Title: Choosing%20a%20Method%20of%20Qualitative%20Synthesis
1Choosing a Method of Qualitative Synthesis
2Caveat Reviewer Pandoras Box!
3Confusing Terminology, Variety of Choices
- Qualitative Systematic Review
- Qualitative Meta-Synthesis
- Qualitative Research Synthesis
- Qualitative Evidence Synthesis
- Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis
- Best Fit Synthesis
- Critical Interpretive Synthesis
- Framework Synthesis
- Meta-Aggregation
- Meta-Ethnography
- Meta-Interpretation
- Meta-Narrative
- Meta-Study
- Meta-Summary
- Narrative Synthesis
- Qualitative Meta-Synthesis
- Realist Synthesis
- 19. Rapid Realist Synthesis
- Thematic Synthesis
4Decisions, Decisions!
- Novice Bewildering variety of methods of
synthesis compounded by choice of checklists,
conflicting guidance etcetera - Experienced - Many authors stick to familiar
methods rather than select most appropriate
method to address question and type of evidence - Much description of methods, little evaluation
and critique - Much hiding behind labels, misuse of methods
5Caveat Reviewer
- TREAD Carefully
- Time/Timeframe
- Resources
- Expertise
- Audience Purpose
- Data Quality, Quantity, Thickness, Richness
- Most Time Consuming
- Meta-ethnography interpretive approach
- Realist Synthesis Identification of theory and
development of programme theories
- Least Time Consuming
- Meta-Aggregation aggregating existing themes
- Thematic Synthesis inductively coding themes
- Framework Synthesis
- Best Fit Framework Synthesis
Framework-based synthesis is an important
advance in conducting reviews of qualitative
synthesis. The 'best fit' strategy is a variant
of this approach that may be very helpful when
policymakers, practitioners or other decision
makers need answers quickly, and are able to
tolerate some ambiguity about whether the answer
is the very best that could be given.
Dixon-Woods M. Using framework-based synthesis
for conducting reviews of qualitative studies.
BMC Med. 2011 Apr 14939.
7Seven steps for meta-ethnography
8Process of Realist Synthesis fromMcCormack,
B., Wright, J., Dewar, B., Harvey, G.,
Ballantine, K. (2007). A realist synthesis of
evidence relating to practice development
findings from the literature analysis. Practice
Development in Health Care, 6(1), 25-55.
- Expertise in Qualitative Research Methods (e.g.
Grounded Theory Framework Analysis, Thematic
Analysis) - Expertise in Synthesis Methods (incl. Searching,
Data Extraction, Quality Assessment,
Interpretation) - Knowledge of Topic Area
11Audience Purpose
- output of some methods (Thematic Synthesis,
textual Narrative Synthesis, Framework Synthesis,
and ecological triangulation) is more directly
relevant to policymakers and designers of
interventions thanmethods with a more
constructivist orientation (Meta-Study,
Meta-Narrative, Meta-Ethnography, Grounded
Theory, CIS)generally more complex and
conceptual (Barnett-Page Thomas, 2009)
- Thematic Synthesis (including Meta-Aggregation)
and Framework Synthesis produce findings that
directly inform practitioners (Thomas Harden,
2009) - Interpretive approaches (e.g. CIS,
Meta-Ethnography) produce a model that requires
practitioners to interpret relevance and
applicability to their own context - Narrative Synthesis or EPPI-Centre (matrix)
methods may help to integrate and present
quantitative/qualitative work
12Data Quality, Quantity, Thickness, Richness
- Rich, Thick Data
- Meta-ethnography characterised by data of high
methodological quality, rich data and systematic
presentation. - Rich/Thick reports sustain Meta-Ethnography/Grou
nded Theory may allow selective sampling/
theoretical saturation
- Poor, Thin Data
- Qualitative data from thin studies (or textual
responses to surveys) will not sustain
interpretive approaches - Limited to Meta-Aggregation, Thematic Synthesis,
Framework Synthesis, Meta-Summary Narrative
Synthesis type approaches
NB. Is Unit of Analysis Individual Study
(Meta-Aggregation, Thematic Synthesis) or Body
of Evidence (e.g. Meta-Narrative or Critical
Interpretive Synthesis approaches) or even Theory
(Framework Synthesis/Best Fit Synthesis)?
13Overview of Approaches
Gough D, Thomas J, Oliver S. Clarifying
differences between review designs and methods.
Syst Rev. 2012 Jun 9128. doi
14Choice of Synthesis (Adapted from Noyes Lewin,
To aggregate/ summarise/ integrate qualitative
data to address questions in relation to a
specific intervention review
Primarily to integrate and interpret qualitative
and quantitative evidence within a single
approach or integrated model. Can be used to
develop explanatory theory.
Meta-ethnography Grounded theory Thematic
analysis with theory generation
Framework synthesis
Realist Review EPPI Approach Matrix
Method Narrative Synthesis Bayesian
Synthesis Critical Interpretive synthesis
Thematic analysis without theory
generation Meta-aggregation Meta-summary
Best fit synthesis
Product Aggregated findings from source papers
Product Explanatory theory, analytical or
conceptual framework or interpretative
15Some Examples
16The Scenario
- HTA Report Systematic Review, Modelling
Qualitative Synthesis on Group Therapy for
Postnatal Depression (UK) - Stevenson M, Scope A, Sutcliffe P, Booth A, et
al. Group cognitive behavioural therapy for
postnatal depression a systematic review of
clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness and
value of information analyses. Health Technol
Assess 201014(44). - Scope, A., Booth, A. and Sutcliffe, P. (2012),
Womens perceptions and experiences of group
cognitive behaviour therapy and other group
interventions for postnatal depression a
qualitative synthesis. Journal of Advanced
Nursing. doi 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.05954
17The Choice
- Type of Question Acceptability of Intervention
- Extent of Description versus Interpretation
Factors Making Group Therapy More or Less
Acceptable (Descriptive) - Role of Theory No Theory Trying to separate
Group Effect from Therapy Effect - Type of Data Very Thin Data, Small Number of
Studies (n 6) Descriptive Case Study Accounts
in Nursing Journals - Intended Output Alongside Effectiveness Review
Cost Effectiveness Study for Implementation - Other Considerations
- Methodological Expertise in Team Novice
Reviewer - Available Resources Limited Time in Comparison
to Main Review
18Your Choice?
19The Contribution
- While Group Therapy is Acceptable on Average
there are some for whom it is unfavourable
because - Group Comparison Some People are Getting Better
Quicker than I am - Group Comparison Ms. X has been Coming Here
longer than I am and is still not any better - Identified Key Issue Identification of those
Most Likely to Benefit.
20The Scenario
- Aim To analyse meaning and motivation of the
Wish To Hasten Death in patients with chronic
illness or advanced disease - Monforte-Royo C, Villavicencio-Chávez C,
Tomás-Sábado J, Mahtani-Chugani V, Balaguer A
(2012) What Lies behind the Wish to Hasten Death?
A Systematic Review. from the Perspective of
Patients. PLoS ONE 7(5) e37117.
21The Choice
- Type of Question Explanatory
- Extent of Description versus Interpretation
Factors that Help to Explain a Phenomenon
(Interpretative) - Role of Theory Theory Generation
- Type of Data Contextually Rich Qualitative
Research Reports Thick Data NB. 7 studies - Intended Output Stand Alone Research Report for
Enlightenment - Other Considerations
- Methodological Expertise in Team Large
Experienced Team with Qualitative Researcher - Available Resources Extant Funded Project
22Your Choice?
23The Contribution
- Wish to hasten death (WTHD) is multifactorial
construct with multiple meanings that do not
necessarily imply genuine desire to hasten one's
death or actually taking steps towards this. - Wish to hasten death (WTHD) is a phenomenon that
appears, among patients in advanced stages of
illness, as response to extreme suffering that
affects all aspects of their human existence.
24The Scenario
- Aim To evaluate benefits and constraints of
collaborative health-related research by
researchers and those affected by the issues
under study and/or those who would apply
research results and to examine how variations in
programme context and mechanisms influence the
process and outcomes of collaborative health
intervention research? - Jagosh, J., Macaulay, A. C., Pluye, P., Salsberg,
J., Bush, P. L., Henderson, J., ... Greenhalgh,
T. (2012). Uncovering the benefits of
participatory research Milbank Quarterly, 90(2),
25The Choice
- Type of Question Explanatory
- Extent of Description versus Interpretation
Factors that Help to Explain Variation in
Outcomes - Role of Theory Theory Exploration
- Type of Data Contextually Rich Quantitative
and Qualitative Research Reports Thick Data
NB. Twenty-three PR partnerships described in
276 publications. - Intended Output Explanatory Report for Multiple
Funders - Other Considerations
- Methodological Expertise in Team Large
Experienced International Team of Experienced
Researchers - Available Resources Extant Funded Project
26Your Choice?
27The Contribution
- Used middle-range theory of partnership synergy
to demonstrate how PR can (1) ensure culturally
and logistically appropriate research, (2)
enhance recruitment capacity, (3) generate
professional capacity and competence in
stakeholder groups, (4) result in productive
conflicts followed by useful negotiation, (5)
increase quality of outputs and outcomes over
time, (6) increase sustainability of project
goals, and (7) create system changes and new
unanticipated projects and activities. - Generated new insights into benefits of PR
regarding conflicts and negotiation between
stakeholders, program sustainability and
advancement, unanticipated project activity, and
generation of systemic change.
28References - 1
- Barnett-Page E, Thomas J. Methods for the
synthesis of qualitative research a critical
review. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2009 Aug 11959. - Booth, A, Papaioannou, D and Sutton, A J (2011).
Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature
Review. SAGE publications - Candy B, King M, Jones L, Oliver S. Using
qualitative synthesis to explore heterogeneity of
complex interventions. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2011
Aug 2611124.
- Dixon-Woods M, Agarwal S, Young B, Jones D,
Sutton A. (2004) Integrative approaches to
qualitative and quantitative evidence. London
Health Development Agency - Gough, D, Oliver, S, Thomas J (2012) An
Introduction to Systematic Reviews. London Sage
Publications. - Lorenc, T., Pearson, M., Jamal, F., Cooper, C.
and Garside, R. (2012), The role of systematic
reviews of qualitative evidence in evaluating
interventions a case study. Res. Synth. Method,
3 110.
29References - 2
- Popay J, Roberts H, Sowden A, Pettticrew M, Arai
L, Rodgers M, Britten N Guidance on the conduct
of narrative synthesis in systematic reviews.
http//www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/projects/nssr/2007 . - Pope C, Mays N, Popay J Synthesizing Qualitative
and Quantitative Health Evidence a Guide to
Methods. Maidenhead Open University Press 2007.
- Ring N., Ritchie K, Mandava L, Jepson R. (2011) A
guide to synthesising qualitative research for
researchers undertaking health technology
assessment and systematic reviews. NHS Quality
Improvement Scotland and University of Stirling,
Edinburgh. - Thomas J, Harden A (2009) Methods for the
thematic synthesis of qualitative research in
systematic reviews, BMC Medical Research
Methodology 845