Title: Predicting Protein Structure:
1Predicting Protein Structure Comparative
Modeling (homology modeling)
2Predicting Protein Structure Comparative
Modeling (formerly, homology modeling)
3Structure prediction
- In an ideal world, we would be able to accurately
predict protein structure from the sequence only! - Because of the myriad possible configurations of
a protein chain This goal cant reliably be
achieved, yet. - Knowledge based prediction vs. Simulation based
on physical forces. - Here we will only concern ourselves with
knowledge-based methods, although we might use
simulation in order to optimize our models.
4Can we predict protein structures ?
- ab initio folding simulation not yet ...
- Rosetta approach neither ...
- Fold recognition (threading)
- Often works, but ...
- ???
5Approaches to predicting protein structures
obtain sequence (target)
fold assignment
comparative modeling
ab initio modeling
build, assess model
6Homology Modelling of Proteins
- Definition
- Prediction of three dimensional structure of a
target protein from the amino acid sequence
(primary structure) of a homologous (template)
protein for which an X-ray or NMR structure is
available. - Why a Model
- A Model is desirable when either X-ray
crystallography or NMR spectroscopy cannot
determine the structure of a protein in time or
at all. The built model provides a wealth of
information of how the protein functions with
information at residue property level. This
information can than be used for mutational
studies or for drug design.
7Homology modeling
Comparative protein modeling Knowledge-based
Idea Extrapolation of the structure for a new
(target) sequence from the known 3D-structures of
related family members (templates).
8Homology models can be very smart!
Homology models have RMSDs less than 2Ã… more than
70 of the time.
9Sequence similarity implies structural similarity?
10Step 1 in Homology Modeling - Fold Identification
Aim To find a template or templates structures
from protein data base
pairwise sequence alignment - finds high homology
sequences BLAST http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/
Improved Multiple sequence alignment methods
improves sensitivity - remote homologs PSIBLAST,
11Comparative Modeling
- Protein Data Bank PDB http//www.pdb.org
- Database of templates
- Separate into single chains
- Remove bad structures (models)
- Create BLAST database
12Model Building from template
Core conserved regions
Protein Fold
Variable Loop regions
Side chains
Calculate the framework from average of all
template structures
Multiple templates
Generate one model for each template and evaluate
13(No Transcript)
14I. Manual Modeling
15II. Template based fragment assembly
a) Build conserved core framework
- averaging core template backbone atoms
(weighted by local sequence similarity with the
target sequence) - Leave non-conserved regions (loops) for later .
16Dressing up the Core Model
Core Model-Rigid Body Assembly
Add loops
Add Side chains
End Game in protein folding - Molecular dynamics
of all atoms in explicit solvent
17II. Template based fragment assembly
b) Loop modeling
- use the spare part algorithm to find
compatible fragments in a Loop-Database - ab-initio rebuilding of loops (Monte Carlo,
molecular dynamics, genetic algorithms, etc.)
18Loop Builders
Loops result from substitutions, insertions and
deletions in the same family
Mini protein folding problem- 3 to 10 residues
longer in membrane proteins
Some Homology modeling methods have less number
of loops to be added because of extensive
multiple sequence alignment of profiles
Ab Initio methods - generates various random
conformations of loops and score
Compare the loop sequence string to DB and get
hits and evaluate.
19Construction of loops might be done by
Using database of loops which appear in known
structures. The loops could be catagorised by
their length or sequence
Ab initio methods - without any prior knowledge.
This is done by empirical scoring functions that
check large number of conformations and evaluates
each of them.
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22II. Template based fragment assembly
c) Side Chain placement
- Find the most probable side chain
conformation, using - homologues structures
- back-bone dependent rotamer libraries
- energetic and packing criteria
23II. Template based fragment assembly
d) Energy minimization
- modeling will produce unfavorable contacts and
bonds - ? idealization of local bond and angle geometry
- extensive energy minimization will move
coordinates away - ? keep it to a minimum
- SwissModel is using GROMOS 96 force field for a
steepest descent
24II. Template based fragment assembly
d) Energy minimization
25Homology Modeling Programs
- Modeller (http//guitar.rockefeller.edu/modeller)
- Swiss-Model (http//www.expasy.ch/swissmod)
- Whatif (http//www.cmbi.kun.nl/whatif)
- Method Knowledge-based approach.
- RequirementsAt least one known 3D-structure of
a related protein. Good quality sequence
alignements. - ProceduresSuperposition of related
3D-structures. Generation of a multiple a
alignement.Generation of a framework for the new
sequence. Rebuild lacking loops. Complete and
correct backbone. Correct and rebuild side
chains. Verify model structure quality and check
packing. Refine structure by energy minimisation
and molecular dynamics.
27Model Confidence Factors
- The Model B-factors are determined as follows
- The number of template structures used for model
building. - The deviation of the model from the template
structures. - The Distance trap value used for framework
building. - The Model B-factor is computed as
- 85.0 (1/ selected template str.)
(Distance trap / 2.5) - and
- 99.9 for all atoms added during loop and
side-chain building
28Verifying the Model
29Errors in Models !!!
- Incorrect template selection
- Errors in positioning of sidechains and loops
30General Structure Prediction Scheme
Any given protein sequence
31Baker and Sali (2000)
32Model Accuracy Evaluation
33Several web pages for homology modeling
COMPOSER felix.bioccam.ac.uksoft-base.html
MODELLER guitar.rockefeller.edu/modeller/modelle
WHAT IF www.sander.embl-heidelberg.de/whatif/
SWISS-MODEL www.expasy.ch/SWISS-MODEL.html