Title: Station 1: Foil into a ball
1Station 1 Foil into a ball
- Lift one sheet of foil off of the table. Describe
how it looks and feels. - Have one member of your group roll the foil into
a ball. - Have another member of your group try to make the
ball even smaller. - Write down your observations.
- Have 1 team member throw away your piece of foil
and ask Mrs. Craft for a new one.
2Station 1 Foil into a ball
- Lift one sheet of foil off of the table. Describe
how it looks and feels. - Have one member of your group roll the foil into
a ball. - Have another member of your group try to make the
ball even smaller. - Write down your observations.
- Have 1 team member throw away your piece of foil
and ask Mrs. Craft for a new one.
3Station 2 H2O2 NaClO
- Describe each of these liquids.
- Measure out 10 mL of H2O2 and pour gently into
beaker. - Use plastic pipette to extract .5 ML of NaClO.
(about half of the pipette) - When everyone is ready, squeeze the NaClO into
the beaker (do NOT touch pipette to H2O2 or
reaction solution) - Tell your teacher if you have contaminated the
pipette. - Write down observations.
- Gently pour substance into the waste container at
your station.
4Station 2 H2O2 NaClO
- Describe each of these liquids.
- Measure out 10 mL of H2O2 and pour gently into
beaker. - Use plastic pipette to extract .5 ML of NaClO.
(about half of the pipette) - When everyone is ready, squeeze the NaClO into
the beaker (do NOT touch pipette to H2O2 or
reaction solution) - Tell your teacher if you have contaminated the
pipette. - Write down observations.
- Gently pour substance into the waste container at
your station.
5Station 3 NaClO Bromothymol Blue
- Measure out 10 mL of NaClO and pour into beaker.
- Use the dropper bottle to extract a small amount
of bromothymol blue. - Add bromothymol blue to NaClO one drop at a time.
Add 3 6 drops. - Note the color change (if any).
- Discard the solution into the waste container at
your station.
6Station 3 NaClO Bromothymol Blue
- Measure out 10 mL of NaClO and pour into beaker.
- Use the dropper bottle to extract a small amount
of bromothymol blue. - Add bromothymol blue to NaClO one drop at a time.
Add 3 6 drops. - Note the color change (if any).
- Discard the solution into the waste container at
your station.
7Station 4 C6H12O6 into H2O
- Add approximately 20 mL of H2O into beaker.
- Measure out 1/2 teaspoon of C6H12O6.
- Pour C6H12O6 into H2O.
- Write observations.
- Stir mixture using the stirring stick. Record
how long (seconds) it takes to dissolve
completely. - Pour waste into waste container at station.
8Station 4 C6H12O6 into H2O
- Add approximately 20 mL of H2O into beaker.
- Measure out 1/2 teaspoon of C6H12O6.
- Pour C6H12O6 into H2O.
- Write observations.
- Stir mixture using the stirring stick. Record
how long (seconds) it takes to dissolve
completely. - Pour waste into waste container at station.
9Station 5 CH3COOH NaHCO3
- Measure out 1 teaspoon of NaHCO3 and pour into
small container provided. - Measure out approximately 20 mL of CH3COOH and
pour into beaker. Remember to close lid of bottle
before moving on. - Pour into beaker. Record observations.
- Pour waste into waste container at station.
10Station 5 CH3COOH NaHCO3
- Measure out 1 teaspoon of NaHCO3 and pour into
small container provided. - Measure out approximately 20 mL of CH3COOH and
pour into beaker. Remember to close lid of bottle
before moving on. - Pour into beaker. Record observations.
- Pour waste into waste container at station.
11Station 6 CH3COOH Bromothymol Blue
- Measure out 10 mL of CH3COOH and pour into
beaker. - Use pipette to extract a small amount of
bromothymol blue. - Add bromothymol blue to CH3COOH drop by drop.
Add 3 6 drops total. - Note the color change (if any).
- Discard the solution into the waste container at
your station.
12Station 6 CH3COOH Bromothymol Blue
- Measure out 10 mL of CH3COOH and pour into
beaker. - Use pipette to extract a small amount of
bromothymol blue. - Add bromothymol blue to CH3COOH drop by drop.
Add 3 6 drops total. - Note the color change (if any).
- Discard the solution into the waste container at
your station.
13Station 7 milk, food coloring, soap
- Measure out 20 mL of milk.
- Pour milk into dish provided.
- Add between 4 and 9 drops of food coloring any
color. - Carefully add 1 drop of dish soap.
- Write down your observations.
- Send one person to the sink to rinse the dish and
dry it for the next team.
14Station 7 milk, food coloring, soap
- Measure out 20 mL of milk.
- Pour milk into dish provided.
- Add between 4 and 9 drops of food coloring any
color. - Carefully add 1 drop of dish soap.
- Write down your observations.
- Send one person to the sink to rinse the dish and
dry it for the next team.
15Station 8 Sharpening a pencil
- Take an unsharpened pencil from the tray.
- Write down your observations.
- Have one person sharpen the pencil with a hand
sharpener. - Look closely at the pencil and shavings.
- Write down your observations.
- Ps thanks for sharpening these pencils for me!
16Station 8 Sharpening a pencil
- Take an unsharpened pencil from the tray.
- Write down your observations.
- Have one person sharpen the pencil with a hand
sharpener. - Look closely at the pencil and shavings.
- Write down your observations.
- Ps thanks for sharpening these pencils for me!
17Station 9 Video Vinegar and egg
- Watch the video
- Write down your observations
- Set the video back to the start for the next
team. - http//youtu.be/S-BpS-PjiqI
18Station 9 Video Vinegar and egg
- Watch the video
- Write down your observations
- Set the video back to the start for the next
team. - http//youtu.be/S-BpS-PjiqI