Hidden background of global crisis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hidden background of global crisis


Hidden background of global crisis – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hidden background of global crisis

Hidden background of global crisis
  • In modern time which is accompanied by numerous
    chrisis, everybodys searching for solutions.

But one can solve the problem only if one knows
what causes it.
Have you ever asked yourself What s wrong with
this civilisation so it got cought into current
Let us think together.
  • Financial chrisis, that really went over the
    edge, was caused by the shortage of money.

Companies that shelve their employees, are in
distress, because people reduced the number of
their purchases they dont have money!
Health and social care systems are at the edge of
beakdown, because they are short of money.
Everybody is in trouble, because there is not
enough money...
Does money therefore have anything in common with
chrisis, that we face today?
Is it perhaps even responsible for it?
  • Have you ever thought how money influences our

Let us look a little into its background.
  • What are people willing to do for money!
  • We sell ourselves to the employer and do the
    works we dont like.
  • To maintain the built level of personal standard,
    we dedicate to it more and more of our time.
  • That exposes us to increased stress,
    de-personificating and changing us into a human

We cannot buy neither health or happiness with
money. But we dont think about it, until too
Fatal dependancy on money
  • Not only that we condition most important things
    in our lives with money money even became a
    motivation for our activity. And it seems
    completely natural.

Is there any natural process going on because of
Isnt it absurd, that problems with such a
sub-sidal thing as a means of exchange is, can
cause the whole world economy to collapse?
The dependancy on money is unnatural limitation,
that we take on by ourselves.
Hidden traps of money
  • Money is an efficiant means of exchange for
    products and services. But there is a problem
    that seems to be among the main couses for the
    depression of human kind.

Money is related to the system of interest, that
represents hidden evil.
  • The implications of interest calculations are
  • Thanks to the interest, money has become the
    means of manipulation of minority with the

  • How the mechanism of interest works?

Because of the interest money became a bond. When
the banks create money, aproving the loan, they
create only a capital. But of course they expect
to get back the capital with interest, even
though they havent created money for the
interest. Money for the interest is expected to
be crerated through business with others.
In reality banks do not create it and the
equation therefore fails. Banks claim back more
money than they created.
  • How do we get the money for interest?

Basically we have to use the capital of somebdy
else. That creates shortage and forces people to
compete for the reduced quantity of money. If
they dont succeed, there comes a punishment -
Competitivness is systematically incorporated in
the structure of monetary system that we use. In
such system somebody always has to lose.
  • More than 90 of circulating money is burdened
    with liability to pay interest, so the quantity
    of money has to grow.
  • Every investment has to bring more money than it
    was put in (profit).

Based on interest calculation the quantity of
money grows exponentially- at 3 of interest rate
it doubles in 24 years. For illustration if
Joseph at Christs birth invested 1 pfenig at 4
interest rate, the interest-interest in1749 years
would sky-rocket to the value of golden ball
weighing as planet Earth!
  • Any system that involves exponential growth must
    break sooner or later.

  • Monetary system works as a vacuume cleaner that
    endlessly sucks the recources of poor -
    distributing them to the rich.

Big amounts of money get concentrated into the
hands of smaller and smaller circle of
individuals and multinacional companies. That
creates social polarization.
The rich receive continuous rent from those who
have to borrow the money to have the means of
In such a system the Third world countries will
never be able to dig out of their debts, because
they grow exponentially.
  • Wars in such a financial system bring benefits to
    some, so they are desirable.

Representing the best source of income first
through the trade with expensive weapons and
means of destruction, then through loans for
re-building that can push the country into
economic dependancy.
On the other hand the world wars lead to a
"global reset" of systems that would otherwise
due to the speed growth explode.
Money allows numerous manipulations that
efficiently steal money from peoples pockets.
  • The quantity of money in circulation should
    equal the value of all merchandice and services.
    But thats not true for some time now.
  • With oversized printing of money(inflation) the
    bankers get ahold of social wealth, that results
    in decreased value of money.

If you double the quantity of money in
circulation, you take away the half of money from
peoples pockets, without them even realizing it.
They feel it through increasing prices of
products and services.
Inflation means a social mass robbery.
  • One of the financial most powerful people of the
    world, Victor Rotschild, said 

Allow me to print and control states money and
I dont care who writes the policies".
Financial oligarchy stands behind practically all
important events in the world. USA is a hostage
of American central bank (FED), which is in
private (!) ownership
  • Economic depressions were created by uncontrolled
    emission of money (inflation) and then reducement
    of monetary mass (deflation).

Their purpose?  Re-distribution of capital,
ownership and power. 
In period of 60-ies dollar lost 88 of its
value.  In 1920 that resulted in the collapse of
5400 banks that were then bought for change.
With another large emission (144) of dollars in
1929 even worse depression was created, that
destroyed 16000 banks. 
  • With money, and in the world that honors money,
    all of the goals of governing oligarchy were

October revolution in Russia was financed by
Rothschilds through the bank of Kuhn, Loeb and
Company the same one that later on financed
Hitler. Lenin and Trocki received homble 50
millions of american dollars.
By supporting the opposition to democratic
regimes in many african countries the illegal
power take-over was induced, And by the large
loans countries were pushed into economic
  • In global politics the crucial role always
    belonged to big world concerns.

German chemical concern IG Farben enabled the
rising of Hitler, american Monsanto up to date
creates fabulous profits with the sale of
dangerous chemicals, fertilisers and genetically
modified food.
No pollitical decision that is contrary to the
interests of capital, cannot be aproved.
  • Even the current financial chrisis hasnt been
    created without a reason.

Its purpose is to achieve centralization of
global monitoring over global finances.
Such an amendment is already in the procedure of
USA government.
And who is to be the monitor? Who else but
american FED!
  • It all goes with the plan for one and only global
    country, with one government, one military force,
    one legal tender, having the complete control
    over the world population.

Frightened by terrorism, starved in economic
chrisis and tired from natural disasters the
world population will be  ready to accept
That will be a fashist regime, in which different
opinion will simply not be present. The plan for
it is drawn on the one dollar bill.
  • Money is one of the most successful deceivings
    that human kind is blinded with.

It caused us to be focused to materiality more
than it is appropriate. It influences emotions
strengthens the greed and enviness, creates
competitiveness while at the same time giving the
(false) sense of security.
Using it, the human by human exploitation,
becomes instrumentalized. Capitalism is a
social order that provides the employment of all
registers of this mechanism.
  • Current solution for barraging the global
  • governments suggest financial support to the
    poored banks and big concerns.

The problem is therefore being solved with even
more money, pulled out of the pockets of tax
payers, enslaving them even more.
In reality the problem is getting bigger! So
each bill becomes a bond that claims interest.
Such solving of the chrisis is a farse, being
provided by the ignorance of majority of people.
Media, being capital owned, take care that the
real informations dont break through.
  • What is the real systematic solution for getting
    out of the existing situation?

Mechanism that brought us into the depression
needs to be disabled.
Money should become a righteous means of
exchange, that doesnt claim payment of interest.
Money as an ideal should fall and be replaced
by humanity.
The world should accept completely new rules of
behaviour, in which the benefit of the society
should stand before the benefit of individual,
and creating a harmony with nature, caring for
nature should be the main purpose of human kind.
  • The best would be to remove money as the means of
    exchange and to establish the world economy,
    based on use of worlds recources.

With righteous distribution there is enough of
worlds recources for the whole human population.
May everyone without payment get enough
recources to survive, live decent life and do the
work one desires.
If the change of system doesnt occur, the
current chrisis will just be postponed and after
some time bursting into wars for water, energy
and oil supplies.
  • After the great advancement of technique and
    technology the time has come to enable the
    advancement in our heads too.

We have to change the foundations of our
relationships and our social systems that burst
We need to reroute to the solutions that are
If we delay further, the nature will radically
force us to changing the view on materiality and
material prosperity. The survivers will be
starting all over...
  • Is there any truth in what was said, did you feel
    it in your heart?

If you want to prevent the black scenario, help
your friends to realize the truth. Better now
than later, when nothing can be done anymore.
Truth is that one man cannot change the world,
but one idea forwarded to others can.
There is no time for ignorance anymore.
  • The key of yours and your childrens future is in
    your hands.

You cannot pretend anymore that it doesnt
concern you.
Now that you know where the fault is, it will be
easier to remove it.
Mother Earth calls! She needs your help!
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