Title: Andy White
1Digital Hadron Calorimetry for the Linear
Collider Using Gas Electron Multiplier Technology
Andy White U.Texas at Arlington (for J.Yu, C.Han,
J.Li, D.Jenkins, J.Smith, K.Parmer, A.Nozawa,
V.Kaushik) 11/10/04 ACFA
2Linear Collider Physics
- ? A program of ee- discovery and precision
physics at 1TeV - Understanding the Electroweak sector
- - Origin of mass Higgs
physicscouplings - - EW Symmetry breaking
Supersymmetry? - Precision studies of the massive top quark
- Search for New Physics W, Z, leptoquarks, .
- , extra dimensions
- ? Much of this physics program requires high
precision measurements of jet energies and
jet-jet invariant masses -gt hence the need for a
new approach to hadronic calorimetry.
3Digital hadron calorimetry
- Need for high resolution energy measurements of
jets - example separation of W, Z in hadronic mode
- Three components of jet energy in calorimeter
- 1) electromagnetic measured well in e.m.
calorimeter - 2) charged hadrons track(s) cluster(s)
in hadron and e.m. calorimeter - 3) neutral hadrons cluster(s) in hadron
and e.m. calorimeter - - Use momentum measurement of charged hadrons in
magnetic field, track them to energy clusters in
hadron calorimeter, remove associated energy
remainder is neutral energy (Energy flow
algorithm) - ? Must track charged hadrons in calorimeter !
4Importance of good jet energy resolution
Simulation of W, Z reconstructed masses in
hadronic mode.
(from CALICE studies, H.Videau, shown at
ALCPG/Cornell M. Schumacher)
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6Digital hadron calorimetry (2)
A new approach - use small cells (1cm x
1cm) - cell is either ON or OFF. - high
granularity allows charged track following -
good correlation between energy and number of
cells hit. - requires development of
Particle Flow Algorithm to associate energy
7Digital calorimetry counting cells
8Digital Calorimeter Implementation
- There are a number of possible ways to implement
digital hadron calorimetry - - small scintillator tiles/SiPM (gt 3cm x
3cm) - - resistive plate chambers (long term
stability? rate?) - - wire chamber/pads?
- OR
- a new approach Gas electron multiplier/1cm x
1cm pads - - easy to
implement small cells - - fast
- - robust
9GEM foil/operation
GEM field and multiplication
From CERN-open-2000-344, A. Sharma
Invented by Fabio Sauli/CERN
10Double GEM schematic
Create ionization
Signal induction
From S.Bachmann et al. CERN-EP/2000-151
11Design for DHCAL using Triple GEM
12Nine Cell GEM Prototype Readout
Double-GEM prototype results Gas mix
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15Typical crosstalk signal (prototype)
16Crosstalk studies
Large Gap
Small Gap
Usual situation little xtalk
17Sr90 (beta) source
Scintillator-trig, dV400v, Sr-90, ArCo28515
18Next steps for prototyping
- Determined by availability of GEM foils of
larger size. - Likely short-term availability is for
305mmx305mm foils from 3M Corporation. - Plan is to build a cosmic (vertical) stack of
5-6 layers using the 305mmx305mm foils. - Use Fermilab 32-channel cards until ASIC
available. - Restrict readout to 10x10 channels/layer while
using the Fermilab cards.
19305mm x 305mm layer
Trace edge connector -gt Fermilab 32 ch board
(10 x 10) 4 active area
20Development of large-scale GEM layer for final
test beam stack
Test beam stack will be 1m3, with 40 active
layers each 8mm thick between steel absorber
GEM strip from 3M roll
21Development of GEM sensitive layer
Absorber strong back
Gas inlet/outlet (example)
Cathode layer
3 mm
Non-porous, double-sided adhesive strips
1 mm
1 mm
9-layer readout pc-board
Anode(pad) layer
Fishing-line spacer schematic
GEM foils
223mm side walls and spacers installed
23T2K large GEM foil design
(Close to COMPASS(CERN) foil design)
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253M GEM foil new layout
26Readout Electronics
- Working with ANL/RPC Group on common front-end
readout ASIC - Selectable gain high for GEM, low for RPC.
- Circuit evaluation using SPICE at UTA
- Common PC board/anode pad layer with RPC
- Digital design complete, Analog design
following BTeV chip. DHCAL specific final
development in early 2005.
27Test Beam
(details are subject of separate presentation)
1m3 stack 40 layers, steel absorber, (shared with
RPC group) GEM active gaps,
New collaborators on GEM/DHCAL -
University of Washington, T. Zhou - Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, Prof. Jin Li,
- Development of a new type of digital calorimeter
- Prototype development sources/new gas mixtures.
- Mechanical tests for large area active layers
- Exploring using 305mmx 305mm foils in
multi-layer cosmic stack as intermediate step to
test beam. - Ongoing discussions with 3M 4 other groups on
foil development. - Working towards a test beam stackfor 2006 beam
tests at Fermilab