Title: SNAME 05
1Lothar Birk1 and T. Luke McCulloch2 1) School of
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
University of New Orleans 2) Bentley Systems,
Inc. New Orleans (Metairie), LA
- Design optimization Challenges and advantages
- Automated shape optimization
- Multi-objective optimization of a semisubmersible
- Ongoing work on
- Parametric design of ship hulls
- Hydrodynamic analysis
- Conclusions
3Design Challenges of Marine Industry
- One-of-a-kind designs
- limited design resources (time, money, engineers)
- less automation in comparison to aircraft or car
industry - no prototypes, less chance to correct design
4Design Challenges Knowledge Gap
- knowledge of detail marginally in early design
5Design Challenges Knowledge Gap
- knowledge of detail marginally in early design
phases - however, financial impact of design decisions is
6Design Challenges Knowledge Gap
- knowledge of detail marginally in early design
phases - however, financial impact of design decisions is
huge - knowledge gap has to be closed to improve designs
7Closing the Knowledge Gap How?
- Apply first principles based analysis as early as
possible - requires more details of the design
- provides base for rational decisions
- Automate design processes
- allows investigation of more design alternatives
- enables application of formal optimization
8Closing the Knowledge Gap First Step
for the time being
- Restriction to hull shape development
- Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamic tools
- Process control by optimization algorithms
- New hull design philosophy
9Shape Optimization Needs
- Automated hull shape generation
- non-interactive
- driven by form parameters and parameter relations
- Performance assessment
- objective functions (stability, seakeeping,
resistance, maneuvering ) - compare different designs
- Constraints
- ensure designs are feasible (technical,
economical, ) - Optimization algorithm(s)
- control of the optimization process
- search algorithms, gradient based algorithms,
genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies,
10Automated Hull Generation The Idea
11Parametric Model for Offshore Structures
12Generation of Components
1351,250t Semisubmersible Hull
1451,250t Semisubmersible Hull
Merged Hull (only submerged part shown)
1551,250t Semisubmersible Optimization
1651,250t Semisubmersible Optimization
- Two objectives
- Minimize displacement / payload ratio
- displacement is fixed, thus payload is maximized
- payload assumed to be stored on deck
- Minimize estimated average downtime
- acceleration in work area is restricted
- analysis performed considering wave scatter
diagram including winddirections of target
operating area - Constraints
- require sufficient initial stability at working
and survival draft - several geometric restrictions
North-East Atlantic(Marsden Square 182)
17Multi-Objective Optimization
objective function is vector valued
free variables define design space
design space further limited by constraints
What constitutes the optimum?
18Multi-Objective Optimization
- Pareto (1906)
- Pareto frontier
- designs that are at least in one objective better
than all others - non-dominated solutions
19Optimization Algorithm e-MOEA
- e-MOEA (Epsilon Multi-Objective Evolutionary
Algorithm)K. Deb et al. (2001, 2003) - e-dominance
20Multi-Objective Hull Shape Optimization
- Ideal solution
- f1 5.125
- f2 0
- initial population contains 400 designs
- a total of 2000 designs will be investigated
21Estimated Pareto Frontier
22Estimated Pareto Frontier
23Estimated Pareto Frontier
24Estimated Pareto Frontier
25Ongoing Research at UNO
- Form parameter driven ship hull design
- More complex than offshore structure hulls
- More stringent fairness requirements
- Hydrodynamics analysis
- Wave resistance calculation
- Integrate propeller selection / design
- Goal of Research
- Hull definition description based on typical
design coefficients - Control of displacement distribution (impact on
performance) - Optimization of hull fairness / surface quality
- Robust hull generation
26Ship Hull Generation Process
- Shape generation via form parameter driven
optimization (Harries) - Curves of form SAC, design waterline, profile,
tangents, etc. - built from design specifications (form
parameters) - curves of form control form parameters of station
curves - Station curves
- match curves of form at that station, e.g. SAC
controls area of the station - local section control
- Hull surface by lofting
- Objective and Constraints
- Curves are optimized for fairness
- Constraints are the form parameters
27B-Spline Example
- Start with basic curve
- make a good guess (close to what you want)
- this is non-linear optimization! Result depends
on starting curve - Enforce desired constraints
- We forced the end curvature to zero,
- Many other constraints have been coded.
- Automatic differentiation takes care of the
derivative details.
28B-Spline Design by Form Parameters
- Variational design, via Lagrangian Optimization
- Necessary condition for optimum results in system
of nonlinear equations - Solution using Newton-Iteration (gradient driven
takes lots of derivatives) - Implement automatic differentiation to make life
easy (and isnt that hard to do, conceptually)
F the Lagrangian Functional f the objective
function(s) h constraints ? Lagrange
29Automatic Differentiation
- Object Oriented Implementation
- Each variable stores value, gradient (1st order
derivatives), and Hessian matrix (2nd order
derivatives) - Overload (re-define) basic operators
- Overload any needed analytic functions
- Calculate the floating point value of any
analytic expression - Calculate the gradient and Hessian of the
expression, analytically, with floating point
accuracy - Compute anything analytic! (No errors due to
numerical differentiation)
30Major Difficulties
starting curves are drawn for a range of form
parameter tangent values
- Initial guesses
- Harries (1998) exploited basic B-spline
properties to define initial curve - Robustness / feasibility of solution
- Hardest part of form parameter design
- Inequality constraints, least squares
objectives, and fuzzy logic have all been tried - Use the equations for initialestimate to guess
feasible domains based on design choices - Research is ongoing!
31Example Hull with Well Defined Knuckle
- Curves of form
- sectional area curve (SAC)
- design waterline, and
- enforcing a corner condition
- Created transverse curves to match the form
curves at the station in question - Only final lofted hull is shown
- Bulb is also based on form parameters(size
32Robust Performance Evaluation
- Wave resistance
- inviscid flow
- panel method
- nonlinear free surface condition
- free trim and sinkage
- useful for forebody optimization
- Propeller design
- lifting line
- integrated into performance evaluation
- Integration of parametric design, hydrodynamic
analysis and optimization algorithms enables
design optimization - Design optimization can help to close the
knowledge gap - Proven concept for offshore structures
- Methods for robust, automated creation of design
alternatives are a necessity
34The End
Thank you for your attention !
35(No Transcript)
36Expected Downtime Computation
Short-term wave statistics representing a single
design sea state RAOs (linear) computed with
WAMIT (J.N. Newman, MIT)
37Long-term statistics of sea states
Occurrences of short-term sea states (Hs, T0)
Graphical representation of wave scatter diagram
38Assessment Based on Long Term Statistics
Estimation of downtime due to severe weather
- Specification of limit
- Assessment by short-term wave statistic for all
zero-up-crossing period classes
T0j(significant response amplitude
operator) - Computation of maximum feasible significant wave
39Account for all wind directions
- Compute expected downtime for each wave
direction - Build a weighted average
Relative occurrence of wind direction
40Comparison of Hydrodynamic Properties
41Comparison of Hydrodynamic Properties
42Comparison of Hydrodynamic Properties