Title: Results Postprocessing
1Results Postprocessing
2Chapter Overview
- In this chapter, aspects of reviewing results
will be covered - Viewing Results
- Scoping Results
- Exporting Results
- Coordinate Systems Directional Results
- Solution Combinations
- Stress Singularities
- Error Estimation
- Convergence
- The capabilities described in this section are
applicable to all ANSYS licenses, except when
noted otherwise
3A. Viewing Results
- When selecting a results branch, the Context
toolbar displays ways of viewing results -
4 Displacement Scaling
- For structural analyses (static, modal,
buckling), the deformed shape can be changed - By default, the scaling is automatically
exaggerated to visualize the structural response
more clearly - The user can change to undeformed or actual
5Legend Controls
6 Display Method
- The Geometry button controls the
contourdisplay method. Four choices are
Exterior is the default display option and is
most commonly used. IsoSurfaces is useful to
display regions with the same contour
value. Capped IsoSurfaces will remove regions
of the model where the contour values are above
(or below) a specified value. Slice Planes
allow a user to cut through the model visually.
A capped slice plane is also available, as shown
on the left.
Model shown is from a sample Inventor assembly.
7 Contour Settings
- The Contours button controls the way inwhich
contours are shown on the model
8 Outline Display
- The Edges button allows the user show
theundeformed geometry or mesh
9 Slice Planes
- When in Slice Plane viewing mode, slice
planescan be added and edited - To add a slice plane, simply select the Draw
Slice Plane icon, then click-drag with the left
mouse across the Graphics window. The path
created will define the slice plane. - To edit a slice plane, select the Edit Planes
icon. The defined planes will have a handle in
the Graphics window. - Drag the handle to move the slice plane
- Click on one side of the bar to show capped slice
display - Select the handle, then hit the Delete key to
remove plane
10 Min/Max and Probe
- The min/max symbols can be removed by
selectingthe Maximum and Minimum buttons - Results can be queried on the model by selecting
the Probe button - Left-mouse click to add an annotation of the
value being queried on the model. - Use the Label button to select and
delete unwanted annotations
11. . . Probe Tool
- The Probe object (previous page) allows users to
annotate a result at a particular location on a
contour plot - The Probe Tool allows you to scope a result
object to a location and make that result
parametric - The Probe tool can be scoped to geometry or
located using a coordinate system - The orientation of the result item can be with
respect to global or local coordinate systems
12. . . Probe Tool
- Probe Tool example
- Local coordinate system defined as shown
- Probe tool located at local CS
- Stress results (all) requested
Local CS
Probe Tool
13 Animation Controls
- The animation toolbar allows user to play, pause,
and stop animations - Note animations are accessed via the tab at the
bottom of the graphics screen
Note pause feature available during playback
14 Alerts
- Alerts are simple ways of check to see if a
scalar result quantity satisfies a criterion - Alerts can be used on most contour results except
for vector results, Contact Tool results, and
Shape Finder - Simply highlight that result branch RMB and
insert an Alert - In the Details view, specify the criterion
- In the Outline tree, a green checkmark indicates
that the criterion is satisfied. A red
exclamation mark indicates that the criterion
was not satisfied.
15 Manipulating the Legend
- For exterior contour plots, the legend can be
manipulated to show result distributions more
Original Contour Legend
Modified Contour Legend
16 Manipulating the Legend
- Capped IsoSurfaces are manipulated by an
independent controller - Icons allow isosurface, top or bottom capped
plots - The striped areas of the legend show what values
will not be displayed - The cap threshold can be controlled via the
slider or by typing the value directly
Capped/Top/Isosurface Display
Threshold Controls
17 Vector Plots
- Vector plots involve any result quantity with
direction, such as deformation, principal
stresses/strains, and heat flux - Activate vectors for appropriate quantities using
the vector graphics icon - Once the vectors are visible their appearance can
be modified using the vector display controls
(see next slide for examples)
Vector Length Control
Vector Length Control
Proportional Vectors
Equal Length Vectors
Element Aligned
Grid Aligned
Line Form
Solid Form
18 Vector Plots
Solid Form, Grid Aligned
Line Form, Grid Aligned
Proportional Length
Equal Length
19 Multiple Viewports
- Using multiple viewports is especially useful
forpostprocessing, where more than one
resultcan be viewed at the same time - Useful to compare multiple results, such as
results from different environments or multiple
mode shapes
20 Default Settings
- Under Tools gt Options gt Simulation Graphics,
the default graphics settings can be changed. - This way, each user can make all results for new
simulations be displayed to his/her preference
21B. Scoping Results
- Sometimes, limiting the display of results is
useful when postprocessing - Scoping automatically scales the legend and only
shows the applicable surface(s) or part(s),
making result viewing easier - Scoping results on edges produces a path plot,
allowing users to see detailed results along
selected edges - Results scoping is very useful for convergence
controls (discussed later in this chapter) - When using Contact Tool, Simulation automatically
scopes contact results to contact regions. - Results scoping can be performed on any result
item in the Solution branch for any type of
geometric quantity
22 Scoping Surface/Part Results
- To scope contour results, simply do either of the
following - Select part(s) or surface(s), then request the
result of interest - Select the result item, then click on Geometry
in the Details view. Select the part(s) or
surface(s), then click on Apply - When this is performed, the Details view of the
result item will indicate that results will be
shown only for the selected items. - The displayed values will show non-selected
surfaces/parts as translucent.
23 Scoping Surface/Part Results
- Some examples of scoping results on
24 Scoping Edge Vertex Results
- Results can be scoped to a single edge
- Select a single edge for results scoping
- A path plot of the result mapped on the edge will
be displayed - In a similar manner, results can also be scoped
to a single vertex. No contour results will be
displayed since only a vertex is present, but the
value will reported in the Details view for the
selected vertex
25 Renaming Scoped Results
- For scoped results, it is often useful to
automatically rename the result branch - Right-click on the result branch and select
Rename Based on Definition. The name will
become more descriptive.
26C. Exporting Results
- Tabular data from Simulation can be exported to
Excel for further data manipulation - To export Worksheet tab information, do the
following - Select the branch and click on the Worksheet tab
- Right-click the same branch and select Export
- This can be used for Geometry, Contact,
Environment, Frequency Finder, Buckling, and
Harmonic Worksheets - To export Contour Results
- Right-click on the result branch of interest and
select Export - This can be used for any result item of interest
- Node numbers and result quantities will be
exported - Exporting large amounts of data can take some CPU
27 Exporting Results
- Usually, for result items, the internal ANSYS
node number and result quantity will be output as
shown below. - To include node locations, change this option
under Tools menu gt Options gt Simulation Export
28 Exporting Results
- For principal stresses and strains, additional
information of the orientation needs to be
included when export to .XLS - The generated Excel file will have 6 fields
- The first three correspond to the maximum, middle
and minimum principal quantities (stresses or
strains). - The last three correspond to the ANSYS Euler
angle sequence (CLOCAL command in ANSYS) required
to produce a coordinate system whose X, Y and
Z-axis are the directions of maximum, middle and
minimum principal quantities, respectively. This
Euler angle sequence is ThetaXY, ThetaYZ and
ThetaZX and orients the principal coordinate
system relative to the global system.
29D. Coordinate Systems
- If coordinate systems are defined, a new item
will be displayed in the Details view of
directional results - As shown below, one can select from defined
coordinate systems. The selected coordinate
system will define x-, y-, and z-axes - Direction Deformation, Normal/Shear
Stress/Strain, and Directional Heat Flux can use
coordinate systems - Principal stress/strain have their own angles
associated with them - Other result items are scalars, so there are no
directions associated with it
30 Coordinate Systems
- For the model shown below, one localcylindrical
coordinate system is defined - Note that displaying Deformation in the
x-direction in the global and local
coordinatesystems will show different results. - If the user wants to see what is the
radialdisplacement at the larger hole, a local
cylindrical coordinate system allows to visualize
this type of displacement.
31E. Solution Combinations
- For ANSYS Professional licenses and above, the
Solution Combination branch can be added to the
Model branch to provide combinations of existing
Environment branches - Solution combinations are only valid for linear
static structural analyses - Linear combinations are only valid if the
analyses are linear (Chapter 4) - Thermal-stress and other types of analyses are
not supported - The supports must be the same between
Environments for the results to be valid. Only
the loading can change to allow for solution
combinations - Solution combination calculations are very quick
and do not require a re-solve
32 Solution Combinations
- To perform solution combinations, do the
following - Add a Solution Combination branch. The Worksheet
view will appear - In the Worksheet view, add Environments and a
coefficient (multiplier). The solution
combination will be the sum of the multiples of
the various Environments selected. - Request results from the Context toolbar. These
results will reflect the sum of the products of
the selected Environments
33 Solution Combinations
- For example, consider the case below of a sample
model with two environments
34F. Stress Singularities
- In most finite-element analyses as the mesh is
refined one expects to get mathematically more
precise results. - Quantities directly solved for (degrees of
freedom) such as displacements and temperatures,
converge without problems - Derived quantities, such as stresses, strains,
and heat flux, should also converge as the mesh
is refined, but not as fast or smooth as DOF - In some cases derived quantities such as stresses
and heat flux will not converge as the mesh is
refined. These are situations where these values
are artificially high
35 Stress Singularities
- In a linear static structural analysis, there are
several sources which may cause artificially high
stresses - Stress singularities
- Geometry discontinuities, such as reentrant
corners (shown on right) - Point/edge loads and constraints
- Fixed supports and other constraints which
prevent Poissons effect - Fixed supports and other constraints which
prevent thermal expansion - In the above situations, refining the mesh at the
artificially high stress area will keep
increasing the stresses
Model shown is from a sample Mechanical Desktop
36 Stress Singularities
- If the singularity is not in an area of interest
one can usually scope results only on parts or
surfaces of interest - If the singularity is in the area of interest
there are several ways to obtain more accurate
stress results - Stress singularities
- Model geometry with fillets or other details
which do not cause geometric discontinuities - Apply loads spread over areas rather than point
loading - Overconstraints
- A Fixed Support is an idealization, and modeling
the constraint properly may be required (possibly
including the geometry on which the part is
connected) - Although the above are some suggestions, these
usually involve additional effort or more
nodes/elements, so it is up to the user to review
the results and understand if and why stresses
may be artificially high.
37G. Error Estimation
- You can insert an Error result based on stresses
(structural), or heat flux (thermal) to help
identify regions of high error (see example next
page) - These regions show where the model would benefit
from a more refined mesh in order to get a more
accurate answer - Regions of high error also indicate where
refinement will take place if convergence is used
38. . . Error Estimation
- Error plot shows region where element mesh
refinement may be necessary. - Error is plotted in terms of energy.
39H. Convergence
- As noted earlier, as the mesh is refined, the
mathematical model becomes more accurate.
However, there is computational cost associated
with a finer mesh. - Obtaining an optimal mesh requires the following
- Having criteria to determine if a mesh is
adequate - Investing more elements only where needed
- Performing these tasks manually is cumbersome and
inexact - The user would have to manually refine the mesh,
resolve, and compare results with previous
solutions. - Simulation has convergence controls to automate
adaptive mesh refinement to a user-specified
level of accuracy
40 Convergence
- To use this feature, simply select a result item
RMB and insert Convergence - In the Details of the Convergence branch select
the max or min value for convergence and
allowable change (20 default) - In the Details view of the Solution branch, input
the max number of refinement loops per solve - Input a reasonable value, such as 1 to 4, so that
Simulation will not try to refine the mesh
41 Convergence
- Simulation will automatically refine the mesh and
resolve - At least two iterations are required (initial
solution and first refinement loop) - The Max Refinement Loops is used to specify the
number of allowable iterations (2 to 4 max loops
is usually sufficient) - The mesh will automatically be refined only in
areas deemed necessary based on error
approximation techniques - The convergence information is stored in the
Convergence branch - Not converged a red exclamation mark will appear
- Converged a green checkmark will be shown
- The result branches will display only the last
42 Convergence
- After the solution is complete, one can view the
results and the last mesh - Note that the mesh is refined only where needed,
as shown in the example below - The Convergence branch shows the trend for each
refinement loop as well as the values and number
of nodes and elements in the mesh
43 Convergence Stress Singularities
- As mentioned earlier there are some causes for
artificially high stresses - Stress singularities are theoretically infinite
so Simulations adaptive mesh refinement will be
affected - By specifying a reasonable value for the Max
Refinement Loops, this will allow the user to
know quickly whether a stress singularity or
other type of artificially high stress source is
44 Convergence Scoping
- Besides adding details to remove stress
singularities, one can also converge on scoped
results - If the artificially high stress region is not of
interest, one can scope results on selected
part(s) or surface(s) and add convergence
controls to those results only - This provides the user with control on where to
perform mesh refinement - This also allows the user to ignore areas of
artificially high stresses which are not of
45 Convergence Scoping Example
- For example, consider the simple part below
- The part below contains geometric discontinuities
as shown - For a given set of loading conditions if the user
knew that the bottom of the part was failing this
may be the region of interest
Model shown is from a sample Mechanical Desktop
46 Convergence Scoping Example
If convergence controls were simply added to the
entire model, the geometric discontinuity would
cause a stress singularity which increases
without bounds. The solution becomes very costly
by including the stress singularity.
On the other hand, convergence controls on scoped
results allows for adaptive refinement only in
user-specified locations, providing the user with
more control over the mesh and the adaptive
solution. In this way, the user can get accurate
stresses on the bottom surface of the part.
47 Results Not Used with Convergence
- Convergence cannot be used on the following
result quantities - Any type of vector result
- Contact Tool results
- Frequency Finder stress/strain results
- Buckling stress/strain results
- Harmonic analysis results
- Shape Finder results
- Fatigue Tool graph results
48 Convergence Summary
- Convergence Details
- the percent change is related to the previous
solution. This is not percent error - Convergence controls do not compensate for
inaccurate assumptions - Convergence controls trigger adaptive mesh
refinement. Each solution will take longer than
the previous one - Scoping results which contain convergence
controls helps to minimize mesh density by
isolating the areas of interest
49I. Workshop 8 Advanced Results Processing
- Workshop 8 Advanced Results Processing
- Goal
- Analyze the high pressure vent assembly shown
below and then use some of the advanced
postprocessing features to review the stress and
deflection results.
50(No Transcript)