Human Resource Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Human Resource Management


human resource management – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management
Human resource management
  • Human Resource Management is defined as the
    integrated use of procedures, policies and
    practices to recruit, maintain, and develop
    employees in order for the organization to meet
    its desired goals.
  • HRM is most effective in an organization when its
    authority is located at the senior management
  • A system that functions effectively can assist
    the organization in developing a set of policies,
    practices, and systems that advance the skills
    and increase the motivation of staff in order to
    achieve the highest possible level of performance
    over time.

Benefits of an effective human resource system
  • Encourage systematic planning to support
    organizational mission
  • Increases capacity of the organization to achieve
    its goals
  • Provides a clear definition of each employees
    responsibilities and a link to the organizations
  • Encourages greater equity between compensation
    and level of responsibility
  • Defines levels of supervision and management
  • Increases level of performance and the efficient
    utilization of employees skills and knowledge
  • Results in cost savings through improved
    efficiency and productivity
  • Increases the organizations ability to manage

  • Becoming a formal NGO
  • We have decided that we can do more if we
    formalise our structure and register as an NGO.
    We will create a steering committee or board, be
    recognised officially by the government and
    donors, and comply with the expectations and
    prescriptions that will result.
  • Specialisation among the staff
  • do one really need administrators, fund-raisers
    and book-keepers, an office and a filing system,
    secretaries, vehicles and drivers, sweepers, a
    canteen and cooks?
  • To answer that we need to start thinking about
    the other end What do we want to achieve with
    your organisation.
  • To provide a bigger, more focused and
    professional service, people have to specialise.
    If you are a health NGO and you want to do
    immunisations, you need a nurse. The nurse should
    not be spending a lot of time sweeping floors
    because then she can do fewer immunisations. And
    so on.

Building and sustaining the principles
  • NGOs are not just about size and professionalism.
    They are about principles. One of these
    principles is that everybody, director and
    sweeper, should feel that they are part of the
    NGO team and that the NGO belongs to them.
  • Other principles for an NGO are reliability,
    accountability and transparency.

The Western model of organisations
  • The western model of organisations, the Pyramid,
    is the most common in industry and also among
  • the western Pyramid model is like a pyramid in
    shape, with usually one boss at the top and more
    people as you go down the pyramid

The Western model of organisations (cont.)
  • Each layer supervises the layer below, each layer
    answers to the layer above. In the end, everyone
    answers to the boss who should take
    responsibility for what everyone does.
  • Some organisational pyramids are tall and thin
    some are wider and flatter.
  • A good NGO has a pyramid that is not too tall.
  • The most junior person should not have too many
    layers between her or him and the boss. The
    reason for this it should be easy for the two to
    communicate, when necessary.

  • Put your NGO structure on paper, like the example
  • How many layers between the most junior person
    and the boss?

  • The same model is found in almost all industries
    and profit-making organisations. Some say it is a
    more masculine way of organising. The model can
    stay fairly worker-friendly and democratic. 
  • But as the organisation gets bigger, it can
    become distorted in the following ways
  • The prestige of the boss may get greater and the
    gap between him and the lowest worker gets bigger
    (the boss is usually but not always a man)
  • To get promotion or even keep your job you must
  • Employees are set targets, with pressure to
    produce volume rather than quality. For example
    An increasing number of old people must be
    visited each year. But it becomes less important
    that the quality of their lives is actually

Improving staff functioning
  • NGO can function well by making sure that each
    post has a job description.
  • Job descriptions for senior posts should include
    tasks at field level, so that the bosses do not
    get out of touch. And serious tasks should be
    shared rather than all being done by the
  • Good bosses deputise - for example, the NGO can
    be represented on a local platform on Food
    Security by the person who knows about
    agriculture, etc.

  • Your NGO has stated goals and a chosen
    specialism. So you know what you want the NGO to
    do. And you need staff who can do it. The job of
    the NGO should be reflected in the capacity of
    the staff and then in the qualities of the board.

Supervision/support of the workers
  • Most workers need the same things to work well.
    They need the basic material things
  • i.e. a salary which will pay for a roof, food,
    school for the children sufficient job security
    so that if they work well they will not get
    sacked enough holidays to keep mentally healthy.
  • In most organisations, most workers answer to
    someone, who in turn has the job of checking what
    they do. Good supervision reminds each worker
    from time to time of their purpose.
  • each supervisor needs to spend a day with a field
    worker from time to time, or the NGO could hold
    an 'Accounting Day' This is what we achieved
    over the last year

Supervision/support of the workers (cont.)
  • In some cultures and with some people,
    supervision in almost wholly negative, with fear
    and humiliation used to keep workers as
    underlings (under authority of another)
  • Not only is this morally convincing, people
    treated this way tend to work far below their
    full capacity
  • A better way is to focus on good work effort,
    achievement, support of colleagues, cooperation
    using praise and encouragement.
  • A good supervisor can also help a worker to
    understand their own motivation, their strengths,
    their weaknesses and how they can improve.

Building and sustaining an effective Board
  • Having a Board or Steering Committee is a Western
    way of organising an NGO.
  • good NGOs almost always have good Boards and the
    contribution of that board is visible.
  • A good Board can do the following
  • If the membership is right, it will truly
    represent the interests of the beneficiaries
  •  It can make policy decisions away from the
    people doing the daily tasks, out of no personal
    interest except the good of the beneficiaries.
    This is what is meant by the separation of
    policy-making and executive functions.
  • It gives the director authority and support and
    provides an alternative authority to which staff
    can appeal if the director gets out of line.
  • If it is made up of experienced women and men
    from the local community it will bring all kinds
    of experience into the NGO.

The relationship between the Staff and the Board
in an NGO
  • Both Board and Staff will only function at their
    best if their relationship is well built.
  • The staff needs to have ways of providing
    information to the board and having an input into
    the process of policy development.
  • They must then be ready to understand, accept and
    work within that policy frame-work. And they need
    to have the room to make decisions themselves
    within the framework.

Building the capacity of Board and Staff
  • Members of the Board need to build their skills
    as Board Members.
  • The NGO can arrange courses, the members can
    visit other NGOs they can learn more from Staff
    about the issues of the work.
  • They can also share training with Staff, building
    a sense of working together

Good group functioning
  • Democratic decision-making
  • Your organisation needs to be like a democratic
    country. Everyone should have a say and a vote.
  • Sometimes, the boss, like a Prime Minister, has
    to take the final decision, and also take
    responsibility if it goes wrong.
  • Dialogue between board and staff, dialogue
    between boss and staff unless bosses ensure
    this, they are on the road to a dysfunctional,
    undemocratic NGO with unhappy employees.

  • Respectful listening
  • Good, respectful listening is one of the most
    important skills that everyone should develop.
  • It means helping the other person to say what
    they think and feel, by giving them the time they
    need, making encouraging noises, asking
    questions, saying that they are doing well
    whatever works within your culture.

Being an Effective Supervisor
  • An effective supervisor has the following tasks,
    among others
  • 1. Orienting workers
  • The supervisor should make certain every worker
    in the unit participates in a comprehensive
    orientation program.
  • Before employees are assigned to perform specific
    tasks, they should receive an orientation that
  • An overview of the organization. Employees need
    to know the mission of the organization and how
    their work supports the mission.

  • Who are the other staff members and what roles do
    they play?
  • Who serves on the board and what is the boards
  • Each new worker should have the following
  • To meet with the board chair.
  • To meet with the executive director and other key
  • To meet everyone in the unit.
  • To spend time in the community meeting existing
    or potential clients.
  • To visit several units during working hours to
    obtain first-hand experience of how the agency

  • Information regarding agency policies. Every new
    employee should first receive a written copy of
    each of the agencys policies. Then each policy
    should be reviewed in detail with that employee
    by a staff person who is familiar with that area.
  • personnel policies
  • Pay and benefits policies
  • confidentiality policies
  • fiscal policies
  • public information policies
  • Compliance with the law
  • Sexual harassment.
  • affirmative action
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • overtime

  • Information about the general culture of the
  • Dress code
  • Standard of behaviour
  • Information about specific duties - Workers must
    be aware of their specific assignments.
  • 2. Getting assignments
  • Supervision begins with knowing the work of the
    unit. Assignments might originally be made by the
    board of directors or the funding source.
  • The supervisor should meet with the executive
    director of the agency to get assignments.
  • The supervisor should be aware of the tasks of
    each worker in the unit so appropriate decisions
    can be made about who performs which assignment.
    Assignments should have clear deadlines.

  • 3. Delegating tasks
  • The supervisor decides who does what. Several
    factors are involved in delegation
  • Job descriptions. Much of the work is assigned
    according to the job description of each worker
    in the unit.
  • Capability of the staff. In certain instances, a
    task may be assigned to the individual or
    individuals capable of performing it, without
    regard to whether it is their specific job
  • Time requirements. Tasks may be assigned to an
    employee depending on the time requirements of
    completing a particular task.
  • Trust in staff. Some tasks must be performed
    perfectly. These tasks should only be assigned to
    an employee likely to complete them correctly.
  • Responsibilities of the supervisor. In some
    situations, the supervisor is assigned particular
    tasks and should not delegate them

  • 4. Coaching
  • The supervisor should constantly attempt to
    improve the work quality of each employee.
  • The supervisor has a number of options
  • The supervisor might be qualified to show an
    employee how to perform a task more effectively.
  • A fellow worker might be assigned to assist the
  • An outside expert might be brought in for a
    short time to work with the employee.
  • The employee might be sent to a formal course or
    workshop to learn specific skills.

  • 5. Reporting
  • The supervisor must set up a system for obtaining
    reports from each worker. Then the supervisor
    must be able to report on the work of the entire
    unit to others in the chain of command.
  • What information should be reported?
  • How often should it be reported?
  • To whom should the report be made?
  • Should the report be given orally, in writing or
    by e-mail?

  • 6. Scheduling
  • The supervisor should know the schedule and
    location of all employees.
  • The supervisor can then give new assignments to
    even up the workload.
  • Delegation becomes more efficient if the
    supervisor is aware of each individuals
  • 7. Planning
  • The supervisor should coordinate efforts for
    future planning after getting input from the
    workers. Each unit should have a long-range plan
    with specific and measurable objectives. The
    supervisor should meet with workers on a regular
    basis to review and update the objectives.

  • 8. Making decisions
  • The supervisor should clearly inform each
    employee which decisions that employee can make
    without checking with the supervisor, and which
    decisions only the supervisor can make.
  • Steps should be taken to empower employees, to
    let each employee make as many decisions as
  • The supervisor should meet with each employee
    regularly to increase the list of decisions each
    can make
  • 9. Holding staff meetings
  • The supervisor is responsible for calling staff
    meetings, setting the agenda, and conducting the
  • A tentative agenda should be distributed in
    advance and should include a list of materials
    employees should bring to the meeting, and issues
    to consider.
  • The only employees who should be invited to any
    meeting are those who would benefit by attending
    the meeting.

  • 10. Representing the unit
  • The supervisor meets with others inside and
    outside the organization to represent the
    particular unit.
  • The supervisor should decide on a case-by-case
    basis whether to go to meetings alone or take
    others in the unit with him.
  • 11. Solving problems
  • The supervisor and workers can save time by
    establishing and following clear procedures for
    problem-solving. These procedures might include
  • Setting regular problem-solving meetings with
    each employee so that non-emergency problems can
    wait until that meeting to be discussed.

  • Reviewing which problems should be brought to the
    supervisors attention, and which should be dealt
    with in other ways within the organization.
  • Outlining the information the supervisor needs in
    order to solve recurring problems.
  • 12. Keeping workers informed
  • The supervisor must decide who in the unit needs
    to know what, and when, and must inform the
    workers about information appropriate to them.
  • A supervisor should let workers know as early as
    possible about actions that will affect their
  • 13. Conducting performance evaluations
  • A performance evaluation should be a tool for
    helping every worker to improve performance, not
    only those whose work is unsatisfactory.
  • Excellent performance should be noted as well as
    inadequate performance

Dealing with difficult employees
  • One of the most challenging responsibilities of
    supervisors is to improve the work habits of
    difficult employees.
  • A supervisor can develop an active plan for
    improving poor performance. It would include the
    following steps
  • Document the poor performance- Write down the
    details of at least three specific examples of
    poor performance.
  • Think about how performance could be improved-
    What are the possible reasons for the bad
    performance? What possible solutions might there

  • If an employees performance continues to be
    unsatisfactory, conduct a detailed interview with
    the employee.
  • if the work continues to be unsatisfactory, take
    the following steps
  • Meet with the employee again and conduct another
    detailed interview
  • Make certain the employee understands what
    appropriate performance is.
  • Tell the employee that if satisfactory
    performance is not achieved, you will move into
    the formal disciplinary stage.
  • Give the employee a copy of the personnel
    policies and review with them the steps of the
    formal disciplinary process.

Hiring, Firing, and OtherPersonnel Management
  • A. Job descriptions
  • Excellent personnel management begins with clear
    and complete job descriptions for all paid staff
    members and volunteers.
  • Job descriptions are recruiting tools because
    they outline both the job requirements and the
  • They are performance evaluation aids, and should
    be changed every time job duties change.
  • While there is no standard format for writing a
    job description, most contain the following
  • 1. Job title- To the greatest extent possible,
    the job title should reflect the job duties
  • 2. Job summary- Provide one or two sentences that
    describe the overall function of the position.

  • 3. Responsibilities and duties- Begin with the
    duty performed most often and end with duties
    performed irregularly.
  • 4. Requirements- List the skills and experience
    needed for the job. If a degree or certificate is
    only preferred, state that it is preferred and
    not that it is required.
  • 5. Name of supervisor- Clearly identify the job
    holders supervisor.

B. Advertising the job
  • Advertise positions widely in order to receive a
    wide range of resumes. The more resumes you
    receive, the more likely you will find the
    candidate you want.
  • Advertising might include
  • 1. Notifying all present employees- Promoting
    from within is an excellent tool for promoting
    staff morale, rewarding excellent work, and
    increasing your chances of having excellent
  • 2. Placing ads in local newspapers- Agencies
    advertise their positions in ads in local papers.
  • 3. Contacting college placement services- Current
    students and alumni use college placement
    services to make their availability known.
  • 4. Utilizing newsletters of professional
    organizations- Often, you can conduct a
    nationwide search to fill a position simply by
    advertising in the appropriate professional

C. Hiring process
  • Carefully review resumes and select the ones that
    have the requirements outlined in the job
  • While it is not appropriate to call an
    individuals current employer to obtain
    information without the employees permission, a
    quick call to a former employer can be helpful in
    the screening process.
  • Decide on a standardized process for interviewing
    each candidate. This should include
  • 1. Interviewers- For some positions, only the
    supervisor will interview the candidates. In
    others, a human resource staff person will screen
    all candidates and permit the supervisor to
    interview only selected candidates.

  • 2. Interview questions- Ask each candidate the
    same questions. Learn the questions that cannot
    be asked legally in a job interview.
  • 3. Performing specific job skills- To the extent
    possible, ask each candidate to perform specific
    job tasks.
  • 4. Keep notes from each interview- Make notes on
    each applicant. You may wish to contact
    references the employee has supplied and also
    call prior employers. When making an offer,
    record why this particular applicant was selected
    and not the others.

D. Probationary period
  • Make certain every position has a specific
    probationary period and each employee is informed
    of the duration and consequences of this period.
  • During this period, the legal requirements for
    termination are less stringent than after the
    period has passed.
  • Work closely with the employee during the
    probationary period and terminate their
    employment if for any reason you are not happy
    with their work.

E. Performance appraisals
  • Conduct regular performance appraisals of all
    employees as standard procedure.
  • All employees can improve some aspect of their
    work this provides the opportunity for joint
    efforts to define areas of improvement.
  • Performance appraisal meetings should be held on
    a regular basis, but not less than once every six
  • The format should follow this order
  • Task review- The supervisor and employee should
    review the specific tasks that have been
    undertaken since the last meeting.

  • Praise- The supervisor should point to specific
    examples of positive work and praise the employee
    for this work
  • Feedback- The employee should be asked for
    specific examples of how the supervisor could
    help the employee perform the duties.
  • Work improvement. The supervisor should point to
    specific examples of tasks that could be
  • Timetable for work improvement- When appropriate,
    a time should be set for a future meeting to
    review specific examples of work improvement.
  • Future task list- The supervisor and employee
    should agree on specific tasks to be performed
    before the next performance appraisal meeting.
  • Follow-up memo- The supervisor should write the
    employee a memo after the meeting and list the
    main points that were made.

F. Formal discipline
  • There will be resistance on the part of the
    employee to a formal disciplinary process.
  • However, if an employee resists attempts to
    improve work as part of the performance appraisal
    process, formal discipline may become necessary.
  • Certain steps should be taken before any formal
    disciplinary actions are taken
  • 1. Pre-disciplinary actions
  • Specific disciplinary steps must be outlined in
    the agencys personnel policies (for example,
    oral warning, written warning, firing).
  • The employees job description should be
    up-to-date and accurate. The discussion can then
    focus on how the tasks are performed, rather than
    what the tasks are.

  • A detailed description of the steps taken in the
    informal discipline process should be in
    writing as part of the record.
  • The supervisor should have numerous documented
    examples of unsatisfactory performance.
  • 2. Supervisor-employee meeting
  • A meeting between the supervisor and employee
    should then take place. The following actions
    should be taken at the meeting
  • The employee should be informed that formal
    discipline has begun according to the agencys
    personnel policies.
  • The supervisor should not meet with the employee
    alone. He or she brings another employee
    (personnel staff, another supervisor) to all
    subsequent meetings.

  • The employee is informed that he or she can bring
    any other person with them to the meeting as a
    witness. However, the other individual is not
    permitted to speak.
  • The supervisor should point to numerous specific
    examples of unsatisfactory performance.
  • The supervisor should describe what constitutes
    satisfactory performance.
  • The discussion should focus on when the employee
    will show evidence of improved performance and
    what form that performance would take.
  • If appropriate, a follow-up meeting should be set
    to obtain examples of satisfactory performance.
  • After the meeting, the supervisor should send the
    employee a memo specifically noting the points
    made at the meeting.

  • Firing an employee is always difficult, not only
    for the employee, but also for the supervisor and
    the agency.
  • If an employee has not improved performance after
    numerous informal and formal disciplinary steps
    have been taken, firing is often the only viable
  • 1. Before firing
  • Before firing an employee, the supervisor should
    review the documentation.
  • It should then be reviewed with the following
    individuals before the termination meeting with
    the employee takes place

  • The supervisors supervisor.
  • The agencys executive director.
  • The agencys attorney.
  • The chair of the boards personnel committee.
  • 2.Termination meeting
  • At the termination meeting, the following steps
    should be taken
  • The supervisor should review the file with the
    employee one last time. No employee should ever
    be surprised at being discharged, because the
    file should contain numerous memos outlining
    specific steps that have previously been taken to
    avoid termination.

  • The supervisor should specifically outline the
    termination steps. This includes any severance
    pay, for example, and the exact amount of time
    the employee will be given to leave the agency.
  • The supervisor should outline any appeal process
    the employee may have.
  • The employee should be given a written
    termination notice in person.
  • Decide in advance how long to give the employee
    to leave the office. Make sure they are taking
    only their personal belongings with them.
  • Tell the employee you will not inform others of
    the reasons for the firing.

  • Ask the employee not to tell anyone else of the
    reasons for the firing.
  • After the employee leaves the building,
    immediately tell all employees either in person
    or by memo that the employee has been asked to
    leave the organisation.
  • Avoid the temptation to humiliate an employee who
    has been terminated. Do not discuss the discharge
    with anyone who does not need to know and
    continue to follow confidentiality rules.
  • Realize that many employees will not be truthful
    when describing the reasons for the termination.
    Yet, the agency must continue to project the
    confidentiality of personnel information even
    when the former employee is not being truthful.
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