Latin American Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Latin American Review


Title: Independence Movements in Latin America Author: teacher Last modified by: Kenton Created Date: 8/5/2003 2:57:10 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Latin American Review

Latin American Review
  • Global Regents June 15th 2017
  • 800am

Latin American Geography
  • Latin America is made up of countries from North
    America, Central America, South America and the
    Caribbean Islands.
  • The cultures of this region reflect a combination
    of native beliefs and colonial powers.

  • Major topographical features
  • Sierra Madre Mountains
  • Yucatan Peninsula
  • Amazon Basin
  • Andes Mountains
  • Brazilian Highlands
  • Patagonia
  • For a Geography essay what could you write about?

Pre-Columbian Civilizations
  • Olmec empire 1400BC to 500BC
  • located along the Gulf coast of Mexico
  • Built ceremonial centers, invented a calendar, a
    system of writing and trade links
  • Maya 300 to 900
  • Large city-states in southern Mexico and Central
  • maize and cocoa
  • Priests held high position in society, social
  • giant temples, palaces, wall paintings,
    agricultural, picture system of writing, 365 day
    calendar, concept of zero, astronomy

  • Valley of Mexico and established Tenochtitlan
  • central Mexico
  • Wealthy from tribute
  • 30 million people
  • Emperor, nobles, priests and warriors
  • pyramids and human sacrifices to gods
  • calendar, emperors palace, floating gardens, and

  • Andes Mts. And extended 2,500 miles down the
    pacific coast
  • Emperor at CUZCO.
  • roads and armies could move quickly
  • 12,000 miles or roads, Cuzco, Temple of the Sun,
    terrace farming, surgery and medicinal herbs.
  • Quipus records kept by colored strings and

Exploration and European Conquest
  • Europeans looking for routes to riches of Asia
  • Technology of printing press, gunpowder and
    cartographers and the astrolabe allowed for the
    success of exploration
  • Columbus reaches the Americas and in 1494
  • Spain and Portugal split the Americas in the
    Treaty of Tordesillas.
  • Conquistadors Gold God and Glory
  • 1519-1521 Hernan Cortes conquers the Aztec empire
  • 1532 Francisco Pizarro destroyed the Incan Empire
    in Peru
  • Spread of Roman Catholicism

Reasons for Spanish Success
  • armor, horses and weapons
  • Spanish formed alliances with other Native
    American groups
  • Disease killed millions of Native Americans

Columbian Exchange
Social Structure of the Spanish Colonies
Independence Movements in Latin America
Long Term Causes
  • European domination
  • Enlightenment ideas of Locke, Rousseau
  • American and French Revolutions
  • Growth of nationalism

Toussaint LOuverture
  • Born into slavery
  • Son of a Noble West African Family
  • Learned to read
  • Inspired by stories of revolt in ancient Rome and
    Julius Caesar

1804 Haiti Independente
  • Toussaint was betrayed and seized by Napoleons
  • Ten months later in a French prison Toussaint
  • the only non slave nation in Western Hemisphere

Mexican Independence
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo el Grito Dolores
  • supported by poor Mexicans
  • Mestizos and Native Americans march to Mexico
  • Called for an end to slavery
  • Before 1811 he was executed
  • Father Morelos, a mestizo, called for the end of
    slavery and suffrage for all men
  • He was captured and shot
  • Conservative Creole Agustin de Iturbide feared
    colonial reform
  • 1821, backed by Creoles, mestizos and Native
    Americans he overthrew Spanish Viceroy
  • Life for most changed little

Simon Bolivar Acts
  • Simon Bolivar, an educated Creole, saw Napoleons
    occupation of Spain the signal to act
  • In 1810 he led an uprising that established a
    republic in Venezuela
  • Civil war raged Bolivar forced into exile

The Liberator
  • 1819 Bolivar marches army across the Andes and
    attacks at Bogotá
  • 1821 he freed Caracas, Venezuela
  • Moves into Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia
  • Joins forces with Jose de San Martin

Jose de San Martin
  • San Martin , a Creole like Bolivar, was born in
  • 1816 he won freedom for Argentina
  • He led an army across Andes into Chile
  • 1822 San Martin stepped aside Bolivar won final
    victories against Spain

Independence for Brazil
  • Portuguese King fled Napoleon to Brazil
  • Instituted reforms
  • Leaves son Dom Pedro to rule Brazil
  • If Brazil demands independence, proclaim it
    yourself and put the crown on your own head.
  • In 1822 Dom Pedro became Emperor

Long-Term Effects
  • 18 separate republics are established
  • Struggle to achieve stable democratic governments
    to gain economic independence
  • Ongoing efforts to bring prosperity democracy
    to the people of Latin America

Mexican Revolution 1910-1930
  • Porfirio Diaz ruled as dictator, most Mexicans
    uneducated landless and poor
  • Several leaders gathered their armies destroying
    Railroads and estates
  • Emiliano Zapata, an Indian, led a peasant revolt
  • Francisco Pancho Villa in the North won peasant
    loyalty. Border dispute with US in 1916
  • Venustiano Carranza was elected President in 1917
  • New Constitution
  • Social reform set up libraries and school
  • Economic and Cultural nationalism-Diego Rivera
  • Stop 6/2

Latin America 1945 to Present
  • Argentina
  • was rich nation until depression in 1930s. A
    military coup brought Juan Peron to power in
    1946. He gained popularity by boosting wages,
    strengthening unions and beginning social welfare
    programs. His wife Evita had many social causes.
  • 1976 state terrorism 20,000 people disappeared.
    1983 Democracy restored.
  • Argentina struggles with to maintain stability
  • Panama
  • Panama has struggled with drug cartels smuggling
    drugs into the US. The canal was given back to
    Panama in 2000.
  • 1989 US troops invaded Panama and arrested the
    leader Manuel Noriega.

Cuban Revolution
  • Causes
  • Corrupt leader Batista
  • Sugar plantations owned by wealthy
  • Unemployment
  • Effect
  • Communist Dictatorship under FIDEL CASTRO
  • Collective Farms
  • Government control of Industry Command economy
  • Seizure of foreign property
  • How does Cuba being Communist lead to problems
    during Cold war?

Cuba and the Cold War
  • Bay of Pigs- failed attempt by the US to
    overthrow Castro using CIA trained Cubans under
  • Cuban Missile Crisis showdown between
    Khrushchev of the USSR and Kennedy of the US over
    Soviet nuclear missile bases on Cuba. The US
    blockaded Cuba threatening to board any ship
    bound Cuba. The Soviets removed missile bases in
    Cuba and later Kennedy removed missile bases in

US involvement in Latin America
  • Monroe Doctrine the Americas are herby closed
    to European countries looking for colonies.
  • Roosevelt Corollary the US is prepared to use
    military might in the Americas
  • Nicaragua- 1979 US helped the Contras, a
    counterrevolutionary group, fight the
    Sandinistas, nationalists and communists
  • Mexico US and Canada signed NAFTA to allow free

Role of Religion
  • Catholic Church played a major role in Latin
  • Traditionally conservative, the church became
    proponents of social reform
  • Outspoken priests and nuns struggled against
    oppressive regimes. Many clergy worked with
    grassroots movements with communist ideologies.
    Archbishop Romero assassinated.
  • Liberation theology

Problems facing Latin America
  • Poverty
  • Political instability
  • Overpopulation Mexico city
  • Deforestation Brazilian Rain Forests
  • Endangered species
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