Title: Perspectives
1What did you do this weekend?
Write down all of the things you did this
Put an asterisk beside each item that you can
prove happened. - There is video or audio
evidence - Someone else observed them
happening Just because you tweeted it or
posted it on Facebook does not mean it
2 Which of your activities were most likely to
leave evidence behind? What, if any of
that evidence might be preserved for the
future? Why? What might be left out of a
historical record of your activities? Why?
What would a future historian be able to tell
about your life and your society based on
evidence of your daily activities that might
be preserved for the future?
3The Past All actions and thoughts by all
individuals in all times and places
Events observed by someone
Events observed, remembered and recorded.
(Unrecorded actions and thoughts have been lost
to history.)
Events observed and remembered (Events observed
but not remembered have been lost to history.) .
Events for which we have surviving records. (This
is the raw material of history!)
4(No Transcript)
5Question 1What is history exactly?
- The Past All actions and thoughts by all
individuals in all times and places. - So we know about all of these actions and
thoughts from the beginning of time? - So how do we know what we know about the past?
- For example
- A comet flew through the night.
- An apple fell from a tree.
- You made a sandwich last night.
6Question 2 How do we study history
(historiography)? What do historians do?
- Historiography--study of how history has been
written. - Think about how much history there is!
- History is the act of selecting, analyzing and
writing about the past. - -Conal Furay and Michael J. Salevouris,
- The Methods and Skills of History
7Historical Event The Accident
- What did you see when the LTD bus and sports car
collided? - Task Get into 6 groups
8Scene of the crime
- You are about to witness an accident.
- You are standing on one of the corners of this
scene. - An LTD bus is entering the intersection.
- A red Mustang convertible is entering the
intersection. - The LTD bus and the Mustang collide into each
other. - You see this collision. You hear afterwards that
a teenager was driving the convertible. - The police will be along shortly to take your eye
witness statement about the accident. - Your group must come up with an account of what
happened and elect a spokesperson to explain the
event to the police.
9Bus Route
Sports Car Route
View of the accident
10U of O student waiting for your friend on the
bus, does not have health care.
Sports car driver, has excellent car insurance
An elderly couple whos fence keeps getting
View of the Accident
A person with a recent close call with an LTD
Insurance Agent of driver
Off duty LTD employee
11What filters someones interpretation of
perception of an event?
12Relationships and alliances
Past experiences
What filters someones interpretation of
perception of an event?
Economic interests
Power and control oppurtunities
13A Multi- Ethnic American
An Arab American
A Latino American
History is quite simply events retold by someone
An Asian American
An African American
European Americans
14Right - True - Real
- Looking to know what really happened?
- Youll need a lot of eyes to get the full
picture. - Want to understand someones point of view? Even
your own? - Youll need to know what alliances and materials
they have at stake. - Historians choose the history they want to tell
based on their own biases, agendas, and filters.
15Basic Historiography
- Example A person living at the time of Obamas
health care speech to the nation witnesses
events. She writes about it. This document is a
__________________. - Later a historian uses the source in another
text. This document is called a
_______________________. - When another historian argues that the secondary
source misuses or correctly uses the primary
source, this is historiography. - What are some basic questions we can ask when
looking back at how history was written?
16OPVL Handout
- Tonight--read this like a love letter.
- Mark it up / take notes.
- Be ready to be quizzed over its contents.
17 Contact to ConquestDay 2 Global Context and
World Views
- Please have your HW out to be stamped as finished
and on time. - Write down your HW
- Chapter 1 Reading and Questions, Assignment 2
pp. 20-26 (Green) - Be ready to move into groups.
18Body Ritual Among the Nacirema-an
anthropological study by Horace Miner (1956)
- Read the text together, aloud.
- Note differences you see between the Nacirema
culture and ours (find 3-5). - Draw one picture of a Nacirema ritual as you
listen. - Be ready to share with the class.
19The Nacirema and The Other
- Nacirema is American spelled backwards.
- How do we describe/view other cultures?
- Be aware of the Im from a more civilized
culture mentality. - How does this connect with your HW for class
20Task Read an excerpt from Columbuss journal and
answer the following questions with your group.
- 1. What attitudes does Columbus have about the
people he encounters? Give 3 quotes from his
journal as evidence. - 2. Based on what you read in the journal, what
does it appear Columbus cares about, what does he
want? Give several quotes as evidence. - 3. Based on Columbuss observations, what if
anything can you tell about the kind of people
the Indians are--what they value, etc.? If you
dont think you can tell anything about the
Indians from his journal, give your reasons for
why not.
21The Journal of C. Columbus
- One old man got into the boat, and all the rest,
men and women, cried in loud voices Come and
see the men who have come from heaven bring them
food and drink. - - Sunday, October 14th, 1492 (Day 3)
- Q. What could be a limitation of this as a
historical source?
22FRIDAY, September 17th
Have your homework packet out on your table
to be stamped, please. Look over your Reading
Assignment 1 materials and be ready for a
23Quiz Get out a piece of paper and title it
Reading Quiz 9/15.
- What two parts of OPVL have to do with the
originator of the source? - What two parts have to do with the historian and
how they use the source? - What kind of source is more reliable than the
other--a primary or secondary source? - What is a question you could be asking yourself
with analyzing the purpose of a source? - What is one common response by students when
answering the limitation portion of an OPVL that
is obvious and therefore shouldnt be mentioned
in a limitation analysis. - Prior to the year 1500, in which region (Europe,
Africa, Americas or all) would one have found
societies with large cities, advanced systems of
agriculture, and well-developed economic and
political structures? - A main difference between most Native Americans
and most Europeans in regard to how they viewed
the land was that most Europeans believed in
_______ ownership of the land while most Native
Americans believed in _______ ownership of the
land. - In contrast to the European family structure, the
family structure in many Native American and
African societies was matrilineal. Explain what
that means. - What is one event Opechancanough (opening story)
witnesses during his lifetime? - Where were the Incas located? A) Mexico B) North
America C) South America
24Task In groups, discuss and answer questions
1-5 on the second page of the primary sources
assigned as homework due today.
25(No Transcript)
26The Columbian ExchangeDay 3September 20-21
- New HW Zinn / Loewen Readings and Questions
- Group 1 Pages 37-44 Questions 2 and 3
- Group 2 Pages 45-52 Questions 4 and 5
- Group 3 Pages 53-59 Question 6
- Group 4 Pages 60-68 Questions 8,9,10
- Group 5 Pages 68-73 Questions 11 and 12
Feel free to read them all!!!
28Homework Questions
294. How many U.S. place names can you think of
that are in Spanish?
- San Francisco, Las Vegas, El Paso, Sacramento,
Colorado, Nevada, the Sierras, Santa Fe, etc - Pre-1848 a vast part of the current US was Mexico.
30Primary Sources / OPVL Practice
- Task In groups, discuss and answer questions
1-5 on the second page of the primary sources
assigned as homework due in the last class.
31FILMColumbus and the Age of Discovery Columbian
- Examining the impact of Columbuss voyages.
- Globalization an ongoing process in which
regional economies, societies, and cultures have
become integrated through a globe-spanning
network of exchange. - Globalization 1.0 (1492-1800) when the world
shrank from a size large to medium. - Globalization 2.0 (1800 - 2000) multinational
corporations shrank the world to a size small. - Globalization 3.0 (2000 - current) size tiny.
- --Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat
32Day 4 The Price of Contact9/22 9/23
- HW due Do not turn into the basket, will be
stamped shortly. - Lies My Teacher Told Me, Reading Questions
- New HW Read Zinn article and finish textbook
comparison for Friday
33Quiz Write your name, class, date, title of
- Write down 5 things you learned about Columbus,
the voyages, context surrounding the voyages,
etc., that you didnt know before. - Who was Bartolome de Las Casas and why is he
important to history? - What are the names of the native peoples of
Hispanola (Haiti the Dominican Republic)? There
are two acceptable answers.
34Columbus Landing in the Bahamas, John
Vanderlyn, 1847
Whos perspective is represented here? What
message is the artist conveying about Columbus?
Use explicit examples from the image to support
your views.
35Whos who?
36Task 1
- Get together with those who shared your reading
(1s with 1s, 2s with 2s, etc..) - As a group, take 5 minutes to discuss the answers
you came up with for your questions. Work out any
confusion amongst yourselves first, then you can
ask me. Use all of this time!! - Get together in larger groups, with members of
each group represented. Teach each other! Answer
questions 1-12. (20-25 minutes)
37Task 2 Analyzing TextbooksHow does the text
Source Depict Cs character, background, motivations? Describe the impact of previous exploration? Depict Cs relationships with the Native peoples? Depict Native American response? Use primary sources in their narrative? Describe Cs role in the slave trade? Inform us of the global context for exploration at this time?
Your Textbook
Readings I gave you
Other questions for discussion Are there any
contradictory statements or descriptions? Are
there details missing? Questions that remain? Are
the details selective?
38Task 3Primary Sources / OPVL Practice
39Friday, September 24
- Have your textbook comparison out on your
- desk to be stamped
- Write down your homework for Monday or Tuesday
- Read African Americans Mourn the
- Quincentenary
- and Celebrate Resistance
- Answer the questions in your packet in
- preparation for a graded discussion on
- Monday or Tuesday.
40Primary Source/ OPVL Practice
Task In groups, discuss and answer
questions1-5 on the second page of the primary
sources assigned as homework due in the last
41Next Weeks Graded Discussion
- Prepare by completing the questions
- in your packet.
- You may have notecards with you
- Structure will most likely be that of a
socratic circle