The Psychology of the Person Chapter 10 Biological Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Psychology of the Person Chapter 10 Biological Research


The Psychology of the Person Chapter 10 Biological Research Naomi Wagner, Ph.D Lecture Outlines Based on Burger, 8th edition Heritability of personality traits Human ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Psychology of the Person Chapter 10 Biological Research

The Psychology of the PersonChapter 10
Biological Research
  • Naomi Wagner, Ph.D
  • Lecture Outlines
  • Based on Burger, 8th edition

Heritability of personality traitsHuman traits
are Polygenic
  • More and more evidence is accumulating in support
    of the heritability of our traits and our
    aptitudes. How do we separate environmental from
    genetic effects?
  • The twin study method. Identical (monozygotic)
    twins (MZ) share 100 of their genes. They are
    compared to fraternal (dizygotic) twins (DZ), who
    share Apr. 50 of their genes. When given a
    variety of personality tests, MZ twins scores
    are much more similar to each other than DZ
    twins scores.

Identical twins share 100 of their genes
  • They are formed when a fertilized egg (zygote) is
    split , forming two identical zygotes

Fraternal twins share about 50 of their genes
  • They are formed when two different eggs are
    fertilized by two different sperm cells

Other Methods to Study Heritability
  • Please note that the heritability of many
    psychiatric disorders has been established
  • Human characteristics are polygenetic, establish
    by more than one gene, a fact which affects the
    study of heritability
  • Other procedures compare adopted children to
    their biological parents and adoptive parents,
    finding more similarities between the adopted
    children and their biological parents.

Heritability (cont-d)
  • Also, studies comparing MZ twins raised together
    vs. MZ twins raised apart find that the identical
    twins raised apart are quite similar to each
    other, as much as identical twins raised
    together, suggesting a strong genetic influence
    on personality.
  • In response, some critics suggest that identical
    twins may experience more shared environment
    than fraternal twins, but this type of argument
    is rather weak.

Introverts are NOT Shy
  • They try to control their level of arousal

The study of extraversion-introversion
  • The genetic basis for this dimension has been
    supported by large-scale twin studies in Sweden
    and Finland.
  • Physiologically, introversion has been
    associated with high sensitivity to stimulation
  • A study in libraries found that introverted
    people preferred scheduled area to study in,
    while extraverted preferred open, noisy areas.
  • This study supported the hypothesis of
    sensitivity to stimulation.

Who is Happier?
  • Are extraverted people happier than introverted?
    Extraverted people experience higher levels of
    positive affect than introverted.
  • Maybe because they have more friends, and also
    they may be more sensitive than introverts to
    information about rewards.

  • Regarding happiness, researchers look at
    happiness in terms of subjective well being,
    which can be divided into positive and negative
  • Happiness is obtained by increasing positive
    affect and decreasing negative affect.
  • Though extraverts experience more positive affect
    than introverts, they are also more impulsive, a
    factor that may get them into trouble. They may
    experience more mood swings than introverted.

Evolutionary Theory and Mate selection
  • Evolutionary psychology is interested in
    understanding the biological basis for human
  • Current human traits and attributes are seen as
    evolving in us because they were useful for our
    survival in our prehistoric past.
  • The purpose of life is seen as the survival of
    the species, the transmission of our genes to the
    next generation.

Parental Investment
  • Because of biological differences (the cheap
    sperm and precious egg), men and women have
    different parental investments in the
    transmission of their genes to their offspring,
    and that is why they have evolved differently in
    terms of mate selection.
  • Note lonely hearts studies. How do men and
    women market themselves in order to attract a
    mate, and what are theyre looking for in a
    potential partner?

Gender Differences in Mate Selection
  • Men prefer youth and beauty, because these
    indirectly mean health and fertility.
  • Women prefer ambition, resources in a man.
  • Since their parental investment is larger than
    the mans, they contribute their precious egg,
    women need to guarantee (not in the personal
    sense, but in the sense of the species) that
    their relatively few offspring will be protected
    while they gestate, give birth, and nurse.
  • Note cross-cultural studies showing that men in
    different cultures all over the world prefer
    youth and beauty in a mate.

He wants youth and beauty she wants resources
  • She has youth and beauty he has money
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