Title: 7th SPC HOF meeting Noumea, 28 Feb -4 Mar
17th SPC HOF meetingNoumea, 28 Feb -4 Mar
- Vulnerability of oceanic fisheries in the
tropical Pacific to climate change
Patrick Lehodey1, John Hampton2, Rich W Brill3,
Simon Nicol2, Inna Senina1, Beatriz Calmettes1,
Hans O Pörtner4, Laurent Bopp5, Tatiana Ilyina6,
Johann D Bell2 and John Sibert7
1 Space Oceanography Division, CLS, France
2Oceanic Fisheries Programme, SPC, New Caledonia
3University of Miami, USA 4Alfred Wegener
Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany 5CEA / IPSL,
Paris, France 6 Max Planck Institute for
Meteorology, Germany 7 Pelagic Fisheries
Research Program, USA
2Tuna and fisheries in the tropical Pacific O.
Katsuwonus pelamis
Thunnus albacares
Tropical sp.
Temperate sp.
3Distribution of tuna catch
Tuna catch in the WCPC
Catch in WCPO
4Projection under IPCC scenarios
IPSL Earth Climate Model
Atmospheric CO2 concentration 1860-2000
Measured 2000-2100 IPCC A2 scenario
Land surface Model (ORCHIDEE)
Atmospheric model (LMDZ)
Ocean General circulation Model (OPA)
Sea-ice model (LIM)
A2 scenario PCO2 reaches 850 ppm in 2100
Species Abundant occurrences (C)
Skipjack 20-29
Yellowfin 20-30
Bigeye 13-27
Albacore 15-21
Southern bluefin 17-20
Range of sea surface temperature where
substantial commercial catches are made (source
Sund et al., 1981).
Species Fork length (cm) Lower lethal O2 levels (ml l-1)
Skipjack 50 1.87
75 2.16
Yellowfin 50 1.14
75 1.77
Bigeye 50 0.40
75 0.50
Albacore 50 1.23
75 1.03
Less tolerant to low values
Most tolerant to low values
7Ocean Productivity
8Summary of expected impacts
- Observed effects of climate variability on tuna
with ENSO - Large-scale east-west displacements of skipjack
in the Pacific are correlated with ENSO events. - These displacements lead to large fluctuations
in catches from the EEZs of PICTs. - There is evidence that recruitment of tuna is
influenced strongly by variability in ENSO. - Vulnerability of oceanic fisheries to the effects
of climate change - Ocean temperature
- Projected changes should affect distribution of
tuna by changing spawning location / success and
accessibility to forage - Good fishing grounds could be displaced further
eastward or shift to higher latitudes. - Dissolved oxygen
- Projected changes in O2 should have limited
impact on tuna in WCPO (large uncertainty in the
east) - Ocean currents
- Impact on the dispersal (and mortality) of
larvae and juveniles, - Effect on the distribution of prey for adults.
9Integrated approach
Modeling the interaction of oceanic variables
with tuna biology and population
dynamics SEAPODYM Spatial Ecosystem And
Populations Dynamics Model
10Integrated approach
1- Predict observed variability
2 Project Climate Change impact
11Integrated approach
Larvae density
Adults biomass
Projected changes in the biomass (tonnes) and
abundance of adult skipjack and bigeye tuna under
the A2 emissions scenario . Simulations are based
on average fishing effort for the period
12Projected change in tuna production
SEAPODYM projected percentage changes in catches
of skipjack and bigeye tuna, relative to recent
catches (20-year average 1980-2000) Projected
fishing effort average 1980-2000
Skipjack tuna Estimated catch increases across
the region until 2035 Greater increases for PICTs
in the eastern than in the western
Pacific. After 2050, the biomass of adults
decreases significantly in the WCPO (-32 in 2100
under the A2 scenario) due to projected major
changes in temperature, and productivity at
lower and mid trophic levels. This result is of
lower confidence due to the uncertainty of
projected changes from climate and biogeochemical
Bigeye tuna No obvious difference in the
projected distribution and biomass of adult
bigeye until 2035. In the 2nd half of Century,
the western equatorial Pacific is predicted to
become less favorable for spawning. But increase
in survival of larvae in subtropical regions.
An increasing mortality and eastward movement of
older stages is predicted due to poorer habitat.
This projection has a lower confidence due to
uncertainty on projection of dissolved oxygen
13Management recommendations for adaptation
The overall management framework (WCPFC, FFA, the
PNA and Te Vaka Moana groups) and all PICTs
fishing authorities should explicitly consider
the implications of climate change when
developing management objectives and strategies
over the coming years.
According to projections for the 21st century,
the boundary between the WCPFC convention area
and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
(IATTC) at 150W would no longer be meaningful.
Close cooperation (merging?) between the two
commissions is highly necessary. It is a very
high priority to maintain the bigeye tuna stock
in the WCPO in a healthy state to avoid
unfavorable combination of high fishing pressure
and adverse environmental conditions in the
coming decades. Effective conservation measures
need to be implemented quickly because
simulations show that it takes at least two
decades for the WCPO bigeye stock to fully
benefit from a reduction in fishing effort.
14Management recommendations for adaptation
PICTs and particularly the PNA need to further
develop their management systems to ensure
flexibility to cope with a potentially changing
spatial distribution of the fishing effort.
The transferability aspect of the PNA vessel days
scheme (VDS) that allocates fishing effort among
the EEZs according to agreed criteria will need
to be implemented and adjusted in the future
according to changing distributions Future
socio-economic scenarios likely to drive future
fishing effort in the region need to be developed.
15Management recommendations for adaptation
Spatially-explicit management in archipelagic
areas, currently beyond the mandate of WCPFC, are
needed to monitor and assess potential
sub-regional effects, e.g., increase of
productivity due to projected increases in
rainfall and run-off of the Sepik-Ramu and other
large river systems.
Skipjack reanalysis at 2x month
1 yr average
- New IPCC AR5 simulations
- Downscaling techniques