Title: Prefixes and Units
1Prefixes and Units
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
By Mr. C.K. Yu
2Metric Prefixes
Name Symbol Meaning Name Symbol Meaning
Tera T 1012 Deci d 10-1
Giga G 109 Centi c 10-2
Mega M 106 Milli m 10-3
Kilo k 103 Micro µ 10-6
Nano n 10-9
Pico p 10-12
Are there any prefixes larger than Tera or
smaller than pico?
web-site http//physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/prefi
3Physical Quantities and Units
Physical quantities Symbol Unit Unit symbol
Time t Second s
Distance/ Displacement s metre m
Speed / Velocity v metre per second m s-1
Acceleration (???) a metre per second square m s-2
4Physical Quantities and Units
Physical quantities Symbol Unit Unit symbol
Frequency f Hertz (??) Hz
Mass (??) m Kilogram kg
Weight W Newton N
5Unit conversion
- Convert 1 km h-1 to unit of m s-1.
1 km 1000 m and 1 hour 3600 s
6Unit conversion
- Convert 10 m min-1 to unit of km h-1.
1 km 1000m ?
and 1 hour 60 min. ?
- Convert the following into the specified units
300 m s-1 km h-1
50 km h-1 m s-1
400 m min-1 m s-1
4200 J oC-1 kJ oC-1
1000 kg m-3 g mm-3
1 080
8The End