Title: Trends in European Agri-food standards
1Trends in European Agri-food standards
2Campaigns media
3Lifecycle of compliance drivers
Drivers develop faster than most standards and
decay over time
Niche Response
Multi stakeholder voluntary standards consumer
labels emerge
Farmers and growers do not have enough time to
finish one before the next one emerges !
Model developed with David Richardson NSF-CMi
4Lifecycle of compliance drivers
Drivers develop faster than most standards and
decay over time
Niche Response
Public Response
Industry Response
Model developed with David Richardson NSF-CMi
5Lifecycle of compliance drivers
Drivers develop faster than most standards and
decay over time
Niche Response
Public Response
Industry Response
Legal Compliance SPS
Market Compliance Private Standard
Industry Leader Niche Standard
Corporate Response
Model developed with David Richardson NSF-CMi
6The combination private standard The future ?
- Environmental and Pesticides
- Our unique approach with 'Nurture' offers us the
fantastic opportunity to pioneer standards around
the use of pesticides, reducing energy usage and
allows us to break new ground improving and
enhancing the local environment. - Social and Ethical
- Working in partnership with the ETI we ensure our
suppliers are annually risk assessed on ethical
standards and worker welfare to ensure that all
standards are achieved. Our dedicated technical
team also visit suppliers to ensure continuous
conformance. This is evaluated and monitored
using SEDEX, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange.
How does Nurture work? Each grower is audited on
an annual basis to ensure they meet the required
high standard Tesco has set. No matter where in
the world we source our fruit and vegetables from
and who we work in partnership with we use one
standard this is Nurture.
7MS Plan A
- Field to fork
- Climate Change
- Waste
- Sustainability
- Fair Partner
- Health
- Partnership with Oxfam
8Thank You