9. Statistical Inference: Confidence Intervals and T-Tests - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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9. Statistical Inference: Confidence Intervals and T-Tests


9. Statistical Inference: Confidence Intervals and T-Tests Suppose we wish to use a sample to estimate the mean of a population The sample mean will not necessarily ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 9. Statistical Inference: Confidence Intervals and T-Tests

9. Statistical Inference Confidence Intervals
and T-Tests
  • Suppose we wish to use a sample to estimate the
    mean of a population
  • The sample mean will not necessarily be exactly
    the same as the population mean.
  • Imagine that we take a sample of 3 from a
    population of 10,000 cases

Pop 10,000 people with equal numbers of
individuals with values of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
  • S1 1,2,9 mean4
  • S2 5,4,9 mean6
  • S3 3,7,5 mean5
  • S4 1,1,2 mean1.3
  • S5 7,9,5 mean7
  • And so forth µ5.5

Distribution of Sample Mean by Same Size
  • Column one shows the population distribution
  • Column two is the distribution of 3-draw means
    from column one column three is the distribution
    of 30-draw means from column one.

Central Limit Theorem
As Sample Size Gets Large Enough
Sampling Distribution
Almost Normal regardless of shape of population
Central Limit Theorem
  • For almost all populations, the sample mean is
    normally or approximately normally distributed,
    and the mean of this distribution is equal to the
    mean of the population and the standard deviation
    of this distribution can be obtained by dividing
    the population standard deviation by the square
    root of the sample size

  • If the original population is normal, a sample of
    only 1 case is normally distributed
  • The further the original sample is from normal,
    the larger the sample required to approach
  • Even for samples that are far from normal a
    modest number of cases will be approximately

When the Population is Normal
Population Distribution
Central Tendency

Sampling Distributions

n 16??X 2.5
n 4??X 5
When The Population is Not Normal
Population Distribution
Central Tendency
? 10
? 50
Sampling Distributions
n 30??X 1.8
n 4??X 5
The Normal Distribution
  • Along the X axis you see Z scores, i.e.
    standardized deviations from the mean
  • Just think of Z scores as std. dev. denominated
  • A Z score tells us how many std. deviations a
    case lies above or below the mean

The Normal Distribution
  • Note a property of the Normal distribution
  • 68 of cases in a Normal distribution fall within
    1 std. deviation of the mean
  • 95 within 2 std. dev. (actually 1.96)
  • 99.7 within 3 std. dev.
  • So what, you ask?

Welcome to Probability!
  • Probability is the likelihood of the occurrence
    of a single event
  • With just the mean and std. dev. of a (Normal)
    distribution we can make inferences using the Z
    score for any individual drawn randomly from the
  • E.g. Knowing that a salary survey of Americans
    reports a mean annual salary of 40,000 with a
    std. deviation of 10,000. What is the
    probability that a random person earns between
    30K and 50K?
  • Whats the probability they earn over 50K?

  • Fun with standard normal probabilities!
  • Problem
  • you are 78 inches (66) tall bet a friend that
    you are the tallest person on campus. Campus
    heights in inches are N (64, 10). Whats the
    probability that youre wrong?

Confidence Intervals
  • We can use the Central Limit Theorem and the
    properties of the normal distribution to
    construct confidence intervals of the form
  • The average salary is 40,000 plus or minus
    1,000 with 95 confidence
  • Presidential support is 45 plus or minus 4 with
    95 confidence.
  • In other words, we can make our best estimate
    using a sample and indicate a range of likely
    values for what we wish to estimate

Confidence Intervals
  • Notice that our estimates of the population
    parameter are probabilistic.
  • So we report our sample statistic with together
    with a measure of our (un)certainty
  • Most often, this takes the form of a 95 percent
    confidence interval establishing a boundary
    around the sample mean (x bar) which will contain
    the true population mean (µ) 95 out of 100

Distribution of Confidence Intervals
  • S1 40,00010,000 or 30,000 to 50,000
  • S2 36,000 7,000 or 29,000 to
  • S2 42,00011,000 or 31,000 to 53,000
  • S2 41,000 8,000 or 33,000 to
  • Etc
  • 95 of the intervals we could draw will contain
    the true mean µ
  • If we draw one sample, as we almost always do the
    likelihood it will contain the true mean is .95

Now lets look at how we can derive the
confidence interval
Confidence Intervals
  • Example Randomly sampling 100 students for their
    GPA, you get a sample mean of 3.0 and a (pop)
    std. deviation of .4
  • What is the 95 confidence interval?
  • 1. Calculate the standard deviation for
  • Calculate the lower confidence boundary 3.0
    (1.960.04) 2.92
  • Calculate the upper confidence boundary 3.0
    (1.960.04) 3.08
  • You are 95 confident that the interval 3.0 /-
    .08 or 2.92 to 3.08 contains the true student
    population mean GPA.

Standard Errors from Samples
  • Of course, life is usually not so simple.
  • As undeniably cool as the Central Limit Theorem
    is, however, it has a problem
  • We need to know s
  • How often do researchers really know the
    population std (s) deviation needed for
    calculating standard errors?
  • Thank Guinness for the solution

Notation hint population notation is mostly
greek sample latin.
How Guinness Saved the World
  • In the beginning of the 20th Century, a
    statistician at the Guinness Brewery in Dublin
    concerned with quality control came up with a
  • Calculate the standard deviation of the sample
  • and use Students t-distribution, which depends
    on sample size for inference.
  • Thank-you, Guinness!

William Gosset, a.k.a. Student
The t-distribution
  • For samples under 120 or so, the difference
    between the sample distribution s and the normal
    distribution s can be large, the smaller the
    sample the larger the difference
  • Solution The t-distribution is flatter than the
    Z distribution and gets increasingly so as the
    sample shrinks.
  • Thus, the smaller the sample the larger the
    interval necessary for a given level of

Small Sample? Hedge your bet!
  • No longer can we assume that the pop mean (µ)
    will be within 1.96 std. deviations of the sample
    mean in 95 out of 100 samples.
  • The smaller the sample the more std. deviations
    we can expect µ can be from x-bar at a given
    level of confidence.
  • Degrees of freedom capture the sample size, In
    our case n - 1

Confidence Intervals w/out s
  • Example Randomly sampling 16 students for their
    GPA, you get a sample mean of 3.0 and sample std.
    deviation (s) of .4
  • Identify an interval which will contain the true
    population mean 95 of the time.
  • Calculate standard dev. of mean
  • Calculate the interval 3 (2.145.1)3.21 This
    is a confidence interval from 2.79 to 3.21. 95
    of the time this interval will contain the mean.
  • If it were a known st. dev., s, you would use the
    smaller value of z, 1.96 and the interval would
    be smaller between 2.804 and 3.196.

Another exampleLets get back to our example!
Sample of 15 students slept an average of 6.4
hours last night with standard deviation of 1
Need t with n-1 15-1 14 d.f. For 95
confidence, t14 2.145
What happens to CI as sample gets larger?
For large samples Z and t values become almost
identical, so CIs are almost identical.
Sample Proportions
  • What to do with dichotomous nominal variables.
    Often we wish to estimate a confidence interval
    for a proportion. For example 49 4 approve
    of President Bushs performance in office. (95
    confidence interval)
  • For a proportion, the variance is determined by
    the value of the mean, which is the proportion
    expressed as a decimal.
  • p of respondents in a category / sample size
    (p unknown true value)
  • It is the same as a percentage expressed as a
    decimalfor the example above it would be .49
  • St. Dev of p (true unknown proportion) is approx
    by sq root of p(1-p)/n
  • Use t if sample small and z if large

Conservative estimates of Proportions
  • If we wish to be conservative in estimating our
    confidence interval for proportions, we often use
    the maximum variance possible for proportions.
    That is .5.5/n.
  • The square root of that is the standard deviation
    of p.
  • Using .5 maximizes p(1-p)

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Hypothesis tests
  • We can use the same logic to test hypotheses
    Suppose we hypothesize that women are more likely
    to rate Pres. Clinton favorably on the
    thermometer scale than are men. A thermometer
    scale is an interval measure so it is appropriate
    to compare means.

  • Hyp Mean women gt men (Clinton ther score)
  • Null or Alternative hyp Women men
  • Our hypothesis would say that if we take the mean
    for women on the thermometer score and subtract
    that for men, the difference should be positive.
  • It is also the case, that this distribution of
    mean differences is distributed normally with a
    true mean equal to the true but unknown mean
    difference between men and women. The exact
    nature of the variance is known as well.
  • We can use these characteristics to ask if the
    null is true how likely is it we would have
    observed the data in our sample. If the
    probability is low, then we can reject the null
    and accept our hypothesis. In other words the
    data will support our hypothesis.

Preclint mean scores
  • n mean s
  • Men 787 54.15 29.558 1.054
  • Women 1007 56.52 29.772 .938
  • T value deg free
  • -1.675 1694.325
  • (Unequal variance assumed)

  • Now our sample size is large enough to use z
  • Lets look in column 3 t1.675
  • P just under .05
  • Why one-tail?

  • So then if the null were true womenmen, the
    likelihood of drawing the sample of values in the
    2004 NES was lt .05.
  • Thus the null is quite unlikely given our data.
    With 95 confidence we can reject the null and
    accept our hypothesis Women, on average, rated
    Clinton higher than did men.

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Women Rate Clinton Differently than Men
  • Returning to our earlier example of the
    thermometer comparison between men and women.
    Suppose we had hypothesized
  • Hyp Mean women ? men (Clinton ther score)
  • Null or Alternative hyp Women men
  • If women equal men the mean difference between
    them would be 0. For a large sample size and a
    95 confidence interval to reject the null we
    would need to be further than 1.96 standard
    deviations from the mean of 0.

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observed t
  • SPSS will also show a probability value based on
    t. It assumes you want to do a two tail test
    like the one we just discussed
  • Anytime our hypothesis specifies direction,
  • eg, Meanw-Meanmgt0 rather than simply
  • Meanw-Meanm?0 we can and should use a one
    tail test.
  • For our one tail test example (Meanw-Meanmgt0), we
    could reject the null if our sample was gt than
    1.645 standard deviations from the mean. In the
    two tail situation (Meanw-Meanm?0) we cannot
    reject the null unless our sample is gt than 1.96
    standard deviations from the mean.
  • When the one tail test is appropriate, using it
    (which we always should) makes it more likely we
    will reject the null and accept our hypothesis

  • Suppose our hypothesis that there is a difference
    between men and women is true, but that the
    difference was small. If we also had a small
    sample size, the variance of the sample mean
    could easily be large enough that we would be
    unlikely to reject the null. The difference
    would be too small to discern. We would not be
    able to say with any statistical significance
    that men were different from women in rating
  • Conversely, we might have a very large sample and
    be able to reject the null with confidence in
    most samples even if the true difference between
    men and women was real but too small to be a
    meaningful difference substantively.

Degree of Confidence
  • Using 95 confidence is the most common degree of
    confidence calculated
  • However, that is a rather arbitrary choice
  • If your sample is very large or s is very small
    so that s/vn is quite small, then you might want
    to use a 99 confidence interval z2.58.
  • On the other hand, if your sample is small or s
    is large so that s/vn is very large then using a
    95 degree of confidence might construct an
    interval so large it would not be very useful in
    indicating where the mean is likely to be. Here
    you might want to go to a 90 confidence interval
    with z1.645
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