The Urinary System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Urinary System


Chapter 25 The Urinary System G.R. Pitts, J.R. Schiller, and James F. Thompson, Ph.D. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Urinary System

Chapter 25
  • The Urinary System

G.R. Pitts, J.R. Schiller, and James F.
Thompson, Ph.D.
  • During metabolism cells produce wastes
  • waste - any substance acquired or produced in
    excess with no function in body
  • e.g. - CO2, H2O, heat
  • All wastes must be eliminated, or at least
    maintained at low concentrations
  • Additionally, protein breakdown leaves
    nitrogenous wastes
  • Excess sodium (Na), chloride (Cl-), potassium
    (K), sulfate (SO42-), phosphate (PO42-), and
    hydrogen ion (H) must be regulated

  • Several organs transport, neutralize, store and
    remove wastes
  • Body fluid and body fluid buffers
  • Blood and blood buffers
  • Liver
  • Lungs
  • Sudoriferous (sweat) glands (minor)
  • Hair and nails (minor)
  • GI tract and liver
  • Kidneys

  • Urinary system
  • Maintains fluid homeostasis including
  • regulation of volume and composition by
    eliminating certain wastes while conserving
    needed materials
  • regulation of blood pH
  • regulation of hydrostatic pressure of blood and,
    indirectly, of other body fluids
  • Contributions to metabolism
  • helps synthesize calcitriol (active form of
    Vitamin D)
  • secretes erythropoietin
  • performs gluconeogenesis during fasting or
  • deaminates certain amino acids to eliminate

  • Paired reddish organs, just above waist on
    posterior wall of abdomen
  • partially protected by 11th, 12th ribs
  • right kidney sits lower than the left kidney
  • receive 20-25 of the resting cardiac output
  • Consume 20-25 of the O2 used by the body at rest

Kidneys (cont.)
  • Retroperitoneal, as are ureters and urinary

Kidney - Internal Gross Anatomy
Know these terms for lecture and lab exams!
Kidney - Internal Micro Anatomy
  • Nephron the functional unit of kidney
  • Three physiological processes 1) filtration,
    2) reabsorption , and 3) secretion
  • These three processes cooperate to achieve the
    various functions of the kidney
  • Different sites ? different primary functions

The Functions of the Kidney
  • Nephron forms urine from blood plasma
  • 1) formation of a plasma filtrate
  • 2) reabsorption of useful molecules from the
    filtrate to prevent their loss in urine
  • 3) secretion of excess electrolytes and certain
    wastes (nitrogenous wastes, H) in concentrations
    greater than their concentration in plasma
  • 4) regulation of water balance by concentrating
    or diluting the urine
  • 5) minor endocrine function releasing hormone
    erythropoietin to stimulate RBC production
  • 6) releasing renin for angiotensinogen activation

Kidney - Internal Micro Anatomy
  • A million nephrons are located in the cortex
  • The filtrate is carried by the collecting duct
    system through the medulla
  • The urine is collected at the papillae into the
    minor and major calyxes

Minor Calyx
  • 2 major parts to the nephron

  • Renal corpuscle
  • site of plasma filtration
  • 2 components
  • glomerulus
  • tuft of capillary loops
  • fed by afferent arteriole
  • drained by efferent arteriole
  • glomerular (Bowman's) capsule
  • double walled cup lined by simple squamous
  • outer wall (parietal layer) separated from inner
    wall (visceral layer podocytes) by capsular
    (Bowman's) space
  • as blood flows through capillary tuft
    filtration occurs
  • water and most dissolved molecules pass into
    capsular space
  • large proteins and formed elements in the blood
    do not cross

  • Renal tubule - where filtered fluid passes from
  • proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
  • loop of Henle (nephron loop)
  • distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
  • short connecting tubules
  • collecting ducts
  • merge to papillary duct
  • then to minor calyx
  • 30 pap ducts/papillae

  • Cortical vs. juxtamedullary nephrons
  • Location related to the length of loop of the
  • 15-20 of the nephrons have longer loops and
    increased involvement in the reabsorption of water

Renal Corpuscle Histology
  • Each nephron portion has distinctive features
  • Histology of the glomerular filtration membrane
  • Three components to the filter
  • From inside to out, the layers prevent movement
    of progressively smaller particles

Histology of Filtration Membrane
  • Endothelium of glomerulus
  • Single layer of capillary endothelium with
  • Prevents RBC passage WBCs use diapedesis to get

Histology of Filtration Membrane
  • Basement membrane of glomerulus
  • Between endothelium and visceral layer of glom.
  • Prevents passage of large protein molecules

Histology of Filtration Membrane
  • Filtration slits in podocytes
  • Podocytes
  • specialized epithelium of visceral layer
  • footlike extensions with filtration slits between
  • Restricts passage of medium-sized proteins

Histology of Filtration Membrane
Tubule Histology
  • PCT - cuboidal cells with apical microvilli
  • Descending Loop, and beginning of Ascending Loop
  • simple squamous epithelium
  • water permeable
  • Remainder of Ascending limb of the Loop
  • cuboidal to low columnar epithelial cells
  • impermeable to water
  • permeable to solute (ions)
  • DCT, collecting ducts
  • cuboidal with specialized cells
  • principal cells - sensitive to ADH (antidiuretic
  • intercalated cells - secrete H

Renal Blood Supply
  • Important vessels
  • Renal arteries
  • 20-25 of resting CO
  • 1200 ml/min
  • Segmental arteries
  • Interlobar arteries - through columns
  • Arcuate arteries
  • Interlobular arteries

Refer to the kidney models in lab.
Renal Blood Supply
peritubular capillaries
  • Important vessels
  • Afferent arterioles - each renal corpuscle
    receives one
  • Glomerular capillaries
  • Efferent arterioles - drain blood from glomerulus

cortex -------- medulla
  • Peritubular capillaries - around cortical
  • Vasa recta - long networks from the efferent
    arteriole around the Loop (juxtamedullary

Vasa recta
Renal Blood Supply
  • Important vessels
  • Interlobular veins
  • Arcuate veins
  • Interlobar veins
  • Segmental veins
  • Renal veins - exits hilus

Refer to the kidney models in lab.
Renin-Angiotensin System
  • Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
  • Distal tubule contacts afferent arteriole at
    renal corpuscle
  • Juxtaglomerular (JG) cells
  • modified smooth muscle cells in afferent
    arteriole wall detect changes in blood pressure
    (a stretch reflex)
  • Secrete enzyme renin to trigger Renin-Angiotensin
    System if blood pressure falls

afferent art.
efferent art.
Distal Convoluted Tubule
Renin-Angiotensin System
  • Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
  • Distal tubule contacts afferent arteriole at
    renal corpuscle
  • Macula Densa (MD) cells
  • special cells in the wall of the distal tubule in
    this area monitor the osmotic potential in the
    filtrate in the distal tubule
  • stimulate JG cells to release renin if filtrate
    is too dilute, indicating insufficient filtration
    and/or low blood pressure/low blood volume
  • Both JG and MD cells work together to regulate
    blood pressure and blood volume

afferent art.
efferent art.
Distal Convoluted Tubule
Renin-Angiotensin System
  • Hepatocytes secrete inactive precursor
    Angiotensinogen into the bloodstream
  • Juxtaglomerular (JG) cells secrete the enzyme
    renin to convert Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I
    in the bloodstream
  • Angiotensin I is transported to the lungs where
    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) converts
    Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II
  • Both Angiotensin I and Angiotensin II act as
    circulating hormones to increase blood pressure
    and blood volume AII is stronger

Renal Nerve Supply
  • Nerves from renal plexus of Sympathetic Division
    of ANS innervate the kidney
  • Vasomotor nerves accompany the renal arteries and
    their branches
  • What is the role of sympathetic stimulation on
    renal blood flow?
  • In Fight or Flight or muscular exertion
  • decrease renal arterial flow
  • decrease urine production
  • maintain blood volume
  • increase systemic blood pressure

Physiology of Urine Formation
  • Glomerular filtration - first step in urine
  • forcing of fluids and dissolved solutes through
    membrane by hydrostatic pressure
  • same process as in systemic capillaries
  • results in a filtrate
  • 180 L/day, about 60 times plasma volume
  • 178-179 L/day is reabsorbed (99)

1-2 L/day of urine is typical
Glomerular Filtration
  • 3 structural features of the renal corpuscles
    enhance their filtering capacity
  • Glomerular capillaries are relatively long which
    increases their surface area for filtration
  • Filter (endothelium-capsular membrane) is thin
    and porous
  • Fenestrated glomerular capillaries are 50 times
    more permeable than regular capillaries
  • The filtration slits of the basement membrane
    only permit passage of small molecules
  • Glomerular Capillary blood pressure is high the
    efferent arteriole diameter is less than the
    afferent arteriole diameter -- increasing
    filtration pressure in the renal corpuscle

Glomerular Filtration
  • Net filtration pressure (NFP) depends on 3
  • glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (GBHP)
  • capsular hydrostatic pressure (CHP)
  • blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP)

NFP GBHP CHP BCOP 10 55 - 15 - 30

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
  • GFR
  • Volume of filtrate that forms in all renal
    corpuscles in both kidneys/min
  • Adults GFR ? 125 mL/min (180 L/day)
  • Regulation of GFR
  • When more blood flows into glomerulus, GFR ?
  • GFR depends on systemic blood pressure, and the
    diameter of afferent efferent arterioles
  • If glomerular capillary blood pressure falls much
    below 45 mm Hg, no filtration occurs ? anuria (no
    urine output)

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
  • 3 principal regulators of GFR
  • Renal autoregulation of GFR
  • the kidneys are able to maintain a relatively
    constant internal blood pressure and GFR despite
    changes in systemic arterial pressure
  • there is negative feedback from the
    JuxtaGlomerular Apparatus adjusting blood
    pressure and blood volume

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
  • 3 principal regulators of GFR (cont.)
  • Hormonal regulation of GFR
  • Angiotensin I II
  • activated by renin released from JG cells and
    further by ACE in the lungs
  • 5 important functions
  • direct vasoconstriction
  • ? aldosterone secretion
  • ? thirst generated at the hypothalamus
  • ? ADH secretion
  • ? Na reabsorption (H2O follows passively)
  • Net Effect ? increased blood pressure and blood

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
  • 3 principal regulators of GFR (cont.)
  • Hormonal regulation of GFR
  • Angiotensin I II
  • Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)
  • secreted by cells in atria of heart in response
    to stretch
  • ? GFR, promotes excretion of H2O, Na, but
    retention of K
  • suppresses output of ADH, aldosterone, and renin
  • Net Effect ? decreased blood pressure and blood
  • Aldosterone
  • secreted by cells in adrenal cortex in response
    to angiotensin I II (and ACTH)
  • ? GFR, promotes retention of H2O, Na, but
    excretion of K
  • antagonist to Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
  • Net Effect ? increased blood pressure and blood

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
  • 3 principal regulators of GFR (cont.)
  • Neural regulation
  • kidneys blood vessels supplied by
    vasoconstrictor fibers from Sympathetic Division
    of ANS which release Norepinephrine
  • strong sympathetic stimulation causes JG cells to
    secrete renin and the adrenal medulla to secrete

GFR Control
Tubular Reabsorption
  • Movement of water and certain solutes back into
    bloodstream from the renal tubule
  • Filter 180 L/day of fluid and solutes
  • nutrients (Na, K, Glucose, etc.) are needed by
  • body will expend ATP to get them back into blood
  • about 99 of the filtrate volume is reabsorbed
    from the tubule by active transport and osmosis
  • Epithelial cells in PCT (microvilli) increase
    surface area for tubular reabsorption
  • DCT and collecting ducts play a lesser role in
    nutrient/solute reabsorption

Reabsorption of Na in PCT
  • PCT is site of most electrolyte reabsorption
  • Mechanisms which aid Na transport
  • Na/ K ATPase on basolateral side is
  • Concentration of Na inside the tubular cells is
  • Interior of the cell negatively charged
  • Double gradient for Na movement from filtrate to
    tubular cell
  • Requires ATP energy

Reabsorption of Nutrients in PCT
  • 100 of the filtered glucose and other sugars,
    AA's, lactic acid, and other useful metabolites
    are reabsorbed
  • Na symporters power secondary active transport
  • Why secondary? They rely on the Na/ K ATPase

Reabsorption of Na in PCT
  • Na is passively transported from the filtrate in
    tubule lumen into tubular cells to replace the
    Na being actively transported into the
    peritubular capillaries. Glucose moves with Na.

Reabsorption of H2O in PCT
  • H2O follows Na passively by osmosis from the
    filtrate through the tubular cells into the
    peritubular capillaries

Reabsorption of Nutrients in PCT
  • The movement of water back to the bloodstream
    concentrates the remaining solutes in the filtrate

H2O ? solutes ?
Reabsorption of Nutrients in PCT
  • The new concentration gradients increase the
    diffusion of some of the other remaining solutes
    in the filtrate from lumen to the blood stream.

Transport Maximums (Tm)s
  • each type of symporter has an upper limit
    (maximum) on how fast it can work
  • any time a substance is in the filtrate in an
    amount greater than its transport maximum, some
    of it will be left behind in the urine
  • only Na has no transport maximum because Na is
    being actively transported by the Na/ K ATPase
    pump at all times.

Renal Thresholds
  • The Renal Threshold is the plasma concentration
    at which a substance begins to spill into the
    urine because its Tm has been surpassed.
  • If the plasma filtrate concentration is too
    high, all of the substance cannot be reabsorbed.
  • For example, glucose spills into the urine in
    untreated diabetics.
  • Tm for glucose 375 mg/min
  • If blood glucose gt 400 mg/100 mL, large
    quantities of glucose will appear in the urine

Reabsorption in the PCT
  • By the end of the PCT the following reabsorption
    has occurred
  • 100 of filtered nutrients (sugars, albumin,
    amino acids, vitamins, etc.)
  • 80-90 of filtered HCO3-
  • 65 of Na ions and water,
  • 50 of Cl- and K ions

Reabsorption in Loop of Henle
  • Cells in the thin descending limb are only
    permeable to water
  • H2O reabsorption is not coupled to reabsorption
    of filtered solutes (osmosis) in this area as it
    had been in the PCT
  • Note illustration at right is not thin
    descending limb of nephron loop

Reabsorption in Loop of Henle
  • Cells in the thicker ascending Loop feature
    sodium-potassium-chloride symporters
  • reabsorb 1 Na, 1 K, 2 Cl-
  • depend on the low cytoplasmic Na concentration
    to function
  • little or no H2O is reabsorbed from the thick
    ascending Loop
  • Loop reabsorbs 30 of K, 20 of Na, 35 of
    Cl-, and 15 of H2O
  • H2O reabsorption is not coupled to reabsorption
    of filtered solutes (osmosis)

Reabsorption in DCT and Collecting Ducts
  • Filtrate reaching the DCT has already had 80 of
    the solutes and H2O reabsorbed
  • Fluid now has the characteristics of urine
  • DCT is the site of final adjustment of urine
  • less work to do, so no need for microvilli
    brush border to increase surface area for
  • Na/K/Cl- symporter is a major DCT transporter
  • DCT reabsorbs another 10 of filtrate volume

Reabsorption in DCT and Collecting Duct
  • Principal cells are present in the distal DCTs
    and collecting ducts
  • 3 hormones act on principal cells to modify ion
    and fluid reabsorption
  • 1 Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) (from
  • ? H2O reabsorption by increasing permeability to
    H2O in the DCT and collecting duct
  • details discussed later on

Reabsorption in DCT and Collecting Duct
  • 3 hormones act on principal cells . . .
  • 2 Aldosterone (from adrenal cortex)
  • ? Na reabsorption Cl- and H2O follow passively
    ? K reabsorption
  • ? numbers of basolateral Na/K ATPases
  • ? activity and numbers of Na-K transporters and
    K channels
  • 3 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) is the
    antagonist to Aldosterone
  • ? K reabsorption ? Na reabsorption Cl- and
    H2O follow passively adding salt and water to

Reabsorption Summary
Loop and DCT are sites for additional electrolyte
PCT is the site for reabsorption of all
nutrients and most electrolytes
Collecting Ducts complete electrolyte reabsorption
Reabsorption in the Nephron
  • Note reabsorption of electrolytes must maintain
    an electrostatic equilibrium. The Net Charge
    must remain in balance in each fluid compartment.
  • For every cation (e.g., Na) which crosses a
    membrane in a particular direction, one of two
    things must also happen
  • An anion (e.g., Cl-, HCO3-) must cross the
    membrane in the same direction, or
  • A different cation (e.g., K) must cross the
    membrane in the opposite direction

Reabsorption in the Nephron
  • Aldosterone and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
    regulate the rate of tubular reabsorption of Na
    and Cl- and the concurrent secretion of K.
  • Parathormone regulates the rate of tubular
    reabsorption of Ca and Mg and the concurrent
    secretion of HPO4-.

Fluid Reabsorption in the Nephron
  • Use GFR (mLs/min) values to track reabsorption of

Start with a GFR of 125 mLs/min PCT reabsorbs
105 mLs/min and DCT reabsorbs 19 mLs/min leaving
1 mL/min as urinary output. This is obligatory
water reabsortion. 1440 mLs/day produced under
these standard conditions.
Tubular Secretion
  • Removes substances from the blood, adds them to
    the filtrate
  • includes H, K, NH4, HPO4-, creatinine, plant
    alkaloids (toxins), penicillin and other drugs
  • Two primary functions
  • Helps rid body of certain routinely generated
    waste substances and toxins
  • Regulates blood pH by secretion of H (and to a
    lesser degree, reabsorption of HCO3-)

Secretion of K ions
  • Principal cells in collecting ducts secrete
    variable amount of K in exchange for reabsorbed
  • Most animal diets contain excess K but scarce
  • Na/K ATPases are the ion pumps
  • Controlled by Aldosterone and Atrial Natriuretic
  • Aldosterone is released from the Adrenal Cortex
    in response to
  • Angiotensin I II
  • With excess K, Aldosterone secretion
    predominates Na
  • (and Cl-) are reabsorbed while
    considerable K is secreted
  • Atrial Natriuretic Peptide is released from the
    Atrial walls in the
  • heart in response to stretching when
    blood volume or blood
  • pressure increase
  • With excess Na, Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
  • predominates K is reabsorbed while
    considerable Na (and
  • Cl-) are secreted

Secretion of H ions
  • Cells of the renal tubule can elevate blood pH in
    3 ways
  • Secrete H ions into the filtrate
  • Reabsorb filtered HCO3-
  • Produce more HCO3-
  • The key is the chemical relationship between H
    ions and HCO3- ions
  • H2O CO2 ? H2CO3 ? H HCO3-
  • This reaction occurs spontaneously and it is also
    catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.

Secretion of H ions
  • In PCT
  • 1 Na/H antiporter puts H ions into the
  • H ions combine with HCO3- in lumen to form CO2
    and H2O

Secretion of H ions
  • In PCT
  • 2 CO2 from the filtrate or plasma enters the
    tubular cell where it combines with H2O to form

Secretion of H ions
  • In PCT
  • 3 H is pumped into the lumen
  • 4 H2CO3- follows pumped Na back to the

Secretion of H ions
  • Collecting ducts also secrete H ions
  • H pumps are a primary active transport process
    powered by ATPs
  • generate as much as a 1000 fold concentration
    gradient ? strongly acid urine
  • new bicarbonate ions are reabsorbed by the
    basolateral HCO3-/Cl- antiporter
  • adding new HCO3- buffer to the bloodstream

Secretion of NH3 and NH4
  • Ammonia is a toxic waste absorbed from bacterial
    metabolism in the large intestine and ammonia is
    generated from the deamination of amino acids in
    the liver
  • Liver converts ammonia to urea, a much less toxic
    nitrogenous waste
  • PCT cells can also deaminate certain amino acids
    and secrete additional NH4 with a Na/NH4
    antiporter when blood pH becomes acidic

Summary of Nephron FunctionsGFR ? 125 mL/min
Summary of Nephron FunctionsPCT reabsorbs
nutrients, electrolytes, and water
Summary of Nephron Functions
Loop also reabsorbs some electrolytes and water
Summary of Nephron FunctionsDCT and Collecting
Ducts continue the absorption of water and
electrolyte, especially Na and HCO3- DCT and
CDs also secrete K and H and ammonia ions into
the filtrate
Summary of Nephron FunctionsThe final process
to discuss is regulation of water balance
making a dilute or concentrated urine.
Nephron Reaborbs 99 of H2O
  • Water balance determines the fate of the last 1!

Start with a GFR of 125 mLs/min PCT reabsorbs
105 mLs/min and DCT reabsorbs 19 mLs/min leaving
1 mL/min as urinary output. 1440 mLs/day
produced under these standard conditions.
1 mL/Min is adjusted as needed by ADH. That
is facultative water reabsorption.
Adjusting Water Balance
  • Distal tubular cells and cells in the collecting
    ducts expend ATP energy to create an osmotic
    gradient between the cortex and medulla of the
  • The key substances transported are urea and NaCl
  • Countercurrent flow mechanisms maintain the
    osmotic gradient

Countercurrent Flow Mechanisms
  • Compare to a system of co-current flow
  • two pipes are semi-permeable
  • the fluids flow in the same direction
  • solutes will diffuse along concentration
  • solutes will all reach equilibrium values

Countercurrent Flow Mechanisms
  • In a system of countercurrent flow
  • two pipes are still semi-permeable
  • but the fluids flow in opposite directions
  • solutes again diffuse along concentration
  • the gradient always favors transfer
  • solutes do not reach equilibrium values

Countercurrent Flow Mechanisms
  • Countercurrent flow is seen in a variety of
    physiological systems
  • How do penguins stand in freezing water in their
    bare feet?
  • blood flows in opposite directions
  • heat is transferred along the heat gradient
  • most of the heat moves from arterial to venous
    blood and is not lost to the water

Countercurrent Flow Mechanisms
  • Countercurrent flow is seen in a variety of
    physiological systems
  • How do fish gills oxygenate blood?
  • blood flows in opposite directions
  • O2 is transferred along the O2 gradient
  • O2 continues to move from water to the blood and
    the gradient is always favorable

Nephrons Countercurrents
  • Renal tubule has a more complicated system of
    counter-current flow
  • PCT descending Loop vs. ascending Loop and DCT
  • arterial vasa recta vs. venous vasa recta
  • Renal tubule versus vasa recta
  • This system permits the osmotic gradient to

Nephrons Countercurrents
  • complex countercurrent flow between the
    juxtamedullary nephrons and their vasa recta
  • 1 the entire flow in the renal tubule (loop) is
    countercurrent to the flow in the vasa recta
  • 2 each U-shaped vessel also has countercurrent
    flow between its descending and ascending limbs

Nephrons Countercurrents
  • in the medulla, urea and NaCl are actively
    transported from the vessels exiting the medulla
  • this increases the concentration of urea and NaCl
    in the medulla
  • although urea and NaCl can diffuse into the
    vessels entering the medulla, they do not carry
    the solutes away

Nephrons Countercurrents
  • the countercurrent flow is in a loop
  • the active transport pumps work at all times
  • therefore, the solutes accumulate at the bottom
    of the loop
  • the vasa recta carry the water back to the
    medulla and, thus, back to the body

Nephrons Countercurrents
  • the combination of complex countercurrent flow
    and the active transport pumping of urea and NaCl
    maintain the osmotic gradient between the cortex
    and the medulla at all times

Adjusting Water Balance
  • water conservation is dependent on ADH
  • normal osmotic concentration in the body fluids,
    plasma and interstitial fluids, including the
    kidneys cortex, is 300 mOsm/L
  • glomerular filtrate is isosmotic to plasma
  • thick limb of the ascending Loop is impermeable
    to water but urea and Na/Cl- ions are actively
    transported out of the filtrate
  • DCT and collecting ducts are impermeable to water
    unless ADH is present

Producing a Dilute Urine
  • With adequate H2O, the posterior pituitary
    releases little ADH
  • the glomerular filtrate equilibrates with
    medullary conditions while passing down through
    the loop
  • meanwhile, tubular reabsorption of solutes

Producing a Dilute Urine
  • As the filtrate enters the ascending limb of the
    Loop, and the DCT, and then the collecting ducts,
    no water can diffuse out of the filtrate
  • Meanwhile, continuing tubular reabsorption of
    solutes in the DCT CDs creates a dilute
    hypo-osmotic (hypotonic) urine

Producing a Concentrated Urine
  • with inadequate H2O, the posterior pituitary
    releases more ADH
  • the glomerular filtrate equilibrates with
    medullary conditions while passing down through
    the loop
  • meanwhile, tubular reabsorption of solutes

Producing a Concentrated Urine
  • the ascending limb of the Loop remains
    impermeable to H2O
  • however, as the filtrate enters the DCT, and then
    the collecting ducts, ADH causes the tubular
    cells to become permeable to H2O
  • water can diffuse in or out of the filtrate

Producing a Concentrated Urine
  • the filtrate becomes hypo-osmotic (hypotonic) in
    the DCT while H2O and solutes are returned to the
  • however, the filtrate equilibrates with medullary
    conditions while passing down through the
    collecting ducts

Producing a Concentrated Urine
  • even though the filtrate is still losing urea and
    NaCl to active transport, the other solutes
    cannot leave
  • the filtrate becomes hyper-osmotic (hypertonic)
    as it equilibrates with the osmotic gradient
    surrounding the collecting ducts
  • water is drawn into the vasa recta and back to
    the bloodstream

Producing a Concentrated Urine
  • The effect of ADH is to create a concentrated
    hyper-osmotic (hypertonic) urine

The Final Common Pathway
  • Ureters
  • extensions of the renal pelvis
  • enter the bladder medially from the posterior
  • Histology - 3 layers
  • inner mucosa lined with transitional epithelium
  • muscularis smooth muscle in circular and
    longitudinal layers
  • retroperitoneal (serosa or adventitia)
  • Physiology
  • transport urine to the bladder
  • peristalsis primarily, but hydrostatic pressure
    of gravity helps in humans

The Final Common Pathway
  • Urinary bladder
  • hollow muscular organ
  • generally smaller in females due to presence of a
  • retroperitoneal in the pelvic cavity, posterior
    to the pelvic symphysis
  • freely movable
  • Structure - trigone

The Final Common Pathway
  • Bladder histology
  • inner mucosa lined with transitional epithelium
  • muscularis smooth muscle in three layers
  • Sphincters control entry from ureters and exit at
    the urethra
  • circular smooth muscle fibers form internal
    urethral sphincter
  • lower is the external urethral sphincter with
    skeletal muscle for voluntary control
  • retroperitoneal (serosa or adventitia)

The Final Common Pathway
Urethra routed differently in males and females
see chapter 28
The Final Common Pathway
  • Urethra
  • small tube from floor of bladder to exterior of
  • females -- fairly straight path exits anterior to
  • males -- passes through the prostate gland and
    exits through the penis
  • histology
  • female three coats
  • inner mucosa, intermediate thin layer of spongy
    tissue with plexus of veins
  • outer muscular coat continuous with the bladder
  • male two layers
  • inner mucous membrane and a muscularis
  • outer submucosa tissue with various accessory
    structures which connect to it
  • both genders have a stratified squamous
    epithelial lining

The Final Common Pathway
  • Urethra
  • Physiology - terminal portion of urinary tract,
    in males the urethra also serves as the duct
    through which semen is discharged from the body
  • Urine
  • Volume
  • 1000-2000 ml/day
  • influenced by blood pressure, blood osmotic
    pressure, temperature, mental state, general
    health, diet, diuretics, other drugs
  • Chemical Composition - 95 water, 5 solutes

  • Voluntary and involuntary (ANS) nerve impulses
    control the process
  • 700-800 mL capacity
  • when volume gt 200-400 mL, stretch receptors fire
  • processed in cortex
  • micturition reflex
  • initiates a conscious desire to expel urine
  • parasympathetic commands coordinate the process
  • contraction of detrusor (bladder), relaxation of
    internal sphincter

End Chapter 25
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