ACM Costa Rica Programs Studies in Latin American Culture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ACM Costa Rica Programs Studies in Latin American Culture


ACM Costa Rica Programs Studies in Latin American Culture – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ACM Costa Rica Programs Studies in Latin American Culture

ACM Costa Rica ProgramsStudies in Latin
American Culture SocietyTropical Field
  • Eliza Willis, Ph.D.
  • Director

Map of Costa Rica
Costa Ricas Biodiversity
Photographs courtesy of Jodi Gaiser
Species Genetic Diversity
Source Vilma Obando Acuña, Biodiversidad en
Costa Rica estado del conocimiento y gestión,
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo
Domingo de Heredia, 2002, p.14
Geographic Complexity
Volcanic Structures
  • 290 volcanic structures identified
  • 20 fully formed volcanic cones
  • Source Guillermo Alvarado Induni, Volcanes de
    Costa Rica, EUNED, San José, 2000, p.1

Studies in Latin AmericanCulture Society
Fall 2003
Dates August 23 December 5,
2003 Enrollment 25-30 students Eligibility
Sophomores, juniors and seniors with at least
two years of college Spanish or its equivalent.
  • Credit and Grades
  • Recommended credit is 16 semester hours or
    the equivalent. Students should consult with
    their campus program advisor or off-campus
    studies officer for their colleges credit and
    grading policies for this program.
  • Academic Year Program
  • Students may apply for the entire academic
    year, since the fall program provides excellent
    preparation for the spring program, Tropical
    Field Research, in which students conduct
    independent research on topics in the social
    sciences, humanities and natural sciences.

Orientation and Field Trips
  • Cultural orientation is stressed in lectures
    and discussions on topics such as social
    conditions in Latin America, cultural stereotypes
    and the problems of living abroad.

Throughout the semester, the academic program is
complemented by field trips which allow students
to explore the diverse human and physical
geography of the country.
Photo courtesy of Jodi Gaiser
Spanish Grammar, Conversation and Culture
  • Instruction at the ACM center is provided by
    experienced Costa Rican teachers working under
    the direction of Eduardo Estevanovich.
    Instructors rotate among small classes to expose
    students to several native speakers.

Classes meet 17½ hours a week during the first
five weeks of the semester and focus on
comprehension and conversation, Costa Rican
idioms and grammar review. (required, 4 credits)
Core Course
Students choose between two courses, taught by
local experts, that deal with contemporary issues
in economics, politics, society and conservation.
Recent course titles have included Costa Rican
Democracy Strengths and Contemporary Issues,
Modernity and
  • Development in Urban Costa Rica, Neotropical
    Biodiversity and Conservation and Gender and
    Power in Central America An Inquiry into
    Politics, Economics, Culture and Everyday Life.

  • As a central part of the course, during
    weeks 8-15, students undertake a major
    independent study project. Although classes are
    held in Spanish whenever possible, papers and
    conferences with instructors may be in either
    Spanish or English, depending on the students
    preference. (required, 6 credits)

Introduction to Costa Rica
  • This overview of modern Costa Rica features
    discussions of geography, history, religion,
    social life and ethnicity. Readings are drawn
    from literature, and from the social and natural

Taught in Spanish, the course includes field work
in San José and incorporates the rural stay.
(required, 3 credits)
Rural Stay
  • Part way through the program, students leave
    San José and go to live with rural families for
    two weeks. This time in outlying areas leads
    students to rely entirely on Spanish and allows
    them to explore urban and rural contrasts.

Student journals and interviews provide the basis
for an oral report in the Introduction to Costa
Rica course.
Independent Study Project
  • On returning from the rural stay, students
    undertake a major research project related to a
    theme of the Core Course. The project may
    include field investigation, library research and
    interviews in San José. Students generally write
    their research papers in English.

Past projects have included studies of the status
and rights of women in Costa Rican society, the
potential for eco-tourism and the results of the
Arias peace plan.
Language Electives (choose one)
  • Literature of Latin America
  • This course introduces students to the
    contemporary literature of the region. Class
    work includes analysis of poetry, fiction and
    drama. Readings are all in Spanish. Costa Rican
    authors meet with the class to discuss their
  • (3 credits)

Advanced Composition in Spanish This course
focuses on improving students writing skills
through emphasizing good exposition, grammar
review and the development of an effective style.
(3 credits)
Advanced Conversation in Spanish The emphasis of
this course is on attaining greater fluency
through work on pronunciation, vocabulary
development and conversational skills. (3 credits)
Tropical Field Research
Spring 2003
Dates January 25 May 16, 2003 Enrollment
25-27 students Eligibility Juniors and seniors
with prior course work in the proposed research
discipline and at least one year of college
Spanish (two years strongly recommended).
Students in a rural hospital
Preference is given to students with strong
backgrounds in Spanish and good preparation in
the discipline in which they propose to work.
Familiarity with statistics and field work
methodology is strongly recommended. Sophomores
are sometimes accepted
  • Credit and Grades
  • Recommended credit is 16 semester hours or the
    equivalent. (Language Study, 4 credits Field
    Research, 8 credits Research Seminar and Paper,
    4 credits). Students should consult the campus
    program advisor or off-campus studies officer for
    their colleges credit and grading policies for
    this program. The amount and distribution of
    credit should be determined in advance.

Academic Year Program ACMs fall Costa Rica
program, Studies in Latin American Culture and
Society, provides excellent preparation for the
spring research projects. Some students complete
a full year in Costa Rica by attending both
Orientation, Language and Culture
  • During the four-week orientation in San José,
    students prepare their research proposals and
    take an intensive course combining study of the
    Spanish language and Costa Rican culture.
    Language study continues during the final four
    weeks of the semester.

In the first week of the semester, the students
discuss with the program director and the
academic advisors possible research options. The
director selects advisors for the students with
similar interests and expertise in the specific
fields of interest. Student and advisor then
write a detailed research proposal. Advisors
counsel students on methodology and on the
practical problems of operating in the field.
They also help identify useful resources. A
visit to the field site with the advisor precedes
field work.
Field Research
Choosing a research topic can be a complicated
process. Students are asked to write about their
research interests in their applications, but
should be aware that the field project they
actually do in Costa Rica depends on the
expertise and availability of faculty and
Students spend March and April in the field and
are strongly encouraged to find research sites
outside San José. A month-long period in the city
concludes the semester. During that time,
students complete their research papers in
consultation with their advisors and formally
present the results to the group.
NATURAL SCIENCES The ecosystems of the tropics
are among the most diverse and complex in the
world. Research topics in tropical biology and
ecology range from regeneration of subalpine
vegetation in mountain regions to habitats of
wildlife species. Students may pursue topics in
environmental chemistry, entomology, marine
biology, botany, herpetology or ornithology.
Geology projects may include studies of Costa
Ricas several active volcanoes.
SOCIAL SCIENCES In economics, students can
explore such topics as sustainable development,
eco-tourism or debt-for-nature swaps. Social
ecology students might focus on land use in the
Osa peninsula, diversification on small farms or
deforestation. Political science students can
study voting patterns, the dynamics of municipal
government or development of forest legislation.
Sociology projects might examine family planning,
the changing roles of women or educational
patterns. Public health projects might focus on
water pollution or on the cost and availability
of health care in rural areas.
Guayabo National Monument Photographs courtesy of
Matthew Watson
at pre-Columbian sites, carried out in
cooperation with the National Museum of Costa
Rica, includes survey and mapping techniques,
excavation and data recording procedures, and
laboratory analysis. Students interested in
cultural anthropology might work in rural areas
on topics such as the impact of tourism on the
culture of the Bri Bri.
José León Sánchez, an internationally recognized
Costa Rican author
LITERATURE AND THE ARTS Projects might include
the study of feminist poets or an analysis of
local craft traditions.
Past Research Projects
Archaeological excavationsScarlet macaw chick
developmentAcidic precipitation at Poás
VolcanoPrimates in the Osa PeninsulaPoetry by
Costa Rican womenContamination of river
waterCosta Rican Bilingual Education
PlanReproductive behavior of damselfishEffects
of tourism on the ceramics industryEffectivenes
s of government health programsEthnobotanical
study of traditional medicinal plant
usageGovernment agricultural development
policies and the small farmerDevelopment,
globalization and the life story of a rural Costa
Rican woman
Program Alumni
Anne Becher (Carleton) was a student in 1985.
She received her M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics
from the University of Colorado, where she is
currently a Spanish professor. She is co-author
of the popular guide book The New Key to Costa
Rica and co-editor of a bilingual literary
magazine Selvática. She writes reference books
for publisher ABC-Clio.
Christopher Vaughan (Grinnell) participated in
the ACM program in 1969. He later returned to
Costa Rica as a professor of the Universidad
Nacional and has advised ACM students for many
years. He has written widely on different areas
of wildlife conservation in Costa Rica.
Peggy Barlett (Grinnell) was a student on the ACM
program in 1968. Her research focused on rural
health. She is currently an Anthropology
professor at Emory University, with a Ph.D. From
Columbia University. She is the author of
several books focusing on different aspects of
rural life.
Warren Johnson (Oberlin) participated in the ACM
program in 1982 his research focused on small
terrestrial rodents. Dr. Johnson went on to
receive his Ph.D. in Animal Ecology from Iowa
State University. He currently works with the
Laboratory of Genomic Diversity of the National
Cancer Institute.
Living with a Costa Rican Family
  • Both the spring and the fall programs involve
    living with a host family. This is perhaps the
    most popular aspect of the programs.
  • The ACM maintains a very close relationship with
    its host families.

Access to Sports, Recreational and Library
Facilities at the University of Costa Rica
  • Students have access to the universitys sports
    facilities (gymnasium, pool, basketball courts)
  • Students can join university clubs and teams
    (chess, outdoor activities, basketball, tennis)
  • The ACM promotes interaction with university
    students by coordinating visits to English
  • Students receive orientation to facilitate their
    bibliographical research in the universitys
    library system.

Program Staff
Photos taken by Jessica Haugsland Presentation
design by Judith Magnan
Associated Colleges of the Midwest Phone
312-263-5000 E-mail Web
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