Title: Disorders of the Urinary System
1Disorders of the Urinary System
2Renal Calculi (Kidney Stones)
- Made of crystals of calcium phosphate and uric
acid - Gradually they get larger until they block
ureters - First sym severe pain
- Other sym nausea and vomiting, frequency, chills,
fever, hematuria - Diagnosis by symptoms, ultrasound, or x-ray
- Rx increase fluids to flush out stone,
medications, and if needed LITHOTRIPSY
- Surgical procedure to remove kidney stones
- Shock waves hit dense stones and break them up
- Done on outpatient basis
- Inflammation of the kidney (kidney infection)
- Incontinence involuntary urination
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the
urinary bladder - Most common cause E.Coli
- Sym- DYSUIA (painful urination) and frequency
- Usually in females (shorter urethra)
- Rx - antibiotics
- Used for kidney failure
- Involves the passage of blood through device with
semipermeable membrane - Dialysis serves as substitute kidney
- Blood from patient flows through machine and is
filtered - Can be done at home or in clinic
- Takes 2-4 hours, 2-3 times a week.
Inflammation and scarring of the glomerulus
causes damage to the filter mechanism allows
blood cells and protein to enter the
filtrate Symptoms kidney failure, uremia, HTN
or hypotension, decreased urine output,
increased serum creatinine and urea Diagnosis
Urinalysis and blood testing Treatment Depends
on cause. Treating underlying cause may
decrease progression Primary cause no obvious
cause Secondary causes bacterial infection,
drug toxicity, diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus
erythematosus, genteic disorders such as Alports
Syndrome and Goodpastures Syndrome
8Renal Failure (Renal Insufficiency)
Cause either acute or progressive damage to the
kidneys from many different causes Symptoms
decreased urine output, uremia, fluid retention,
loss of appetitie, fatigue, hiccups, nausea,
mental confusion, clotting disorder,
seizures Diagnosis blood tests, urinalysis,
imaging Treatments blood pressure meds,
glucose control, diet, treat underlying
condition, prevention of cardiovascular disease,
kidney replacement when progresses to end stage
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12Kidney Transplant
- As a last resort
- Involves donor organ from someone with a similar
immune system - Main complication - rejection
Enuresis Glycosuria Nocturia Polyuria
Bedwetting Sugar in urine Frequent urination at night Large amounts of urine
14Definitions Continues
Pyuria Anuria Hematuria Diuretic
Pus in urine No urine produced Blood in urine Drug or substance to increase urine production
15 anuria absence of urine diuretic drug that
increases urinary output dysuria painful
urination filtrate fluid that has passed
through a filter
16incontinence involuntary urination micturate to
urinate nephralgia pain in a
kidney neurogenic bladder damage to the nerve
that controls the bladder oliguria reduced
production of urine
17uremia presence of urinary waste products in the
blood urinalysis examination of the urine
urinary catheterization insertion of a
sterile tube into the urinary bladder urinary
retention inability to urinate urinate emptying
of urine from the urinary bladder void
emptying of urine from the urinary bladder