions like
    binomial tend to become more and more like the
    normal as the number of events or the size of the
    sample increases.

  • Another well-known statistical distribution is
    the Poisson distribution. If we are dealing with
    the frequency of occurrence of events which occur
    at random in time and space, we should expect the
    Poisson distribution to play some part in the
  • (From BBC, Scientifically Speaking)

  • ???????????

?? ??????
???????? pig ?
dog ?
??,??? cat
??,????? cock ??
??,?? horse
??,?? fish
? ???,?? snake
?? monkey
?? ????,????? fox
?? bird
? ??,??
  • ?? ?????? ????????
  • coat ??
  • cap ??
  • shoe ??
  • cup ??
  • bed ?
  • bench ??
  • house ??
  • disk ??
  • desk ??
  • table ??

  • ?? ?????? ????????
  • eye ?
  • ear ?
  • mouth ?
  • nose ?
  • hand ?
  • finger ??
  • foot ?
  • head ?
  • neck ?
  • body ??
  • hair ??
  • tooth ??

  • ??????????????????

  • ?????????????????????,??????????????(EST
    Stereotype),???????????????(Dullness and
  • ??????????????????,???????????,????,???????????,??
    ????????, ????????????????

  • A large proportion of strokes are proceed
    days, weeks or months before the strokes occur by
    warning signs or symptoms. Prompt attention to
    these symptoms can often make all the difference
    between a healthy life and a half-life in a
    twilight zone.
  • The most common warning sign is a
    feeling of weakness or numbness in an arm or leg
    or one side of the body. There may be temporary
    loss of speech or difficulty in speaking or
    understanding speech temporary loss or dimness
    or vision temporary dizziness, unsteadiness or
    fainting spells.

  • These symptoms are caused by transient
    ischemic attacks (TIAs), or little strokes.
    Ischemic means a deficiency of blood in the
    arteries of the brain. In TIAs, the deficiency
    lasts only for a few seconds or minutes and
    causes only momentary disability.
  • As TIAs --- they may be infrequent or
    occur several times a day --- are usually very
    brief and not alarming they are often ignored,
    with tragic consequences. If you promptly report
    them to your doctor, he will take immediate steps
    to discover the cause in order to prevent any
    impending strokes.

  • It is interesting to contemplate a tangled
    bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds,
    with birds singing on the bushes, with various
    insects flitting about, and with worms crawling
    through the damp earth, and to reflect that these
    elaborately constructed forms, so different from
    each other, and dependent upon each other in so
    complex a manner, have all been produced by laws
    acting around us. (???????????????)

  • ?????????,??????????????

  • (1)???????,????????,??????????????????????
    ????????????????The author thinks that/The
    authors have investigated /This paper
  • (2)???????????????

  • (2)??????????????????,???????????????????????????
  • (3)?????,???????????,????,?????????
  • (4)???????????,??????????

  • ?????????????????????????(precision)???(clarity)?
    ??(brevity)????????These three criteria are
    highly desirable in scientific writing but they
    should always be considered in that order.
    (David Lindsay, A Guide to Scientific Writing, p.

  • 1) ????????(???334?)
  • 2) ??????? (335?)
  • 3) ?????
  • 4) ?????

  • ?????????????????????????(?????determination,
    transmission, evaluation) ?????????????
  • Scientific writing differs greatly from the
    other styles in having a highly proportion of
    noun phrases with complexity (Quirk)

????(?????????? Expanded Noun Premodifiers)
  • ????????????????
  • Illumination intensity determination
    determination of the intensity of illumination
  • Power transmission relay system a relay system
    for power transmission ??????
  • Breast cancer survey program evaluation an
    evaluation of the survey program with regard to
    breast cancer. ???????????

  • E.g.????????????????
  • Archimeds first discovered the principle of
    displacement of water by solid bodies.
  • ??of displacement of water by solid bodies
    ??????,???????????,?????displacement ?????

  • ????????John Swales ???,???????????????????

  • E.g.???????????
  • Attention must be paid to the working temperature
    of the machine.
  • ????You must pay attention to the
    working temperature of the machine
  • ??,????,???????????,???????????????????????

  • ?????
  • ????,??????????,????,??,?????????????????????????

  • E.g. ???????????????????? A direct current is
    a current flowing always in the same direction.
  • ???????????????????????
  • Materials to be used for structural purposes
    are chosen so as to behave elastically in
    the environmental conditions.

  • ????????,??????????
  • 1)?????
  • ????????????????
  • The forces due to friction are called
    frictional forces. 2)??????????
  • ????????????
  • In this factory the only fuel available is

  • 3)??????????????????
  • The air outside pressed the side in .
  • 4)?????,????????????????????????The results
    obtained must be checked.
  • 5)???????????,?????????????? During
    construction, problems often arise which require
    design changes.

  • ??????
  • ????????????????????????????,??????????????,??????

  • ????
  • ????????????????,?????????????????????It---that---
  • ?? ??,??????,???????????? It is evident that a
    well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a
    dry one.???????????????????? Computers may be
    classified as analog and digital.

  • ??
  • ??????????,??????,????,????????????????????????,??

  • ??
  • ????????,??????????????????????????????

  • The efforts that have been made to
    explain optical phenomena by means of the
    hypothesis of a medium having the same physical
    character as an elastic solid body led, in the
    first instance, to the understanding of a
    concrete example of a medium which can transmit
    transverse vibrations, and at a later stage to
    the definite conclusion that there is no
    luminiferous medium having the physical character
    assumed in the hypothesis.

  • 1)????????????,??????????????????????????????????

  • ???????
  • ??????
  • This is a pyrometer.
  • ??????
  • A dictionary is a good teacher.

  • it???
  • it???????????,??????,?????????????
  • ????????????
  • It takes much time to carry out a
    test. ????????????????
  • It is this molecular motion that we
    call heat.

  • ??????????????
  • ???????586????
  • Yesterday, he
    bought a 586.

  • ?????????,??????????,??????????
  • ?????????????,??????????
  • We can turn electric energy into light
    energy as well as into heat energy?

  • 1.????
  • ????,??????????????,????????,????????????

  • 1)???????
  • ????????????????
  • The use of solar energy should be paid
    attention to.
  • ????????????
  • Solar will be used on a large scale.

  • 2)??This is?is???,???????????
  • ????????????????This kind of device is much
    needed in the speed-regulating system.

  • 3) ???????????????????,?????????
  • ??????????????
  • Radios of the old type are being replaced by
    new ones.

  • 2.????
  • ????????,???????????????????????????,it was
    not until????????????,?????at all, whatever,

  • ???????,?????????it was not until the teacher
    came that they began the test.
  • ????????????????She would not possible have
    done the experiment alone.

  • 3.???? ???????????????????
  • 1)???????????????????????????????????,????????????
    ????????????? ?

  • ?????????????????
  • The earth does not move in empty space.

  • 2)???????????????all, every, both, always, many,
    often???????????not????????????not, no, never,
    none, neither, nothing, nobody,
    nowhere???????barely, hardly, only, rarely,
    scarcely, seldom, little, few????????

  • ?????????????????????????????????,?????????????
  • ??????????????????????????

  • ????????????,???(Safari)?????(Monte Carlo),

  • The cars which are used in rallies like the
    Safari or the Monte Carlo look the same as
    ordinary cars which have been bought from a
    garage. In fact, they are not the same they are
    cars which have been specially prepared. Firstly,
    only components which have been rigorously tested
    are used. Secondly, the components which are
    chosen are put together much more carefully. In
    other words, the cars which are driven in rallies
    are in effect cars that have been built by hand.

  • The rally-used cars like Safari or the Monte
    Carlo look the same as ordinary garage-bought
    cars. In fact, they are not the same they are
    specially-prepared cars. Firstly, only
    rigorously-tested components are used. Secondly,
    the chosen components are put together carefully.
    In other words, the rally-driven cars are in
    effect hand-built cars.

  • ????????????????????????,????????12??????????

  • The box for the tools, which is made of
    steel, is kept in the room for stores. In
    addition to the standard tools, it should contain
    a ruler for measuring up to 12 inches, some wire
    made of copper, some nails 10 centimeters long, a
    number of plugs with 2 pins, some wire for fuses
    and a can containing oil. If any tools are
    missing, the manager of the workshop should be

  • The steel tool box is kept in the storeroom.
    In addition to the standard tools, it should
    contain a 12-inch ruler, some copper wire, some
    10-centimeter nails, and a number of 2-inch
    plugs, some fuse wires and an oil can. If any
    tools are missing, the workshop manager should be

1. ???????????????,????????????
  • ???????????????????,?????????????????,????,??????,

  • Considering that the new situation presents a
    historic opportunity for railway development as
    well as a serious challenge, the railway sector
    must seize the opportunity to work out a strategy
    to meet the challenge, and realize the great
    development of railway.

  • ????????,??????????????????????????????????,??????

  • We can see color only because object reflects
    light. Something red reflects mostly red light,
    while a green object reflects mostly green light.
    White objects reflect all colors of light, but
    black objects do not reflect any light at all.

  • ?????????????????????????????????????????????????,
    ???????????????????????????, ????????????????

  • The most logical step to relieve the housewife of
    routine is to provide a robot slave which can be
    trained to meet the requirements of a particular
    home and can be programmed to carry out half a
    dozen or more standard operations, when so
    switched by the housewife.

3. ?????????????,????????,?????????????????
  • ??????????????????????????????????????????????

  • During the Eighth and Ninth Five-Year Plan
    periods, great effort should be devoted to
    construction of six major routes, namely, a
    south-north route, a route for shipping coal, a
    northwest route, a northeast route, an East China
    route and the route connecting coastal ports and
    the hinterland, among which the route for
    shipping coal of Shanxi Province and the
    south-north route will be given top priority.

4. ?????????,??????????????????
  • ?????????????????,???????????????????????????
  • The value of industrial diamonds lies in their
    hardness, not in their beauty, and in the
    thousands of jobs they do.

  • ????????????????????????,???1907?,?????,??????????
    ???????1918???, ????,???????

  • Jinan University has had a long and chequered
    history. It was first founded in 1907 at Nanjing
    as Jian School mainly for the children of
    overseas Chinese, closed for a period of time
    after the 1911 Revolution but reopened in 1918,
    and then moved to Shanghai where it became Jinan

5 ????????????????????????,????????????
  • ???????????????????,???????,????????????,???????,?

  • Science deals with things in a practical way.
    Science means honest, solid knowledge, allowing
    not an iota of falsehood, and it involves
    Herculean efforts and grueling toil, but on the
    other hand, science also calls for creativeness
    and imagination only with imagination is it
    possible to break away from the confines of
    conventionalities and to make headway in science.
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