Title: Step One
1Step One
The first step to designing a sprinkler system is
to create a diagram of the area you wish to
2Step Two
Next the property is split into areas or zones.
This is done because there is not enough water
capacity to irrigate the entire property at once.
You want to try and create your zones roughly
the same size. However, that is not always
possible. This particular property is divided
into 4 zones.
3Step Three
Once the property has been divided into zones,
sprinkler head locations need to be determined
(black circles, half circles and quarter
circles). Sprinklers have spray patterns and
spray diameters. Notice how all the circles
overlap. This creates full water coverage for
the area. (Bottom Diagram)
4Sprinkler Patterns and Coverage Areas
- Overlap coverage
- Cutouts for spray coverage
- Spray direction
- ¼ circle
- ½ circle
- Full circle
5Step Four
Now you will need to determine how you will
layout your PVC Pipe to supply water to your
sprinkler heads in each zone. The black lines on
the diagram represent how the pipes will be run
for each zone. The blue lines represent piping
that connects each zone to the control valves and