Title: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Tests
1All You Ever Wanted to Know About Tests and
- Identify types of tests
- Understand types of scores
- Be able to interpret test reports
3Common VocabularyCommon Understanding
Learning Gains
Scale score
Raw Score
Achievement Level
4Two Major Types of Tests
- Norm-Referenced Test (NRT)
- Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT)
5What is a Norm-Referenced Test (NRT)?
- A standardized assessment in which all students
perform under the same conditions. - It compares the performance of a student or
group of students to a national sample of
students at the same grade and age, called the
norm group.
6What is a Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT)?
- An assessment where a student's performance is
compared to a specific learning objective or
performance standard and not to the performance
of other students. - It tells us how well students are performing on
specific goals or content standards rather than
just telling how their performance compares to a
norm group of students nationally or locally.
7Summary NRT and CRT
8Raw Score (RS)
- The number of items a student answers correctly
on a test. - John took a 20 item mathematics test (where each
item was worth one point) and correctly answered
17 items. - His raw score for this assessment is 17.
9Scale Score (SS)
- Mathematically converted raw scores
- that use a new scale to represent levels of
achievement or ability. - For FCAT-SSS, a computer program is used to
analyze student responses and to compute the
scale score. It reports test results on the
students entire test.
10Scale Score (SS)
- Higher scale scores indicate higher proficiency.
- On a continuous, vertical scale across grade
levels you can track a students progress from
lower to upper grade levels on one scale. Growth
in scale score units indicates growth in
proficiency. - For FCAT-SSS, the Developmental Scale Score is
used to determine a students annual progress
from grade to grade.
11Student Growth?
12(No Transcript)
13National Percentile Rank (NPR)
- Percentage of students in the norm group whose
scores fall at or below a given students score.
- For example, a student scoring an NP of 71,
scored as well or better than approximately 71
percent of the students in the national norm
14Percentile Score and NCE
Percentile 1 10
20 30 40 50 60 70
80 90 99
- Distances between points are not equal on a
- percentile scale.
- At ends of scale the distances are larger.
Normal Curve Equivalent 1 10
20 30 40 50
60 70 80 90
- On a NCE scale the distances are equal.
15Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE)
- Normal Curve Equivalents (NCEs) are
norm-referenced scores ranging from 1 to 99 and
have an average score of 50. - NCEs are an equal interval scale which allows for
arithmetic calculations. - Changes in academic achievement are usually
measured through NCE gains. - A student or group of students make an average
years growth if they receive the same NCE score
for two consecutive years.
16True Score
- A score entirely free of error.
- Hypothetical value that can never be obtained by
testing, since a test score always involves some
measurement error. - A students "true" score may be thought of as the
average of an infinite number of measurements
from the same or exactly equivalent tests,
assuming no practice effect or change in the
student during the testing.
17Standard Error of Measurement (SEM)
- The amount a students score is expected to
fluctuate around his or her true score. - SEM is frequently used to obtain an idea of the
consistency of a students score or to set a band
around a score. - For example, if a student scores 110 on a test
and SEM6, we would say we are 68 confident the
students true score was between (1101 SEM) and
(1101 SEM) or between 104 and 116.
18(No Transcript)
19Learning Gains
The amount of progress a student makes in one
school year.
20Learning Gains Who Qualifies?
- All students with matched, consecutive years
(i.e. 2005 2006) FCAT SSS results, grades 4-10,
who were enrolled in the same school surveys 2
3 (FTE) - including all subgroups (ESE, LEP, etc.).
21Learning Gains Which Scores?
- Gains apply in reading and math, not writing.
- Previous years test score may be from same
school, same district, or anywhere in the state.
22Learning Gains What equals Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP)?
A. Improve FCAT Achievement Levels from 2005 to
2006 (e.g. 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5) OR B. Maintain
satisfactory Achievement Levels from 2005-2006
(e.g. 3-3, 4-4, 5-5) OR C. Demonstrate more
than one years growth within Level 1 or Level 2
- determined by DSS Cut Points (not applicable
for retained students)
23Learning Gains Retainees
A retained student can only be counted as making
adequate progress if he/she A. Moves up one
level. (e.g. 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5)
(Reason A) B. Maintains a level 3, 4, or 5.
(Reason B)
24Developmental Scale Score Gains Table (DSS
Cut Points)
Students achieving within Level 1 (or within Level 2) for two consecutive years must gain at least one point more than those listed in the table in order to satisfy the making annual learning gains component of the school accountability system. Students achieving within Level 1 (or within Level 2) for two consecutive years must gain at least one point more than those listed in the table in order to satisfy the making annual learning gains component of the school accountability system. Students achieving within Level 1 (or within Level 2) for two consecutive years must gain at least one point more than those listed in the table in order to satisfy the making annual learning gains component of the school accountability system.
Grade Level Change Reading Mathematics
3 to 4 230 162
4 to 5 166 119
5 to 6 133 95
6 to 7 110 78
7 to 8 92 64
8 to 9 77 54
9 to 10 77 48
25Learning Gains Activity
- Using the data on the following table, determine
- which students made a learning gain.
- what percentage of the teachers students made a
learning gain.
26Data Display for FCAT Reading Results
Student 04/05 Grade Level 05/06 Grade Level Pre-test Achievement Level Pre-test DSS Post-test Achievement Level Post-test DSS Learning Gain Determination
A 7 8 Level 1 Level 2 Yes or No Reason A, B, or C
B 7 8 Level 4 Level 4 Yes or No Reason A, B, or C
C 7 8 Level 2 1598 Level 2 1743 Yes or No Reason A, B, or C
D 8 8 Level 1 Level 2 Yes or No Reason A, B, or C
E 8 8 Level 3 Level 3 Yes or No Reason A, B, or C
F 8 8 Level 1 1486 Level 1 1653 Yes or No Reason A, B, or C
G 7 8 Level 5 Level 4 Yes or No Reason A, B, or C
27Teacher Learning Gains Based on Data Display
Total Number of Students with a Pre and Post-test who qualify for learning gain calculations Reason A Increased 1 or more Achievement Levels Reason B Maintains satisfactory levels (3, 4, or 5) Reason C DSS Target Gain (More than a years growth)
7 2 2 1
- 5 out of 7 students made learning gains.
- 71 of this teachers students made learning
gains and add points towards the schools grade. - No points are given to the school for Student F
because he was retained and stayed within level 1
even though he made significant gains in DSS
points. - No points are given to Student G because he
decreased a level.
28Class Record Sheet for Learning Gains
29STANFORD 10 Activity
30(No Transcript)
- Bernhardt, Victoria L. Data Analysis for
Comprehensive School Improvement, Eye on
Education, Inc., 1998. - Wahlstrom, D. (1999). Using Data To Improve
Student Achievement, Virginia Beach, VA.
Successline, Inc. - Harcourt Brace Educational Measurement (2001).
Glossary Of Measurement Terms. Internet document.
San Antonio, TX. - Ferrer,Wilma. Power Point development.
- Council for Educational Change, Student
Performancec Snapshot