Title: Critical Mass
1Critical Mass
2Critical Mass
- The critical mass of fissile material is the
minimum amount needed for a sustained nuclear
chain reaction. - (a fissile material is one that is capable of
sustaining a chain reaction of nuclear fission).
- Critical" implies an equilibrium (steady-state)
fission reaction there is no increase in
power/temperature/neutron population.
- "Subcritical" implies an inability to sustain a
fission reaction a population of neutrons
introduced to a subcritical assembly will
decrease in number over time.
- "Supercritical" implies an increasing rate of
fission until natural feedback mechanisms cause
the reactor to settle into equilibrium (i. e. be
critical) at an elevated temperature/power level
or destroy itself (disassembly is an equilibrium
6A nuclear fission chain reaction.
- 1. A uranium-235 atom absorbs a neutron, and
splits into two new smaller atoms (fission
fragments), releasing three new neutrons and some
binding energy.
7A nuclear fission chain reaction.
- 2. One of those neutrons is absorbed by an atom
of uranium-238, and does not continue the
reaction. Another neutron is simply lost and does
not collide with anything, also not continuing
the reaction. However one neutron does collide
with an atom of uranium-235, which then splits
and releases two neutrons and some binding energy.
8A nuclear fission chain reaction.
- 3. Both of those neutrons collide with
uranium-235 atoms, each of which fission and
release between one and three neutrons, which can
then continue the reaction.
9What does it depend on?
- The critical mass of a fissionable material
depends upon - its nuclear properties (e.g. the nuclear fission
cross-section a high one means that nuclear
fission is highly likely) - physical properties (in particular the density),
- its shape, and its
- enrichment.
10Critical Mass
- The mass that allows the equilibrium of fissions
to remain constant. - This means that the number of fissions produced
remains steady. - One neutron from each fission goes on to produce
another fission the other neutrons are lost
11Critical Mass
- The number of fissions depends on the mass
present. - The number lost depends on the surface area (from
which neutrons can escape). - You therefore have to consider the mass/surface
area ratio. The figure with the largest ratio is
the sphere.
12Best shape
- The shape with minimum critical mass is a sphere.
This can be further reduced by surrounding the
sphere with a neutron reflector. - In the case of a bare sphere the critical mass is
about 50 kg for uranium-235 and 10 kg for
plutonium 239.
13Self sustaining reaction
- Top A sphere of fissile material is too small to
allow the chain reaction to become
self-sustaining as neutrons generated by fissions
can too easily escape. - Middle By increasing the mass of the sphere to a
critical mass, the reaction can become
self-sustaining. - Bottom By surrounding the original sphere with a
neutron reflector, it can increase the efficiency
of the reactions and also allow the material to
become self-sustaining.
- Enriched uranium is a sample of uranium in which
the percent composition of uranium-235 has been
increased through the process of isotope
separation. - Natural uranium is 99.284 238U isotope, with
235U only constituting about 0.72 of its
weight. - 235U is the only isotope existing in nature (in
any appreciable amount) that is fissionable by
thermal neutrons.
- The 238U remaining after enrichment is known as
depleted uranium (DU), and is considerably less
radioactive than even natural uranium, though
still extremely dense.
- The 238U remaining after enrichment is known as
depleted uranium (DU), and is considerably less
radioactive than even natural uranium, though
still extremely dense. - U-235 half life 7.038x108 years
- U-238 half life 4.468x109 years
- It is useful for armour penetrating weapons, and
other applications requiring very dense metals
can you think of problems with this?
19How can you reduce the required mass?
- Surrounding fissionable material by a neutron
reflector reduces the needed mass for
criticality. - (Beryllium is good at this)
A (simulated) sphere of plutonium surrounded by
neutron-reflecting blocks of tungsten carbide, as
part of a re-creation of a 1945 criticality
accident to measure the radiation produced when
an extra block was added, making the mass
20Plutonium-239 critical mass 10kg
- Plutonium-239 is one of the three fissile
isotopes used for the production of nuclear
weapons and in nuclear reactors as a source of
energy. Other fissile isotopes used are
uranium-235 and uranium-233. - Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,110 years.
- The nuclear properties of plutonium-239, as well
as the ability to produce large amounts of nearly
pure plutonium-239, led to its use in nuclear
weapons and nuclear power.
21Plutonium-239 critical mass 10kg
- The splitting of an atom of uranium-235 in the
reactor of a nuclear power plant produces two to
three neutrons, and these neutrons can be
absorbed by uranium-238 to produce plutonium-239
and other isotopes. - Plutonium-239 can also absorb neutrons and
fission along with the uranium-235. Plutonium
fissions provide about one-third of the total
energy produced in a typical commercial nuclear
power plant. - The use of plutonium-239 in power plants occurs
without it ever being removed from the nuclear
reactor fuel, i.e., it is fissioned in the same
fuel rods in which it is produced.
22Nuclear bombs
- Both types require subcritical fissile material
and a method of making it supercritical.
23The End