Title: Microsoft Site Server Commerce Edition
1Microsoft Site Server Commerce Edition
- A set of tools, components and Active Server
pages that can be used to build e-commerce sites - Leverages existing Microsoft technologies
(Windows 2000 Server, IIS, Microsoft SQL Server)
2Site Server CE Applications
- Content replication/publishing
- Log Analysis Tools (site structure / navigation
paths / traffic) - Ad Server
- Advanced Site Search
- Membership Services
3Site Server Components
- Pipelines
- Order form
- Sample sites
- Sales predictor component
4Site Server Architecture
Commerce Server Components
5Site Server Data
- Product catalog
- Shopping baskets
- Receipts
- Transaction data
- Site navigation data
6Site Server Database
- ODBC interface database independent
lt cmdTemp.CommandText "SELECT title FROM
frontpage where new 1" Set rsFrontPage
Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsFrontPage
.Open cmdTemp, , adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly gt
lt do while not rsFrontPage.EOF Response.print(r
sFrontPage(title).value) rsFrontPage.movenext l
7Site Server Components
- SimpleList
- Dictionary
- OrderForm
- QueryMap
- DBStorage
- Data Functions
- MtsTxPipeline
8Site Server Components OrderForm
- A structured group that contains dictionaries and
simple lists that describe each order
orderForm orderID -gt value shopperID -gt
value ship_to_name -gt value Items -gt SimpleList
of values
9Site Server ComponentsMtsTxPipeline
- Pipelines and Transacted pipelines are unique to
Site Server - Facilitate business logic implementation through
sequential execution of components - Transacted pipelines provide an automatic
roll-back mechanism - Integration of third-party components (tax,
shipping costs, credit card validation, etc.)
10Site Server Security
- Windows NT (W2K)
- SQL Server
- Internet Information Server
- .ASP code
- Transaction
- Online store manager access
11Site Server CE platform
- 68 of Top 300 Shopping sites are using Site
Server CE the next competitor is IBM Web Sphere
with 15 market share - 73 of SSL sites are running on Windows platform
- Dell.com, CDW.com, OfficeDepot.com,
12Site Server Strengths
- Integration with W2K MMC
- Flexible implementation of business logic with
pipelines - Good analysis module
- Broad customer and developer base over 2,500
independent service providers - Scalability
13Site Server weaknesses
- It is NOT an out-of-the-box product
- Poor personalization functionality
- Absent auxiliary e-commerce mechanisms (auction,
affiliate program)
14Commerce Server 2000
- Part of the .NET strategy
- Strong emphasis on XML easier integration with
order fulfillment and other business software - Personalization and Membership services
integrated with a LDAP server - W2K Datacenter SQL Server 2000 improve on
scalability RAIC
15Additional Resources
- Microsoft Site Server
- http//www.microsoft.com/siteserver/
- Online Seminars
- http//www.microsoft.com/seminar/
- Microsoft Commerce Server 2000
- http//www.microsoft.com/commerceserver/
16RBCmp3.com SSCE implementation
- Brick-and-mortar business targeting a specific
demographic - Over 8,500 Russian audio video titles
- Unique site features integration of Windows
media services with SSCE