Title: Community%20Peacemaking%20Circles%20for%20Social%20Workers
1Community Peacemaking Circles for Social Workers
Lee Copenhagen MSW Intern, Gallatin Community
Youth Justice Center, Minnesota Department of
Corrections with the National Institute of
2What Are Community Peacemaking Circles?
- A Process for bringing people together as equals
to talk about the offense - Provides an atmosphere of respect concern for
everyone - Face-to-face encounter to repair harm
- Led by trained Circle Keepers
- Participants decide Circle outcome
3What are Circles? (cont.)
- Voluntary for victim
- Admission of responsibility by offender
- Incident-based, behavior-based
- Looks at underlying causes
- Focuses on empowering participants
- Comes to consensus agreement
4Key Elements of Circles Humanistic Mediation
- Continual Centering of the mediator being fully
present- separating our stuff from their
stuff - Deep compassionate listening
- Importance of storytelling just listen
- Pre-mediation in-person separate meetings
- Connecting with parties, but impartial
5Circles Humanistic Mediation (cont.)
- Creation of safe, if not sacred, space
- Dialog driven- between parties
- Non-directive style of mediation
- Mediator gets out of the way
- Victim continually given choices
6Typical Stages of the Peacekeeping Circle Process
- Acceptance - community affected parties
determine if circle is appropriate - Preparation - separate circles for various
interests are held - Gathering - All parties brought together
- Follow-up - Regular communication and check-ins
7The Talking Piece
- Special meaning of the piece
- General Guidelines
- Honor the purpose of the circle
- Advantages
8Peacemaking Circle Approach to Offenses
- Questions asked
- Who has been hurt by this event?
- What are their needs?
- Whose obligations are these?
- Who has a stake in this situation?
- What efforts are needed to
- put things right?
9Basic KeeperCommunication Skills
- Eliminate distractions
- Demonstrate active listening
- Suspend judgement
- Be empathetic
- Try not to assume
10Roles of the Keepers
- Create an atmosphere of respect and safety for
all - Create a tone of hope and optimism for
constructive solutions - Guide the process to remain true to underlying
values - Articulate the progress and accomplishments of
the circle as it proceeds - Clarify unresolved issues to focus the circles
energy - Participate as a community member
11More thoughts of the Roles of the Keepers
- Be compassionate, sincere, respectful
- Listen!
- Let people vent their emotions
- Stay neutral (equally partial), while
disapproving of harm done - Be a facilitator, not judge or negotiator
- Do not be directive
12Cases of Severe Violence
- Takes more intense training and preparation
- Specialized expertise related to working with
victims who have been severely traumatized - Special considerations for dealing with offenders
in incarceration - Slower moving process, dealing with grief and