Title: Evaporation
I think water evaporates more quickly in the warm
than in the cold
Plan an investigation to find out if this idea is
2Sticky Tape
Which is the stickiest tape ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
3Strongest Peg
Which is the strongest peg ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
4Bone Strength
Vicky is investigating the relationship between
the strength and the length of bones.
How does the strength of a bone depend on its
length ?
Vicky chooses spaghetti to represent bones.
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
5Dissolving Jelly
How can I dissolve jelly the quickest ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
Are the same minibeasts found in all habitats ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
What affects the size of a shadow ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
8Melting Ice
How does the temperature affect how fast ice
melts ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
9Racing Cars
What affects how fast a car travels down a ramp ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
10Heat Insulators
Which is the best insulating material ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
11Brightest Bulbs
How does the number of batteries affect the
brightness of a bulb ?
light bulb
optic fibre
light sensor
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
12Growing Seeds
What are best conditions to grow seeds ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
13Fishy Shapes
What is the best shape for a fish ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
14Runny Liquids
What affects the speed a liquid flows ?
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.
15Blackout Curtains
Which material makes the best curtains for
blocking out sunlight ?
light sensor
optic fibre
Plan an investigation to find out the answer to
this question.