Technological Impacts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Technological Impacts


Title: Technological Impacts Author: PLTW Last modified by: ralford Created Date: 5/24/2006 1:50:19 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Technological Impacts

March 2, 2011
  1. Pass over last nights homework.
  2. Moving electrons have _______.
  3. The _______ of an electric circuit uses the
    electrons ability to do work.
  4. The three basic units in electricity are

Voltage (V), Current (I), Resistance (R)
Yesterday's HOMEWORK
  • Identify 5 electrical technologies not mentioned
    in class today
  • (Remember, an electrical technology produces,
    stores, controls, transmits or gets work from
    electrical energy)
  • Identify the problem that the technology system
  • List the technological subsystems that are used
    in the technology
  • Identify the technology that preceded it (i.e.
    what was used before the technology was

  • Current (I) the motion of electrons from one
    atom to the next in a material.
  • In our circuit, electrons flow from ___________
    terminal to the ___________terminal.
  • This motion of electrons through our conductor
    (wire) is considered current (like water through
    a pipe).
  • Materials that resist current are
  • called ___________.
  • Materials that provide
  • a path for current are called
  • ___________.
  • Current is measured in AMPERES (Amps)




  • Voltage (V) the electric potential between two
    points of opposite charge.
  • Voltage is the potential energy of the electrical
    power source.
  • Voltage is measured in Volts (V).

  • Resistance (R) a measure of the degree to which
    an object opposes an electric current through it
  • Resisting an electric current often generates
  • This is the principle behind how light bulbs
  • Resistance is measured in Ohms (W the Greek
    letter Omega)

Ohms Law
  • George Ohm (1789 1854) a high school and
    university mathematics instructor
  • Discovered 1827
  • Voltage Current x Resistance
  • V I R
  • What are the units of this formula?
  • Volts Amperes x Ohms

Problems Ohms Law
  • Copy the steps to solve this problem on your
  • A cell phone charger converts the wall outlet
    voltage to 5 Volts to charge the cell phone. The
    amount of current that the charger outputs is .7
    Amperes. Sketch a schematic diagram of this
    circuit. What is the resistance of the cell
    phone battery?
  • Write the given information
  • V 5 volts
  • I .7 amps
  • R ?

A schematic is a diagram that represents the
elements of a system without using realistic
Problems Ohms Law
  • Write the given information
  • V 5 volts
  • I .7 amps
  • R ?
  • Sketch a schematic diagram of the circuit
  • Start with power source
  • Add conductors
  • Add resistance
  • Add current

R ?
V 5V
I .7A
Problems Ohms Law
  • Write the given
  • information
  • V 5 volts
  • I .7 amps
  • R ?
  • Rearrange, Substitute, and Solve
  1. Sketch a schematic diagram of the circuit

V I x R R 5V / .7A R 7.14 W
R V / I
Electrical Power
  • Electric Power the rate at which electrical
    energy is transferred by an electric circuit.
  • Units of power are the Watt (W)
  • A human climbing a flight of stairs is doing work
    at a rate of about 200 watts.

Joules Law
  • James Joule (1818 1889) showed that heat and
    electrical energy are interchangeable.
  • Joules Law
  • Power Voltage x Current
  • P V I
  • Watts Volts x Amperes

Problems Joules Law
  • Lets look at problem 4, which is very similar
    to problem 1
  • A cell phone charger converts the wall outlet
    voltage to 5 Volts to charge the cell phone. The
    amount of current that the charger outputs is .7
    Amperes. Sketch a schematic diagram of this
    circuit. What is the power used by the cell
    phone in recharging its battery?
  • Write the given information
  • V 5 volts
  • I .7 amps
  • P ?

A schematic is a diagram that represents the
elements of a system without using realistic
Problems Joules Law
  • Write the given information
  • V 5 volts
  • I .7 amps
  • P ?
  • Sketch a schematic diagram of the circuit
  • Start with power source
  • Add conductors
  • Add resistance
  • Add current

P ?
V 5V
I .7A
Problems Joules Law
  • Write the given
  • information
  • V 5 volts
  • I .7 amps
  • P ?
  • Write Formula, Substitute, and Solve
  1. Sketch a schematic diagram of the circuit

P V I P 5V x .7A P 3.5 W
Problems Joules Law
Complete problem 5 on your worksheet
Problems Joules Law
  • A Honda Insight (hybrid) has a 144 Volt battery
    system in its trunk. The electric motor that the
    batteries power can generate 20,000 Watts of
    power. Sketch a schematic diagram of this
    circuit. What is the current traveling through
    this high voltage circuit?
  • Write the given information
  • V 144 volts
  • P 20,000 watts
  • I ?

A schematic is a diagram that represents the
elements of a system without using realistic
Problems Joules Law
  • Write the given information
  • V 144 Volts
  • P 20,000 Watts I ?
  • Sketch a schematic diagram of the circuit
  • Start with power source
  • Add conductors
  • Add load
  • Add current

P 20,000 W
V 144V
I ?
Problems Joules Law
  • Write the given
  • information
  • V 144 Volts
  • P 20,000 Watts I ?
  • Rearrange, Substitute, and Solve
  1. Sketch a schematic diagram of the circuit

P V x I I 20,000W / 144V R 138.9 A
I P / V
Complete the worksheet on electrical problems
using Joules and Ohms Laws
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