Science 111 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Science 111


... things hot and others cold? We can feel when an object is hot or cold ... Aristotle thought it was because hot objects contained more of the pointy fire atoms. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Science 111

Science 111
  • Chapter 7
  • Thermal Energy and Thermodynamics
  • Chapter 8
  • Heat Transfer and Change of Phase

Atoms and Molecules
  • Substances are made out of atoms.
  • Sometimes the atoms are bound into units called
    molecules (like the H2O molecules that make up
  • We will use the term molecules to mean either
    molecules or single atoms.

What an attractive molecule
  • Molecules usually attract each other (because
    they tend to have ends that are positively and
    negatively charged and the opposite charges
  • But molecules are also moving around and the
    attractive forces may not be enough to hold them

Solids, Liquids, and Gases
  • When the molecules have very little kinetic
    energy, they stick together tightly and form into
    a solid.
  • More kinetic energy, molecules moving faster,
    they squirm around but dont pull apart from each
    other, the liquid phase.
  • Still more energy, they break free from each
    other and fly around independently, a gas.

This is figure 17-5 from the text. In
the solid, the atoms may vibrate but dont move
around. In the liquid, the molecules move
around but dont break away from each other, like
bees in a beehive. In the gas, molecules all
fly their separate directions, like birds in the
Thermal Energy
  • Molecules will have kinetic energy and other
    forms of energy (electrical potential energy,
    nuclear energy, ).
  • The total energy within a substance is called the
    thermal energy.
  • The thermal energy is all the energy hidden
    within an object, it does not include energies
    due to the collective motion or position of the
    object (bulk kinetic energy or gravitational PE).

Sec. 7.2 Temperature
  • Why are some things hot and others cold?
  • We can feel when an object is hot or cold but
    what makes it so?
  • Aristotle thought it was because hot objects
    contained more of the pointy fire atoms.
  • Are some types or shapes of molecules inherently

High Speed is Hot
  • Hot and cold has nothing to do with the type or
    shapes of molecules.
  • It is the speed of motion of molecules that make
    them hotter or colder.
  • Hot substances have very active molecules that
    transfer lots of energy (do work) when in contact
    with cooler objects.

What temperature is
  • Specifically, temperature is a measure of the
    average kinetic energy of the molecules within a
  • This is the kinetic energy of the motion or
    vibration of the molecules within the substance.
  • Molecules can have a wide variety of speeds which
    is why we use the average.

A Glimpse at the Math
  • The kinetic energy of a molecule (or anything) is
    calculated by 1/2mv2.
  • The average of all the kinetic energies will be
    some amount (KE)avg.
  • The temperature of that object is the average
    kinetic energy times two-thirds divided by
    Boltzmanns constant k,
  • T (2/3) (KE)avg/k k 1.38 x 10-23 J/K

Sorry about that
  • Sorry, you didnt need to see that.
  • You wont be doing those calculations or using
    Boltzmanns constant.
  • I just wanted to emphasize that temperature
    really is determined by the average kinetic
    energy of molecules, that is what it really

Temperature Scales
  • Celsius (C) Fahrenheit (F)
  • Kelvin (K)
  • C F K
  • Room Temp 24 76 297
  • H2O Freezing 0 32 273
  • H2O Boiling 100 212 373

Sec. 7.3 Absolute Zero
  • Temperature measures the average kinetic energy
    of molecules.
  • There is no limit to how much energy a molecule
    can have, so there is no limit to how high the
    temperature can be.
  • There is a lower limit to kinetic energy.

Absolute Zero
  • The least kinetic energy a molecule can have is
    zero (not moving at all).
  • The lowest possible temperature is when the
    average kinetic energy is zero
  • This occurs at a temperature of
  • -273C -459F 0 K
  • This temperature is called absolute zero.

Sec. 7.4 Heat
  • A force acting on a moving body does work.
  • The work done represents a transfer of energy,
    one body gains energy and the other loses an
    equal amount of energy.
  • When a hot body is put next to a cold one, the
    hot one cools and the cold one warms.

  • There was a transfer of energy between the hot
    and cold bodies.
  • There is work done, but at a microscopic level
    due to the collisions of molecules moving at
    different speeds.
  • Lots of little forces doing work, not some large,
    obvious force doing work.
  • Energy exchanged in this fashion is called heat.

Heat and Work
  • Ultimately, all energy exchanges are due to work
    done by forces.
  • When the energy transfer occurs because of the
    different temperatures (different average kinetic
    energies of the molecules), we call it a heat
    flow rather than work.

Thermal Contact
  • Bodies that can have a heat flow between them are
    said to be in thermal contact.
  • All energy transfers are due to either heat or
  • When the energy exchange requires a difference in
    temperatures, it is heat, otherwise it is

Thermal Equilibrium
  • Heat will flow from the hot object to the cold
    one until they reach the same temperature.
  • Objects at the same temperature are said to be in
    thermal equilibrium and there is no heat flow
    between them.

Sec. 7.5 Quantity of Heat
  • Heat is energy, so we can measure heat in joules.
  • In the past, scientists didnt know that heat was
  • They thought there was a substance (called
    caloric) which could move from body to body.

  • Objects gaining more caloric would get hotter,
    cooler when losing caloric.
  • Eventually the caloric idea was disproven when it
    was found that temperatures of objects could be
    changed by doing work on them (like banging them
    with a hammer) which was just adding energy
    caloric must also just be energy.

Units of Heat
  • Special units were used to measure the amount of
    caloric in a heat flow.
  • Calories and BTUs (British Thermal Units).
  • Now we know that these units represent an amount
    of energy.

Some new energy units
  • 1 cal 4.187 J
  • 1 BTU 1055 J
  • 1 food-calorie 1 Calorie 1 big calorie
    1000 cal 1 kilocalorie 4187 J
  • A food contains 100 Calories, that means it
    contains 100,000 calories of available chemical

Some Questions
  • How, exactly, does heat (energy) get from a hot
    object to a cold object?
  • Why does heat always flow from hot to cold and
    never from cold to hot?
  • We now skip ahead to chapter 8 to answer this
    first question.

Sec. 8.1 Conduction
  • There are three main ways in which heat can move
    from body to body
  • conduction, convection, and radiation
  • Conduction occurs when two objects are put
    physically right against each other.

  • Two bodies are physically touching.
  • The molecules in one can collide with the
    molecules in the other.
  • The collisions can cause an exchange of energy
    (electromagnetic forces do work, but again, this
    microscopic work is usually called heat rather
    than work).

Direction of heat flow
  • One body gains energy (kinetic energy of its
  • The other body will lose an equal amount of
  • The hotter body always gets colder (loses energy)
    while the cold gets hotter. Why?

Why heat goes hot to cold
  • When a fast-moving molecule collides with a
    slow-moving molecule, the usual result is two
    medium-speed molecules.
  • It can happen that the fast ends up moving faster
    and the slow slower, but that is extremely rare.
  • So, the hot body with its faster moving molecules
    tends to lose energy overall due to these
    collisions, and the colder gains an equal amount
    of energy.

Conduction across an object
  • Imagine a metal rod at room temperature except
    that one end is being heated.
  • That hot end will pass energy on to the adjacent
    sections and on down the rod.
  • In a metal rod, heat (energy) moves quickly.
  • Metals are good conductors of heat.
  • Why is that?

Why metals are good conductors
  • Metals all contain free electrons, electrons
    which move far and fast within the metal.
  • Far is a relative term, still microscopic on
    human terms but much further than the usual
    distances moved by other electrons and molecules
    within the metal.
  • Collisions between these electrons is responsible
    for the rapid conduction of heat in metals.

  • Gases, or substances that contain pockets of
    gases, are poor conductors of heat, poor
    conductors are called insulators.
  • Insulators slow the flow of heat, they cant
    entirely prevent it.

Heat Conduction Notes
  • In the conduction of heat, no exchange of
    material occurs.
  • Consider, say, the conduction between your butt
    and the chair youre sitting in.
  • Heat flows from you to the chair, but no part of
    you does.
  • Neighboring atoms interact and energy is
    exchanged (the more vigorous oscillations of your
    hotter molecules induce faster vibrations in
    those molecules).

Heat Notes Continued
  • Its like when you kick a ball.
  • You do work and transfer energy but there is not
    exchange (usually) of any of your substance.
  • Heat conduction is like the kicking of billions
    of microscopic adjacent balls.

  • You wake in the morning.
  • The tile floor feels very cold to your bare feet
    but the carpeting or wood feels warm.
  • The tile must be colder than the carpet, right?

Tile must be colder? No!
  • Wrong, both the carpet and the tile are at the
    same temperature!
  • The tile and carpet (and air and wood and walls
    and silverware and ) are in thermal equilibrium,
    theyve exchanged heat all night until they are
    all at the same temperature.
  • So why does the tile feel colder?

Why the tile feels colder
  • The carpet and tile are at the same temperature,
    both are colder than your body temperature.
  • Heat flows from your body to both.
  • The tile is a better conductor, heat flows into
    it more quickly.
  • The carpet is an insulator (air pockets).
  • What you feel is the loss of heat from your body,
    not the temperature of the other object.

Sense of Touch
  • On the tile, your feet lose a lot of heat and
    feel cold.
  • On the carpet, little loss, doesnt feel cold.
  • Your sense of touch detects the temperature of
    your skin, not the temperature of the thing you
    are touching.
  • This is common theme of exam questions.

Sec. 8.2 Convection
  • I carry a hot cup of coffee across the room.
  • Heat (energy) has moved from here to there.
  • This is an example of convection.
  • Hot smoke from a fire rises up into the sky.
  • Heat is carried upwards.
  • This is another example of convection.

Forced vs Natural
  • The rising of the hot smoke is natural
    convection because the hot gas expands, becomes
    less dense, and rises due to buoyant forces.
  • No one forced the heat to rise.
  • My carrying the hot coffee would be forced
    convection because it was not movement caused by
    its being hot.

Mix It Up
  • Opening a door during summer and letting warm air
    into the house is another heat exchange due to
  • Unlike conduction, heat exchange via convection
    can involve the exchange of molecules.

Convection Summary
  • Convection is when material containing thermal
    energy moves.
  • That movement can cause one place to get warmer
    and another to get colder.
  • Natural convection will always cause a hot region
    to get cooler while a cold region gets hotter.

Sec. 8.3 Radiation
  • Light is electromagnetic waves or
    electro-magnetic radiation.
  • Radiation is light.
  • And light contains energy.

All objects emit light
  • Everything, everywhere, all the time emits light.
  • Very hot objects will emit visible light (like
    light bulbs, the Sun, or flames).
  • Cooler objects emit light as well, usually
    infrared radiation that our eyes dont detect.

Different types of light
  • This is figure 12.3 from section 12.1 which will
    be covered later in the quarter - but learning
    the names (radio, microwave, infrared, visible,
    ultra-violet, X-ray, gamma ray) now wouldnt hurt.

Light and Energy
  • Light waves carry energy.
  • Radio and microwave are low-energy light.
  • Infrared and visible are medium-energy.
  • Ultraviolet, X-ray, Gamma ray are high-energy.
  • Emitting light is emitting energy.
  • Absorbing light is gaining energy.

Emission and Absorption
  • Everything emits radiation (light) continuously.
  • Human bodies, walls, stars, trees, pencils,
  • Everything absorbs light continuously.
  • There can be a net gain or loss of energy (heat)
    depending on the difference between the total
    energy it emits or absorbs.

Radiation Emission
  • Hotter objects emit more radiation than otherwise
    identical objects that are cooler.
  • Larger objects emit more radiation than otherwise
    identical objects that are smaller.
  • Actually, the larger or smaller needs to be
    judged in terms of the amount of surface area.
  • Emission also depends on the objects color.

The Color Black
  • Objects that are more black in color emit more
    radiation than otherwise identical objects that
    are more white in color.
  • Really!
  • Black objects may not reflect much light, but
    they do emit more light.
  • An infrared camera would show people wearing
    black to glow more brightly than those wearing

Radiation Absorption
  • Hotter and colder objects will absorb at the same
    rate if they are otherwise identical.
  • Larger (in surface area) will absorb more light
    than smaller (if otherwise identical).
  • Dark objects absorb more light than light
    (whiter) objects - which reflect light instead of

Summary Emitting Radiation
  • All objects do it.
  • Lose energy faster by radiation when
  • They are hotter
  • They are bigger
  • They are darker

Summary Absorbing Radiation
  • All objects do it.
  • Gain energy faster by radiation when
  • They are bigger
  • They are darker
  • And, obviously, when there is more radiation
    directed towards them.

Question 1
  • Why are black shirts hotter than white shirts on
    sunny days?
  • The black shirt absorbs much more sunlight than
    the white.
  • The black shirt will emit more radiation but its
    equilibrium temperature is higher.
  • Similarly, black cars, blacktop streets,
    dark-painted houses will all get hotter in the
    sunlight than their lighter-colored counterparts.

Question 2
  • Why are cloudy nights warmer than clear nights?
  • Whether there are clouds or not, the ground emits
    radiation upwards, losing energy.
  • On cloudy nights, the clouds emit radiation
    downwards which the ground absorbs.
  • On clear nights, there is virtually no radiation
    coming down from (cold, empty) outer space.
  • Larger net loss of energy for ground when clear.

Question 3
  • Why isnt the Earth as cold as outer space?
  • First, outer space isnt always cold, the very
    thin gases filling space are hotter than the
    Earth in some places and cooler elsewhere.
  • The Earth, and gases near the Earth, both gain
    energy from the Suns radiation equal to the
    energy they radiate out into space.
  • The Earths temperature is just that needed to
    maintain that balance (thermal equilibrium).

Sec. 8.4 Newtons Law of Cooling
  • Objects that are hotter than their surroundings
    will lose more heat than they gain (whether the
    exchange is due to conduction, convection,
    radiation, or some combination).
  • Objects cooler than their surroundings will gain
    heat energy and warm up.

Objects and Their Surroundings
  • If the object and the surroundings are at the
    same temperature (thermal equilibrium), there
    will be no net heat flow.
  • If parts of the surroundings are hotter than the
    body and other parts cooler, whether the object
    gains or loses heat will depend on the details of
    all those interactions.

Newtons Law of Cooling
  • Newtons law of cooling deals with the rate of
    heat flow between an object and its surroundings
    (where we will assume the surroundings are at a
    uniform temperature).
  • The rate at which an object will gain or lose
    heat is (approximately) proportional to the
    temperature difference between the object and its

  • Another stupid, pointless law?
  • No, this is easily used to answer many questions.
  • Your soda is warm and you want it cold as soon as
    possible. Will it cool faster in the freezer than
    the refrigerator or will it be the same either

Soda Cooling Problem
  • According to Newtons law of cooling, the soda
    will lose heat the fastest when the difference
    between its temperature and the surroundings is
    the most,
  • It will cool faster in the freezer!
  • Lets put in some numbers to better see how this
    would work.

Soda Cooling Numbers
  • Soda Temperature 70F, Refrigerator 40F, Freezer
  • Refrigerator ?T 30, Freezer ?T 45
  • Rate of heat loss is proportional to this
    temperature difference so the soda will lose heat
    50 faster (45/301.50) in the freezer than the
  • Wait, it gets better.

Soda Numbers (cont.)
  • Once the soda has cooled to 50F, refrigerator ?T
    10, freezer ?T 25.
  • So the soda will be cooling 2 1/2 times faster
    once it reaches this temperature.
  • Just how long will it take the soda in the
    refrigerator to reach the temperature of the
    refrigerator (40F)?

Time to Cool
  • Mathematically, it will take infinite time for
    the soda to fully cool.
  • The refrigerator stays at 40F, the soda cans
    temperature drops 72 to 56 to 48 to 44 to 42 to
    41 to 40.5 to 40.25 etc.
  • As the temperature difference decreases, the rate
    of cooling slows.

Warming of objects similar
  • A cold soda left in the open will also approach
    room temperature at ever slower and slower rates.
  • The time is not infinite because there are always
    variations in temperature, if the temperature in
    the refrigerator momentarily rises to 41F, the
    soda then catches up and is the same temperature
    as everything else.

Household Radiator
  • Radiators are common
  • in houses and buildings.
  • They work by running hot
  • water or steam through the pipes which then heat
    the surrounding room.
  • Q. Do they work primarily by conduction,
    convection, or radiation?
  • And why are they always white or silver?

Best Answer Convection
  • The pipes become very hot because of the hot
    water or steam passing through them.
  • The air next to the pipes is heated by
    conduction, but the air is a pretty good
    insulator so the heat does not get into the rest
    of the room by conduction.
  • The hot air does rise due to convection and most
    of the heating of the room is due to the
    convecting air.

  • The hot air rises, drawing in cooler air and that
    process repeats continuously.
  • Note how radiators are always placed on the floor
    and the pipes are always designed to allow for
    vertical movement of air.
  • Maybe they should be called convectors rather
    than radiators!
  • What about radiation and why are the pipes
    painted white?

  • The pipes will radiate, mostly infrared.
  • Darker pipes would radiate more than white pipes,
    so painting them white is to reduce the amount of
  • By limiting the heat loss by radiation, the pipes
    will be a little hotter and more heat loss will
    occur by conduction/convection.
  • Painting the pipes white is done to maximize
    convection (intense infrared radiation can feel

How does a Thermos bottle work
  • A vacuum (Thermos) bottle is designed to
    minimized all three forms of heat transfer a
    vacuum reduces conduction, mirrored sides
    minimize radiation, and a tight lid minimizes
    cooling of the air above the liquid's surface by

How can a person fire walk?
  • The hot coals can be poor conductors so that the
    rate of heat flow is slow and your feet dont
    burn in the time it takes to walk across.
  • It also helps if your feet are wet or damp for
    reasons well learn about later.

Melting of snow on a sunny day
  • Heat transfer from Sun due to radiation (all our
    energy from the Sun is by radiation).
  • Snow gains energy and melts.
  • If a dark powder is spread over the snow making
    it darker, it absorbs more of the sunlight and
    melts faster.

Why does a candle flame go up?
  • Convection, the burning of wax at the wick heats
    air which rises carrying the flame upward.
  • On the space station (free fall), candles just
    make little flame balls which quickly go out
    because in the weightless (or should I say free
    fall?) condition there is no natural convection
    of hot gases.

Heating a house with a fireplace
  • Mostly by radiation.
  • Hot gases mostly go up the chimney due to

Heating a house with a furnace
  • Mostly by (forced) convection.
  • The natural gas (or whatever) is used to heat air
    which is pushed into the rooms while cooler air
    is drawn in elsewhere.
  • Enough examples, back to the text.

Back to chapter 7 Sec. 7.6 The Laws of
  • The first law of thermodynamics is
  • Whenever heat flows into or out of a system,
    the gain or loss of thermal energy equals the
    amount of heat transferred.
  • The first law is also known by another name
    conservation of energy.
  • Why not just call it conservation of energy
    rather than the first law of thermodynamics?

Why its called the first law
  • Because the the first law was originally
    formulated for caloric, before caloric was
    discovered to be energy.
  • The basic rule is straightforward,
  • However much heat is added or removed from an
    object must equal the change in the total energy
    content of that object.

The First Law
  • Little needs to be said about the first law.
  • We have already learned about energy conservation
    and we have already been applying the first law
    regularly when talking about thermodynamics
  • On to the second law

The second law of thermodynamics
  • Heat never spontaneously flows from a cold
    substance to a hot substance.
  • It doesnt, but why doesnt heat ever flow
    spontaneously from cold to hot?
  • And is it okay for heat to flow from cold to hot
    as long as it is not spontaneous?

What if it could?
  • Before answering those other questions, lets
    consider what it would mean if, when cold and hot
    objects are put together, the cold could become
    colder and the hot hotter.
  • That would be amazing!
  • It would change everything.

Violation of the Second Law
  • It would allow
  • Perpetual motion machines
  • Cars that need no fuel
  • Refrigerators that dont have to be plugged in
  • That would be good stuff.
  • So, why cant heat naturally flow from cold to

Explanation for Conduction
  • As we discussed before.
  • When fast (hot) molecules collide with slow
    (cold) molecules, the usual result is two
    medium-speed molecules.
  • Only if the majority of the billion billion
    collisions were the extremely unlikely result
    would heat go the wrong way.

Convection and Radiation
  • There are similar arguments for convection and
  • The second law is really a statistical law, heat
    can go cold to hot but the probability of that
    happening is so overwhelmingly unlikely that you
    are best off thinking it strictly impossible.

Things were going to skip
  • Probabilities and temperatures can be connected
    using entropy but we wont be doing that in
    this class.
  • The third law of thermodynamics
  • No system can reach absolute zero.
  • Not important for us, skip.

Sec. 7.7 Specific Heat Capacity
  • Add 4187 joules of heat to one kilogram of water
    and the temperature will go up 1C.
  • Add 900 joules of heat to one kilogram of
    aluminum and the temperature goes up 1C.
  • Each substance is different.
  • Some require more heat than others to change
    their temperature.

Specific Heat
  • The heat needed to change the temperature of 1 kg
    of a substance by 1C is called the specific
    heat capacity (or just specific heat).
  • The specific heat of water is 4187.
  • The specific heat of aluminum is 900.
  • Both are 1 kg, why different amounts?

Why different specific heats
  • Why do different materials have different
    specific heats?
  • There are two main reasons
  • One kilogram will be different numbers of
    molecules for different substances.
  • The heat added can go into other forms of energy
    besides kinetic energy.

Different Numbers of Molecules
  • A single aluminum molecule (atom) has more mass
    than a single H2O (water) molecule.
  • So one kilogram of aluminum is fewer molecules.
  • The added heat is shared among fewer molecules
    and each gains more kinetic energy, hence a
    higher temperature.
  • This, in part, explains why it takes less energy
    to increase the temperature of aluminum as
    compared to water.

Other forms of energy
  • H2O molecules can have kinetic energy but can
    also have energy of vibrations and rotations.
  • The temperature of a substance depends only on
    the (average) kinetic energy.
  • When heat is added to water, only a fraction goes
    into kinetic energy, the rest goes into those
    other types of motions.

Waters High Specific Heat
  • Water has a very high specific heat.
  • In part because H2O molecules are light and there
    are a lot of them in one kilogram.
  • And because a lot of the added heat goes into
    vibrations and rotations of the molecules and not
    into kinetic energy.
  • This is why wet feet help for fire walking.

Example Using Math
  • One kilogram of aluminum at 100C is put into two
    kilograms of water at 20C, what will be the
    equilibrium temperature of the mixture?
  • First Law The heat lost by the aluminum will
    equal the heat gained by the water (assuming no
    other heat exchanges occur).

  • We are trying to find the final temperature, call
    it T.
  • The formula for the heat required to cause a
    temperature change is
  • Q m c ?T
  • Q heat m mass c specific heat ?T change in
  • For the aluminum, the heat lost is
  • (1) (900) (100 T)

  • For the water, the heat gained is
  • (2) (4187) (T 20)
  • Now we set these equal,
  • 900 (100 T) 8374 (T 20)
  • 90,000 900T 8374T 167,480
  • 257,480 9274T
  • T 257,480/9274 27.8 C
  • There is no homework like this, but you may do
    similar calculations in lab.

A Heated Debate?
  • You are in a restaurant and your coffee was just
    served but it will be another 5 or 10 minutes
    before you get your food, which is when you will
    drink the coffee. In order that it be as hot as
    possible when you drink it, should you pour in
    the room-temperature cream right away or when you
    are ready to drink the coffee? Discussion? Vote?

  • The energy lost from the coffee to warm the cream
    is basically the same in both cases.
  • So maybe waiting or not doesnt matter?
  • No, to maximize the temperature of the coffee
    when you drink it, you should pour the cream in
    right away.
  • There are a couple reasons why.

Newtons Law of Cooling
  • We learned that the greater the temperature
    difference between object and surroundings, the
    faster the heat will flow.
  • So, the hot coffee will lose heat faster than the
    cooler coffeecream will.
  • That pretty much proves it right there, add the
    cream right away.

  • Newtons Law of Cooling is only an approximation
    of behaviors.
  • Lets consider all heat transfer mechanisms to
    double check our guess.
  • The energy lost as radiation by the coffee is
    less when the cream is added because
  • the coffee is less hot
  • the coffee is less dark

Maybe I Dont Want Any Cream
  • Conduction of heat through the cup and to the
    table will be more when the temperature
    difference is more, adding cream sooner is
  • The greatest heat losses will probably be due to
    evaporation/convection. And that will definitely
    cool the coffee faster when it is hotter.
  • All the analysis supports adding cream sooner.

Sec. 7.8 Thermal Expansion
  • Molecules are always moving. Bumping against each
    other and beating out a space for themselves.
  • When temperature increases, the molecules have
    more kinetic energy. They are moving faster and
    push more on their neighbors.
  • At higher temperatures, each molecule (and hence
    the entire object) occupies more space.

Heat it and it grows
  • This is called thermal expansion.
  • As materials get hotter, they get bigger!
  • Heat a metal rod and it will grow a little longer
    (and a little wider).
  • Railroad tracks can ex-
  • pand and buckle on a
  • very hot day.

Expansion Joints
Expansion joints (connections that expand shorter
or longer) are ubiquitous, youll see them all
over the place.
Thermal Expansion of Water
  • Water has very unusual behavior.
  • Frozen water (ice) is less dense and bigger than
    the liquid water.
  • This occurs because ice forms into crystals that
    have a hexagonal arrangement of molecules. This
    takes up more space than a normal, random

Ice Water
  • Because of ices bloated shape, water expands
    when it freezes.
  • Water can shrink when heated and expand when
  • An example

Cooling Water
  • Imagine a beaker of water at room temperature
    (about 20C).
  • Cool it (remove heat).
  • Water shrinks, this is normal behavior.
  • At 4C, little hexagons of ice start to form and
    the volume of water now increases as it is
    cooled, unusual behavior.

Water at 4C is the most dense water.
  • In a very cold pond, the coldest water (0C) is
    at the top while the densest water (4C) is at
    the bottom.
  • This is why water (ice cubes, ponds, pools,
    lakes) freeze starting at the top.

Heated Ring
  • A metal ring is heated, does the central hole
    become larger, smaller, or stay the same size?
  • What do you think? Vote?
  • What is your reasoning?

The Hole Gets Larger
  • Ill try explaining this answer in a variety of
  • First, imagine heating a complete disk of metal
    (no hole) but with a circle drawn on it.
  • The metal expands when heated and that circle
    will get bigger.
  • Cut out the metal within that circle both before
    and after and you have exactly the problem we
    were doing, the hole gets larger.

Another Argument
  • Imagine four long skinny metal rods joined at
    their corners to make a square.
  • What will happen when this is heated?
  • All the rods expand, each rod will grow more
    lengthwise than across.
  • The square will have longer sides and a bigger
    area (hole!) in the middle.

Still Another Argument
  • Everyone agrees that cooling the ring will make
    the hole smaller.
  • So heating it must undo that, make the hole
    larger again.
  • Otherwise repeatedly heating and cooling would
    keep making the hole smaller and smaller and

The Practical Application
  • If the metal lid on a jar is too tight to
    unscrew, you heat the lid (maybe by running hot
    water over it).
  • The lid expands, the hole gets bigger, and the
    lid unscrews easily.

Expand This
  • A piece of metal is bent into a C-shape.
  • When the temperature is increased and the metal
    expands, will the gap between the ends become
    narrower, wider, or remain unchanged?
  • Guesses? Why?

  • The gap will expand just as much as a metal
    segment in the gap wouldve expanded.
  • The marked spots on the left edge will stay
    aligned with ends of the gap, both will expand.

Sec 8.5-8.10 Changes of Phase
  • Phases of matter
  • Solid, liquid, gas, plasma
  • (Dont worry about plasma.)
  • Molecules in solids all have fixed positions with
    only slight motions (vibrations).
  • Attractive forces hold the molecules rigidly
    making it a solid.

Solid to Liquid, Melting
  • Add heat to a solid and the molecules gain energy
    vibrate more.
  • More heat and the molecules can break away from
    their previous positions and move around like
    how the chocolates in a box of candy can move
    about if the box is shaken too hard.
  • Melting has occurred.

Melting Requires Energy
  • Molecules lose energy pulling away from each
    other, the electric attraction that held them
    together does work on the molecules, converting
    their kinetic or vibrational energy into
    electrical potential energy.
  • Yet, molecules will have the same average kinetic
    energy just before and just after the melting.
  • Huh? Now Im confused.

Added Heat Breaks the Bonds
  • The kinetic energy of vibrating molecules is not
    enough for them to break out of the bonds holding
    them next to their neighbors.
  • Add heat, increase the kinetic energy, and they
    can break free.
  • But they lose energy as they pull away and are
    typically back to the same kinetic energy they
    had before breaking free.

Melting Occurs at Constant Temp
  • If the average kinetic energy of the molecules in
    the solid just before melting and the liquid just
    after melting are the same, that means the
    temperatures are the same.
  • When something is melting, the added heat does
    not change the temperature, instead it causes
    bonds to be broken and the phase to change.
  • All phase changes occur at constant temperature.

Liquid to Solid, Freezing
  • You can turn a liquid into a solid by removing
    energy, called freezing.
  • The molecules are pulled into their positions in
    the solid, gaining energy from the work of
    electrical forces.
  • Although you remove energy to achieve freezing,
    the average kinetic energy of the molecules is

Heat of Fusion
  • The heat needed to melt a solid, or the heat that
    must be removed to freeze a liquid, is called the
    heat of fusion.
  • For water, the heat of fusion is 334 J per gram
    (about 80 cal).
  • To freeze 1 kg 1000 g of water at 0C into
    ice, 334,000 joules of heat must be removed.
    Formula Q mL

Liquid to Gas, BoilingGas to Liquid,
  • The heat added to boil a liquid into a gas is
    energy used to pull the molecules apart.
  • Heat must be removed from a gas to condense it
    into a liquid, this equals the energy gained by
    the molecules as they are pulled back next to
    each other by electrical forces.

Heat of Vaporization
  • The energy that must be added in boiling, or
    removed in condensation, is called the heat of
  • For water it is 2256 joules per gram.
  • Like melting/freezing, boiling/condensation are
    constant temperature processes.

Temp Change vs Phase Change
  • Imagine a block of ice at -20C.
  • Add heat to the block.
  • Its temperature will rise in accordance with its
    specific heat (Q m c ?T).
  • When the ice reaches 0C, the added heat stops
    causing temperature changes, instead it causes
    phase changes in accordance with the latent heat
    equation (Q mL).

  • Once all the ice is melted (into water at 0C),
    added heat will again cause temperature changes.
  • Added heat will raise the temperature until the
    water reaches 100C.
  • Now boiling occurs, adding heat changes the phase
    without changing the temperature.
  • Once all the water is boiled into steam, added
    heat will raise the temperature of the steam
    according to the specific heat of steam (which is
    different than cice and cwater).

  • Touch the inside of a 200C hot oven and you burn
    yourself. But when the 1800C white hot sparks
    from a 4th-of-July-type sparkler hit your skin,
    youre okay.
  • Why?

Burning Questions
  • You will get burned when touching something only
  • It is hot enough (so that heat will flow from it
    to you).
  • It contains enough energy (it is the amount of
    energy absorbed that will burn you, it is not the
    temperature of the energy, that doesnt even
    make sense).
  • The contact is long enough in duration (how long
    is long enough to burn depends on how readily the
    contact allows heat to flow).

  • Why does the 200C oven burn you but the 1800C
    spark doesnt?
  • Both are hot enough.
  • The oven contains enough energy but the spark
    does not the spark cools to room temperature
    after transferring a measly fraction of a joule,
    not enough to burn you.

To Burn or not to Burn
  • Why doesnt this burn?
  • Touching aluminum foil that was just in the oven.
  • Stepping into a hot Jacuzzi.
  • The Sun/sunlight.
  • Steam rising from boiling water.

Aluminum Foil from Oven
  • The aluminum foil is hot enough and can quickly
    transfer energy to you.
  • But the thin foil and aluminums low specific
    heat mean it just doesnt contain enough energy
    to burn.
  • Drops of oil on the foil are a different story,
    they can burn you.

Stepping into a hot Jacuzzi
  • Enough energy? Yes
  • Long enough duration? Yes
  • Efficient energy transfer? Yes
  • Hot enough? No
  • Being only slightly hotter than your skin, you
    can lose heat (sweating) about as fast as the
    Jacuzzi can add heat.

The Sun/Sunlight
  • Is the Sun hot enough? Yes
  • Does it contain enough energy? Yes
  • Is the contact long enough or the heat transfer
    method efficient enough? Not usually.
  • You can get a sunburn but only if you allow the
    sun to hit your skin for a lengthy time.

Steam from Boiling Water
  • Hot enough? Yes
  • Contains enough energy/contact long enough?
    Usually not.
  • You can get burned by steam, especially steam
    that is much hotter than 100C (which you might
    run into in a power plant but not on your stove
  • Only holding your hand in the steam for a lengthy
    time will result in a burn.

  • Some water at room temperature.
  • By chance, some water molecules will be moving
    faster than others.
  • Some will be moving so fast that they will break
    out of the liquid state.
  • These molecules escape and there is now less
    water remaining.

Evaporative Cooling
  • Because only the fastest (hottest) molecules are
    the ones that escape, the remaining molecules are
    cooler on average.
  • Evaporation causes the water to cool.
  • This is called evaporative cooling.

Sketch of Evaporation
Just the opposite
  • A water (steam) molecule that condenses from gas
    to liquid gains energy as it is pulled next to
    the water (liquid) molecules.
  • The liquid will gain energy due to this
    condensation, get warmer.
  • Depending on conditions, the evaporation and
    condensation may occur at equal rates having no
    net effect on the water or air.

Other Phase Changes
  • Sublimation solid to gas transition (without
    passing through a liquid phase)
  • Example dry ice (frozen CO2)
  • Deposition gas to solid phase change
  • Example frost (water vapor in air going
    straight to a snow-like solid form)

Boiling Point
  • For a molecule to boil (escape from the liquid
    phase into the gas phase), it must both pull away
    from the attractive force of the neighboring
    liquid molecules, and push its way into and among
    the surrounding gas molecules.

Almost time for exam 3
  • If the pressure (density) of gas molecules is
    greater, the liquids molecules need more energy
    to escape and the boiling temperature will be
  • Lower pressure and the liquid will boil at a
    lower temperature with less energy per molecule.

End Chapter 7 8 Lecture
  • Another dreaded midterm on the way
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