Title: European Commission
1European Commission DG ENV
- The EU ECO-LABEL in Green Public Procurement
Athina Koutroumani Brussels, 29 September 2005
2What is the Flower?
- Created in 1992
- Voluntary
- Valid across EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein
- Covers goods and services (not food and drugs)
- Type-I environmental label certified by
independent third party, not a self-claim - Transparent process multi-stakeholder
3The Flower...
- ... distinguishes environmentally friendly, high
quality products - ... helps consumers and purchasers to find green
products easily - ... guarantees reliable information
- ... offers competitive advantage to producers of
eco-labelled products
4Wider policy background
- 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in
Johannesburg - Joburg Plan of Implementation
- Adopt on a voluntary basis effective,
transparent, verifiable, non-misleading and
non-discriminatory consumer information tools to
provide information relating to sustainable
consumption and production
5Wider policy background
- 6th Environmental Action Programme Our future,
our choice - Encourages the uptake of eco-labels that allow
consumers to compare environmental performance
between products of the same type - Eco-labelling is part of the Thematic Strategy on
the sustainable use of resources - Relevant to waste prevention policy
6Wider policy background
- Integrated Product Policy (IPP)
- Is based on Life Cycle Approach to minimise
environmental impacts - Requires participation of stakeholders
- Provides for a variety of tools to be used
- The eco-label is one such tool!
7Links with other instruments
- Environmental Public Procurementuse criteria
set out by the Scheme when defining
performance-based or functional environmental
requirements - Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP)
design and implementation of performance targets - Eco-design of Energy-using Products designing
the implementing measures - Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
8Who is in charge?
- European Union Eco-labelling Board
- European Commission
- Member State level Competent Bodies
- Criteria development
- Award
- Interest groups environmental NGOs, consumers
associations, SMEs... - Industry
9How does it work?
- Criteria development
- Defined for each product group
- Multi-criteria
- Participation of interested groups
- Based on Life Cycle Considerations
- Formal adoption by the European Commission
(Commission Decision)
10How does it work?
- Flower labelled Product/Service
- Certified good environmental quality and
guaranteed technical performance - Generates less environmental impacts on air,
water, soil and human health throughout its life
cycle, from raw material extraction to end of
life (from cradle to grave) - Added value usage cost generally lower than
11How does it work?
- Awarding process for Manufacturers
Promotion / Marketing
Compliance monitoring
Eco-label award for one or more products
Evaluation of application
Submission of application
- Criteria defined for 23 Product Groups
- Household appliances (4)
- Detergents (4)
- Bed mattresses
- Textiles
- Footwear
- Indoor paints varnishes
- Hard floor coverings
- Soil improvers
- Lubricants
- Personal computers
- Portable computers
- Televisions
- Light bulbs
- Tissue paper
- Copying paper
- Tourist accommodation
- Campsites
- In the pipeline
- Wooden furniture
- Heat pumps
- Soaps and shampoos
- Printed paper
- 2000
- 15 product group criteria established
- 53 companies
- 17 million articles bearing the Flower
- 38 million euro ex-factory sales
- 2004
- 23 product group criteria established
- 226 companies
- Estimated 400 million articles bearing the Flower
- Estimated 700 million ex-factory sales
- 2005 (to date)
- 260 companies
15Achievements number of licences
16Achievements articles sold
17Achievements ex-factory sales value
18Achievements awards per Product Group
- Textiles 68
- Paints varnishes 45
- Tourist accommodation service 28
- All-purpose sanitary cleaners 21
- Soil improvers 20
- Hand dishwashing detergents 14
- Tissue paper 12
- Laundry detergents, Footwear 10
- Dishwashing detergents 7
- Bed mattresses, Copying paper 6
- Campsite service 5
- Hard floor coverings 3
- Dishwashers, Refrigerators, Light bulbs, TVs,
Lubricants 1 - PortablePersonal computers, Washing machines,
Vacuum Cleaners 0
19Achievements awards per country
- Italy 61
- Denmark 53
- France 48
- Spain 17
- Sweden 15
- Greece 14
- The Netherlands 12
- Austria 9
- Germany 8
- Portugal 5
- Belgium, UK 4
- Norway, Finland 3
- Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland 1
- Cyprus, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Slovakia, Slovenia 0
20Marketing / Promotion
- Targeted Marketing activities aiming at
- Raising the level of awareness
- Encouraging businesses to apply for the EU
eco-label - Eco-label Campaign 2004
- Phase 1 contact new potential manufacturers to
apply for the EU Eco-label - Phase 2 European Flower Week in October 2004
- Participation in Fairs Trade Events
21Marketing / Promotion
- Helpdesk
- http//www.europa.eu.int/ecolabel/
- Very thorough information
- E-catalogue http//www.eco-label.com
- Aimed at consumers
- www.eco-label-tourism.com
- Focused on tourism
- Information material
- Leaflets
- Newsletter
- Info-kits
- Mouse pads, bags, T-shirts...
22EU Eco-label in GPP
- The Public Procurement Directives (2004/17/
EC and 2004/18/EC) explicitly allow you to use
the underlying specifications of eco-labels when
defining performance-based or functional
environmental requirements, provided that - the specifications are appropriate for defining
the characteristics of the supplies or services
covered by the contract
23EU Eco-label in GPP
- the requirements for the label are based on
scientific information - the eco-labels are adopted with the participation
of all stakeholders, such as government bodies,
consumers, manufacturers, distributors and
environmental organisations - they are accessible to all interested parties.
- The EU Eco-label meets all these requirements.
24How to use the EU Eco-label in GPP
- The online catalogue Green Store
- You can easily locate all eco-labelled products
per country per category on the Online
catalogue Green Store www.eco-label.com - Currently available in 11 languages of EU-15
- 250,000 hits per month
- Thus, you can directly know the size of the
market of potential suppliers.
25Search engine
26Example of a product page
27Example of a completed retailers list
28How to use the EU Eco-label in GPP
- In the elaboration of the technical
specifications - In order to define the characteristics of the
products or service considered, - you can directly cut and paste the relevant EU
Eco-label criteria into the technical
specifications - The EU Eco-label will be allowed as a way of
proving compliance with the specifications. - Remark Contracting authorities cannot require
tenderers to be registered under a certain
eco-label scheme.
29How to use the EU Eco-label in GPP
- Example call for tenders of all-purpose cleaners
- Go to the all-purpose cleaners page of the
Eco-label web site www.europa.eu.int/ecolabel
30How to use the EU Eco-label in GPP
- A summary of the criteria can be found in the
general description of the product group - The complete criteria are available in all the EU
31How to use the EU Eco-label in GPP
- The EU Eco-label can also be used as a benchmark
against which to assess offers at the award
stage. - Example call for tenders of light bulbs The EU
eco-label criteria for light bulbs require that
they should have an average life-span of 10 000
hours. When reflecting this in a call for tender
for light bulbs, 10 000 hours could be set as the
technical specification for the minimum life
span, and a bonus point could be given in the
award criteria for every 1 000 hours over and
above 10 000.
32Success Stories
- The city of Dunkerque, France (Group of 18
municipalities, 12 241 inhabitants, Number of
employees 1 319 agents) procurement of
ecological detergents. - Political act adoption of a commitment relative
to sustainable development in public procurement - General approach
33Success Stories
- Reasons for choosing this product category
- Test tender (all purpose cleaners, window
cleaners) - Existence of ecological criteria
- Identified environmental issues
- Limitation of water pollution
- Characteristics inserted in the technical
specifications - High biodegradability rate
- Natural substances
- Limitation of the use of hazardous substances for
the environment and health (based on the
34Success Stories
- Used reference
- European Eco-label (some criteria)
- Demand of samples to test the efficiency of the
products - Results
- Necessity to divide the tender into lots, to
ensure SMEs will answer - No over-cost
- Very positive feedback from employees efficiency
and lack of respiratory and skin irritations
35EU Eco-label activities in GPP
- Production of leaflets about the use of the EU
Eco-label in GPP - Guidelines on EU Eco-label in GPP (under
development). - Presentation/training material on EU Eco-label in
GPP (under development). - Establish contact with networks like Sustainable
Cities, Eurocities, ACRR and CEMR, ICLEI, UK
National Audit Office and other GPP networks - Case studies on the implementation of GPP on a
local level (e.g. city of Angers)
36Other Type-I Eco-label Schemes
- Other national eco-label schemes in the EU
- Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway run the
"Nordic Swan" - The German Eco-label -"Der Blaue Engel"
- The Austrian Eco-label - "Umweltzeichen"
- The Hungarian Eco-label
- The Czech Republic Eco-label
- At a Global level....
- .... the Global Eco-labelling Network - GEN - is
a non-profit making association, founded in 1994
to improve and develop the eco-labelling of
37For more information
- http//europa.eu.int/ecolabel
- www.eco-label.com
- www.eco-label-tourism.com
- www.gen.gr.jp
38- Thank you for your attention!
- Any questions?