The Punic Wars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Punic Wars


The Punic Wars Who is your greatest enemy? Why? Expansion Rome conquered Samnites and began to expand throughout the pennisula Syracuse in Sicily attacked Mammertines ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Punic Wars

The Punic Wars
  • Who is your greatest enemy? Why?

  • Rome conquered Samnites and began to expand
    throughout the pennisula
  • Syracuse in Sicily attacked Mammertines who had
    captured Messina, Mammertines asked for
    assistance from Rome and Carthage
  • Both came to the aide and started a 20 yr war

  • Carthage was a Phoenician colony
  • Great sailors who controlled the Western
  • Developed as a military power house at the same
    time Rome was rising as a power house
  • In North Africa with well protected ports
  • Rome called Punicci

First Punic War
  • A 20 yr war between Rome and Carthage
  • Rome took Sicily and Sardinia, and developed a
    method of using a hook called a crow to fight on
    ships like on land, defeated young general named
    Hamilcar Baracawas
  • Carthage forced to pay a retribution for losing
    the war
  • Carthage almost went bankrupt trying to repay Rome

Hannibal and the 2nd Punic War
  • Hamilcar had a son Hannibal, son to Baal a
    Phoenician god, made him take an oath pledging to
    always hate Rome
  • Rome invaded Spain and drove the Carthiginians
    out or made them pay heavy taxes, began to rebel
    asked for help, Hannibal had a large army and
  • Rome had built a larger navy and controlled the
    sea even though the Carthigininas were better
    sailors, decided to cross the Alps w/ war
    elephants and force Rome to recall all of their
    troops, Hannibal croosed the Alps w/ 26,000
    infantry, 4,000 calvary and 20 of 60 war
    elephants, aided by the Gauls who were at war
    with Rome he headed south
  • Defeated the Roman army 3 xs until Rome put a
    new general w/ 36,000 men in the way at Lake

Hannibal And the 2nd Punic War, part2
  • Rome paniced as a large army was destroyed then
    Hannibal led his army against new consuls, at
  • Trapped the Romans against a river and killed
    over 70,000 Romans including the consul from the
    senate in charge
  • Rome paniced and began drafting boys of age 16
    and slaves into the army, was breaking apart
    Roman system
  • 15 yrs of fighting, Hannibal asked for help from
    bro in Spain who lost to Scipio, Scipio then
    elected Consul and took Roman army to North
    Africa which forced Carthage to recall Hannibal
  • Battle of Zama, Scipio Africanus defeated
  • Hannibal surrendered to a harsh punishment,
    Carthage isolated in Africa, lost Numidia, paid a
    large indemnity to Rome an dagreed to not war
    outside of Africa and only in Africa w/ permission

3rd Punic war and the destruction of Carthage
  • Carthage recovered economically, led by Hannibal
    , Rome demanded that he surrender as a war
    criminal, fled to Greece and Turkey where the
    Romans were expanding in pursuit
  • Haniibal took poison to avoid capture
  • Numidia pressed Carthage into attacking, bringing
    Rome into the 3rd Punic war, Rome attacked city
    and forced a surrender, inhabitants of city sold
    into slavery, all their land became a Roman
    province and salt was sowed in the ground to make
    sure nothing would grow there again

The Illyrian Wars
  • Romans invaded Greece but set all of the Greek
    city states free
  • Greeks began fighting each other allowing the
    Romans to let them weaken themselves
  • This allowed Rome to attack and plunder Greece
    when they needed money and Greece remained weak
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