Title: Client Contact Forms
1Client Contact Forms
2Why Collect Data?
- Review SHINE Program Goal
- The objective of the SHINE Program is to provide
Massachusetts Medicare beneficiaries with access
to accurate, unbiased health insurance
information, counseling and assistance - SHINE is partially federally grant funded
- Requirement of grant that SHINE provide data to
measure performance/achievement of program goal - Performance compared nationally
- SHINE funding level based on performance
3Why Collect Data, cont.
- Requirement of grant that SHINE conduct targeted
outreach to certain populations and collect data - Targeted SHINE populations
- General Medicare population
- Populations considered hard to reach due to
- Race, culture background, and ethnicity
- Limited English proficiency
- Dual Eligibles with Mental Illnesses or
Disabilities - Beneficiaries with disabilities
- Individuals eligible for the low income subsidy
for prescription drug coverage
4Client Contact Form (CCF)
- Data collected through Client Contact Forms
(CCFs) - Collected on paper then entered into computer
system - CCF must be completed for each contact between
counselor and client - Client contact All contacts between a counselor
and a client - Contacts may be conducted by phone or in person
5Completing a Client Contact Form
- Asterisk's Field MUST be filled out
- Grant requirement
- Check all appropriate boxes in each category,
many accept multiple responses - Review each CCF to ensure accuracy prior to
submitting to Regional Director - Must be submitted MONTHLY
6Section 1-3Client Identifying Information
- Zip code of Client Residence Most important
information that MUST be collected - Agency Where you are counseling
- Date of Contact Date of each contact with a
client - Fill out a separate CCF even if meeting with same
client multiple times
7Section 4 5Information About the Contact
8Section 6 Race-Ethnicity Language
9Section 7 8Income and Disability Information
- Client Monthly Income
- If Below 150 FPL, eligible for LIS
- Receiving or Applying for SS Disability
- If under 65 and on Medicare, would always check
10Section 9Prescription Drug Assistance
- Check everything that you helped the client with
in this section
11Section 10Time Spent and Status of Contact
- Total Time Spent
- Includes travel time, time spent preparing for
the appointment, time spent researching before or
after the session
12Section 11 CMS Special Use Fields Potential
Financial Assistance Provided
- State collects data from this section for state
specific reports - MIPPA (Medicare Improvements for Patients and
Providers Act) Expectation is that every
counselor screen clients for LIS and MSP - One Care One Care data entry
- Potential Financial Assistance Provided Provides
data showing how much money SHINE counselors
saved beneficiaries by providing them with
information and assistance - Very important to fill out so accurate
beneficiary savings can be determined
13How to Collect Data
- Preferred method self-report
- Self-reporting is the most consistent and valid
source of information - Client can choose from several categories to
describe themselves - Some clients may be concerned when asked certain
questions they may feel are personal - Be sensitive to concerns and explain why you are
collecting the data and what is done with it - Most often, once individuals understand the
purpose of the question, they are happy to
- Question Client Race-Ethnicity
- Categories should be read/shown to client for
them to choose applicable category(s) - Examples of how to ask this question
- Which of the following best represents your
racial or ethnic heritage? Choose all that apply
- Which categories best describes your race or
ethnicity? You can choose one or more categories
15Primary Language
- Question Client Primary Language Other Than
English - Primary language refers to the language that a
person acquires in earliest childhood also, the
primary language of a community - Also referred to as native language or mother
tongue - Examples of how to ask this question
- Is English your primary language?
- Do you have a primary language other than
- Question Client Monthly Income
- This question asks whether a clients income is
below 150 of the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL) or
at or above 150 of the FPL - To avoid making the client reveal their income
which may make some clients uncomfortable, just
ask whether income is below/at or above 150 FPL
limit - SHINE counselors do not need to know a clients
exact income - Counselors responsibility is only to SCREEN for
potential benefit program eligibility - Example of how to ask this question
- Is your income below (list the current 150
FPL), or is it at or above that amount?
17SHIP NPR(State Health Insurance Assistance
Programs National Performance Reporting)
- Website where CCFs are entered and data
collected - All counselors entered into website
- Will receive an email asking to verify your email
address, this will activate your account (must
respond w/in 24 hrs) - Another Important feature of SHIP NPR Used to
obtain your CMS Unique ID - Unique ID allows you to call CMS Customer
Service using the designated phone number for
SHINE counselors - To receive assistance, must provide your CMS
Unique ID - Will receive email with instructions on how to
obtain your Unique ID