Psychological Disorders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psychological Disorders


CHAPTER 12 Psychological Disorders – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: DavidL396


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Psychological Disorders

Chapter 12
  • Psychological Disorders

What is Psychological Disorder?
  • Psychopathology Any pattern of emotions,
    behaviors, or thoughts inappropriate to the
    situation and leading to personal distress or the
    inability to achieve important goals
  • Synonymous terms include
  • Mental illness
  • Mental disorder
  • Psychological disorder
  • Abnormal psychology

Indicators of Abnormality
  • Three classic signs suggest a severe
    psychological disorder
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Severe affective (mood) disturbances
  • Other signs of a disorder are more subtle, and a
    diagnosis depends heavily on clinical judgment

Changing Concepts ofPsychological Disorder
  • Medical Model Diseases of the mind objective
    causes require specific treatments
  • Disadvantages Encourages patient to be passive,
    psychologists not as important as psychiatrists,
  • Psychological Models
  • Behavioral perspective Abnormal behaviors can
    be acquired through behavioral learning
  • conditioning (class/operant) - fears, anxiety
  • Cognitive perspective Abnormal behaviors are
    influenced by mental processes
  • how people perceive themselves and relations with
  • locus of control, coping mechanisms
  • Both have a social component as well!
  • Social-Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

The Biopsychology of Mental Disorder
  • Although there is reservation about the medical
    model, psychologists do not deny the influence of
    biology on thought and behavior
  • Biopsychology influence of biology on thought
    and behavior
  • Biopsychosocial Model combination!!!
  • Diathesis-stress hypothesis Genetic factors
    place the individual at risk, but environmental
    stress factors transform this potential into an
    actual disorder

Overview of DSM-IV Classification System
  • DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
    Mental Disorders
  • Most accepted classification system in US
  • Closely tied to medical model
  • Avoids endorsing theories of cause or treatment
  • Statistics data

Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
  • Somatic Symptom Disorders Prominence of somatic
    symptoms associated with distress and impairment.
  • Somatic Symptom Disorder distressing somatic
    symptoms plus abnormal thoughts, feelings and
    behaviors in response to them
  • Illness Anxiety Disorder Preoccupation with
    having or acquiring a serious illness without
    somatic symptoms.
  • Conversion disorder Altered voluntary motor or
    sensory functions without physical cause
    (paralysis, weakness, or loss of sensation)

Personality Disorders
  • Personality disorders Enduring pervasive and
    inflexible pattern of inner experience and
    behavior that deviates from ones culture and is
    stable over time
  • Personality traits to an excessive degree and in
    rigid ways that undermine their adjustment
  • Handout focus on middle column (Cluster B)
  • Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic

Feeding and Eating Disorders
  • Persistent disturbance of eating or related
    behavior resulting in altered consumption or
    absorption of food that impairs health or
  • The following involve undue influence of weight
    or shape on self-evaluation
  • Anorexia Nervosa restriction of energy intake
    that leads to significantly low weight with a
    fear of gaining weight
  • Bulimia Nervosa recurrent episodes of binge
    eating and behaviors to prevent weight gain
  • Pica, Rumination, Avoidant, Binge Eating

Anxiety Disorders
  • Share features of excessive fear, anxiety and
    related behavioral disturbances(survey)
  • Fear emotional response to real/perceived threat
  • Anxiety anticipation of future of threat
  • Specific Phobia Marked fear of a specific
    object or situation
  • Significantly interferes with daily routine,
    occupation, or social life.
  • Animal, Enviro, Situational, Injury/blood/inject
  • Preparedness hypothesis innate tendency to
    respond quickly and automatically to stimuli that
    posed a survival threat to our ancestors

Anxiety disorders (contd)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder A persistent fear of 1
    social or performance situations in which the
    person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to
    possible scrutiny by others.
  • Fears that he or she will act in a way that will
    be embarrassing and humiliating.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder Excessive anxiety
    and worry about a number of things without any
    real external cause
  • Panic disorder Recurrent, unexpected panic
    attacks followed by worry of another
  • http//

Anxiety Disorders
  • Agoraphobia Fear of being in places where it
    may be difficult or embarrassing to get out
    quickly or where you may have a panic attack and
    can't get help
  • Avoid places where you think you may have a panic
    attack or panic-like symptoms.
  • Often leads to not wanting to leave your home
  • Causes of Anxiety Disorders
  • Genetics
  • Abnormal neurotransmitters
  • Environment
  • Learning

Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Recurrent,
    involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories
    of traumatic events
  • Actual or threatened death, serious injury,
    sexual violence
  • Direct experience, witness, learning about,
    extreme exposure
  • Avoid associated stimuli, negative cognitions/
    moods, alterations in arousal/reactivity

Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder Presence of
    obsessions and /or compulsions
  • Obsession Intrusive, persistent thought, image,
    or urge
  • Compulsion Repetitive behavior or mental act
    one feels driven to do in response to an
  • Take up more than 1 hour of the day
  • Handout, video clips, survey
  • http//
  • http//

Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder Preoccupation with one
    or more perceived defects or flaws in physical
    appearance that are not observable or appear
    slight to others
  • Hoarding Persistent difficulty discarding or
    parting with possessions regardless of their
  • Trichotillomania, Excoriation

Dissociative Disorders
  • Dissociative disorders Disruption in the
    integration of consciousness, memory, identity,
    emotion, perception, and behavior
  • Intrusion into awareness or inability to access
    information/control mental functions
  • Extreme stress consciousness becomes
    dissociated (split) from previous thoughts and
  • Trouble integrating dimensions of consciousness
  • They remain split and operate independently of
    each other

Dissociative Disorders
  • Dissociative Amnesia A psychologically induced
    inability to recall biographical information,
    usually of traumatic or stressful nature
  • May be localized, selective or generalized
  • May involve fugue purposeful traveling or
    bewildered wandering
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder Disruption of
    identity characterized by 2 distinct personality
  • Marked discontinuity in sense of self
  • Recurrent gaps in everyday events, personal info
  • 90 have history of childhood abuse and neglect
  • http//

(No Transcript)
Depressive Disorders
  • Sad, empty, or irritable mood, accompanied by
    somatic cognitive changes that significantly
    affect functioning
  • Major depression Form of depression that has
    clear cut changed in affect, cognition, and
    behavior with inter-episode remissions
  • A change in previous functioning for a 2 week
  • Must have a depressed mood or loss of interest or
    pleasure along with 4 other symptoms
  • Symptoms slide
  • With Seasonal Pattern Onset and remission of MD
    episodes at characteristic times of year
  • Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
    Depressed mood for most of the day, more days
    than not, for at least two years symptoms not as
    severe as MDD
  • Causes of DDs Genetics, chemical (serotonin)
    environment, cognitions

(No Transcript)
Bipolar Disorder and related disorders
  • Bipolar disorder Periods of elevated mood
    (mania) and periods of depression
  • Manic Episodes
  • Excessively high, overly good, euphoric, maybe
  • Increased energy, activity, irritability,
  • Racing thoughts, talking very fast, cant
    concentrate well
  • Little sleep needed, poor judgment, spending
  • Unrealistic beliefs in ones abilities
  • Increased sexual drive, abuse of drugs, denial of
  • Bipolar I Typically severe mania and depression
  • Bipolar II Typically hypomania and severe
  • Cyclothymic Typically hypomania with less
    severe depression

Schizophrenic Disorders
  • Schizophrenia Abnormalities in 1 of the
    following delusions, hallucinations,
    disorganized thinking, abnormal motor behavior,
    and negative symptoms reality falls apart
  • Delusion false belief that a person maintains in
    the face of contrary evidence
  • Reference everything related to you
  • Persecution everybody plotting against/harm
  • Grandeur more important, powerful, wealthy
  • Hallucination sensory perception w/ no external
    cause usually auditory related to delusions

Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  • Positive
  • Any form in which the person displays active
  • Excess or distortion of normal functions
  • Delusions, hallucinations, word salads
  • Responds to anti-psychotic meds
  • Negative
  • Any form distinguished by deficits
  • Loss of normal functioning
  • Alogia, avolition, decreased emotional expression
    (flat affect)
  • Does not usually respond to anti-psychotic meds
  • Catatonia

Possible Causes of Schizophrenia
  • Variety of factors - genetics, abnormal brain
    structure, and biochemistry
  • Fundamentally a brain disorder
  • Dopamine Hypothesis caused by over-active
    dopamine system in brain
  • Drugs that block dopamine reduce positive
  • Diathesis-stress model
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