Ships in the Desert - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ships in the Desert


Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert Al Gore Objectives To understand the text To learn the words and phrases about environment To be familiar with the environmental issue ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ships in the Desert

Lesson 3
  • Ships in the Desert
  • Al Gore

  • To understand the text
  • To learn the words and phrases about environment
  • To be familiar with the environmental issue

Teaching Contents
  • 1. Introduction (10 min.)
  • 2. Detailed study of the text (140 min.)
  • 3. Structure analysis (5 min.)
  • 4. Language appreciation (5 min.)
  • 5. Summary of words and phrases(5 min)
  • 6. Exercises (15 min)

1. Introduction about the author
  •    Al Gore was born in 1948 in Washington D.C.,
    U.S. He has been a Senator (1984-1992)
    representing the State of Tennessee, and U.S.
    Vice-President (1992-2000) under President Bill
    Clinton. He ran for the Presidency against George
    W. Bush jr. but the latter won the closely tied
    election and has become the 43rd American
    President. The text is taken from Al Gores book
    Earth in the Balance

  • Al Gore's profound analysis of where humanity has
    gone wrong ranges across history, politics,
    science, economics, psychology, philosophy, and

  • Gore demonstrates that the quality of our air and
    water is urgently at risk. He clearly illustrates
    how problems that once were regional have now
    become global. Gore argues for a worldwide
    mobilization to save us from disaster.

The introduction of the text

2. Detailed study of the text
  • Ships in the Desert
  •  Whats the meaning of the title?
  • What does the author try to tell us through his

Para.1 typical example of environmental
Why did the writer go to the Aral Sea? What did
he see there?
(No Transcript)
the prospects of a good catch looked bleak
  • a good catch did not look promising / hopeful.
  • an understatement  

the Aral sea
  • The Aral Sea
  • located in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
  • historically a saline lake
  • In 1960 the worlds fourth largest lake, the
    size of the entirety of Southern California
  • in the center of a large, flat desert basin
  • a prime example of a dynamic environment

Americas Great Lakes
  • the group of five freshwater lakes, central
    North America, between the United States and
  • largest body of fresh water in the world
  • From west to east, they are Lake Superior, Lake
    Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario
  • HOMESH stands for Huron, O for Ontario, M for
    Michigan, E for Erie and S for Superior.

  •      something that is comparable to something
    else is
  • a) as good as/ as big as/ as important as the
    other thing
  • b) similar to the other thing
  • e.g. This dinner is comparable to the best
    French cooking.

to feed it has been diverted in an ill-considered
irrigation scheme to grow cotton in the dessert
  • to flow into the sea has been turned away to
    irrigate the land created in the desert to grow
  • The scheme was an ill-conceived one because it
    failed to take into consideration the ecological

Para. 2 thesis statement
  • My search for the underlying causes of the
    environmental crisis has let me to travel around
    the world to check and study cases in order to
    find out the basic causes behind the
    environmental crisis

What does it mean?
  • I traveled around the world because I wanted to
    see, check and study cases of such
    destruction in order to find out the basic causes
    behind the environmental
  • crisis.
  • This sentence expresses the main idea and
    indicating the development of a causal essay.

Trans-Antarctic Mountains
  • Antarctica is icy cold.
  • Trans-Antarctic Mountains divided it into the
    East Antarctic and West Antarctic subcontinents.

China has set up two scientific research
stations there Zongshan Station in the East and
Great Wall in the West.

the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in
the sky
  • the sun shining at midnight through the ozone
  • a hole ozone depletion ?????

about the tunnel he was digging through time
  • about the tunnel he was drilling for samples from
    the glacier, which estimates the time. The deeper
    he drilled, the farther the sample in time
  • in other words, the surface of the glacier is an
    indication of recent time while the deeper part
    of the glacier tells of situation of a much more
    remote period.

He moved his finger back in time to the ice of
two decades ago
  • Following the layers of ice in the core sample,
    his finger came to the place where the layer of
    ice was formed 20 years ago.

Clean Air Act
  •   American Congress passed the Clean Air Act in
    1970, which is one of the oldest environmental
    laws of the U.S. as well as the most
    far-reaching, the costliest, and the most

two continents
  • South America and Antarctica
  • least accessible place on earth the place which
    is the most difficult to get to in the world 

Para. 3 the global warming seen in the Antarctic
Whats Paragraph 3 talking about?
Whats the cause of the global warming?
  • Began with the industrial revolution,

Industry meant coal
  • the development of industry meant the use of
    large amount of coal as fuel to generate power.

--bringing risingwith its ability warm the
  • adverbial of result
  • making the amount of carbon dioxide in the
    atmosphere grow
  • heat cannot easily get through carbon dioxide and
    go into the high altitude so carbon dioxide plays
    the role of a cover, keeping the heat near the

 upwind from the ice runawayscientists monitor
the airto chart the course of that inexorable
  • upwind from the ice runaway where the ski plane
    lands and keeps its engines running so that the
    metal parts will not be frozen solid, scientists
    watch the air several times every day to mark the
    course of that unalterable change.
  • upwind in the direction from which the wind is
    blowing or usually blows
  • to chart the course to show the onward movement
    on an outline map

graph usually a mathematical diagram
Para. 4 a thinning cap as the result of Arctic
air warms
What caused the thinning of the polar ice cap?
global warming
  • a kind of motor vehicle for traveling over snow,
    usually with steer able runners at the front and
    tractor treads at the rear
  • rendezvous point the place where a submarine was
    to pick them up
  • A rendezvous is a place where you have arranged
    to meet somebody often secretly.

to secure the release of previously top secret
  • to ensure the making public of data which was
    originally classified as top secret .

  • U (an acronym for sound navigation ranging) an
    apparatus using sound waves for finding the
    position of underwater objects, such as mines or
  • Baiqi dolphins have sonar. Bats have sonar.

I was standing when separate sheets collide
  • I was standing in the vast scene of snow which
    was fearfully beautiful, windswept and shining
    white, with the stretch of ice field
    characterized by small ridges because of the
    force of the collision of the separate layers.
  • eerily mysteriously, especially in such a way as
    to frighten or disturb
  • snowscape scene of snow.
  • cf. landscape and seascape.  

the consequences of a thinning cap could be
  • the result of a thinning cap may indicate
    the possibilities of disasters
  • could the word indicates possibilities

And why could the thinning of the polar ice cap
be disastrous to the world?
  • Because the polar cap plays an important role in
    the worlds weather system, the consequences of a
    thinning cap could bring about dramatic changes
    in the ecological pattern. For example, it will
    bring large amount of water which will raise the
    ocean level and cause some floods.

Para. 5 the rising temperature of the earth
.     Considering such scenarios is not a purely
speculative exercise Thinking about how a
series of events might happen as a consequence of
the thinning of the Polar cap is not just a kind
of practice in speculation, it has got practical
the pattern of ice distribution controversial
  • the regular way ice is distributed
  • a statement which some scientists still do not
    completely accept

the Arctic Circle
  • an imaginary line drawn round the world at a
    certain distance from the most northern point
    (the North Pole), north of which there is no
    darkness for six months of each year and almost
    no light for the other six months. cf. the
    Antarctic Circle
  • tundra any of the vast, nearly level, treeless
    plains of the Arctic regions

Para. 6 the images of destruction at the equator
  •    large swelling mass of
  • billow v. When smoke or cloud billows, it moves
    slowly upwards or across the sky

Amazon rain forest
  • The Brazilian Amazon contains about a third of
    the Earth's remaining tropical forest and a very
    high portion of its biological diversity. One
    hectare (2.47 acres) of Amazonian moist forest
    contains more plant species than all of Europe.
    Yet still it is being destroyed just like other
    rainforests around the world.

  fast pasture for fast-food beef
  • Bit by bit trees in the rain forest are felled
    and the land is cleared and turned into pasture
    where cattle can be raised quickly and
    slaughtered and the beef can be used in
  • fast pasture for fast-food beef alliteration
  • Pay attention to the connection of the two
    fasts in fast pasture and fast food. With that
    comes the fast disappearance of the rain

the dry season
  • ant. in the wet seasonthe rainy season
  • similarly
  • the football season, the breeding season,
  • the planting season, the holiday season,
  • the harvest season, the cold season,
  • the tourist season, the game season,
  • a season of film
  • in season Ant. be out of season
  • season v. e.g. season the food with salt

with more than one Tennessees worth of rain
  • the area of rain forest burned in one year is
    bigger than the state of Tennessee.
  • worth equal in area or size
  • slash cut with a sweeping stroke

we are silencing thousands of songs we have never
even heard
  • Since miles of forest are being destroyed and
    the habitat for these rare birds no longer
    exists, thousands of birds which we have not even
    had a chance to see will become extinct.

How will the destruction of the Amazon rain
forest affect the earths ecological balance?
  • Fewer rainforests mean less rain, less oxygen
    for us to breathe, and an increased threat from
    global warming.

Para. 7 images of destruction seen almost
What does the writer call ghosts in the sky?
noctilucent clouds
How are they formed?
They are formed because of the huge buildup of
methane gas in the atmosphere, released from
landfills, from coal mines and rice paddies, from
billions of termites that swarm through the
freshly cut forestland, from the burning of
biomass and from a variety of other human
On some nights that signals the loss of
ecological balance now in progress
  • On some nights, in the area at a high northern
    latitude, the sky alone presents another example
    of ill omen showing. There is ecological
    imbalance and this kind of imbalance is
  • in high northern latitude ????????
  • cf. longitude??


noctilucent cloud
  • This luminous cloud occasionally appears
    when the earth is first hidden in the evening
    darkness shining unsteadily above us with a
    partially transparent whiteness, these clouds
    dont seem natural

noctilucent cloud
  • nocti- means night lucent means shining,
  • designating or of a luminous cloud visible at
  • translucent partially transparent

landfills garbage disposal
  • methane is emitted from garbage disposal,
    from coal mines and rice fields, from billions of
    termites (??)moving in large numbers through the
    freshly cut forestland, from the burning of
    amount of living organism in a particular area
    and from a variety of other human activities.

Even though noctilucent clouds to the surface
far beneath them
  • The implication is that the night comes earlier
    than the upper part. The balance between day and
    night is broken.
  • altitudes a high area
  • e.g. At high altitudes it is difficult to

Para. 8 human attitudes towards the images of
  • What should we feel toward these ghosts in the
  • What should our attitude be toward these
    noctilucent clouds in the sky?

the mix of emotions we feel at the zoo
  • the mix of emotions we feel at the zoo on the
    one hand we feel excited about seeing those
    animals, but on the other hand, we feel sorry for
    them because they have been deprived of freedom.
  • Should it only be a feeling of surprise and
    admiration or a combination of different feelings
    we experience in the zoo?

feel awe for our own power
  • feel amazed and frightened at our own power.

upset the balance between daylight and darkness
  • Just as men are killing such large number of
    elephants for their tusks that the species will
    soon extinguish, we are using and destroying
    resources in such a big amount that we are
    disturbing the balance between daylight and

  greenhouse gases
  • gases that will trap heat at the surface of the
    earth like a greenhouse and ranks third only to
    carbon dioxide and water vapor in total volume.
  • This means of all the gases, water vapor occupies
    the largest portion, carbon dioxide the second.
    Methane-natural gas, greenhouse gases- the third

the chemistry of the upper atmosphere
  • the chemical composition of the upper atmosphere

shouldnt it startle us with a spectral light?
Or have our eyes human civilization and the
  • two rhetorical questions
  • it should startle us
  • our eyes should not haven adjusted so completely
    to the bright lights of civilization that we
    cant see.

what they are
  • Or have we been so accustomed to the bright
    electric lights that we fail to understand the
    threatening implication of these clouds

a physical manifestation of the violent
collision between human civilization and the
  • we fail to understand that it is a glaring sign
    of the violent clash between human activity and

Para 9. humans puzzling response
  • Even though it is sometimes hard to see their
    meaning, we have by now all witnessed surprising
  • to understand the threat of these clouds

What are the surprising experiences that signal
the damage from our assault on the environment
mentioned in the paragraph?
  • more hot days, quicker sunburn, and more debate
    on garbage disposing matter.

--whether its the frequencywith growing
mountains of waste
  • whether it is the fact that recently there are
    more hot days when the temperature is over 100
    degrees Fahrenheit (38 degree Celsius), or the
    fact the sun burns our skin more quickly in
    recent times, or the fact that the debate over
    the way of disposing of the growing amount of
    waste matter comes up more frequently.

But our response to these signals is puzzling
  • But our reaction to these signals is so baffling
    that it is difficult to understand.

To come at the question another way
  • To approach the question in a different way to
    put the question differently

Why havent we launched a massive effort to save
our environment?
  • Why havent we started a large-scale movement to
    save our environment?

some images
  • Why do some signs so alarm us that we
    immediately take action and concentrate on ways
    of dealing with them effectively?
  • some images
  • e.g. white pollution, (immediate action stop
  • sandstorm (immediate action plant grass
    and trees)

other images... less painful distraction
  • And why do other signs, though sometimes no
    less striking, only cause a kind of loss and
    inactivity and we concentrate our attention not
    on the ways to deal with them but instead, on
    some other substitutes which are easy to get and
    less painful?
  • other images
  • e.g. gases from cars (distraction people still
    want cars, and have an easy and less painful way
    to deal with this issue, say, its a natural
    cycle, not because of human activities)

Para.10 the importance of organizing our thoughts
  • it may be helpful to classify them and thus
    begin to organize our thoughts and feelings so
    that we may be able to respond appropriately
  • to arrange them into different groups
  • so that we will be able to take the most suitable

Para. 11 the military system local
skirmishes, regional
battles, and strategic conflicts
  • theater scene of operation
  • e.g. This was the Pacific theatre of World War
  • ?????????????????
  • lecture theatre ????

A useful system comes from the military
  • A useful way of classifying comes from fighting.
  • They are local skirmish, regional battles,
    and strategic conflict.
  • A skirmish is a minor battle

a global context
  • This third kind is reserved for struggles that
    can endanger a nations existence and must be
    viewed against the background of the world.

What kind of conflict will be considered as
strategic conflict?
  • Only struggle that can threaten a nations
    survival and must be understood in a global
    context will be considered as strategic

Para 12. the same case with the images of
  • illegal waste dumping the disposal of waste in a
    way that violates the law
  • Problems like acid rain, the contamination of
    underground aquifers, and large oil spills are
    fundamentally regional basically belong to
    regional category.

Acid rain(??)
  • rain with a high concentration of acids produced
    by sulfur dioxide (????), nitrogen oxide (???),
    etc. emitted during the combustion (??)of fossil
    fuels it has a destructive effect on plant and
    aquatic (???) life, buildings, etc.

  • cf. pollution Pollution is a term to describe
    the degrading of the environment in some waythe
    air we breathe or the water we drink or wash in
    can be polluted when it is contaminated by some
    foreign or unwanted material, e.g. engine oil or
    chemicals in water, smoke, or car exhaust in the
    air. We talk about air pollution or water
    pollutionnot water contamination but pollution
    is the more common term.

  • Contamination is a more scientific term used to
    describe a substance contaminating or spoiling
    something such as an experiment, e.g. the water
    purity experiment was contaminated by an outside
    chemical. We would not say polluted in this

aquifer an underground layer of porous
(???)rock, sand, etc, containing water, into
which wells can be sunk.
the pattern appears to be global
  • It seems that the problem has acquired a global
    nature since so many similar things occur at the
    same time all over the world.

Para.13 a new class of environmental problems
affecting the global ecological system chlorine?
  • The 600 percent increase countries producing
    the chlorofluorocarbons responsible
  • There have been 600 percent increase in the
    amount of chlorine in the atmosphere during the
    last forty years not only in those countries
    which are mainly responsible for the production
    of CFC
  • chlorofluorocarbons CFC ???

The increased levels radiation from the sun
  • The increase of the amount of chlorine disturbs
    the usual way of handling and controlling the
    amount of ultraviolet radiation the earth
    receives from the sun.

  • (of light) that is beyond the purple end of the
    range of colors (spectrum) that make up light
    that can be seen by human beings
  • ultraviolet rays ???
  • ultra- beyond e.g. ultrared (????),
    ultrashort (????), ultrasonic (????),

Para.14 another strategic threatglobal
  • Why?Because this increase in heat seriously
    threatens the global climate equilibrium that
    determines the pattern of winds, rainfall,
    surface temperatures, ocean currents and sea
    level, and these in turn determine the
    distribution of vegetative and animal life on
    land and sea and have a great effect on the
    location and pattern of human societies, so it is
    considered a strategic threat.

equilibrium that determines the pattern of
  • balance that decides the regular way of .
  • equilibrium a state of balance between opposing
  • pattern a regular, mainly unvarying way of

Para. 15 the transformed relationship between
humankind and the earth
  • in our own time we have reshaped a large part
    of the earths face with concrete in our cities
  • in the modern time we have given a new shape or
    form to a large part of the earths surface by
    building paved roads, bridges, buildings etc.
  • concrete metonymy

But these changes have, until recently, been
relatively trivial factors in the global
ecological system
  • Although sometimes these changes seem to be
    taking place everywhere in the world they have,
    until recently, been relatively insignificant in
    their influence on the ecological system of the
  • pervasive prevailing spreading

that assumption so that
  • What we should get rid of is exactly that kind of
    view which has been taken for granted. Only when
    we have dropped such a view can we think in a
    long term, overall way about our relationship to
    the environment.

Para. 16 the dominant cause of change in the
global environmenthuman civilization
What caused the change of the entire
relationship between humankind and the earth?
  • human civilization

Yet we resist this truth against the mountains
  • Yet we refuse to accept this true fact and find
    it difficult to think that we should treat our
    effect on the earth the same way as the moons
    gravitational pull on the oceans or the winds
    effect on the mountains and measure our effect in
    the same way as we measure the effect of natural

use that power wisely
  • of cause we must recognize that we have the
    responsibility to use the newly acquired
    capability in a prudent way and with proper

the fragility of the earths natural systems
  • the earths natural systems are very delicate and
    can easily be disrupted.

Para. 17 dramatic changes in two key factors
  • a sudden and startling surge in human population
  • a sudden acceleration of the scientific and
    technological revolution

that define the physical reality of our
relationship to the earth
  • that determine the actual state of our
    relationship with nature.

with the addition one Chinas worth of people
  • Every ten years the newly-added population will
    equal the population of China
  • Every ten years, one more Chinas population will
    be added to the population of the world.
  • Worth equal in size or number
  • e.g. The storm did thousands of pounds worth
    of damage (did damage worth thousands of
  • I bought 10 pounds worth of food.
  • He bought 10 dollars worth of postage

  • which has increased our power to influence the
    world around us to such a degree that can hardly
    be conceived
  • magnification the act of magnifying the
    power of magnifying

physical matter
  • material substance

Para 18. the surge in population
  • when viewed in a historical context
  • when we look at the matter from a historical
    point of view
  • Julius Caesar (102? B.C.- 44 B.C.), Roman
    statesman and general
  • Christopher Columbus (1451- 1506), discoverer of
    America, born Genoa, Italy
  • Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826) third President of
    the U.S. (1801-9), author of the Declaration of

Declaration of Independence
  • full and formal declaration adopted July 4,
    1776, by representatives of the thirteen colonies
    in North America announcing the separation of
    those colonies from Great Britain and making them
    into the United States

Para. 19 the present faster increasing population
  • in the course of one human lifemine
  • during the life span of an individual my
  • it is already more than half way there
  • the world population is already more than half of
    that figure.

Para. 20 the scientific and technological
  • And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly
    accelerated exponentially
  • And this continuing revolution has also suddenly
    developed at a speed that doubled and tripled the
    original speed.
  • exponential (???)of or relating to an exponent

While no single discovery it is nevertheless
  • While no single discover has had the kind of
    effect on our relationship to the earth (that),
    it is nevertheless true that taken together, they
    have completely transformed our cumulative
    ability to exploit the earth for
    sustenancemaking the consequence of unrestrained
    exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the
    consequences of unrestrained nuclear war

While no single discover has had the kind of
effect on our relationship to the earth
  • Although no individual discovery has changed
    human relationship to the earth so much that it
    is comparable to the nuclear weapons which have
    brought tremendous change to the relationship
    between man and warfare

taken together, they have completely transformed
our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for
  • put all the discoveries together, they have
    completely changed our ability to utilize the
    earth productively for survival
  • Originally, our ability to utilize the earth
    productively for survival grew by gradual
    addition but now these discoveries have changed
    the ability fundamentally

making the consequence of every bit as
unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained
nuclear war
  • this increased ability has made the results of
    unlimited use of global resources altogether as
    terrible as the results of full-scale nuclear war

Para. 21 our challenge to recognize that
startling images of destruction
  • Our challenge is to recognize that the startling
    images of environmental destruction now occurring
    all over the world have much more in common than
    their ability to shock and awaken us Our task is
    to see and to understand that those frightening
    examples of environmental destruction that are
    happening all over the world are so much the same
    in nature that they surprise us no longer.
  • are so frequently/ become so common that they
    dont shock and arouse us any more.

Symptoms of an underlying problem broader in
  • signs and indications showing that there exists a
    much greater and more serious problem which we
    have never encountered.

  • disappearance of forest

Para. 22 two aspects to this challenge our power
to harm the earth and our role as co-architect of
  • What are the two aspects to help people recognize
    the images of environmental destruction?

to see ourselves as we are used to
  • to regard ourselves as part of a complicated
    system which does not function according to the
    rule of cause-effect we are familiar with

The problem is not so much as our relationship
with the environment
  • The point is that our effect on the environment
    is not the same as our relationship with the
  • What is involved is a matter of human relations
    with nature, rather than how mankind will affect

As a result, the earths ecological system
  • As a result, if we want to solve the problem, we
    will have to carefully weigh and determine how
    important that relationship is and how important
    is the complicated interconnection among factors
    inside human society and between these factors
    and the main natural parts of global ecological
  • relation relative relationship
  • relationship friendship connection
  • interrelationship interrelation a (close)
    connection, relation of dependence

Para. 23 one precedent for this kind of challenge
to our thinking military one again
  • one example in the past which posed similar
    demand on us for a change in our way of looking
    at things.
  • precedent a former action or case that may be
    used as an example or rule for present

forced a slow and painful recognition
  • (the situation) compelled us to accept as a fact
    gradually and with difficulty

institution of warfare practice of armed
  • institution
  • a large organization for a university, bank, or
  • a building where certain people are kept or
    looked after
  • e.g He may end up in a mental institution.
  • c) a system, rule or a system that is considered
    an important or typical feature of a society,
    usually because it has existed for a long time
  • e.g. the institution of marriage

all-out war
  • armed fighting between nations using all
    possible strength and effort
  • all-out using all possible strength and
  • e.g. We made an all-out effort to finish the
    job by Christmas.

That sobering realization
  • Once you know how serious and terrible a nuclear
    war will be, you become more clear-headed, more
    balanced in your reasoning and judgment
  • sober adj. not drunk serious
  • v. to make or become serious or
  • e.g. a sobering thought

the prospect of such a war
  • the expected outcome of such a war

the veil of illusion that has so long obscured
the reality of the change in warfare
  • the wrong thinking people entertain which have
    made them fail to see the change in the nature of
    armed conflict.
  • veil covering of thin material a metaphor

Para. 24 arms race
  • For decades, each new advance... But each such
    deployment led a more advanced deployment of its
  • For decades, the two super powers had been
    competing in the research, production and
    deployment of more sophisticated, more advanced
    weapons, hoping that in this the other side would
    be deterred not to launch a first strike in
    nuclear weapons. But the result was just the
    opposite. Each advance in weaponry led to a new
    round of arms race, a race of a much more
    destructive level.

  • n. U a game in which one person bends down and
    another jumps over them from behind
  • v. to jump or skip over to advance well
    by missing out (sth.) on the way
  • e.g. He leapfrogged two ranks and was
    promoted directly to colonel.

It is complicated what war is all about
  • No doubt that the advance in technology has made
    the problem more difficult to solve but
    technology is not the real cause. The real cause
    lies in the kind of relationship between the
    Soviet Union and the United States and the
    theoretical basis for this kind of relationship
    is their outdated concept of war.
  • obsolete out-of-date, no longer used

Para. 25 the eventual solution to the arms race
new understandings and a mutual transformation of
the relationship itself
  • unilateral adj. done by or having an effect on
    only one side, esp. one of the political groups
    in an agreement

the denial of nuclear technology to rogue states
  • stopping rogue countries using nuclear
    technology or stopping sending nuclear technology
    to rogue countries.

  • adj. not following the usual or accepted
    standards, esp. in an uncontrollable or
    troublesome way countries
  • e.g. rogue politicians who go against the party
  • rogue states states which do not observe or
    follow the established international norms and
    practices, which can be considered as rascals
    /dishonest among states.

Para. 26 the real solution reinventing and
finally healing the relationship between
civilization and the earth
  • he strategic nature of the threat now posed by
    human civilization to the global environment and
    the strategic nature of the threat to human
    civilization now posed by changes in the global
    environment present us with a similar set of
    challenges and false hopes.
  • The important/basic nature of the threat now
    brought about by human civilization to the global
    environment and the important/basic nature of
    threat to human civilization now

What false hopes do some people have?
  • Some people hope a new ultimate technology,
    whether nuclear power or genetic engineering,
    will solve the problem. Others hope that a
    drastic reduction of our reliance on technology
    can improve the conditions of life.

a simplistic notion at best
  • a simple view at most

What is the real solution to the environmental
destruction according to the author?
  • The real solution will be found in reinventing
    and finally healing the relationship between
    civilization and the earth. This can only be
    accomplished by undertaking a careful
    reassessment of all the factors that led to the
    relatively recent dramatic change in the
    relationship. The transformation of the way we
    relate to the earth will of cause involve new
    technologies, but the key changes will involve
    new ways of thinking about the relationship

3. Structure Analysis
  • 1.Para. 1 Effects of environmental crises (The
  • 2. Paras. 2-20 Causes of environmental crises
  • A. The destruction around the world
  • -Antarctic, the Arctic, the equator, around us
  • B. Classification of the images of destruction
  • -Local - Regional- Strategic /global context
  • C. The dominant cause of the change
  • -Human civilization
  • 3. Paras. 21-26 Solution
  • A. Recognizing the starling images of destruction
  • B. Understanding the two aspects
  • C. Changing the view of the relationship-Educate

4. Language appreciation
  • The author developed this exposition by the cause
    and effect method.
  • He chose typical examples to support his ideas.
  • To make his writing clear, vivid and forceful, he
    used figures of speech such as understatement,
    alliteration, metaphor, rhetorical question and

Language appreciation
  • His formal style, serious tone as well as
    military metaphors indicated that environmental
    protection is a kind of war.
  • Although this writing is about a scientific
    research on the environment, the writer uses very
    few technical terms so that ordinary people can
    understand it easily.

5. Summary of the words and phrases
  • Words of general use
  • a good catch
  • divert
  • comparable to
  • dock at rest
  • underlying cause, dominant cause
  • sample
  • remotest and least accessible place
  • inexorable change
  • in such quantities, in such volume

  • threat, threaten,
  • buildup, increase, acceleration of
  • accelerate exponentially
  • at stake
  • transform, reshape,
  • pervasive, spreading , prevailing, prevalent
  • discard
  • assumption
  • yardstick

Words of Area
  • The Aral
  • Antarctica
  • frigid Arctic Ocean
  • North and South Poles
  • The equator
  • Amazon rain forest
  • local, regional, global (context)

Words of Environmental crisis
  • images of destruction, distressing images
  • pollution, contamination
  • monitor the air chart the course measurements
  • pick up speed
  • global warming
  • polar ice cap, thinning cap
  • hole, ozone depletion
  • the loss of living species
  • deforestation

  • acid rain
  • the temperature rising
  • billowing clouds of smoke
  • humankinds assault on the earth
  • the distress of our global environment
  • ghostly image, noctiluncent clouds , transparent
  • frequency, constancy
  • threaten the beast with extinction
  • precedent one example in the past

Words of the temperature
  • exceeds 100 degreesFahrenheit degrees
  • 38 Celsius degrees

Words of the loss of ecological balance
  • upset the balance
  • the global climate equilibrium
  • the global ecological system
  • the earths ecological system
  • the earths natural balance
  • a physical manifestation of the violent collision
    between human civilization and the earth
  • the pattern of winds, rainfall, surface
    temperatures, ocean currents, and sea level
  • the distribution of vegetative and animal life on
    land and sea

Words of chemistry of the upper atmosphere
  • water vapor
  • carbon dioxide
  • methane, natural gas
  • growing green-house gases
  • chlorinechlorofluorocarbons
  • ultraviolet radiation

6. Exercises Paraphrase
  • 1) a good catch did not look promising / hopeful
  • 2) Following the layers of ice in the core
    sample, his finger came to the place where the
    layer of ice was formed 20 years ago.
  • 3) keep its engines working so that the metal
    parts would not be frozen solid
  • 4) Bit by bit trees in the rain forest are felled
    and the land is cleared and turned into pasture
    where cattle can be raised quickly and
    slaughtered and the beef can be used in

  • 5) Since miles of forest are being destroyed and
    the habitat for these rare birds no longer
    exists, thousands of birds which we have not even
    had a chance to see will become extinct.
  • 6) Thinking about how a series of events might
    happen as a consequence of the thinning of the
    Polar cap is not just a kind of practice in
    speculation, it has got practical value.

  • 7) we are using and destroying resources in such
    a big amount that we are disturbing the balance
    between daylight and darkness
  • 8) Or have we been so accustomed to the bright
    electric lights that we fail to understand the
    threatening implication of these clouds

  • 9) To approach the question in a different way
    to put the question differently
  • 10) and have a great influence on the human
    residence and the way they are living

  • 11) we seem to be unaware of the fact that the
    earths natural systems are very delicate and can
    easily be disrupted
  • 12) And this continuing revolution has also
    suddenly developed at a speed that doubled and
    tripled the original speed.
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